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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Nullifiers should be completely replaced by the modular units. Even if you can't kill Comba or Scrambus, you can shoot the helmet and their nullyfing will go. It's much better than bubbles that prevent you from taking action and clip through walls and ceilings.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    how about mini versions of different elemental resistant razorbacks which u can only destroy by hacking bursas to make them attacking it? :D

    if that's not too far gone how about a combination of railgun moa, denial bursa and sapping osprey that can only defeated by proccing radiation on it and let other proxies kill it? :'D

    Uhhh... Let's not push it.

  3. Corpus will need a rework at some point. Right now they are reskins of a few units with cheap tactics. I'm sick of crewmen too. What Corpus needs is more robots. We need enemies that do more than nullifying. Hyenas should be a thing in normal missions, we need a bigger variety of proxies than moas and ospreys. And much, much fewer crewmen.

    If you look at the Grineer, they have units with machine guns, flamethrowers, jetpacks, boomerangs, hammers, fire axes and powerfists. Two units summon pets and you have three types of heavies. Corpus, despite having some variety, just doesn't feel as good. It feels boring and repetetive. They got bursas now, yay, but that's not enough.

  4. 2 minutes ago, StabbyTentacles said:

    Untrue, just as this 'plan for quite a long time' was hackneyed/unimaginatively/uninspiredly driven into the story; it can be as easily hackneyed/unimaginatively/uninspiredly driven back out

    Your opinion on the quest doesn't make it less planned. Driving it out would make the story convoluted and create even more plotholes. You see it as unimaginative, I see it as interesting.

  5. 1 minute ago, StabbyTentacles said:

    I like it. think DE made the horrible mistake, when they force fed operators to us all, (there should've always been a little more wiggle room given.) js

    The thing is the operators were in plans for quite a long time and many people predicted it, it wasn't forced. However, whether you like it or not is a completely different story.

    And there is some wiggle room left regarding the nature of warframes.

  6. 1 minute ago, Mu-no-kitsune said:

    If he is still linked to a operator why would he feel guilt and hate the tenno.

    He holds a grudge against them because they killed the Orokin.  Also, he describes himself as a lower guardian, so maybe there is another, still unknown to us, group that wasn't involved in the Orokin genocide that Stalker was a part of.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mu-no-kitsune said:

    how would a sentient know of it.

    Hunhow knew of it. It's safe to assume the other Sentients might know about it as well.


    The 'proto-warframe', as stated somewhere above, was jus an infested experimented on. So it had its own mind. It was probably created to fight the Sentients, not to be controlled by the Tenno.

    Why do I think warframes don't have their own minds? Simply to avoid situations like in the Rhino entry. 

  8. It is more likely that Chroma was controlled by the sentients. We know that it is possible to control a warframe withouth a Tenno (infested Mesa), and there is little eveidence that warframes can move on their own besides the Rhino codex entry.

    At the end of the Second Dream your warframe did move on its own, but nowhere it is said that the Tenno can't control their warframes from a distance without the help of somatic link. Even in the Rhino codex you have the moment where a Tenno takes control of the 'proto-warframe' from inside a cell. So the moment when your warframe breaks the War didn't have to be a sign of warframe's sentience, but the last effort of the operator to save themselves.

    I don't think it is likely that warframes have their own minds. Why should they? It would be more difficult to control them.


    1 minute ago, Mu-no-kitsune said:

    Even if it was just a infested, it shows that a link with a tenno acts to calm them.

    I don't think the Tenno calmed it, but rather completely took control over it. At the moment when the beast stops and looks around, it is the Tenno who is in control. That's why it is called transference - mind moves from one body to another.


  9. Hello Tenno,

    I would like to talk about spawn mechanics in non-endless missions for a bit. Note that I'm not going to touch upon the recent spawn issues with enemies not appearing at all or appearing far behind you (which seem to have been more or less resolved now). I'd like to talk about where enemies spawn and in what quantities.

    When I was doing sortie exterminate yesterday I encountered around 20 corpus units packed into two tiny storage rooms and a narrow corridor. This is quite a frequent phenomenon in Warframe. Enemies tend to spawn in small rooms in quite large groups often leading to ridicculous encounters. Moreover, such a spawn system does not facilitate stealth, it even hinders it badly. In numerous situations it is impossible to corner groups of enemies or even run past them because they are packed too densely. Not to mention such a situation obscures vision, especially when there are a couple of nullifiers present. 

    So what can be done about it? My first idea was to make maps bigger to allow more even spread of enemies. At least in exterminates, where enemies are supposed to spawn ahead of us. Then, there should be a limit of how many enemies can appear in certain rooms. Situations where there are 5-6 mobs in their tiny rooms shouldn't be happening. Also enemies should spawn in certain distance from each other, or at least try to achieve a given distance after they spawn. Ideally, they should be walking in groups of 2-4 rather than 5-10. 

    Proposed changes would increase immersion and allow more stealthy, strategic gameplay for those who desire it. We would also avoid situations where players get simply overwhelmed by the number of opponents.

  10. It's an unintended 'feature'.

    On 10.03.2016 at 10:55 PM, Whirrrrr said:

    Thanks for reporting this! The extra exterminate objective appearing at the end of reactor sabotage is unintended and will be hotfixed as soon as possible. In the meantime as others have said, choosing the magnetic or coolant route gives you unlimited time to extract without having to outrun the spreading fire while killing all remaining enemies.

    Edit: Merged similar threads

  11. 1 hour ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

    Sorry, but EB is not even close to being single target. The waves are HUGE and have unlimited punch through. And this is a horde shooter so usually you hit multiple enemies at once.

    • Excal kills things.
    • Meanwhile Saryn plays around with her spores and low DPS weapons (Ignis, Hikou Prime, and so on) always in fear that an enemy looks at her the wrong way and she goes down again.

    Exalted Blade is cheesy, overpowered and most of all boring. Sure, it can kill things, but spaming E and Radial Blind occasionaly is not my kind of an engaging gameplay. And let's not pretend Excalibur can't go down as quickly.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

    Blocking used to work that way, and nobody used it because it killed your stamina bar near instantly. Most weapons have 65% damage reduction, the really popular ones (War, Scindo Prime, Nikana Prime, etc.) all have 85% damage reduction.

    I do realise that. I don't want it to return in the same shape, but work around a similar idea.

  13. The thing with animation keeping you in place varies from weapon to weapon. For example, Tempo Royale locks you in place, while Vulpine Mask allows you to move freely (the other thing is that running totally breaks the animation). We should have the ability to reset ourselves, we can even use the action button to do it.

    Blocking needs stamina bar. Just like with wall latch, we should have a limit to how long we can block, but we should be able to block all incoming damage. Simply damage reduction is not enough in many cases.

    Combo counter should be 15 seconds long without any mods. Body count could increase the multiplier instead.

    Charge attacks should be assigned to a different key (reload, secondary fire). They interfere with some combos (doing charge attack with a rapier is almost undoable) and have the unnecessary swing.

    Channeling... uhh... needs a rework. That's right. It needs to do more damage and have fewer mods that increase drain. And make Life Strike a baseline ability for every frame. Then again, the mod can just increase the effect. Anything to make it worthwile beside Life Strike.

    Air attacks could be worked on as well, hitting enemies in the air is a pain. The same goes for enemies below you, on stairs.

  14. Saryn is more of a debuffer rather than pure dps frame. Pop Spores and cut health of the enemies in half, and you have easier time to kill them. Miasma is not the only way to kill stuff with Saryn and people shouldn't rely on it that much. 

    Another problem is armor scaling on higher levels, but maybe that will be changed in the near future. Saryn might have been reworked with the new damage system in mind, we shall see

    The only problem I have with Saryn is her survivability. Molt gets destroyed in seconds on higher levels. It really should get snowglobe treatment.

  15. The biggest continuity issue I have right now is the sortie transmissions, where one day I get a message from Alad V, and the next day from infested Alad V. Or the other way round. The transmissions are not a necessity and should be removed to avoid confusion.

    Somewhere I read that some of the old events would be turned into quests eventually, which would reslove some issues (like the Alad V mumbo-jumbo).

    It would be also nice if there was some kind of in-game story journal, so we would at least be able to read about the past events.


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