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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 8 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    That being the third Orb, right? To my knowledge they haven't said anything about it being in active development.

    They talked about it very briefly when they showed the new modular MOA type a couple of devstreams ago. But there is no info about it beyond "this MOA is for an upcoming Fortuna expansion."

    Probably the third orb and maybe something else.

  2. On 2020-05-04 at 6:50 AM, Grey_Star_Rival_Defender said:

    The forum post wasn’t put on the Discord, so I wasn’t aware. And I don’t bother reading the news ticker when I just check the Discord anyways.

    Not bothering to read the news is your fault, not DE's. 


    As someone posted above, the most likely reason for a break is to sync Nightwave between all platforms.

    Just go do something else, Warframe is not the only game you can play.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Nemesis said:

    It's not nearly 18:00 ET. Why did it close? You can't use the excuse "we got enough people" because it's random. Otherwise they'd state "the first 500 people" or something similar to that.

    They did.

    Our first lottery will keep things in the 100-500 person range at first to see how we manage, and go from there. 

    There are 112 pages of entries. I assume they have enough. With 112 pages there are over 2000 posts.


    Although I agree that it is unfair to people who couldn't apply early.

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, 844448 said:

    I for one have stayed with warframe for 6 years because they try everything as an experimental game instead of being one with the same thing over and over

    This is one of the reasons I like the game and still play it. Not everything works all the time and some updates are a mess, but most of the time the game feels fresh.


    2 hours ago, 844448 said:

    Grineer units will run behind shield lancers for cover or retreat and regroup before ambushing you. Corpus units send their robotics to engage while they fight from the rear line but I guess you haven't tried letting them react to you.

    To be fair, enemies usually die too quickly to observe it, but AI isn't as bad as some people try to paint it. When redoing Jupiter the devs even took time to program more idle behaviours, which is a nice touch. 


    2 hours ago, 844448 said:

    Define "fun and engaging core-loop", also, other games don't do this? Grind for loot and resources, upgrade your gear, rinse and repeat? What's so different?

    Not much, most live service games are built around grinding for items as endgame. Some hide the gameplay loop better than others. The OP mentioned Monster Hunter, however, despite it being a great game, it had a poorly implemented endgame when you would just grind for random decorations for your equipment. Only after releasing the expansion did they improve it. So even experienced teams are not safe from making mistakes.

    • Like 2
  5. It seems to be a bug when the red aura doesn't disappear, even when you use the curative. It doesn't even seem to be a proper vasca virus; I had the same problem and I wasn't able to extract the imprint from it.

    See if putting your cat in and out of stasis will help. Maybe it will reset.

    I'm pretty sure this was fixed some time ago, but maybe it is worth to make a bug report.


    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, VincentMagnus said:

    Generally speaking, the quality of the major content releases has fallen steadily ever since PoE was released, I feel.
    From what I've experienced, I know that DE is trying to retain their playerbase by keeping us engaged, but I just don't see our feedback being received as openly as it used to be.

    Railjack in particular left a scar on my heart that I'm unsure will heal. I was more than willing to wait for a full year for Railjack and squadlink to release as the next step for Warframe's future, but instead what we received felt very rushed and alpha-test quality. Things like this seem to happen more and more these days.

    If you are unhappy with the direction of the game that's fine. But if you're going to announce it you might as well leave a detailed feedback, rather than a vague goodbye.

    • Like 3
  7. 6 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    I don't mind a little more sponge, I mean, it IS a Looter Shooter and DE gotta make that endgame loot more valuable over time I suppose. But Empyrean ground enemies in particular are ridiculous. Compared to my previous benchmark enemy (Corrupted Bombards), which I consistently tested at level 100+, the level 90 Empyrean enemies take several times as many hits, and might as well be immune to status even now if you don't have tons of crit and/or raw damage to back it up.

    True, railjack enemies are an overkill. I think it's nice when we have more difficult content, but this too much, at least in the Veil Proxima. 

    For me an example of good difficulty is Orb Vallis. You have a mix of standard and elite enemies, they can deal some damage but aren't a hassle to kill.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

    Wht does everyone think there is something wrong with rivens? Cause there's not. Don't trade crazy amounts of plat for one. You have the power to say no. So say no.

    You might be able to say no, but there are people who can't, such as those prone to gambling, and rivens exploit their weaknesses. 

    Maybe if they weren't tradeable or their disposition was changed based on their stats rather than popularity, then they would be more acceptable.

    2 minutes ago, _Connor said:

    There is very much something wrong with groups of players getting together in private to buy out, and scam or coerce particular riven mods to manipulate their pricing, and create a false market around meta items. 'just ignore the broken content if you don't like it' is not an argument in a discussion about how to fix said broken content. 

    This is also a good reason.

  9. 2 minutes ago, _Connor said:

    literally the opposite of a slot machine. You're paying to reduce rng. This is like saying vaccines 'sound like' a bad idea because mercury is poisonous. 

    Rivens aren't vaccines and comparing your idea to them won't make your argument any more sound.

    If you disagree with me then fine, but paying real money for locking randomized stats sounds like pay-to-win.

    @kapn655321 and @Synpai had better ideas in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Darkrya said:

    With that time gap in mind, maybe they'll reveal the function right before tennogen 

    Might be, I would like to hear some news too. However, considering they have Nightwave 3 and corpus remaster on their plates, I wouldn't expect any news on melee before those 2 have been released. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Bigbearjacobv2 said:

    Ya well hi,I am the one whose platinum is taken and i completely give my clan full authority to talk on my part. mostly because whatever i say will probably end up getting quoted saying " dude you are only 15 you do not know what you are talking about."

    If you have been waiting a month for a response from the support chances are that the ticket is stuck somewhere in the queue. Sending multiple tickets on the same issue doesn't help, it often slows the process down since you create a backlog for the support to go through. Bu if you and your friends are very serious about it, maybe try sending a private message to someone from the community team. They might look into it. Or you can tag them in this thread, might as well get some use out of it.

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