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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. The closest to Defense/Survival is the Uranus Intercept mission, which is essentially AW Draco. Until Plains happens.

    Admittance: I enjoy zooming past my enemies and massacre them in a wave of projectiles, or powers. Even better when the Experimental Flight mode is enabled, allowing you to fly like how one would a Sabre in Halo: Reach.

    The ONLY part which I dislike about Archwing is the tight Corpus Trench run tileset. It needs to be up-sized.

  2. 4 minutes ago, paul5473 said:

    When did you sell it? you can ask warframe support if you sold it recently i think 30 days or less (don't quote me on that)

    DE needs to add a buyback system that exists in virtually any MMO so you can buyback that Warframe you sold, for credits.

  3. I think something more like:




    -Casting Soul Punch on an enemy under the effects of Terrify causes Finisher damage.
    -Casting Shadows of the Dead while Desecrate is active causes the Shadows who successfully kill enemies to drop twice as much loot.



    -Casting Sandstorm when enemies are Desiccated causes them to take finisher damage.
    -Casting Scarab Swarm while enemies are marked for Devour instantly turns them into a permanent Sand-Shadow, until they die.
    -Casting Desiccate on Sand-Shadows refreshes their lifespan.



    -Casting Spectral Scream while Elemental Ward is active multiplies Power Strength by 100% for the duration of Spectral Scream.
    -When Elemental Ward and Vex Armor are active at the same time, +100% aimglide duration.
    -When casting Spectral Scream with the Effigy detached, deal 100% status chance and a chance to proc a random element.
    -Chroma can now switch elements using an alternative ability that can be toggled to (Elemental Switch).
    New passive: Rapid Adaptation: Taking damage while the Effigy is attached will result in 5 seconds of resistance to one damage type, with a 5 second cooldown.


  4. I like the augment concept; details in spoilers.




    That sounds like a nice buff, but Inaros' bleedout passive should have finisher damage (instantly kill any enemy in near-point-blank range) and having a stack counter that has to be filled in order to return. Returning from bleedout for Inaros, should the Sentinel or companion be destroyed, would raise them as permanent sand-shadows.

    Personal opinion of augments that don't strengthen the weakpoints of 'frames:



    Personally Augments should come with a hefty boost to a particular stat that benefits that power, for example, Chroma's Conclave augment would add enough power strength for a fully charged firebolt from Chroma to kill most enemies or causing damage to scale with enemy stats and them multiply itself until the enemy dies for every successful status proc.

    Only then would 'frames with 'weak' powers be able to compete with the likes of Inaros, Octavia, Nidus, Excalibur, Valkyr, and so on.




  5. 2 minutes ago, Shafilp said:

    Oh Boy.... so this is a confirmed date from DE then?

    DE has gone into actual overcharge; figuratively melting away like a massive block of ice around a waterproof super-gaming-computer rendering an 8k, 120 fps, 24-hour-long video - complete with segmenting points (intros and outros of about 20 seconds per hour) at each hour mark. With this much media attention, DE needs to make sure they get this right, and fast and be ready to focus on The Sacrifice as soon as the week after Plains supposedly launches.

  6. 15 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Lost Kiwi1161 said:

    I don’t have the requirements finished for the Mars Junction, it would take me almost a month to get to the void at the rate that I play.

    You overvalue the amount of time needed. 
    Compressed due to images.



    You can easily get 150 kills by doing a number of Mars Exterminate missions solo, and if you have latest?cb=20140901024613 and a Codex Scanner you can easily find the Cephalon Fragments (they look like this: Image result for warframe cephalon fragment ) .

    Thirdly, the 3 Lith Relic Fissures, Relics for those drop from: Survival, Interception, Defense, Excavation, and similar missions. The 'fastest' way is probably to stick with Excavation or Defense on the early missions - depending on squad composition.



  7. 4 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Looks like someone didn't pay attention during the Natah and Second Dream quests. The Lotus is the current form of Natah.

    I mean remnants of Natah, because the Lotus was what Natah became and due to her presumably rushed sneak-escape, I am in the belief that Natah-now-Lotus would've forgotten or left behind something - a hollow shell, and forms now derelict but all presumably salvageable.

    I know and have paid attention, but its worth thinking that, if Hunhow didn't immediately notice anything - even in his sleep - then Lotus must've left behind something to cover her tracks - make Hunhow think that Lotus was still Natah, and not wake -, and perhaps now she'd ask us to fetch it as it has clearly failed to mask her from Hunhow.

  8. Just now, baldy117 said:

    regarding this how about a sentient corrupted warframe?

    Chroma is a Warframe who has donned a Sentient pelt. Another Warframe with a similar origin, but a Battalyst-style combat method, unlike Chroma's Conculyst-style, would do.

    However, Chroma should have the power to change elements mid-mission, and should have the Adaptation passive only when his pelt is on him.

    And as far as I know, Sentients cannot Transference because of the Void, meaning they cannot hijack 'frames. The only closest thing to this is the Shadow-Stalker during the last segment of The Second Dream, when he is being forced via the Pakal armor in combination with War to achieve this level of 'drugged control', as I'd put it.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Makuta_Nazo said:

    One precept mod could be adaptive armor, where if you take enough damage from a specific damage type, you get a temporary damage resistance buff for that damage type.

    I was thinking of reserving this to replace Chroma's passive and turn his passive into a toggle thing, much like Vauban with his many different grenades, or Ivara's arrows.

    Though regarding the Sentinel's origins, I'd say it would originate from Hunhow or Natah, albeit it was hacked into and 'corrupted' by the Lotus. A Sentinel worthy of its own mini-Quest for its acquisition.

    This is the passive Chroma is missing.

  10. 3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Achievements like:

    Sharpshooter: Hit an enemy from over 100 metres away.
    Codex Contributor: Scan 60 Eidolon life forms.
    Pest Control: Kill 100 Eidolon creatures.

    1st one'll be easy, but with the scoping zoom-backs, you'll need that Conclave zoom mod to get more accuracy.

    2nd one will be easiest with Helios (Prime) because it scans all the things.

    3rd one will be... I don't know. Does catching fish and slaying Plains Grineer count?

    Beyond that, could you feature any of the new weaponry, and I urge you and Lotus to please add maxed Redirection*, Vitality**, and Primed Vigor*** to all your 'frames if you can.

    *To frames that have shields, and can't sustain themselves without it (i.e; Excalibur, Nekros).
    **To all frames, especially the ones without shields or need it to be meaty enough to help Rage work its magic with, say, Oberon.
    ***To all frames. Even ones without shields, for that little extra health.

    This would allow you to survive the legions of Grineer, at the very least.

  11. Just to confirm, I've voted yes.

    All the crit mods you can get (maxed Point Strike and Critical Delay), before Argon Scope (from Acolytes only) and Rivens, should easily get you over the 100% crit chance.

    On the side, I've got three other things that I'd like snipers to be able to do:



    1: It would be nice if snipers that had smaller clips had longer combo counter duration (if the target dies instantly and nobody is immediately shootable, or the target takes many shots to down), for example, Vectis series has about 12 seconds, Vectis Prime has 8, any sniper with about 4 shots a clip has 5, and anything further is 3 or 2 seconds. This would allow people to choose the sniper that fits their fighting style. This, preferably, would also applies a damage modifier of about 10 times (meaning Vectis and its Prime should oneshot infantry and anything with a face outside of Conclave and Sorties with Ancient Healers and armor boosts). This modifier however will only apply half the output bonus damage on body shots, making headshots something worth aiming for, literally.

    2: Sniper combo counter has an initial stack that refreshes on successfully lining up sights with the enemy's face or equivalent weakpoint, but this comes with a new drawback. All snipers will now get an 'aim down sights' setting like all other mid range semi-auto primaries (i.e: Sybaris, Tiberon, Burston), and alt-fire will enable zoom level 0 to 3. This aim setting, upon hitting enemies, will not provide the benefits of aiming through the scope.

    3: Sniper crit chance and damage could also be the modifier instead of pure damage boost.

    Bonus: Sniping the weapon held by an enemy should have a chance to jam their weapon (self-damage, results in reload) or disarming them (impact damage causes weapon to fly into enemy, knocking them over). This won't work on Sentient Fighters or other enemies with weapons that are actual parts of them.



  12. This method will inevitably kill trading itself, as you would be able to get every popular/expensive thing via a monthly payment to Twitch Prime. 

    DE, consider weapon skins or cosmetic Prime sets rather than actual Primes. The abundance of unskilled, poorly used, trolling Frost Primes is enough as is.
    I would be overjoyed if it were Prime Accessories rather than actual Primes in the Twitch Prime Access program, is what I'm saying.

    And instead of offering free Primes, make unvaulting of vaulted Primes much more frequent than once every one-to-two years; more like an unvault + vault of a Prime Access (but no immediate, £60, access to that Prime) every week so arsenals get more diversity, and, I'd guess, about half of players everywhere would not be Mastery barricaded if you were to consider and implement this change of pace.

    • Like 1
  13. One too many questions.



    At night in the plains, will Hunhow use those dropships you showed us in a recent devstream and try to interrupt your pursuit of Eidolon's remnants?

    How involved will Hunhow be in trying to help Eidolon recover from death-by-crashing?

    Will snipers be able to one-shot a level 200 Corrupted Bombard while its under the shield effect from a Corrupted Ancient Healer, with the right mods, after the supposed buff is added to them? Will Some guns (i.e: Lato) get combo counters like the Arca Scisco has that help out with damage?

    Can we mod the Ostron-fabricated weapons?

    Given there's spears for fishing, can we kill Grineer with them? Can we fish on Uranus (planet) for malfunctioning Fighter drones to reformat into a new kind of companion? When will Alad V kindly give us the Zanuka blueprint? When will old Braton be repurposed into a Corpus Marine's weapon-of-choice? Will our Tenno be able to borrow our 'frame's sidearm, because their lasers do no damage? 

    How will our Tenno become anywhere near able to survive at least just a single shot from a level 200 Corrupted Bombard? Is this even possible?

    After Plains, if it doesn't get delayed to the point where I'm on Destiny 2, how will The Sacrifice express the importance of our Warframes beyond what we already know? 

    What will make Excalibur Umbra unique, compared to Primes and normal 'frames?

    In the Plains, will we find Stalker?

    How will Assassins interrupt our daily activities in the Plains?

    Will there be no 'mission objective already complete' or timer that blocks others from joining and leaving Plains?

    Will there be an instance where raid teams can join so they can split up into 4 groups of 2?

    What's happening with the quad-legged Sentient combat form that we can keep the giant Archwing-sized armguns of?

    Will we ever get any more Sentient weapons beyond Broken War and War, such as detached Batta and Concu from their respective Fighters?

    Will Hunhow ever show up in the sky?

    Has Hunhow been composing music since our accidental upload of MANDACHORD.EXE to Hunhow.OS?

    Will there be an option to decide what the Tenno says during a mission?

    Beyond cardboard, wooden, and light-metal armour for the Tenno that does nothing, what else are we getting that WILL help?

    Will the Focus system we know, or at least their key powers (Petrifying beam, Healing wave, Suspension field, Confusion blast, and deadly Death beam respectively, from Unairu clockwise) be in some way retained so people who finish the Second Dream beyond this still find a noticeable difference in gameplay?

    Will Arcanes be slottable into cosmetic slots themselves, allowing you to be freeform with fashion and frame (not having to constantly swap Arcanes over and over and over)? 

    Can we have sugatras on guns?

    Will our Tenno ever be clad in a glorious Syandana such as the Repala, allowing one to potentially recreate Darth Vader?

    Is there any lore explanation as to the Umbra-esque design of frames such as Oberon and Hydroid Primes? Will Hydroid Prime's cinematic show up this week? Will an event or tactical alert, such as Acolytes, kindly happen to give us more than just Focus to prioritize?

    I've assumed that Eidolon refers to the Sentient who crashed in the Plains, resulting in its current geological mess; would you refer to the forms it still deploys, even if half-baked as of now, as Teralysts or Eidolon's Fragments?

    Sergeant, Kril, Phorid, Hyena Pack reworks when?

    Will there be an Infested, Corrupted/Void/Orokin, Tenno, and Sentient coliseum/arena environment like Rathuum and the Index?

    Can we have the additional options for non-endless Rathuum and Index return, please?

    What if: Corpus ex-Grineer Lancer?

    Will we see Grineer dropships in open-sky missions like with the Corpus Condors?

    When will we get sliders for gun holstering positions, and options for their placement (think how Mass Effect characters get to store all those guns so neatly)?

    Will we ever hear from the Tau Sentients?

    Will we ever know how come the Orokin and Sentients ended up in, what I'd believe as, an inaccurate recreation of the history of the Quarians and the Geth (Mass Effect again)?

    Will Ordis ever ask for a surrogate body?

    When will we be able to have unarmed Sentinels with Companions, like how Lockjaw and Sol are in the Index?

    When can we see the option to switch between elements of 2.0 and 1.0 iterations of Parkour? Some of us liked the old wall-running.

    Will you reconsider not providing updates if the delay continues (i.e: releasing a 'trimmed down' version of Plains, allowing you more time to finish it)?

    Personally, I'd like to see Umbra before December. I doubt its possible, but that's my hope. If not [Giftmas].

    Will we ever get the chance to befriend our enemies beyond temporary arrangements, such as Sargas Ruk VS Alad V?

    Will the various Clan and Alliance systems be looked at again beyond building a mobile micro-Solar Rail and Kingpin? Maybe something to give Conclave more population (for those who want to, not those who don't want to)? 

    Will Conclave ever get Variants again? I miss Opticors only, and would like more Variants and ones that aren't specific to seasonal promotions, to return.

    Will we get the option to buy, if not obtain, more customization slots beyond ABC for 'frames and weapons?

    Will there ever be a true Demon-related Warframe, since we already have a Priest (Harrow), we need a Demon-summoner to summon Demons to banish. And no I don't mean Tenno or Halo's Spartans.

    Can we chat with The Father who keeps turning up on our Orbiters, and greeting us?



  14. Maybe a different Prime melee weapon (i.e: Dakra Prime) with innate fire damage (i.e: Silva & Aegis (Prime)) alongside other stats (in the same vein as, say, Zakti) that is a Tonfa (i.e: Kronen) would mix things up?

  15. It's model-related as the eyes and mouth are modelled like that in almost every game ever. There's no workaround except trying to get an even more intense energy colour for your Operator Suit to try and smear it over. 

    Its one of those little things, like when your 'frame's foot isn't offset to be on the stairs you're walking up/down, that you should try not to notice.

  16. Archaic strategies like this would be rendered useless due to launcher+Archwing / Archwing power combination.

    The Grineer may need a few more kinds of barricade - like a Brunt that has larger shield-plates (akin to the Gears of War Locust shield that can be turned into cover) for Grineer male heavy lancers who would carry the full weapon set, a Marelok, and one of the new (as in, Plains) Grineer primaries.

  17. Negotiation1 or pure, albeit confined, violence2, with your fellow Tenno, or against them; whatever suits you and your preferences.

    Trading for Platinum.

    Farming Ambulas Reborn efficiently, or just Conclave.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Dreadwire said:

    So about that weird speaking chair. Any lore behind that?


    I wonder if "hey kiddo" and him ever talk to each other 

    The Father (the one who calls us 'Kiddo') probably doesn't like Infested, and the chair is Helminth; beyond it handling life support and caring for fish in its fish-tank, I don't know.

    As for the Cysts themselves, I'd be happy to bribe Helminth with credits to prematurely disinfect my Warframe.

    I believe DE had all these other things in mind, and because of these things (such as Plains) becoming a priority, Helminth and the Infestation that kneels before Nidus has become a background thing. If enough of us speak up about what's going on about it and the Corpus, we may eventually get a shift away from the 'Grineer central' that we've had for - technically- ever.

  19. I can barely understand what you're saying, perhaps posting your own language version of this post beneath this with what language you speak in would probably help for those who do know that language and can translate with more effectiveness?

    I think there is a setting somewhere to stop the screen shaking when firing, but that as far as I'm concerned is recoil; there are mods that fix this, but if they don't work, then you may want to find other weapons with less recoil (Lex from my experience has the most recoil, but its Prime is much better).

    Recoil is what shakes the screen and causes the inability to shoot the exact same spot all the time, and exists on almost any gun or gun-like weapon. Bows and Opticor may not have this.

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