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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. This looks like it would work as an April Fools Frame, but that day was 8 days ago. I'd think of a 'normal frame' as a frame with, well, 'normal' powers.
    In this spoiler is the specifics.


    Name: [PH]: Beast of Bones.
    Description: A mercenary who fights for what he believes is right; a menace of the Old War.


    Armor: 150.
    Health: 112 (at Rank 30) 325.
    Shields: 145 (at Rank 30) 375.
    Energy: 100 (at Rank 30) 175.

    Passive: Fast-reload.
    Reloading has a red segment at the midpoint which, if the reload button is pressed again when it hits that point, instantly completes the reload.
    This only works on weapons that have slower reloads, clips bigger than 1, and only when the weapon has no ammunition in the clip.



    1: Grenade. Cost: 25.
    Charge to shorten fuse, displays throwing arc, uses speargun/thrown sidearm animations where relevant.
    Tapping swaps between types: Flash (stuns enemies that look at it; confuses enemies that don't), Frag (explodes, ragdolling enemies), Shrapnel (procs slash and reduces enemy armour).

    2: Barricade. Cost: 50.
    Deploys a Tenno version of the Grineer Blunt; health/shields/armour is calculated from warframe + mods, can be picked up and moved around. Can have up to four active, but they have to be in a certain radius within eachother (radius increases with range mods).

    3: Lock. Cost: 0, cost to sustain: 2.5 energy when enemies are in range.
    Denies enemies the ability to trigger alarms while active, makes enemies outside the radius unable to hear what's happening inside it, as if it's another room. Allows the Tenno user to trigger a lockdown via any console while active. Enemy weapons jam at random, causing small Conclave ammo boxes to drop from them. Enemies killed within it's radius also drop said ammo boxes.

    4: Override. Cost: 75, cost to sustain: 0; damage taken drains energy instead of affecting shields or health.
    Becomes unable to cast other powers, run on walls, slide, or roll; his energy bar becomes a layer of shields that must be destroyed before he can take damage.


  2. Added:
    Lenses are one-use in the sense that trying to swap out a lens would destroy the equipped lens, and equipped lenses have no way of being uninstalled beyond a DE-authorized Focus Respec.
    How about giving the Arcane Distiller some functionality again? Here's a few ideas, and to make Void Traces worth farming beyond powering up relics and Vault keys:


    1: Ability to un-socket lenses, at a cost of Void traces (10 for normal lens, 40 for a Greater, 80 for an Eidolon).
    2: Ability to un-merge Arcanes, at the cost of other, unranked Arcanes (i.e: you have accidentally merged arcanes into two rank 1s, but wanted only 1 ranked 2, you could sacrifice other Arcanes.
    3: Arcane transmutation, costing Ducats, Void traces, and 4 Arcanes per go.


  3. Chroma was great, until they 'normalized' how the calculation for his abilities worked. His only current benefit is being able to spew an element of choice on enemies to enhance Condition Overload, or automate crate opening with his 2.

    What's worse is that anyone using him is now forced into only going for ice if they want to survive anything and forgo fashion preferences.

    Due to his Sentient origins I would like his rework, or review, revisit, or whatever-they-call-it-this-time to include the following changes, which would open him to more build variation than just ice:


    Passive: Sentient Adaptation: 
    Whenever Chroma takes damage, he will begin to negate one damage type until another damage type does more damage. Applies only when pelt is on or within affinity range of the Effigy.

    1: Spectral Scream:


    -Tapping would cause Chroma to scream, stunning enemies for a duration and opening them to finishers.
    -Holding this will cause him to enter the original Spectral Scream; an exalted weapon mode which can be disabled by swapping weapons or holding the ability again.
    -Tapping the ability after entering the weapon mode will cause Chroma to buffet the area infront of him. 
    -Holding the trigger causes him to exhale both his chosen element and the element he has been negating.
    -Aimgliding while in this weapon mode is infinite, and unbound by gravity, but drains energy; the Pelt's wings will be present, and flap appropriately to explain this visually.

    2: Elemental Ward.


    -Tapping will cause Chroma to switch through his base elements, removing: any combined damage acquired from using 1, all (de)buffs, and disabling powers for one second. During this time, Chroma's passive will not function and his energy will refund itself from all powers, damage, and (de)buffs attained.
    -Holding for a time will activate a buff related to the damage type you've received most, and the chosen element's buff.
    -It will also heal you if you are taking direct health damage.
    -Element icons can be used to represent each element he can swap to.

    3: Vex Armour:


    -Tapping will activate it as normal. Recasting will stack it's previous buff on top of a fresh one. A stacking combo counter will display above it.
    -Nullifiers cannot nullify this, or his passive, so long as the pelt is equipped. 
    -Recasting within it's duration discounts energy cost, additional discounts if Chroma is in range of his Effigy or is still wearing it.

    4: Effigy:


    -Tapping will spawn the Effigy. Tapping again will cause it to use Chroma's scream at no extra cost, at the price of the stunned enemies not being finisher-enabled (duration is doubled). This extra-tap function is overriden by the 'move Effigy' augment. 
    -Any damage taken within an area around the Effigy (or by Chroma himself) will be redirected at the Effigy. The Effigy adapts to damage and will switch elements instantaneously, and at random; can be affected by Chroma tapping his 2 to force it to pick that element. 
    -Hold to reclaim Effigy.


  4. Just now, LazyBlissIV said:

     syndicate standing.

    Optional, but inevitably beneficial, when it comes to Syndicates:


    -Simaris/Sanctuary (infinite, free, fast scanner, and a bunch of utility items including a chroma key Captura scene for editing out particular colours for transparent pics).
    -Conclave (free starter frames, some augments, but inevitably mostly cosmetic, if you're willing to endure the dedicated Conclave combatants' perpetual victories).
    Even though I too am nowhere near new by this point (3k hours and counting), there are always weapons/frames to level, but now the options are closing, and soon I will have to resort to trade chat to acquire Archwing weapon parts and Syndicate armaments to climb to the current highest MR. 

    As I wait for things (read: Apostasy, Ballas' sword, the frame with the Sentient Nodachi, Umbra, and content in general) to happen, I'm currently trying to:


    1: Farm Focus, not so passively.


    Once I realized what I wanted to do with the Focus Schools and where I put my lenses, I have found myself being forced to settle with specific armaments and to that end I wish we had the ability to uninstall all our lenses and refresh our focus pool using a certain number of Brilliant Eidolon Shards. A respec button, to be specific, maybe with a cooldown that requires, say, a week's worth of logins before it lets you do it again.

    2: Fetch Somachord tones.


    Out of pure preference I've been searching for Somachord tones. Unfortunately, as of this time of writing, there is no way to shuffle the music to play in a particular order, or to exclude particular tracks from playing. In addition (as of this moment) I am 1/2 complete on the Sentient Tombs track, which I intend to play on a perpetual loop until DE introduce the former features.

    3: Occasionally hunt Teralysts.
    4: Try to farm/acquire some Primes I still need to level.
    5: When I feel like it, Conclave.
    6 (optional): Assisting newer Tenno.


    Anecdote: A MR7 in one of my levelling runs in one of the 'fast-lane' locations didn't know about Orokin Reactors or Catalysts. Amazing.

    7: Use Captura to highlight one's current fashion style.

    It was your choice to open this spoiler. Good news: I don't spoil anything. Maybe a name, but that's about it.


  5. The 50 plat everyone begins with is immune to being traded (or, put short, being spent on stuff that you don't immediately own, or along those lines).
    I would solve this by selling Plains set mods, Prime parts, Ayatans, Focus Lenses, and so on via Trade chat if you're at least MR2. Such a solution is my typical habit* when it comes to wanting something new but not having the plat to get it.


    *A habit to begin on is to stock up vaulted relics and Prime parts/sets, then sell them when the prices escalate from the lack of availability which is common for vaulted parts.


    Nutshell: Trade fish for plat.

    Yes. You can do that.

  6. The 3rd bug only occurs if:
    1: Cetus hasn't yet loaded (door hasn't yet opened) fully. Can be countered by fast-travelling to anyone when the option is available.
    2: You haven't exited the gate (this can also be noticed by the fact that you can't check your arsenal* while you're in the corridor) on Cetus-side.

    *This is another bug, but it might be a solution to another bug.

    But the counter error on the Grokdrul and the Ghoul Alpha being in the wrong place definitely deserve a fix.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Immune07 said:

    I have seen other profiles that are not neutral. Is it special cases?

    Each animation set is locked to a specific point during the animation, a specific keyframe. That's why Ash's may not look any different as he's usually stood rather still.

  8. @NeithanDiniem, the Sentients were also a(n unintended) byproduct of the Orokin.

    I believed, initially, the Orokin were exclusively the ones who held titles (Executor, Archimedian, etc...), but then again the Tenno themselves could be considered Orokin to a fashion. This changed when Alad V was called an Orokin; perhaps Sentients see most humans as Orokin, with a distorted identification filter preventing alternative perceptions than such?

    We will learn more as time progresses.

    Also, anyone noticed that the Orokin Faction icon has changed in recent updates into a glyph visually akin to Frost Prime's helmet?

  9. Hate, Stalker's scythe, is close to the traditional scythe, but still hasn't been given PBR treatment as is with Pre-Hunhow Stalker and his arsenal.

    Given the increased frequency of Stalker's use, be it via Stalker Mode or the buffs on his weapons, I'd like DE to PBR said gear, maybe give it a mesh buff in the process.

    Also, scythe Zaws were shown in one of the Devstreams (aside the Nikana Zaw example), but I agree, we need more scythes, and the Primed one we have already aswell as Hate should be given quite a buff because the new scythes would be more powerful than them, so I'd think.

  10. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Callibur-X said:

    When did they add timers to everything?

    You didn't read patch notes. It was one of the recent patches, which added a timer on the end-of-mission screen so you can race yourself or others on how fast you can do a mission (theoretically). In practicality, the real question is, how many enemies can be killed in one minute?

  11. The only reason I prefer lingering in fissure missions if I can handle it is for the boosters it activates. Never knew it dropped radiants by itself after 15 rotations...

    In my opinion the rewards should stack in amount for ever successful set of rotations. Note that this is a mere idea and can be dismissed, is in spoilers:


    1st Rotation Set (RS): Nothing.
    2nd RS: Extra reward per subsequent rotations (as if you were competing 2 A/B/C rotations simultaneously).
    3rd RS: 2nd extra reward.
    And so on, until the enemies hit a level which is 10x their usual level (i.e: level 150 for survival/defense missions where enemy levels start at levels 10 to 15); the location would look powered-down as they literally would have scuttled the entire ship or abandoned the place due to how long you've been camping there; all the doors would be left sufficiently open for you to walk through, too. [Edited: Removed theoretical ending for endless missions.]

    Extra rewards can include resource bundles, like those featured in alerts, for the specific node. This would solve the issue with some resources not being in the quantities desired, and could be good incentive for us to try and hold out as we once did.


  12. While self-buffs of the following kinds exist:
    Harrow: Gun fire-rate, self-heal, shield heal, invul, crit boost.
    Ash: Smoke Screen/invisible energy discount for Bladestorm (efficiency buff).

    There are indeed no frames who can boost those stats as OP mentioned at this time. I'd like to see a frame who's 3rd ability allows it to buff only one stat while draining energy, or shields in an AOE or on single targets (allowing for one to forget one of those stats so long as this frame is present). Functionally, this frame's health/shields should be uniquely distributed: it's health pool will be split in the ratio of 1 to 3, and that 1/4 would be taken before shield damage, as shields would be used to enhance powers; the rest of the health would be used for surviving damage. Maybe the frame planned to come with the Sentient Nodachi could have this, not only as a self-buff as Chroma once had it, but also as a team buff, in the vein of Oberon's armour buff from standing on hallowed grounds?

  13. Problem: People chickening out at the last second on stay/go screens.


    1: Limit of one switch per person. If only one person is leaving/staying, they get the chance to switch to the other side.
    A ruthless, limiting method, but it is possible.
    2: Confirmation of staying alone. Confirmation should have enough time for people to read it and should be concise.
    Using the time it takes for the rest of the squad to listen to the Mission Complete music before it zaps to the loading screen to make this feasible, and give any remaining players the chance to escape certain destruction.
    3: Extend timer if you're the only one on staying side.
    A soft-handed solution.
    Surplus option: If alone but match set to public, add option to reset enemy scaling and rotation, thus opening the session for new participants, and by extension making it unnecessary to re-run Defense missions. The game would display mission completion, but actually instead use the Bounty reward programming to save it as a 'checkpoint'.

    Also, the way Host Migrations are handled can lead to many bugs or, in the rare case, fixing of other bugs. Unfortunately every time this happens, we have to endure a loading screen and when enemies become active again, the loading takes longer for others and we all start taking damage with no way to react.

    Not to mention that Host Migrations can also lead to every participant losing all progress, in some cases.

    That said, one solution is to force everyone into an isolated session if host migration fails, and then an option for them to extract and save progress. This solution can also utilize Lotus' Grustag 3 Mission Scrapped/Aborted dialogue.

  14. Perhaps further expansion of the Orbiter or Clan Dojo can facilitate the 'player housing' aspect? So far we already have:


    -The Orbiter; this is your house in space. You live here. You have a lounge, an Infested thing which deals with medical things, and a Cephalon who handles ship systems, not to mention plenty of room to decorate, though I wonder how one is going to expand on all that, unless there's a hidden doorway or a portal that leads to it.
    -The Clan Dojo; recent Dojo reworks have enabled Navigation. It's like Maroo's Bazzar meets typical Relay, but Syndicates are supplanted by Clan Labs.

    To expand for player housing (via Dojo):

    -Void Portal room (would allow for custom missions(?), a tile of your choice to yourself, and for domination of land beyond the Dojo; possibilities reach... a lot).
    This would allow people to select any tileset they have unlocked, within reason, and modify it, or build their own from scratch, by expanding on the decorator system and hooking in dev-tech to accelerate the process. Each 'private tile' can only be visited by that individual, and only one private tileset (of, let's say, up to 5 tiles within it) per Tenno.

    This 'custom tileset' could also be called upon for Captura, allowing for scene-building.

    I may be overthinking, but in the worst case, the idea is:
    Orbiter + Dojo decoration options + ability to select tileset you want to use + only one of these per person + can be used in Captura.

  15. I think the best solution for the damage numbers is to have them look like damage analysis information (damage type + damage number on a small diegetic plane that appears pointing at the point of impact, then quickly disintegrating once enough time has passed to read out the numbers), though it'll require some work and iteration to make it immersive.

  16. Rank 10 on whatever-that-node-is' leaderboards is what you reached. That isn't a bug; it's a recent feature.

    Though I admit DE should make it possible to see the leaderboards ingame somewhere, maybe in the blank spaces of the star-chart when hovering over a node?

    Corrected: Didn't know I could find it ingame already.

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