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Posts posted by Wiz3rd

  1. 3 minutes ago, Senketsu_ said:

    Wait so only the top 10% of clans of a tier get the ignis wraith?!? thats BS Im pretty much a solo clan. seeing as my other clanmates arent playing and Im doing all the work. Like WTH!

    Only the best 10% of clans get the manufacturing rights for the Ignis, meaning they can have it's blueprint in clan research, but all clans can participate in the event to get Ignis Wraith blueprint once at the end of the operation. After the reduced requirements it's not hard.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Someone in the event thread had an interesting idea. 

    Why not make the base reward (the one time ignis blueprint for those who participated) be accumulated points instead of just being a sum of people's best scores.

    But only count people's personal best when it comes to their clan getting a chance for everyone to get the weapon already built with the slot + catalyst, and make people's personal best only count for the final competition to unlock it in clan research.

    That way it would still have the competitive aspects for most clans, but solo players could at least have a chance to get the blueprint itself for themselves.  

    That was also my suggestion. I wholeheartedly agree with that.

  3. I'm usually the last person to rant, as I play the game on a daily basis. I try to stay positive about updates and what DE decides overall, but not this time.

    I'm the only active person in my clan composed of just friends and I feel like this update drove me away from Warframe.

    If the operation points were cumulative, i'd be more than fine with getting 1300 or even 4000 points, but how it is now is just not okay with me.

    The whole Hema debacle was a big red flag, but it seems you have not learned.

    Remember Thousand Cuts? I genuinely enjoyed that event. Why couldn't you just stick with personal goals & rewards like in the past instead?


    I thought this update would draw the attention of me and my friends to the game, but it's done the opposite. To sum it up: unless DE changes the scoring system, see you at U20, if at all.

  4. 12 minutes ago, The.Mister.M said:

    1: Not calling people selfish because I'm not handed everything. I've solo'd 90% of the game only asking for help when I myself CAN NOT solo.

    2: Never said I was owed everything.

    3: For some people these missions will be like that if you solo. They'd be impossible just like it'd be impossible for a regular person to get out of the metaphorical situation I presented.

    4: Take your google and shove it.

    I never insulted you, yet you instantly tell me to "shove it".

    Maybe give your actions a second thought? You're not going to get help by being mean.

    I learned one thing playing Warframe:

    Take it slow. If you feel burnt out, play something else and come back after a while, maybe even get some friends to play the game, so you can rely on them.

  5. 4 minutes ago, The.Mister.M said:

    I'll put an image to what I'm saying to see if that sinks in for some of you: You're a trained military vet and EXCELLED in hand-to-hand combat. You're walking down the street and you see a person being mugged at knife point calling for help. You have the knowledge and power to help. But instead you keep walking. That's the situation I'm pointing out. Maybe a bit dramatized, but same point.

    Calm down son. Don't call people selfish just because they don't hand you everything on a platter.

    If you want help, ask, but if no one is willing to help, too bad, they don't owe you anything.

    Secondly, you won't get hurt playing on your own. There's no knife pointed at you. You're exaggerating.

    Also: if you can't get plat for the slots through farming prime stuff or other sources, "google it". It's not hard at all.


  6. Guess what. I use all of Ember's abilities and I tend to play solo.

    Basically what you're saying is "Guys don't get offended but you're literally cancer".

    That's lovely.

    14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

    Ember, in the community of people who play as her, are like a massive cancerous tumor that, currently, is incurable.

  7. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

    Well poop! I never checked.  If it comes with every new one built then what is OP worried about? 

    As I said, It doesn't.
    Unless it's a bug it's okay, but otherwise I find it disappointing.
    I wouldn't care if it was intentional, but we just have no info on that, that's why I'm wondering.

  8. Just now, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

    Vacuum is automatically given to all sentinels just like their special mods for those certain sentinels. It's not just transmutable. The noob friendly sentinel also is to give starting players a better chance to survive and doesn't really have anything to do with vacuum being able to pick up mods etc.

    That is not the case.
    My friend got into warframe on friday, built his Taxon and did not receive a Vacuum.
    Maybe other sentinels do give it, but being honest I didn't craft any just to check.

  9. 1 hour ago, ViS4GE said:

    Well as new player I would scratch my head trying to figure out where they might drop at that point.

    None of my friends that started playing a few weeks ago had this problem.

    Anyway, is it really so hard to check the wiki or ask literally anyone on the region chat?

  10. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)iiStupefy said:

    Okay fair enough as I said I wasn't sure about that!  but it doesn't dispute the fact that nano spores are needed when you cant farm them.

    If you were smart and didn't spend the plat then you're good but again some people just blew it before they got to Jupiter.


    You realise you can get them easily on Maroo's Ayatan Hunt missions, right?

    And when you have enough, just make yourself a derelict key so you can come back to it anytime you want.

  11. 4 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    I dunno, I paid strangers plat for samples donations for Hema research in my dojo (which was completed last year) and I would not feel "dishonored" or robbed if they decreased the research cost, even though I invested my own plat.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Remember Vauban Prime?

    It's not the first time something went "wrong", but for the first time it's extremely unreasonable and DE doesn't want to do anything about it.

    It was the same with Riven mods. People invested in crazy mods for the soma, tonkor etc. but when they got nerfed, there was no "honoring the players". They did it at their own risk.

    While I don't want to play the "beta" card, I will. It's labelled as such because things WILL change, get used to it.

    (Or maybe it won't from now on, seeing how the Hema debacle went.)

    I honestly don't care about the Hema anymore, but if I find Hema a prerequisite for other research I'm gonna be mad.

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