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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Just now, RevolverToxin said:

    [Why use a Furis?]
    Because you have syndicate augment that gives you lifesteal and 1000 dmg corrosive blast. Duh.

    Therefore trade in your Lato Riven for a Furis Riven. Problem solved.

  2. 1 minute ago, SelfariuS said:


    Still. My point about making a midway between the existing randomized tilesets and Plains (which will be designated as Regions) has merit. Consider it.

  3. Why use a Lato when you can use a Furis?
    Why use a Furis when you can build Afuris?
    Why have Afuris when you can build Akstiletto?
    Why use Akstiletto when it can become Aksomati?
    Why have that when you can have Akstiletto Prime over time?

    Why have any of those when Ballistica Prime can be quiet about it?

    Rethink this, Revolver with [Toxin dmg mod].

  4. 1 hour ago, SelfariuS said:

    [Delete every randomly generate tileset ever made and start over]

    This would make all their effort to redo the Earth tileset, and Navigation itself, a waste of resources.
    Details in spoiler below.



    They would need too much effort to do this. We should not remove the randomly generated tilesets, but instead expand and enhance them with limitations (ship shape, what tiles are allowed where, etc... to prevent ships from making no sense, and the introduction of Regions - based on the Plains' old prototypes using the Tileset system to bind massive sectors together).

    Another way to do the Open World thing is to make multiple Landscapes - like Plains of Eidolon - at key locations across the world and have the option to hack and hijack a transport to that region - so Earth could have a desert, abandoned Infested Orokin Derelict Cityscape, and high mountain regions where small Corpus outposts may be found - such as Everest.

    Though I adamantly object to the removal of existing content. The Old Braton could be re-shipped as a Corpus version (used by Braton crewmen; armoured 'Corpus Marines' as it were) with stats which would be the same as its Prime's, but by then the Braton Prime's base stats would've been doubled - except clip size and fire rate - to compensate, for example.

    That's why I suggest we don't try going crazy by attempting things like what you're suggesting, but instead expand on what they could've done (randomly generated bigger missions with multiple mission elements that can be done individually, with new objectives coming and going, and free reign over entry/extraction variables so anyone could come in and leave at any time, of course some would have a general time limit of 25 minutes which can be lengthened with combat).



  5. Void logic does make this very confusing. Spoiler has long version.



    After War Within I think (theorize) we have designated our Orbiter's Transference Chair as the equivalent of 'Home', and so whenever we're 'killed' as Tenno in battle, we get thrown back into that chair with some Transference Static cutting some of our Warframe's HP down. A similar thing happens with our Focus powers.

    What I do find odd is, despite what is said about our power as Tenno, we don't seem to be the almost 'see me and you shall die' kind of people we were portrayed as by the Orokin.

    I mean, if we've been able to blind, scar, and unintentionally disintegrate an unconfirmed number of persons - including Margulis, regarding the blinding -, we should have access to these powers and have at least 100-times our Void energy capacity - draining that energy to restore health and prevent fatal damage before being dragged back to the chair.


    In short, our Warframes are doors, and if we're fatally wounded we get thrown back through the door to the Orbiter.

  6. Plains of Eidolon isn't even out yet, so withhold your plans.

    There's also a few problems DE will have to handle along the way, which may have them swerve away from going this big.
    Some of these are more alternatives or ideas than actual problems.



    1: Almost every location - with a small number of exceptions - is randomly generated from an array of tiles, and most of the time the arrangements won't make sense for starships. This means DE will need to make a series of complicated rules and a few more Corpus/Grineer/Orokin Tower ship interior tiles to prevent seeing another part of the ship from inside-out.

    2: These rules would end up limiting random generation of starship tilesets, and then DE would need to introduce orbital platforms and space station tiles of Corpus, Grineer, and Orokin/Tenno design which would take a while, let alone the additional rules required to prevent them from resembling most instances of 'impossible space' maps.

    3: Plains isn't as 'open world' as you may think. DE called it a Landscape for a reason, much like how Hydroid's changes were what DE refers to as a Revisit, as a Rework is more like what DE did to Excalibur (i.e: introduction of Exalted Blade).

    4: Venus is slated to receive a Landscape at some point in the future should Plains of Eidolon succeed.

    5: Fortresses would need a new array of Castle (Corpus) or Base (Grineer) tiles to enable for easy assembly, and new randomly generated Corpus Sergeants and Grineer Captains would need to be coded in (basically Rathuum and Index bosses, but with a massive array of preset parts that are loaded in randomly which determine the traits, equipment, powers, and persona of each Sergeant or Captain, and they also might wear Grineer/Corpus-specific cosmetics).

    6: The map size you're asking for would require an unknown amount of time and up to ten times the team DE has at their disposal to achieve it at a speed the community would be happy with. Not to mention the sheer size of the pre-built map files with all the events and things.

    7: Alternative: Regions. Smaller than the Plains of Eidolon but bigger than your traditional map, and assembled from a custom-modified array of tiles which can adapt their terrain meshes to make the connections from tile to tile look natural or logical (such as a small cliff or Grineer lift on a Mars mission where one area has a jagged region that, atop it, has a Grineer watchtower or a massive Corpus gate which leads into a huge storage depot full of Corpus traffic - albeit not intent on violence no, but you could get deals on rare items there). These would need a lot of tiles and a series of rules to make them look unique each time, so you'd find, say, an Orokin biodome on Mars which houses a huge, unkept garden that has grown outside the biodome and restored some of the humid, lush terrain and within it those Golden Maws, among an array of artificially created wildlife and the occasional Arid Grineer patrol.


    To compress it down, DE may be reluctant to expand to a planetwide kind of open world for a number of reasons, and Venus is next for similar treatment should Plains show success in both the short and long terms.

  7. What you're saying is, essentially, to apply -some- (and only some, because of data storage restrictions, among other things) of the Weapon Holster Sliders to shoulder, Syandana, and chestplate armour.

    On a slight derivation from the subject, I'd like the ability to decide where my secondaries and primaries are holstered in the same vein as the melee (so primaries such as shotguns, rifles of all kinds, and pretty much anything except bows, could end up holstered on the right thigh or the lower back, angled horizontally, for example and secondaries could be stored at shoulderblade regions - exempting arm-mounted and throwable sidearms).

  8. Zanuka should be our first companion-frame. It is built from our Warframe components and thus Alad should be ordered to relinquish his Zanuka blueprint to us. Permanently.


    While Alad V went to use live Warframes for components - resulting in mentally scarred, for life, Operators - we could easily cobble one together out of Harrow, Oberon, or whatever other junk parts we happen to have - and a pet to command it with.

    How will this pet-frame work?






    You will need a biological pet out, one of any frame's parts (chassis, systems, neuroptics), and the Zanuka 2.0 Blueprint.

    Be warned that the biological pet chosen to commit to Transference will die in the process, being immortalized in Zanuka form.

    Takes 24 hours to complete.


    After construction:



    Upon completion, the pet's Orokin Reactor and one row of the pet's mods are copied as the new top 3rd row; only mods for that pet can go there, and there'd only be 3 slots for that.

    In addition to this, Zanuka 2.0 can have a Sentinel with it, but this would cause the Sentinel to go unarmed and act as a Shield Osprey if the mods to make it so are in use.
    The Sentinel's combat mods would influence and lead Zanuka into doing things such as ripping open containers.

    However, another price to pay yourself is the fact that your Sentinel will revive Zanuka 2.0 if it reaches the last second of its timer, and will not leave its side; you will be exposed.

    Thirdly, Zanuka 2.0 can use any Warframe augment mod, but only one for each ability (1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively).




    Zanuka 2.0 will be able to don Sentinel cosmetics except the head region, and a Kubrow collar and can come in any of the Bursa Color schemes.

    Zanuka 2.0 can be named.




    Zanuka 2.0 would have the ability to obey commands, like a Specter, but after two rooms of distance it will teleport to you.

    Zanuka 2.0 has the Loyalty system but no sustaining cost, like Sentinels.


    Note that this is a work in progress but this outlines its general capabilities.



  9. 22 hours ago, Archistopheles said:

    Or make those parts un-delete and un-sellable.

    What about the spare Chroma set (minus blueprint) I ended up getting thanks to Junctions? 

    Condition to solve the problem:



    If Warframe hasn't been built, then: Cannot sell parts until Warframe is built.

    Apply condition to everything you get from a Quest, maintain condition on built item until it is Rank 30.

    Additionally, you can toggle this condition on items you own to prevent them from being sold.


    Retrieval of lost/sold properties:


    Recommend to DE for a 'buyback' system to be available, allowing reclamation of whatever was sold, for the amount it was sold for, in credits. 
    To prevent cluttering of servers, this system will only remember whatever you've sold (within the last week if it was a Quest/Wraith/Prisma/Vandal/Prime) within the last 48 hours, giving you more than enough time to recover that accidentally sold Inaros, for instance.

  10. DE should make any Questframe, or item that is Quest-exclusive, re-obtainable on the condition that it was deleted. This would cut some work from the Support Staff and allow them to prioritize more serious matters, like retrieving an Excalibur Prime.

  11. These should be dejokified into the following mission announcers (Host's announcer overrides everyone else's):


    Grineer Announcers:


    Vor, Ruk, Regor, Hek, Kela, Elder 'n' Worm Queens, and Clem.

    Corpus Announcers:


    Jackal 2.0 (uses unique text to speech), Sergeant John Prodman, Alad V, Raptor MK-3 A (uses unique text to speech), Frohd Bek, Darvo, and Nef Anyo.

    Sentient Announcers:


    Hunhow, and Shadow-Stalker.

    Other Announcers:


    Jordas, Ordis (free), Teshin (free), Specter, and Maroo.


  12. Chroma's Spectral Scream: 


    should have damage which stacks and is based on enemy stats over time, and should be channeled.
    The toggling factor would allow Chroma to swap through four elements. These elements would be colourable in the Appearance tab.

    Chroma's new passive:


    is the ability to adapt to damage - but only the one damage type can be negated at any time (and this changes randomly based on the top damage type, but only negates a small amount due to the Pelt being so heavily modified; effectiveness increases with Power Strength, Spectral Scream, Elemental Ward, and Vex Armor).

    Chroma's Elemental Ward:


    now has an alternative action (hold to charge up) activates the ability to fly; causing the Effigy's wings to spring to life. This allows Chroma to fly (as if he's stuck in a permanent aimglide that falls in the direction preferred, so up if holding [jump] for example) at a continuous drain to energy. Using Spectral Scream in this mode increases its range and damage due to amplified power drain.

    These changes in my opinion would, firstly, link his pelt closer to the Sentients - a Conculyst, warped and twisted into a worthy pelt.

  13. 'Fashion UI' could be a purely Tennogen thing that costs 1/10th the price of normal Tennogen stuff, and the first example of this should be the reintroduction of the Old UI as an option, and the introduction of being able to see other Tenno using the pause screen.

    In fact, on that notion, I would like to be able to use the pause screen / esc menu animation as an actual emote and be able to project my UI on it. That way the Fashion UI isn't entirely clientside-exclusive.


  14. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here (though it may just be terminology - calling a weapon (Lenz) a 'piece of content' to me doesn't make sense).

    Their gripe is the fact that the Lenz is designed to be the equivalent of artillery; you take your position, charge it up, and fire. It's not intended to be like the Zarr, which is capable of being much more up-close and personal.

    Not to mention the Lenz's inability to fire without a full charge (if DE allowed this, they should have the explosion field scale to it's existing max size, allowing for safer, quicker bursts at a cost of ammunition and kills) and the fire-rate itself.

    What I think you're saying is:



    -People aren't really appreciating Lenz for its capacity for absolute, unbarred destructive capability.
    -If it wasn't working as intended, report bugs.
    -New Corpus theme visible throughout - see the Staticor as another example of this.
    -Unique weapon.
    -Weapon is a Corpus prototype, but is in and of itself proof of concept. If the Corpus see us using it more, they will invest in more weapons like this*.

    *And they will try to make their next prototypes kill their user some more.



  15. 0: Edit the original thread to apply your fix instead of posting a comment that tries to fix it. In worst case scenario, if this knowledge isn't applied, you'll find yourself fixing tiny little typos by commenting several different comments trying to figure out how to spell an obscure word.

    1: Let the Grineer trigger the alarm. Lotus will tell you when she detects a Prosecutor. Be advised that they are immune to all but elemental attacks, so mod for every elemental you can on every weapon (i.e: Corrosive + Heat on Primary, Gas + Magnetic for Secondary, and Radiation + Viral for melee).

    2: Do not rush through the mission. This is easier on a Capture mission, since killing enemies after target capture is entirely optional.

    3: If possible, go slow enough so that enough Prosecutors spawn, die from being killed, and drop Javlok Capacitors which are essential to the construction of my favourite speargun.

  16. 23 minutes ago, Witchydragon said:


    I can list a few reasons.


    1: People may actually like these skins, and would use them instead of the Prime's default (Prime weapons don't have a non-Prime skin, unlike Warframe counterparts).
    2: Captura rooms.
    3: Warframes for 60k standing each.
    4: Augments for Warframes.
    5: Armour cosmetics may suit some Warframes.
    6: Conclave, to some, offers added entertainment to those who are willing to endure its' highs and lows, because everything else (until Hydroid Prime, Plains of Eidolon, The Sacrifice, and whatever big thing happens next) that can be done in a day has been done, or they have nothing else to do or want to do.
    7: To collect Standing to eventually spend on whatever new Conclave cosmetic comes out.

    These may not be the only reasons, but my points have merit.

    On a side note, I'd like it if DE would kindly reintroduce Conclave Variants such as Opticors and Quick Steel - Opticors was fun (depending on who you're facing or paired against).

  17. 1 hour ago, SevenLetterKWord said:


    I revert my suggestion for the death zones into a timer, so if you could still grab a surface and bullet jump back into the map, then you could.

    I've noticed that maps have been getting larger - in one way or another, though..


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