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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Notice: My opinion may differ from others.

    There's a number of 'frames that can survive a lot of damage. I'd say ones such as Inaros, Nidus, Rhino, Oberon, Valkyr, Chroma, are decent examples in their own way:


    -Inaros is a bullet sponge with his first, second and fourth having healing properties. Pulling stealth finishers on enemies will restore massive chunks of his hp, so try to stack as much hp (and Rage) on him as possible.
    -Nidus can accumulate Mutation Stacks (every 15 stacks = revive), combined with his rather easy-to-use abilities, make him a weapon.
    -Rhino has Iron Skin. 
    -Oberon can be modded to gain energy from taking damage, and by extension, heal himself via one of his abilities. 
    -Valkyr's Hysteria, if she's modded with rage and a lot of hp, would be easily recastable. 
    -Chroma however needs a period of rampup time due to his 2nd and 3rd needing to take damage to be effective.

    1 minute ago, BringMeYourAzz said:

    ...For the beginning I would highly reccomend Frost!

    I'd rather suggest Rhino. Iron Skin adds another layer of durability, and combined with his ability set can make him rather capable.

  2. @Hypernaut1 I agree with the idea of Impact having increased damage on stunned/staggered opponents, the idea of Puncture creating alternative headshot locations - or at least doing bonus damage on consistent hits in one spot (i.e: weakening armour and nullifying enemy damage output) - would make old puncture-centric weapons like Boltor amazing again, and I had this revised proposal for slash:
    The bit in the green box. In effect it would be a rough 10% slash proc dmg nerf for weapons with slash.

    Shouldn't be too excessive of a nerf given the other damage types getting enhanced this way.

  3. You know the changes proposed would do the following? Slash would be broken, in the worst way.
    Any weapon that doesn't have base slash damage, when proccing slash, will do NO DAMAGE.

    Any weapon that does will be affected by a straight 60% (or more depending on how many damage types you've crammed onto the weapon) slash proc damage reduction.

    I suggested a (second*) solution: keep half (15% / 30%) base weapon damage being converted to slash on slash procs, but also keep the proposed version (30% slash damage = slash proc damage) so weapons with slash, in essence, don't get the nerf as badly, and weapons that can proc slash via other means (Stances or Hunter Munitions) would still be able to, but would output less proc damage.

    *The first one which was in the spoilers was a bit much (keep 30% weapon dmg = slash proc dmg + keep 30% slash dmg = slash dmg proc).

  4. 37 minutes ago, SamuarJoe said:

    please don't nerf slash :sadcry:

    IPS 2.0 is going to make Hunter Munitions and a number of Stance mods worthless on anything that has no slash.

    DE, you should test what happens when a high crit elemental only primary triggers slash, or a high status no slash melee that has a stance that triggers slash procs under these new conditions as soon as possible before you go any further with these changes.

    35 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    And now players make slash monster builds from weapons that never had slash to begin with. How this make sense? An Amprex with better slash build than a slash weapon.

    Stances with innate slash are OK but Hunter Munitions should be scrapped. 

    Then why would DE go to the effort to make Hunter Munitions? 


  5. While the idea of the new IPS system on paper looks viable, it will break many weapons and mods that rely on the slash procs generated from stances and mods, much like how the Caustacyst was shelved due to being essentially a waste of resources after losing its ability to do slash.

    In my opinion any physical elemental melee weapon should be able to do at least one physical damage type that would make sense with the weapon. Example: Dark Sword types would gain a small slash damage boost. Other weapons that do this already: Sonicor, Zarr.

    In these spoilers is a general summary of what will happen, DE, when the IPS system is imposed, and my solution.



    After IPS:

    Impact after IPS: Ragdoll from high-impact, long-range weapons will not kill enemies and will more than likely respawn them elsewhere. Snipers with high impact will be useless. Launcher weapons will be used to make escape exits or throw enemies off edges.

    Puncture after IPS: Still does nothing, has no visible indicator. Useless due to Impact ragdoll effect.

    Slash after IPS: Hunter Munitions and a wide number of weapons become mastery fodder. Elemental-only weapons would become kings beside the same melee weapons - Galatine Prime and Atterax, aside from virtually any melee with good status/crit.

    What I would do:

    Kol Impact: Stuns, disables shields if big Impact damage is dealt, will increase stagger duration on sequential hits. If a puncture proc is active, this will cause an Expose phase on the enemy, making the spot you last hit deal finisher damage on the next. If the enemy is already stunned by an Impact proc, damage from this type is doubled.

    Kol Puncture: Strips enemy armour based on where it hits, like a Helios Identify Weakness. 30% base damage debuff on enemies, with the max of 120%. Works with Impact as explained.

    Kol Slash: Weapons with slash will do an additional 30% slash damage on top of the current slash proc calculation (30% weapon dmg = slash proc), and with the other damage types exposing enemies to more damage, this would be one of the things that can finish them. 

    Elementals would be able to kill enemies by proccing their Damage Over Time effects much faster due to the exposure via the formerly useless damage types.



  6. List of items wanted is in the spoilers.



    -Helminth Cyst remover that instantly removes Helminth Cysts prematurely so I don't have to hear it complain every time.

    Via market:


    -Focus Lenses.
    -Slots for weapons, frames, Rivens.
    -All colour palettes. Already have the firey one.
    -Anything you spot on my Wishlist.
    -Exilus Adapters.


    Via trading:


    -Those new Stances for melees.
    -Akbolto and Kogake Prime.
    -Endo sculptures.


  7. That's definitely a bug, though I'd like the effect of that bug to be moved onto the weapon attacks while channeled or charged, or even only occur when both channeling and charge-attack are used at the same time instead of it being purely fixed. 

    Though generally the effect occurs on equipping the weapon due to pressing [melee button] while a sidearm or primary is in use.

    Side-topic: more weapon customization options.



    Though speaking of options, I would like to see melees get that attack fx as an option, and for all weapons to have a 'maintain glow when holstered' toggle.

    What this would do is simple; it would force the energy colour to transparent/textureless/black (even in Conclave) when the weapon is holstered.

    On this derivative topic, having the non-Prime version of a weapon as the Prime's skin (where possible) would be nice since we already have that for Prime-frames.




  8. My beliefs on why :conclave: Conclave lobbies are empty in a nutshell: Always matched with lobbies as if lobbies were players. Wait about 15 mins. Leave because nobody joined or anyone who did left.



    I think the real reason Conclave lobbies are often deserted (or populated by veterans or experts in the field) is the fact that the Tenno-hosted servers themselves are perceived by the 'matchmaking' system that we have now as actual Tenno, meaning it believes that the lobby already has a player, and so you get thrown into that empty lobby.

    And spend half an hour, an hour, maybe even days, just waiting for a match to start. This waiting period often puts off people -even me- and has me trying to refresh the lobby somehow or resort to doing something else. Sometimes, when another does show up, they just quit. Not even willing to try.

    Not to mention that if someone is matched with a veteran and hasn't got unique loadouts, they'll get torn to shreds (unless they're like me, with 10 loadouts with variety between them; some work, but not all are effective on everybody - that's from experience).



  9. I agree. Her Mass Vitrify wall is too weak to be made of Warframe-glass. It's made of the most fragile glass in the System, even more fragile than Corpus Windows.



    With the fact that Vitrify's durability scales so badly now, one of the best alternatives would be the ability to spawn an additional 3 glass rings, but each subsequent ring is smaller in diameter and can only be cast within the first ring's radius, seeing as how Gara's 1 is able to shatter them.

    At least in that manner she could stack her walls, but as it is now her ult will ONLY be used in combination with max range, armour, str Frost and max duration and range Limbo because the shield literally has effectively 1 hitpoint per facing.

    That's how fragile her glass wall is.

    Given that, if anyone else read this, which suggestion would you pick:

    A: Buff Gara's Vitrify synergy with armour and power strength by at least 10 times, and add health, shields, and duration into the stat calculator. Give the shield armour aswell.
    B: Allow Gara to spawn 3 more Vitrifys that don't glass-ify enemies, but still generate the rings, but these rings are smaller and can only exist within the first, biggest ring.
    C: Both.
    D: Both, and allow the shield to be affected by healing powers.

  10. Response to main topic:



    Warframe has been layering itself on top of itself in a way that virtually any other game (i.e: World of WarCraft, Halo, Destiny) never did. 

    It doesn't have major points in its life where it had made itself-sized expansions, no massive content drops aside from the Main Quests.

    Not to mention that it would be hell for the servers and handlers to dig up the archaic 1.0 systems. It would be too much effort for little grofit - and I know it sounds Corpus, but DE must make profit to sustain its continued goal of perfecting this game and having a server for every major .0 would mean all the bugs would persist and never be fixed.

    What I mean is yes, it can work, but no, the resources needed outweigh whatever profit could be gleaned.

    I propose an alternative.

    DE could rebuild Wallrunning (since we already have wall-dashing, which is really wall-hopping), vaulting (which would make use of all the ledges again), and other elements that were exclusive to parkour 1.0 except coptering, and reintegrate them into 2.0, creating Parkour 2.5 in the process. That would be a step in the right direction to me.


    Short version:
    Warframe isn't like the others. Legacy servers would still have bugs which would be unfixable and the different data conflicting with the primary servers would cause systemic corruption if mishandled, or worse.
    While World of WarCraft, and to a degree, Destiny, has cutoff points in the form of expansions, Warframe is layered on itself like a katana - removing one thing causes the entire weapon to become fragile. The closest we can get is an updated array of Parkour 1.0 movements added back to Parkour 2.0 to make Parkour 2.5. 

  11. 13 hours ago, Ventura_Highway said:


    If I had to take two changes I'd like from the suggestion I put up, it would be his 1st ability and his passive:


    1: what would happen to his 1st ability (short version; the single-shot-shock will remain, but a new full-auto, low-drain electric stream version would be added when the power is held).
    How this would work: hold 1 would first cause Volt to fire his first ability like he always do, followed by his arm effectively locking in a looped version of the animation as a stream of shocking voltage fires at the enemy.
    2: the other proposition for his passive (charge from running = duration and bonus damage during that duration).
    How this would work: the passive's only change is that as soon as you deal damage, there's a short time where you can still deal that extra damage.

    These to me would be enough of a change.

    I respect that you think the main suggestions in my original suggestion pile sound too much like Nidus (and too overpowered, but as you put it yourself, electricity as a damage type is weak). Given that, in my opinion, Nidus' power damage output is the kind of damage Volt should be allowed to do. In addition, Volt still wouldn't have any way to recharge his shields, health, or gain extra lives as Nidus does, which would give Volt two main playstyles:
    1: The guy who uses 1 and 2 all the time.
    2: The guy who hunkers down in a shield-cube around the objective, uses 4 when enough enemies surround it, and then uses 1 to spread/refresh the stun/add damage.

    Though these technically already exist, but without the addition of shock because shock is essentially harmless right now or the inclusion of other gameplay styles such as the shield-bearer and ult-spammer.

  12. Based on Volt's base description (potent alternative to gunplay), I immediately look to Nidus, who, for lack of any other way to describe him, IS a weapon.

    My Spoiler contains a full revisit suggestion that DE should honestly read over.



    What I mean is, Nidus can forgo weapons entirely (well, maybe not Hirudo or a health restoring configured melee) and absolutely rely on his powers on their own due to how he can regain and just keep getting energy from taking damage. In addition his powers actually kill.

    Volt, like many others, is currently, to me, in a place where he's more of a support than an alternative to gunplay. His powers (Shock, Speed, Shield and Overload) and passive fail to achieve what Nidus is beyond-excelling at. Entirely.

    His Passive:



    For example. I run around a bit, build up the static charge, then hit an enemy with one bullet from a Soma Prime clip, thus wasting the damage buildup, or use Shock, only to find that the damage isn't enough.

    How this can be changed is as follows; Volt running around and dealing damage to enemies via Shock or while affected by Speed would add to a Voltage Meter, which is basically a reskinned Mutation Stack but affects Volt differently.

    The more stacks Volt attains, the faster he moves, the higher the damage (and damage cap), the faster his shields recharge, and his melee attack/reload speeds are increased.

    Volt's speed, then, when recast with about 10 stacks, makes you go 10 times faster. It gets crazy, but Volt isn't the most durable. 

    Short ver: Electrical version of Mutation Stacks, affects shield regen, power dmg, range, efficiency and dmg cap, weapon reload/melee speed, and movement speed.
    Oh, and it decays by 1 every second you're not using powers (decay rate is slower with duration and efficiency mods; when decay begins, you regen energy very quickly).


    His 1 (Shock):



    Right now, it's useless except for trying to spread the Overload stun proc.

    To fix this, Shock could act like an Exalted weapon (like Chroma's Spectral Scream, but you hold it to sustain it rather than tap it to turn it on or off; it would drain energy to use, and is basically an Amprex in function; if I were to compare the intent of what I'd do to his one I'd refer to Destiny's Warlock Stormcall super and how you basically Darth Sideous electrify everyone in your way) and the new passive would sort out the rest, making the only change needed being to make it significantly less expensive to cast (1/10 cost) and make it 'full auto' (channeled cast with some auto-tracking due to electricity),. 

    Though the Conclave side would need much rebalancing to accommodate, this would 'flip the switch' and cause a lightning storm.

    Short ver: lower power cost significantly, allow it to be fired continuously. Successful kills add to passive (say, 10% per kill, with the Volt Meter being a max of 500% and higher if duration and energy cap mods are used).


    His 2 (Speed):



    It's used for blending or running faster.

    While the passive I would introduce would fix this partially, I believe Speed should have an electrical damage aura and would bring with it an enhanced version of Volt's current passive (which would instead act like this; distance crossed would be damage buff, and distance is also duration of the buff, so it doesn't get used up instantly) as well as enabling all damage from Volt to have a small amount of electricity damage due to the passive effect.

    This would synergize this power with his 1st.

    Short ver: Add old passive with new settings; distance crossed isn't directly turned into damage, instead distance = time + damage buff while Speed is active. Add an electricity aura that stuns enemies Volt runs past. Maybe add an ability cast speed boost instead of boosting melee as that is handled by the new passive I'd give him if I could.


    His 3 (Shield):



    While it at first seems out of place, it has its uses.

    Introduce a passive effect which is, when Volt casts Shock at the shield, then to another shield, the shields connect and their durations combine. Shocking it again refreshes the duration. Four shields can be connected to eachother at any time. Picking up even one of the shields will cause the shields to break and energy spent on them be refunded.

    Short ver: Shields can be connected to eachother for more duration and are coverage via Volt's 1, and can be charged up via a dose of Volt's 1. Picking up shield breaks circuit.


    His 4 (Overload):



    It works as a crude crowd control method, but it isn't the best.

    While the new passive would enhance it, the AOE Overload would cover should gain a 'floor is electrified' effect - like the electrified water on Sealabs - but with significantly more damage to enemies. This would theoretically kill everything hit by Overload, if not the afterShock from Volt.

    Short ver: Floor is electrified. Enemies will die from it or face continued electrocution.


    In my opinion these changes will make Volt the alternative to gunplay that his 'frame description says while enabling his powers to scale with enemies. At the very least this will put him up with Excalibur Exalted Blade or Radial Blind configurations in terms of effectiveness, and make him worth using again.



  13. Limbo.


    I can understand the hatred for Limbo but that's just because of his Stasis and what I call 'Auto rift' (Rift Surge, was it?) which, when enemies get damaged in the Rift and die, other non-rifted enemies get rifted.

    Meaning Limbo's 2 and 3 are why he's hated when people want to camp and shoot from the objective. One solution is to restrict Limbo's ability range, warn the squad about what you're doing, and proceed to ignore their rants about it so long as the Cataclysm is on the objective.

    As for Ash.


    I don't understand people who dislike this Warframe. They nerfed his 4 to be his new 1, and his 1 has no effectiveness beyond level 30 enemies, not to mention people can just kill the enemies Ash has marked with no consequence (Ash gets his energy back if he doesn't cast his 4 when marked units are killed).

    Other frames.



    I would, however, understand people disliking Ember and Banshee, or Frosts who misplace bubbles.

    But then I'd not understand people disliking Hydroid, thanks to the revisit allowing people to kill enemies in Hydroid's puddle and not suffer the Nox or other dangerous foes.

    Though I would then understand why people say Zephyr needs a rework; two of her powers are prototype Parkour 2.0 moves - the latter being a melee slam without a melee, and her third doesn't really do anything except boost weapon effective ranges.

    Besides that I don't think there's any other hate-able frames - besides anyone killing themselves with explosive armaments from pure ignorance of frames like Harrow, Nidus, and Inaros - though Octavia is on the list due to people not trying to be experimental with filling out her Mandachord but it's not the most inconvenient thing.

    Loki still can do more harm than Ash with switch-teleporting, disarming, and redirecting (via his 1 while his 2's up) enemies.

    Then again, each Tenno to their own; this matter is opinion-based.



  14. The Father* has paid you a visit.
    *Refer to War Within, when the Tenno quotes him - "There's something out there, Kiddo, watching us..." And again, later on, when the Tenno is literally mind-jacked by him responding to what the Tenno did with the Kuva.

  15. @kambinks, Scarab Swarm drains your hp for armour up to 100%. Each 25% used damages enemies and begins giving back health if you're in range, I've forgotten how it synergizes with crowded enemies and Dessicate but I know there's some sort of synergy there. It gives back health in a lifesteal form upon use, but if you fall off a cliff with any % on you, it gets refunded into health (but there's no 'overhealth' or conversion to shields - so if you had max health when that happened, you lost your Scarab armor and have to refuel it).

    And all Warframes have a section of UI devoted to explaining the abilities.

  16. Inaros can mark enemies with Devour, which can be interacted by teammates to heal them. He cannot provide any other healing than that, and nobody notices (they just kill the marked guy without checking their hp if they have low hp).

    In these spoilers are my opinion and understanding of Inaros' abilities.



    This does not cover his passive, but does cover the other unmentioned passive he has.

    1: Inaros' Dessicate blinds enemies that look at him, deals damage over time to them and heals Inaros in tiny chunks. Finishing them off gives Inaros a big chunk of his health back - which is even bigger if you stick on a maxed Vitality, Primed Vigor, and Gladiator Resolve (which are in my build for my Inaros which results in 6.8k hp - which last's as long as an unmodded Excalibur in any missions outside ones below level 10, in Sorties). Don't forget Rage on health-only frames like Inaros can make them endless.

    2) Inaros' Devour stops enemies from doing anything for a duration and exposes them to being drained by interacting with them for health. Essentially they become health fountains until they're killed, devoured by Inaros, or the duration ends. This power has three, maybe four, purposes: A: stop deadly enemies like Bursas from doing anything. B: Health fountains for allies. C: Sand-Shadows if Sandstormed or Devoured by Inaros. D: Crowd devour-marked enemies around objectives and observe how enemies refuse to open fire.

    3: Inaros' Sandstorm flings enemies around and slowly kills them. Slowly. If they're marked for Devour, if they die during its duration while in Sandstorm they come out as Sand-Shadows, and Inaros is healed all the while - making spamming the 2nd ability then Sandstorming into them a great way to handle crowds.

    4: Inaros' Scarab Swarm has three ways of use: 1: Alternative damage output, with healing. 2: Extra armour (which, with an augment, becomes like Iron Skin - preventing status effects from Grineer scanners and so on at the cost of its own percentage). 3: Emergency health if you get overwhelmed by Nullifiers.



  17. They're not Void. They're Corrupted Crewmen with Strun shotguns.


    Enemy damage and armour scaling goes through the roof after level 30. The only solution is to bring high-damage weapons or high-survivability frames.

    Examples: Excalibur (blind), Inaros, Nidus, Harrow, Chroma if built correctly, Oberon if built correctly, Wukong, and more.


    And it's called enemy scaling. And they're AI, they're 100% accurate all the time. The only times they miss is thanks to you sliding, or their weapons having bad accuracy. 


    I agree mainly that the scaling of enemies after level 30 becomes outright ludicrous because of how big the numbers get, but until DE begins working on Damage 3.0 proper I don't see them changing anything at all because of how all of our weapons and some of our 'frames, like Nidus, Hydroid, and anyone who can blind to deliver melee finishers with daggers with Covert Lethality, have, since this realization of bad scaling, become overpowered (i.e; Arca Plasmor, Zarr, Tigris Prime, any good crit weapon with Hunter Munitions in it). 

  18. @krc473, what the OP was basically saying how DE could work in a PC login for Warframe for console builds, but due to the build differences and differences in content you wouldn't have everything you had on PC.

    For a stereotypical example, The Sacrifice comes out on PC. I get Excal Umbra. I go on Console, which doesn't have that yet, and Excal Umbra doesn't show up in my inventory there at all.

    How I perceive that Mastery Issue to be dealt with:


    As for Mastery Rank, when you go on console and log in with your PC account on Warframe on console (as in, when you boot up Warframe on console, you have two login options: A: use Playstation/Xbox login (exclusive to respective consoles) or B: manual login. B allows you to log in with a PC account, as for PC, you'd also be able to enter your console login and just log in like that, but you won't be able to access exclusive skins and cosmetics), it would subtract the 'content that doesn't exist on this build's Mastery XP and if that causes you to go back a MR on your console side until that build gets that content, and when it does you automatically reclaim your lost MR XP and autoskip the MR test (like how we got free reputation rankups with the Operation Reputation for Plague Star).

    Though its unfortunately true that Sony and Microsoft refuse any and all possible methods for PC accounts to be used on console builds of Warframe and vice-vera.

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