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Posts posted by Wiz3rd

  1. Title says it all. I went farming prime stuff with a friend 'cause he needed Volt parts and I wanted some ducats.
    We ended up getting 9 rare parts in a row from INTACT relics. (Mainly Nikana blades)
    Here's proof, in case anyone wants it:

    (Alright, you could say it's not real proof since I could buy them or something, but why would I?)

    Could anyone tell me what are the odds of that happening? I'm really not that great at calculating probabilty...

  2. An FPS telling the story of a simple Dax soldier when the Old War happened.
    It would be a nice change of pace from being a killing machine to "just some guy", I'd love to feel the insignificance that Warframe lacks.
    In Warframe you feel like a god, nothing can stop you. Without the parkour, abilites and all of that, you'd have to rely only on your cunning and reflexes.

  3. 7 hours ago, ArionLightning said:

    You forgot adding chroma vex armor's damage bonus.

    Its just...... Aaaaaaaagggggghhhhh (like homer simpson haha)

    You don't even need that damage, I killed sortie level enemies with Mag.

    But if you really want to, well, just do what you want.

  4. 1. Sometimes, even the best Internet suppliers have issues, then what?
    2. Want some challenge? Go on Lua, do some endless missions. Don't want people to ruin your pub games? Go solo.
    3. You reject any criticism, nobody was bashing on you. Saying people are biased just because they disagree is a bad excuse.
    4. Your idea does not bring anything new to the table, you'd just make everyone's life more frustrating, not harder.
    5. You shouldn't speak on behalf of the whole playerbase. I have no trouble with alerts and I assure you I'm not a pro player, but for my father any video games are an actual challenge and since he just started playing Warframe it doesn't feel fair to punish him for not playing too well. Is the difficulty supposed to adjust to your liking? Definitely no, because you're not the only person playing.

  5. 2 hours ago, k05h said:

    Here are three "creative" suggestions for DE management:

    1. Get a lifetime universal vacuum for only 200p!
    2. Get a universal vacuum booster for only 50p per month!
    3. Get a 3 month universal vacuum as part of Prime Access accessory!

    To be honest i'd just go with the first option to not have to deal with this bull***t.

  6. 19 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

    I've never played with Vacuum, so it's no loss to me.

    Now imagine someone had a dog they loved.

    Then, out of nowhere a truck hits it, leaving it scarred and limbless.

    "It wasn't my dog, it's no loss to me."

    Yes, vacuum is not required to play the game but people like me for instance LIKE it. I dont feel like it's mandatory,  it just makes my gameplay so much more enjoyable.

  7. 21 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

    Yeah, Steel Meridian!


    *fist bump*

    Since there seems to be so much love for Meridian, have this:



    I need to smooth out the edges a bit and maybe change the colors but there you have it, hope you like the concept :P
    I like to keep it simple.

  8. 13 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    I mean it's not Steel Meridian, but it does look awesome! Good work :)

    I actually plan on doing Steel Meridian next, then it's gonna be either Hexis or Suda.
    After those two, I'm gonna do some Warframe-themed T's, first it's gonna be Ember since she's my favourite, then Nyx (most likely, not sure yet).
    But that will probably take about two weeks each, since I have a few more important things to buy and I don't really have a disposable income yet.


    The printing itself doesn't cost much, but I don't want to spend money on low-quality T-shirts, so that's about it really.
    Cause you know, I actually wanna wear those! :P

    Thanks for all the support and comments you've given me already, guys.
    So to sum it all up: stay tuned! More will come, that much I can promise you! :D



  9. The title says it all, I just thought it would be cool to see what you guys think.
    I guessed since I'm going with Corpus design it might be fitting to put on a Perrin logo with "LUKSOR" on it.


    I know, the LUKSOR FORGE might not have anything to do with Perrin Sequence but i thought it looks cool so that's just how it is. Sue me. 


    P.S. Sorry for the low rez, i'll add another photo of it when I have the time.

  10. 4 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

    This happens to me sometimes, though the game does not crash, however, it does stop responding properly, thus I would have to exit and reopen the game client. The problem occurs mostly after missions are complete, and sometimes I would be stuck on the character extraction or results screen, thus having to exit the client. Some rare occurrences would be re-clicking on the starchart after a mission, would lock me on the star chart, not allowing me to exit the current map, even though I have pressed esc button and manually tried to click on my profile; nothing. The only solutions were to close and reopen the client.

    For me the problem persisted, that's why I'm asking.


    50 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Well that's no fun D:

    Next time this happens could you please send me your EE.logs in a private message? EE.logs can be found in /%localappdata%/Warframe on your PC. Thank you!

    Sorry, I am away from home at the moment so I can't do it.

  11. 2 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

    Warframe is the only game I know of where you can play as a killer fairy surrounded by killer razer butterflies that can don flaming hula hoops given to them by a Chinese deity being controlled by a child in space.

    And all that time you're following instructions from a space alien sterile robot thing that wanted children so it betrayed its kind and called itself Lotus (a.k.a. Space Mom).

    Isn't that just wonderful?

  12. 1 hour ago, KiloFoxx said:

    I love how you can throw it on ANY ally. other frames? yup. Kubrow? Yup. Kavats? Yup. Spectres? yup. Hacked Moa? yup. Nekros' Shadows? YUP
    . Sentinels? yup. it's amazing and I love it


    My carrier can finally breathe freely in 100lvl toxin clouds.

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