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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Just now, Skyward_Knight said:

    Where the hell is that stated? People, myself included, have been using macros for years for certain actions like slide attacks and bullet jumps. I've used one for turbo-fire melee attacks when I made a Dual Keres build that attacked at the speed of light. Nowhere in the rules of Warframe is it stated that all macros are bannable, just the ones that completely automate the game.

    Hence why I wrote "risk of a ban". Macros are a grey zone and you use them at your own responsibility.


    3 minutes ago, Skyward_Knight said:

    Also, Cleaving Whirlwind's stagger isn't even long enough to interrupt your combo counter if you have a single maxed combo duration mod on. While I do agree that the F-B combo is much more powerful, it also requires aiming and timing, and is more or less a single-target attack.

    It isn't, but at this point it is better to switch to Tempo Rolale that has no nonsense interrupts and go on with your day.


    21 minutes ago, Skyward_Knight said:

    The entire reason they have that stagger is so people can't just slap melee attack on a macro with a heavy blade and AFK. The entire point of it is to force players to be engaged, and as a balance point for Cleaving Whirlwind itself. Taking that away would not only allow people to just be braindead (something DE has been trying to avoid/fix for years) but would also entirely invalidate Tempo Royale as a stance because of the huge DPS disparity it would create.

    When you talk about removing a hindrance on a stance, you have to look at the big picture, not just something you get mildly annoyed at because you can't AFK with it.

    As for your "proof" of other stances, neither Gleaming Talon nor Vermilion Storm have non-stop spins like Cleaving Whirlwind. The damage output of those two "spins" are very limited because they don't go on forever like your dream version of Cleaving Whirlwind would.

    That's a poor excuse. Forward combo isn't even the most powerful one on Cleaving Whirlwind. What prevents someone from macroing forward block combo that has higher damage multipliers and has no hindrance? You can spam it to you heart's content.

    Besides, using a macro in any scenario is a risk of a ban, so there's that.

    There are numerous stances with spinning attacks. It is true that none of them has continuous spins, but none of them has long combo interrupts either. 


    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

    Look, I'm not saying this stagger animation isn't stupid and inconsistent , because it is, BUT-
    The fact is that it doesn't matter. It doesn't bother me at all.  The stagger speed scales with Attack speed, so it's mostly unnoticeable with a single Berserker mod (And if urn Arcane Strike with that weapon- Even better), or you can just do a slide attack to break off the sequence... 

    Or they can remove it and make our lives easier. Stagger was justified when this combo had a big damage multiplier. Now it doesn't have one, there is no reason to keep the stagger. No other stance punishes the player for using combos.

    • Like 3
  4. 10 minutes ago, MPonder said:

    Nice words, points me now to Where I said:

    1-  "can't adapt to the changes"

    2-  That I dunno new things.

    It doesn't take a genius to know that when they have 0, repeat, 0 exp, like you with 0 hydro capture to understand that you probably dunno what you are talking about.

    Your comments about "dumb stuff" tell me something about your playing preferences and resistance to change. If you were able to adapt to changes then you wouldn't have made these comments. Unless you like to insult others for no reason.

    Me having no experience with Hydrolyst captures shouldn't matter. There is more than one way of playing and it applies to the whole game. @VanFanel1980mx doesn't seem to have a problem with a different approach. If you don't want to listen to me, then maybe you will listen to them.

    I also decided to upvote you since, in your words, it is "dumb stuff".

  5. 3 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    Does it really take that much time to build up Vex Armor at the beginning? because I think it takes more time to gather the lures, MAYBE Chroma shouldn't be the one getting the lures if they tend to equip archwings between each Eidolon specially, Chroma should be using K-Drive and only gather the ones closest to the spawn point.

    Are you suggesting that Chroma players could prepare Vex Armor beforehand so they have max buffs by the time others get to them? Most unorthodox!

  6. 2 minutes ago, MPonder said:

    You are wasting your time and patient with these people, all dumb. The guy post "get stomp by eidolon to get Vex armor" and get upvoted, then there is a Chroma Main that say he never need self-damage. There are only genius here.

    It doesn't take a genius to know that there are more ways to play than one. If you can't adapt to the changes that's your problem, not the game's. The update han't been out for a day and you're already complaining when you could maybe make an effort and learn new things.

    Or at least post in a correct section of the forums about things you think don't work.

    • Like 6
  7. 1 hour ago, Hixlysss said:

    Slash procs apply to shields first, that's kind of a nerf. I'm curious to see what the "double" proc for Slash is though.

    True, but this will apply to us as well. It is going to make shields more useful overall.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Neuroszima said:

    Mainly the point with exclusive rewards was brought up here, because of the "flex" value people percieve toxic. On many different occasions across the time i played conclave i seen comments pointing this out, since it creates "elitism" and all the things ranging from comments of "you want the rewards? Get gud lol" which some people bring up as well, up to the problem of farming lobbies, which players attending to them doesn't even want to put work in playing for real. They just want the rewards and "be done with this grind" as they don't perceive it as any challenge. Getting rewards like skins out would provide less incentive for farmers, which aren't and never was considered real conclave players, most of it was fodder for statistics, however terrible it might sound, but it is true if you look at it honestly.

    Triplinster is a veteran, and veterans will still be playing regardless of removal of said rewards.

    Yeah, that's a good point. I didn't think about it like this.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Triplinster said:

    If you’ve been following the public forums, community groups etc, you know Conclave is brought up negatively quite often. 


    44 minutes ago, Triplinster said:

    *Another #*!%ing PvE rando*

    I wonder why...


    As long as there are issues with lack of dedicated servers and questionable balance, pvp will stay unpopular. As the post above said, removing exclusive rewards won't change anything. Maybe even the opposite, fewer people will play because there will be no reason to play.

    The most fun I had in conclave was when they introduced modes with disabled abilities, where everyone had the same stats and weapons. If DE built conclave around this idea, then maybe I would consider it worthwhile.

    • Like 7
  10. 1 hour ago, DrBorris said:

    But then this in itself may be too easy to counter with status resistance abilities or Primed Sure Footed.

    Knockdowns caused by self damage could then ignore any mods and apply full duration. Or we can go even further and add a special status effect just for self damage that will debuff us.

  11. 1 minute ago, ozcg888 said:

    I think self damge is out place

    Instead of nuking your character, self damage could deal a fixed amount of damage to the player, in percentage of health. That way there would still be a risk in using the weapon, but not to the point when you instantly die, unless you're playing carelessly.

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