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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Dex Sybaris is a crit route for the Sybaris series. Sybaris Prime is a crit/status hybrid route with a bigger clip and faster rate of fire. Really it depends on what you want.

    Summary: Keep both.

  2. Your current issue stems from not modding your gear or looking at options. I personally enjoy Archwing combat, but the only problem is when it's in the Corpus Trenchways; very cloistered in there I admit. We deserve more Archwing missions per planet than what we have now.
    Personally, the things Archwing could do with is as follows:


    1: Bigger Corpus Trenchway tileset / movement set toggle via 5 for Archwings for cramped regions.
    2: More hybrid mission types, inspired by some of the existing Archwing+normal missions (can help expand Invasions).
    3: Make Archwings more resistant to Grineer anti-air missiles (Plains of Eidolon).
    4: Introduce a brake setting (maybe binding the slide key when boosting to a full stop brake?).


  3. 2 hours ago, (PS4)EvilJalen said:

    ...but as @Koldraxon-732said, the multiplier is as important as the chance itself.

    300% chance are useless while your multiplier is only 1,5 but

    100% x4 is very useful even the Crits are "only" yellow

    This is a strong truth. Look at Nukor as an example of this.

  4. That video is outdated. Red crits were visibly replaced with orange ones, real red crits are the kind of crit that happens when Harrow, a crit riven, and all the crit chances you could add, are active and used on the same weapon (i.e: Dread).

    However, crit chance does not boost the actual critical damage entirely. Boosting that crit multiplier is equally important if you want to go for critical damage.

  5. Blueprint:


    Base schematic (assembly configuration, exclusively one-off cases per item).



    The hull; the meat on the bones, the mold wherein the rest resides (shell-shape).



    The bones, the nerves, the focusing lens which makes the abilities work and act as they do (wires and essentials; perhaps pseudo-organs?).



    The eyes and brain; a connection point between you, and your armour (the insides of the head; helmets themselves are just the chassis that can be interchanged, like how some action figures come with alternative cosmetics).

    Hopefully my interpretation of this may help, despite this question having already been answered.

  6. 1 hour ago, (XB1)MerlyBR said:

    1 no its doesnst and also checked the mod

    2 But game devs can

    1: Try using Atlas without any augments to see if the situation changes.
    2: If DE changes those times, it will alienate half the playerbase (day: for newer Tenno who haven't woken up from 2nd Dream, night: Eidolon hunts, for Tenno who got out of bed since War Within).

  7. People with inverted reputation (not-friends) with any Syndicate, even if they initiate, will not be able to join in on that Syndicate's exclusive missions, nor will they be able to pick up that Syndicate's medallions due to being enemies. This only changes once you get positive with that Syndicate, and that can take up to two additional donations/sacrifices.

    There're five Syndicates that do not have penalties for working with others, in order of accessibility (to my understanding):
    Cetus/Ostron, Simaris/Sanctuary, Teshin/Conclave, Quills, [Event_Syndicate].

  8. From the sounds of it, this is what you want:
    -The ability to select any pieces of customization while in the customization menu in the arsenal. This includes: attachables, helmets, skins, colours. 
    -Only when trying to leave the arsenal by any means will you be promoted to purchase the things. Declining will revert all un-owned items from being added*.

    *This actually manifested as a bug a while ago, when using a console exploit to view Chroma outside the Arsenal; you weren't able to take him on missions, or keep him, but the exploit allowed you to wear any warframe within the Orbiter. This was before Second Dream.

    -This would grant players the ability to examine customization in-depth, and would be able to do this in private (be it Captura or the Orbiter, but never in public spaces). This increases chances for investment from formerly conservative purchasers.

  9. Sometimes I when I logout when I still have time, I realize I still have stuff to do so I log back on. For instance, right now, I'm cooking my 2nd Cestra for a dual Cestra, which will be ready in an hour or few, and when that's done I'm going to begin my 3rd Lex P so I can make Aklex P and still have my normal Lex P so I can dual-wield if I so wished. 

    Otherwise, when I logout sometimes, I realize I could've done a thing, and end up logging back in to do so. My pasttime activity as of now is trying to find Somachord tones to get a variety of ambient tunes to play instead of the same, silent Orbiter interior.

    Unfortunately on that note DE should really allow us to either omit specific tracks from the tracklist when the system is set to loop or make up to two (with bonus slots purchaseable) playlists (consisting of up to the number of available tracks you've unlocked) of our own. 

  10. I suggest you widen your arsenal by acquiring and building the 'cheese-frames' and 'cheese-weapons' to do them with. Without Banshee or Sarpa, I would've never passed the test which involves bypassing security that can kill you by looking at you (test fails upon being detected), breaking orbs which unlock the prison cell if all orbs are destroyed, then escorting the target out after killing all security.

  11. The Orbiter and the Landing Crafts that ferry our warframes/Archwings/gear between locations and missions are not designed for dogfights. If they were, we'd likely already be destroyed by death beams from a variety of sources. Archwings were alluded to in Mag Prime's Codex entry. 
    Further explanation/reiteration of points raised:



    Besides, what would you rather have? A massive, unmissable, clunky thing without guns, which can't fit in the kind of spaces an Archwing can, or a pair of mecha-wings for your warframe that also have life support built in (AKA an Archwing)?

    I say again; Landing Crafts are meant to be in-out warframe/Archwing/gear delivery mechanisms, and need all that interior space for void cloaking and speed. The best you'd be able to use it for is the equivalent of how Archwings are (mostly) used in the Plains of Eidolon; a speed boost, should DE ever consider making a bigger space battlefield using the same rendering tech they're working on for Venus' landscape.


    Secondary partly unrelated topic:


    A space 'landscape' where Invasions take place:
    Start of Invasion: empty space landscape, maybe with some debris.
    1: Grineer/Corpus ships appear from Void jump and begin fighting. Faction you sided with gives some generic dialogue about boarding actions.
    2: You and team board via a portal (Corpus) which leads to a Grineer ship hangar, where your Archwings detach. / A hole the Corpus ship's hangar defenses is created (Grineer), allowing you to board.
    3: Mission type can be randomized between Capture, Exterminate, Sabotage, etc..., or could be all of them. Failing one will lead you to extraction and would have you go again until you complete 3 sub-missions.

    Other missions can also take place, for example:
    Archwing Interception followed by ship sabotage, concluded with a capture mission. 

    These other missions would be, in essence, mini-Sorties with rewards pooled from Sorties, but the rewards do not include Rivens, Kuva, or Endo/Ayatan; those rewards are replaced with Focus Lenses. Some of these would be Clan-unique alerts and would only be accessible by Clan members.

    Example: Your Clan Dojo has been located by Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Corrupted/Sentients/Enemy Clan (hired enemies; mixture of Grineer/Corpus and Tenno Specters) scouts and you need to stop them before they get word out (AW intercept, [transition via breach region], mobile defence, sabotage).

    These missions will require, from DE:
    -Breach regions (Archwing tiles for AW to interior combat).
    -Space tileset (giant skybox, nothing else).
    -Mission area prefabs for Archwing mission areas.
    -The ability to make moving tilesets; these would be the exteriors of the ships.
    -Additional enemy AI sequences.
    -Generic, untranslated dialogue that can be reused in many other places (I.E: Invasion bosses (Commanders and Sergeants) which are built from auto-kitbashing enemy faction equipment with a low chance for Prime gear, in the vein of Vor).
    -Grineer/Corpus generic bosses (I.E: The Sergeant, all Corpus Proxy-bosses).
    These 'generic bosses' would be the predecessor of the Kingpin system to some respect.


  12. Every time you complete a Qualification version of a MR test, be it victory or loss, you will have to wait 24 hours before leaping into the next one. This, to my theoretical understanding, is to stop people zooming from the lowest MR rank to the highest within a week or so (*speed* speed-levelling?).

    While you're waiting, I suggest you start setting weapons to bake in the foundry that you haven't made, touched, or used before so you have more Mastery at your disposal by the time you pass the next test.

  13. Here's the problem with AkLato and Dual Skana (Primes): they would, theoretically, need two of their original Prime weapons to build.
    Unless you're going for an Akbolto Prime and Nami Skyla Prime in the way the weapons're made.
    A list of other Prime weapons which nobody has been thinking about that don't yet exist:


    The real question is, where's Dual Zoren (basically, cut a Scindo Prime in half), (A)Furis (to go with Sybaris), Tiberon, and Kunai Prime?


  14. My opinion on Vaulted relics and how they should be able to be obtained in some manner is elaborated in the spoiler below.
    As for the relics prices, that's about two gold-rarity Prime parts (2 relics) per (vaulted) relic if you're lucky. 


    Personally, Vaulted relics should also drop from the Void and Derelicts in some manner, be it via a reintroduction of the Prime Void (basically, build a Void Key (researched from Orokin Lab in Clan Dojo, perhaps) using a relic, ducats, void traces, and taking it into the Void/Derelict in a gear slot triggers a fissure mission upon use).

    Otherwise, it would help to un-gate these Primes by giving them other ways to get at them. One way may include that 'time limited endless exterminate' gauntlet of Ballas' you (DE) showed off a Devstream or two ago. Another is to have fissure missions after a certain time (i.e, when the rotations reset) start awarding vaulted relics.

    Or have vaulted relic packs drop from Sorties instead of Endo, Forma, and Exilus.


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  15. 36 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

    This is pretty cool, especially given that Sentinels are heavily hinted to be related to Sentients in the first place.

    Could even be a Moa companion deluxe skin, since Sentients are highly malleable (as shown by Chroma's Effigy-pelt, Pakal armour, War, Broken-War, [unnamed Sentient Nodachi, coming soon] ) and are known to hijack robots (which was why Project Animo was shut down, destroyed, rather than reclaimed via hacking).

  16. What about a really small Flydolon* or a limbless Hunhow-Sentient fighter? There's enough Sentient remains out there to cobble a Sentient-crafted Sentinel.

    *It's special ability would be to swap between flight and ground settings rather quickly. When on ground, it would be able to perform a stomp attack which knocks over enemies. When airborne, it can use almost any Sentinel weapon.

  17. The idea of making all the vaulted relics available more frequently is one I'm willing to support. I've got two ideas on how that should work:



    1: One endless mission node on every planet every week would end up swapping into vaulted relics instead of the ones that are unvaulted. The relics selected all will be from a previous vault/unvault, and would be marked as 'void-afflicted' regions. Chances for relics to drop there double to the chance of receiving two relics at the end of every rotation. At least one node from every planet will meet the Lith, Meso, Neo and Axi relic ranks (T1 to T4 respectively). These may also include the Infested regions (previously known as Dark Sectors).

    2: A Void Key made from Ducats, a relic of your choice, and Void traces which forces relics which help complete the set to drop instead of the normal relic rotations. Example: A relic including Ash, Vectis, and Carrier Prime is slotted into a Void Key and you take that to Hierarchon, relics from when he was unvaulted will begin to drop instead.
    In the Void, this makes all Eximus enemies drop relics instead of Oberon parts.

    *It is likely DE may: 
    1: make any relics obtained via the Void Key or Void Afflicted areas unable to be used by the Void Key as to prevent continuous farming of vaulted items.
    2: make Void Afflicted areas unfarmable by adding a cooldown timer or 'exposure meter' which, when full, prevents re-entry into those specialized zones until you've done other things, like killing a Teralyst or farming Sentients on Lua.


    Both are equally viable and could be implemented together, though DE may put up something to stop people from exploiting* both of these so their Prime Access sales remain optimal.

    *Running the same missions endlessly.

  18. 1 minute ago, Sacronian said:

    You clearly mentioned slots. those aren't relic and mod packs

    Point taken. Perhaps lowering slot prices by 50% (though that might be a bit of a push) would, in a perfected world, be a nice idea (less expensive = more affordable = more spending = more slots = more things being made = more rushed completions = grofit).

  19. 1 hour ago, Sacronian said:

    As much as I would love a currency conversion system to be in the game, it would NEVER be with platinum. It would be fun for players, but be a terrible business choice for DE. A conversion of platinum (especially at prices as low as you're saying) there would be literally no reason to buy plat and the game would quickly die. Warframe is a free game, so micro transactions are the game's only form of funding.

    I could see conversion being a thing with credits to endo though, but I think that would be about it.

    Generally for the Relic/Mod* Packs. I didn't say anything about it applying to all transactions that aren't RNG based.
    *Mod packs would also cost Endo, and would be twice as expensive compared to Baro's equivalent offer, giving incentive for people to stock up for Baro more, farm the mods themselves, or trade their way to said mods.

  20. Operator not spawning seems to be the issue since this is the only mission in the game where you enter with no warframe.

    I believe the root of the issue is no frame. One way to fix it would mean that DE may need to implement an invisible, irretrievable, uncontrollable frame which is modified to affect how the Operator spawns (no Transference FX).

    Do you people remember what you were using or doing, or what Focus School you chose before you began War Within?

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