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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. The only part that isn't working is the fact that:
    1: Icons don't show up (buffs still exist).
    2:You can't use old Focus powers as Tenno ults (should be reintroduced along with the old passives and actives in my opinion; I don't feel as powerful without these things). 
    3: Javlok alt-fire doesn't work when at 0 ammo (I know, completely irrelevant, but I recall this having been fixed before).

  2. The solution to this is that the mission should save progress, like how Plains Bounties work, after every rotation or objective completion.
    Solution method:
    If [rotation] passes, save progress, move rewards to ship.
    If [assassin] is beaten, save.
    If [objective] is completed, save.
    If [kills] meets a certain amount out of the amount needed to unlock extraction, save.

    This increased frequency of having rewards shuttled back to your inventory/orbiter instead of worrying about mission failure due to host migration/crash/??? would benefit a lot of people and, like back when U18 came along and unhinged extra lives from being per frame per day (+ microtansaction option), would theoretically be a massive quality-of-life addition.

  3. The way you presented the skin aswell as the skin and additional items is astounding, DE should consider making Tennogen cosmetic sets (like how we've got deluxe skin bundles) if this trend of Tennogen skin + weapon skin + Syandana keeps going so you won't have to submit things separately because of this.

    Seriously, they should. I'd definitely buy the three items as a single bundle if that was possible.

  4. Terminator Nyx based on what I hear/know is basically an impervious tank, though I suggest the following mods:
    Note that this is just theoretical. I didn't have the mod or her full Prime set to bother trying to test this for myself.



    -As many energy efficiency mods as you can cram on Nyx.
    -As many energy capacity mods as you can cram on Nyx.
    -Health/shield mods.
    -Equilibrium and Rejuvenation.
    -Rage build to get energy.
    -Any mods that accelerate casting speed.

    Theoretically this setup would allow Nyx to quickly activate tank mode at any time.



  5. Bungie destroyed themselves by serving Activision (who I will often correlate to the Reaper in Mass Effect 1, Sovereign) and kicking out all the good persons, and making increasingly bad decisions. They are already dead in all form but name in my book, and it was then that the Tenno struck, telling anyone who spoke of or played Destiny to go try Warframe; a logical tactic which wasn't always successful because of how the microtransactions are presented first over blueprints

    As for Anthem? I only see a pile of decent assets, a Section 8 ripoff, and a Destiny's worth of history for that (already dead; Anthem's assets will inevitably be gutted for Source Filmmaker usage, as should be the case with Destiny 2 in due time).

    The future, if the 'AAA' industry wants to survive at all, is to go free-to-play. They're already gating content in a free-to-play manner anyway so they have no rights to deny the notion of artificially overblowing their populations for the sake of :corpus: Corpus Grofit.

    In the end, I still await the day I will claim Ballas' sword, and Umbra, and use them together as intended.

  6. That is a benevolent bug. Someone in the Dev team wants more people to be Chroma, clearly.
    DE should make it so that, if you complete a Questframe Quest and have either sold the blueprints or built the frame and then sold, you could buy all the parts (unless it's farmable, like Nidus, Octavia and Harrow), especially the blueprints. 

  7. To access Rivens in this case:
    1: Go to weapon riven is available for. Put riven on weapon. Go to mods via the weapon upgrade/modding interface; the mod should be there.
    2: Go to mod bench, and instead of looking via filters, type in the respective weapon name the Riven is for.
    2A: To find out if you have any rivens, type [riven mod] in an empty squad chat.

  8. 1: There are no horses. Not yet anyway, though I'd like to see if the Archwing can handle a hoverbike-esque mode of travel at least. Otherwise, I suspect a Moa variant or Grineer/Corpus bikes, quad-wheeled/hovering/legged vehicles of various types (from light troop transports to mobile weapon emplacements to tanks like the Razorback), to a variation of the Raptor which can be flown.

    Generally, until there's more larger tiles(ets) which allow for vehicle combat, I doubt DE'll go far into the 'take enemy stuff and use it' beyond a small number of things (like Ramparts, Orokin laser traps in the Void, and Dargyns).

    2: Dargyns have specific spawn regions, but don't always spawn in all of them. Try not to alert the Grineer before trying to take one since a pilot, when they're driving one, is linked to the vehicle's health pool and thus trying to kill them would destroy the vehicle in the process.

    On a derivative note, DE could consider a 'freeform setting' which allows, say, up to 8 players to go to the Plains for example, but not be in the same squad (so they don't share XP unless they click 'invite to squad', causing that player to then be in your squad or if you accepted their invite, vice-versa) or some similar idea to add life to the Plains and other open areas by increasing the number of players out there (i.e: two squads running the same tier of bounty, but have different bounties in different places, perhaps converging together on the last one with double rewards?).

  9. I recommend you forgo understanding the gametype and just join a public lobby and kill enemies if you can find any.
    Informative stuff in here, no actual spoilers.


    1: Do not use main Life Support Capsules if Life Support is over 40%, unless you're heading to extraction.
    2: CTRL(crouch)+Space(jump) = bullet jump. Aim/block buttons cause aimgliding. Sliding also shortens the time before you land without triggering the 'long fall' animation.
    3: Stick with the team if you can. Try not to wander off too far if you can't help it.
    4: Check chat frequently when you have a moment.
    5: Put an Orokin Reactor on your warframes if you can't get their Prime counterparts, and put Forma into them to get more out of higher-ranked mods.
    6: Rank up mods in the mod bench (fusion) to get more HP/shields/numbers.
    7: At your own risk, look up about things. Otherwise if you don't want spoilers of big quests, I suggest checking the Codex thoroughly for any sort of information.
    8: Kill count/abilities used isn't the only way to define a player's skill. See Spy missions for an example of this, or how some people use deployables (like Atlas' tectonics, Frost's Globe, Gara's Mass Vitrify, Limbo's Cataclysm, Volt's shield-walls, Vauban's various deployables, Chroma's Effigy/Pelt, and more) in a creative manner (i.e: using Tectonics to block enemies from travelling a specific route, or Vauban's trampoline-grenade to send enemies falling into a vortex). Creative example: Vauban with a few bounce-pads, a Vortex just barely outside a Limbo Cataclysm, and a Nidus waiting for the moment to spam Virulence (his 1).


  10. Maybe they were A: not optimized for a perpetual renewal build (i.e: Rage + lots of health + renewal + decent weapons = eternal). B: not listening. C: levelling their frame. D: unknown.

  11. Bugs:
    1: Enemy HP bars are broken. 2: Someone complained in a squad I was with doing the Dex Syandana alert that their screen was blurred (motion blur malfunction). 3: Merely being in the Plains causes a crash to occur at any time between 5 seconds to 5 minutes. 4: Merely looking at the Teralyst and trying to do shield damage to it causes game crash. 5: UI locking up on trying to force my way out of <Spoiler> customization and back to navigation.
    1: Orokin faction icon has changed.

  12. That feature doesn't exist, but we (you, me, and anyone who wants it) are not alone in the idea:

    Somachord should grant it's owner(s) the ability to choose what songs they want to play in what order (an actual playlist), with the only limit being only one of each owned track per playlist. 

    Elaboration of concept in spoilers ahead:


    1: Somachord Tone Handler would be a mode accessed by tapping the interact key again (X) after accessing the Somachord.
    2: Here, you open up a mod menu, but instead of mods, you have tones/tracks/music. Your Somachord gains more slots and capacity as you unlock more tracks, until hitting a hard-cap of as many Somachord tracks as there is as of U22.15.1.
    -There are three playlists available, like how you have three mod setups.
    -This allows you to select what tracks should play in what order.
    3: I suggest giving Octavia synergy with the Somachord by either adding a 4x-longer Mandachord mode to make Somachord tracks, or allowing the Somachord to play Mandachord tracks for up to 3 loops for any Mandachord track before the Somachord moves to the next track, if that mode is enabled.


  13. Perhaps get Ordis, Teshin, the Syndicates, etc... to fill in the gaps at random on some missions, or even your <Spoiler> could go 'Lotus would say / would tell us / etc...' and add to this mix (although that dialogue would not trigger if you muted them), instead of downright deleting Sim_Lotus.exe?

  14. How affinity works, ever since ever(?):
    1: If you use <item>, <item> gets xp, and so does the warframe you're using. This also affects companions, I would think.
    2: If you use your warframe's abilities all the time, all the xp earned will go to the warframe itself.
    3: Teammates, however, if they kill anything within eachother's affinity radius, they all get xp.
    Note: Naramon's Melee Xp boosting passive does get affected.

    Others have pretty much explained the details.

  15. 1: Second Dream* is where one truly wakes up.
    2: People can 'step out' of their Warframes after War Within. Then visit Cetus; there's something to pick up there, once you've done War Within.
    3: I second this motion for adding a Transference Static effect onto any Operator who is not in their Warframe (see: censor bars, etc...) until they complete The Second Dream (visual; distorted version of their warframe with Transference Static VFX covering their hitbox).

    Lore-wise, this would be acceptable until they actually wake on <Spoiler*>.


    At the fourth mission of the Questline's major cutscene, which transitions to Lua.

    Even if people are spoiled, they wouldn't understand how deeply this will hit them themselves until they complete the respective quest(s).

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