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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. I've tried to use Chroma again, against Teralysts, but his first three abilities feel like a waste of energy right now.

    In this not-spoiler, I will detail what I believe will save Chroma.


    1: Detach his Elemental Mastery passive and make it accessible like Vauban's utility grenades or Ivara's arrows.
    -This will inadvertently remove the need to pick one energy colour and focus fashion around it, but adding more energy colour slots (3 more, one for each other element) is optional.
    2: All abilities used by Chroma should gain extra damage from any elemental damage mods on equipped weapons, except Vex Armor.
    -This will increase the likelyhood for Spectral Scream and Elemental Ward to kill things, and would be a welcome addition.
    3: Spectral Scream should have a Pelt Roar charge attack.
    -Sounds suiting this already exist. He takes a breath, then screams, stunning enemies like the pelt would, but with a longer duration. This will give Chroma utility he needs.
    4: Remove buff cap on Vex Armor on Chroma, restore half of its original capability, and change the percentages.
    -Note: These changes only apply for Chroma, not the team buff that comes with it.
    -Also note: Chroma's Spectral Scream would receive the original damage value buff, considering it currently serves only to paint status procs on enemies.
    -This would make sustaining Vex Armor a necessity.
    -Current percentage values are misleading (500% Scorn/DMG buff may look big, but I don't see any extra damage happening; similar case with the armor/resistance buff).
    5: Introduce a new, Sentient-themed passive (status damage type resist).
    -After Value of Damage Type is received by Chroma, he becomes increasingly resistant to that damage type until it's not the damage type that's hurting him most.
    -Could be a stacking percentage system which only works when the pelt is worn.

    As long as 2 and are introduced, at the very least in a manner like this:

    -Chroma's powers gain extra power strength/damage from any weapon mods which have status chance and elemental damage respectively.

    -Chroma's Vex Armor has no limit, allowing Chroma to focus on a continuous Vex Armor build which allows him to survive like he used to, but not his allies, because the version they will be benefited by will still have the upper limit.


  2. 11 hours ago, DeadlyCreation said:


    I was thinking that Chroma's buff affects himself the most. Let me explain.
    1: The team buff effect remains unchanged and will not be getting buffed.
    2: The armor self-buff from Vex Armor would be at half original values (pre U22.12) when Chroma's pelt is equipped.
    3: The damage self-buff from Vex Armor would be at original values (pre U22.12) for abilities, but at half original values for weapons.

    Alternatively, DE should allow Chroma's Vex Armor to scale infinitely on himself, which would make sustaining the ability more sensible.

    Chroma by design was meant to be able to survive when all else was in ruin. Now he is merely a fashionframe with credit farming abilities.

    DE should do something about this as this nerf has impacted him as hard if not harder than the one to Gara's vitrify wall.

  3. From my experience running up against a Teralyst as Chroma now, his buff and effects are just energy sinks.

    Since Chroma's pelt's origins are Sentient, like Hunhow's Fragments, he deserves the resistances and extra damage he should be outputting, but only him.

    -1/2 restoration of full Vex Armor while pelt is on Chroma (does not affect teammate buff, which will remain as is now).
    -2/2 restoration of full Vex Armor bonus damage, plus elemental damage, for Chroma's Spectral Scream (his 1 would actually kill and serve as an exalted weapon).
    -Introduce an alt-power in Elemental Ward, allowing the elemental colour to swap between other colours (random colour pick, but restricted to one element, with fire being the first).
    Outcome, in theory:
    -Would give back Chroma his ability to survive Sorties like many others.

  4. Gara's Mass Vitrify Wall now gets stronger the more enemies are claimed by its spreading phase. I suggest the following strategy with her, where appropriate:
    0: Build Gara with Rage and Rejuvenation and maximum hp/power strength/energy capacity/duration.
    0A (optional): Select Zenurik for costless energy pizza.
    1: Activate Gara's ult on or around objective, but only enough to encompass the objective.
    2: When enemies have gathered, reactivate Gara's 1 while in mid-air (Vitrify wall then becoming impassible for enemies).
    3: Repeat phases 1 and 2 when the wall is shattered.

    Aside from that, Gara is a strong frame.

  5. 4 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:

    [Steve tweeted a nice camera thing]

    Not only that, but Scott also said something about Dojos being considered for Captura scenes. This is getting closer, but I've got a list of features I'd like to see:


    -Ability to spawn more than 3 enemies.
    Simulacrum and actual gameplay allow this. Why not here?
    -Ability to hijack enemies, set certain enemies to be allies (player-controlled enemies for easier scene creation), and lock them in place (convert to frozen ragdoll, with any effect that was playing at the time).
    This would allow people to get bigger battle scenes, like invasions where Grineer are fighting Corpus, or create scenes which right now are only possible in Source FIlmmaker.
    -Ability to convert any character into a ragdoll, and pose it (plus keyframing).
    This is more for diorama scenes or posters than to help with making Warframe animations INSIDE Warframe but if the latter can be done then this would be amazing.
    -Ability to place any object, any prop, even weapons, armour, and every part used in tilesets (scenebuilding).
    This is because not all tiles are available for Captura and some tiles are either not right in one way or just don't work. Not to mention that, as of writing, there is a scarce number of Captura tiles available which make options rather difficult for people who want the power to make a particular scene but know the tile for it doesn't exist ingame or isn't available for Captura use.


  6. Perhaps a way to fix Shuriken is to make it cost 2 energy per shuriken, and/or make it an exalted weapon. As for teleport, one fix is for a 'tap to use as usual' and 'hold to enter bladestorm'.

    As for the issue with special things like the extra combo counter duration from the augment, Chroma is also suffering a similar issue with Vex Armor not providing its buffs at all.

  7. Tusk Grineer have two anti-air weapons which have always been there since Plains released:


    -The automated rocket turrets.
    -Glowy-red rockets from Bombards and Hellions.
    Both of which home on you like mad and, upon impact, will forcibly turn off Archwing or Archwing equivalents.

    The solutions, so far:


    -Kill everything.
    -Don't use Archwing. Use Dargyn instead (if you have the opportunity and enemy levels aren't over 40, as Dargyn weaponry does not scale, which is the same case with Ramparts).
    -Use :naramon: SPOILER to enhance SPOILER to zip across the Plains faster, if Archwing and/or Dargyn are not viable (enemies dealing too much damage or otherwise).

  8. This happens also with warframes and the Repala Syandana on occasion due to how the cloth physics handle the warframe's physics boxes. To fix this, the entire character(s) would need to use an assisted ragdolling mechanism, like that employed on Ambulas 2.0, the Teralyst and its bigger variants.

    Problem: Characters or parts of characters clipping through floors, and Syandanas/cloth bits clipping through characters.

    Solution: Assisted ragdolling (like how in Dark Souls, Skyrim or Halo 3, where characters' feet would align of its own accord to geometry, and subtly modify animations on the fly to compensate).

    Temporary solution: Use the meditate animation, and the Tenno Kneel animation for sitting.

  9. 4 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

    You can dual wield any throwable melee weapon with any single pistol.


    I remember seeing a Devstream (the one where the Sentient armcannons models where revealed and throwable melee + single sidearm were shown off in the Dev build) where sword-type melees were being tested in a similar manner. I hope DE will implement such a thing sometime soon to help mix up the gameplay.

  10. They're both pretty decent, competent weapons. The Stubba is a fast SMG with a not-so-great ammo economy but great crit chance, and the Quartakk is a decent burst rifle if you want a truck-hitting burst rifle for a primary. Make both, try them out.

  11. 2 minutes ago, xandro2 said:

    but why is it only at night then, the sentients are there day and night, they just only roam at night. also i like cold damage on myself more then magnetic ^^ 

    Sentients are not awake in daylight, because, according to the Cetus legends about Gara's sacrifice to kill Eidolon, Eidolon and his forms cannot roam in daylight as it blinds them. Also, the Vomvalysts and even Teralysts to an extent can turn into energy, which only reinforces the connection.

    Short: When, if not where, have you ever seen active Vomvalysts/Teralysts in daylight?

  12. The Sentient, Eidolon, crashed in such a proximity as an outcome of his mind's destruction that the plains' water itself has been tainted to the point where his remains can manifest as Teralysts, Vomvalysts, and who-knows-what-else. From how I interpreted what I know, this is why the water is not good for your shields, let alone the Tenno.

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