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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Refer to Vauban's extra utility grenades and how that works, on the topic, it would be nice to have a 'go here'n 'attack this/protect this' and 'follow that/return to me' on all summons:


    -Nekros' Shadows.
    -Inaros' Sand-shadows (need an augment for more, health-is-lifetime Sand-shadows which would be healed by Dessicate).
    -Chroma's Pelt/Sentient Effigy.
    -Atlas' Rumblers.
    -Nidus' maggots.
    ...And so on.


  2. On 11/30/2017 at 1:22 PM, Vlada91 said:

    Yea I hope for that to come some day in a future,for example for frost deluxe helmet...

    On that topic, remember that particular Oberon helmet which was styled to fit both the normal Oberon and his Prime counterpart?

    That approach, while incredibly tricky to pull off, can work and should be a focus when doing Tennogen alt-helms for Deluxe skins, since you'd mostly have to appeal to the base frame design aswell.

  3. I've experienced The Father's visitations at least once. I perceive him as that one guy who's actually really nice but just spooks you by accident every time he greets you.
    Spoilers: Second Dream, War Within, Chains of Harrow.


    1: Operator, in War Within, when reciting Father, is when the nickname 'Kiddo' is first mentioned.
    2: Operator, after Chains of Harrow, may appear with the Father's eyes and voice.
    3: The Father doesn't care if you pick this or this colour via the choice system. His spawn chance is entirely randomized. 

    To avoid him, always use the ESC/pause menu to navigate the ship interior. If something bugs out, re-enter pause menu and choose the same destination again.


  4. DE should make the map variants equally likely to happen so you don't get the same room layout all the time; it would have that added unpredictability. Maybe also changing the spawn rooms to be randomly generated would add some much-needed randomness to the otherwise familiar defense map.

    Though that's just my opinion. Another would be to take all the Interception/defense/hijack tiles and add them into the base mission tilesets, as these huge spots could do with appearing in survival/exterminate/capture missions. Some hijack tiles could even be used in reverse as arrival points.

  5. This idea actually already exists, but involves joining an active session with real people. Though it's a prototype. I like the idea of going against AI enemies using Tenno loadouts to simulate this.






    Though, for story clarity, I would call it Stalker Override as you're overriding the Stalker's own control with your own, since he's but a Low-rate Orokin Guardian who's locked up in a warframe (related: Ordis Cephalon fragments, Silver Grove questline, War Within quest).

    DE have proven that it can and does work, but they're not rolling it out just yet, in spite of them still having access to this even on Prime Times.

    Someone remind [DE]Rebecca about this. Stalker needs more air-time.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Reaverhart said:

    [Event weapon as reward]

    But this can be exploited, which might be why DE could've ditched the Clan-modified missions for the new [PH]Dark Sector 'Extermination-race'... Though it's a guess at best as I've not heard DE saying that outright.

    As for high-difficulty missions, there's also high-level/endless survivals/defenses/intercepts/excavations, not to mention also Kuva Siphons/Floods which ramp up the enemy levels.

    And the Tileset-builder in Captura was just an idea I and maybe some others were tossing around, DE did not speak of it (yet?) but I suspect with Captura getting more stuff this would be inevitable, when more Captura tiles become available and the ability to bolt them together is created.

    @theraot, I remember [DE]Scott recently saying that, internally, the idea of using your Clan Dojo for Captura is being considered as well as (finally) the introduction of Faction-styled tile bits to really transform the Dojo into something completely new.

  7. 5 hours ago, Serifaz said:

    do you guys think we will be able to make tennogen armor any time?

    DE said no to this before. You will have to suffice with retexturing Oberon's base mesh until we can find a solution that benefits both sides...
    Then again, we have Oberon Prime, who looks Templar enough, but the challenge then is making that alt helmet fit both his Prime and non-Prime styles.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Reaverhart said:

    [Refers to Clan Mission system/Kingpin system]

    6 minutes ago, Zhoyzu said:


    DE did, and probably still has plans, for Clan-made missions (i.e: Only Sentients in the Void, or only Bursas, etc...) and the 'Kingpin system' which was outlined a number of Devstreams ago. They did not mention at all about artificially-assembled tilesets but that could be put in for Captura.

  9. @polarity, if Trials could do it, then so can normal missions (or mixed missions); perhaps DE should look into multi-host net-coding.

    Here's an idea:
    -Specific, 8-player bounties in the Plains (Excavation, Defense, Extermination).
    -Unique 8-player missions, such as hybrid gametypes (Excavation/Interception or Excavation/Defense, Survival/Defense, or even Exterminate/Escort to name a few, where both objectives are running simultaneously and affect eachother*).
    -Special 8-player bossfights, like two Razorbacks? Six Raptors? Eight Ambulas 2.0s?

    *Hybrid gametype details:
    -All tiles used will be twice as big as they would also contain the other objective, where required.


    Excav-ception: Maintain control of the local defense network to prevent AA guns from taking down excavators and provide detailed scanning data for excavator deployment, while also protecting the excavators themselves.
    -For every 10% intercepted, increased chance to spawn battery carriers and an increased chance for a digsite to be marked. Failed interceptions cause area lockdown, which must be uplifted before the scanner can proceed.
    -Tilesets: Excavation areas and Interception room, connected at the spawn point.

    Excav-fence: Defend a prototype planetside scanner drone as it is essential to locating digsites.
    -If the drone is destroyed, chances of finding more digsites drop significantly until the current digsites are harvested. A means of calling another drone at the cost of mission-obtained resources and currency would be available. 
    -Tilesets: Excavation areas and another extraction room where a scanner drone can be called down.

    Survi-fence: Protect a hacked network terminus as it forcibly expells the ship's cargo (rewards) and keep enemies distracted.
    -Loss of the network terminus will result in more ordinary rewards. Network terminus cannot be destroyed proper, but if enemies hack it for long enough, you'll need to hack back in (resets rotations and loss of bonus resources if terminus is hacked by enemies).
    -Tilesets: Survival areas and a classic Spy room.

    Extermi-cort: Escort the disguised explosive to the enemy base and kill all witnesses.
    -Loss of the payload will kill everyone and deem the mission a complete failure. Death of enough enemies will deem the mission a success, allowing for premature extraction.
    -Tilesets: Hijack tile (objective moves in reverse direction).

    The best thing about this, is that all DE really has to do is code in how the two mission types would affect eachother, sort of their spawn arrangements so the missions aren't split like a Grineer-sided Invasion tileset is (with those drop pods), and wedge on the +4 more player spaces.

  10. -Mod packs on the Market contain mods that can easily be obtained with a tiny bit of internet searching, and a lot of killing.

    -Relic packs, which can be bought in the Market, can also be obtained from almost any Syndicate (exempting Quills, Cetus, and Simaris), or from doing almost any mission type.

    -These packs are thus overlooked and unspoken about to the point of being ignored and/or forgotten. Here's a suggestion: Make these packs purchasable with Ducats, same thing would go for any kind of slot, with a conversion rate which would be fitting (i.e: 5 ducat to 1 platinum, meaning a frame slot is 100 ducats, and a pair of weapon slots would be 62 ducats). 

    -Warframe's RNG is notoriously evil, meaning people would rather spend their plat on something cosmetic or via Trade Chat* instead.

    -*Then again, traded Plat could end up being spent by a curious mind who wanted to see if it was worth it. Hint: It's not (see: mod transmutation, Void Fissure RNG).

  11. The ESC menu anim should play for others looking at the person who's in the ESC menu so you can tell who's about to ragequit for no reason or not. It's that little bit of extra immersion, before adding inverse kinematics from Teralyst, Ambulas 2.0, and Lephantis.

    That aside, a feign pause screen emote would be nice, with your glyph showing up facing away from you. This would not only A: add an intro option for aspiring Tenno, but also B: allow people to introduce eachother without talking or typing.

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