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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Well isn't this some sort of coincidence? Would be nice if DE was to allow someone to introduce a Tennogen skin with a staff/polearm skin as part of a Tennogen Skin bundle for the first time.

  2. Someone did suggest a 'Kuva excavation' mission variant which uses excavation and Kuva Siphoning, but you're defending the Siphon you stole.
    Another idea is a Kuva hijack - stealing a giant bottle of Kuva on the back of a modified Grineer driller.
    And the third is to have the Fortress have Kuva Bottle caches around. These would be vertical Grineer crates (the wide kind) retextured into a fridge with shelves, opening them reveals a nice, level-appropriate cache of Kuva. 

    Other ideas would involve adding Archwing interdiction missions where you stop Kuva Couriers from getting the Kuva to the fortress - and these would appear and disappear frequently.

  3. I suggest to remove the death zones completely and insert /unstuck areas in their place, so people can't suicide. Otherwise have it timed.

    As for map boundaries, removing all boundaries except the mesh boundaries and map-mesh boundaries would be reasonable. Areas that show regions that shouldn't be visible (over the stone rims of Earth tiles, for example) should have a /unstuck field.

    In addition, some maps are very small, like the Navigation Array and that Mars map and don't really fit the new Conclave speed, resulting in a mess.

  4. Nutshell:



    -Acquiring copies of the same weapon (i.e: a fresh Mk1-Braton) when you already leveled it will not give you more xp.

    -Installing Forma and leveling it with Forma will not give more xp, but open options for increased lethality.

    -However, acquiring variants of the same weapon (i.e: Braton, Braton Vandal - if it'll ever come back -, and Braton Prime) and leveling those does give xp.

    -Xp from all items (Warframes, weapons, pets, Archwing-related things) contributes to Mastery Rank. The more you build and use, the more Mastery you obtain.

    -Even when hitting a Mastery Rank-up/Level up, you can gain xp for the next rank.



  5. 57 minutes ago, Desperado14 said:

    [Non-Prime weapon skins for Prime weapons]

    Who here remembers when DE successfully introduced the non-Prime skins for Prime Warframes?

    This person is asking for the same treatment for all the Prime weapons that have non-Prime variants.

    Given that, I wonder when there'll ever be a Prime-only Prime-frame, considering the Dakra, Reaper, Euphona have no non-Prime versions.

    As for the Burston Prime, it needs to use the Tiberon reload animation, have a new ammo-stock model, and its' body needs a complete update.

    The main problems with the Burston Prime as of now are:
    1: The firing grip is not aligned to the Warframe's hand, or vice-versa.
    2: The back of the weapon has an odd black plane on it which deserves to be replaced with a visible clip.
    3: Reload animations should be modified Tiberon reload animations.

    Other Prime weapons merely need a bit of smoothing; Latron Prime could do with a more fluid, sleek barrel, at least.

  6. That's The Father Figure. He shows up to say hi and provide unexpected humor frequently. My Chroma spotted him inspecting my Arsenal and ran a few basic tests (1: walk around Him, 2: walk into - oh my that was sudden, 3: call the Operator). To see this incident, look up 'Koldraxon' on Steam (that's me) and check my screenshots.

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)theelix said:

    Two Limbos

    This reminds me. Multiple Limbos' Rifts and Rift-influencing abilities (Stasis) should not overlap eachother or interfere with each Limbo Rift instance. I had that happen once and it is messy. Too messy. For best use, only one Limbo per mission, or actual quick-messages explaining what you're going to do and why - cooperation via chat with >1 Limbo on the field is key.

    Given that, people need to 1: Keep an eye on chat more. and 2: Talk to the Limbo-users (i.e: ask if they could recast Stasis for doing so allows projectiles to traverse the gap between themselves and the enemy, or to cancel Stasis when the Rift isn't in use).

  8. Just now, VoidWraith said:

    does mag's 2 counteract with Limbo's 4?

    Limbo's 4 is the Rift itself. Non-Power projectiles coming from outside are not Rifted. This means you need to go into the rift and set off your shots and then leave the rift.

  9. The real problem with Limbo is his Stasis, nothing else. Even Powers can bypass the Rift, and melees can compensate -exempting throwable ones or gunblades due to projectile-forms- if you really want to kill things yourself. 

    The additional problem is how will other Tenno, in the Rift, be able to toggle their bullets out of the timefreeze? The only suggestion I can give is a 'hold reload' option.

    This way Limbo's Stasis - the real trolling - is eliminated.

    Limbo himself need not be erased. I use his 2 + 4 on Sortie Mobile Defense missions because Frost's snowglobes only last 5 seconds against Sortie-level firepower.

  10. Just now, Hecro said:

    What disturbs me the most is the thing about resetting the playerbase.

    I think DE could do with reviewing the Open Beta Agreement. We should be able to choose if we want to reset or not individually, and benefit from it - like Forma.

  11. 3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)johnnyawesom06 said:

    [Octavia's Anthem: Part 2]

    Many quests deserve little continuations, but this one would be somewhere between a typical quest and a fully-fleshed cinematic quest, and would come after The Sacrifice.

    And, as a special touch, if Umbra is equipped, the Stalker would stare at it in awe, despair, and confusion. And it would stare back.

    1 minute ago, (Xbox One)johnnyawesom06 said:

    [Typo correction]

    You can edit your posts to fix typos.

  12. I'd probably turn every event that has ever occurred that would make sense to the plot into a Quest and make these quests link to the bosses and give them some essential background information, beyond what the Lotus tells you in the Assassination missions.

    Beyond that, there'd probably be a Cinematic Quest related to what happened after the Suda-Hunhow incident where the Tenno (after The Sacrifice) investigates rumors of Hunhow experimenting with a customized, Sentient-built Mandachord.

    "Sentient Dissonance."



    The Quest begins with Simaris and Suda having a debate about how music was used in the Old War, but were interrupted by a snippet of Naga drums which had some kind of Sentient chorus. Lotus then asks what that was, and the three set the Tenno on this mission.

    The first part would be to visit the Hydraulis on Uranus. Upon arrival, you see that all doors are locked except the Tenno's entrance. 
    Upon approach, you find a Sentient Fighter interfacing with the Hydraulis. You hear Hunhow musing again about how the Naga Drum was something he enjoyed hearing, before the Tenno silenced it. Then the Sentient Fighter summons a hovering, Sentient Mandachord and begins playing what Hunhow calls the 'Sentient Dissonance'.

    As it plays, the Tenno finds themselves dragged into Hunhow's simulation, which seems even more abstract than Suda's datascape.

    Hunhow, with the Tenno unable to do anything, decides to explain his reasoning behind his actions, giving vague hints as to what happened at Tau, but defining why the Sentients came to wipe out the Orokin.

    This prompts the Tenno to respond; different responses cause Hunhow to react differently. Choosing the 'neutral' path would have Hunhow beginning to think that finishing the Old War may not be as linear a path as he may have initially assumed.

    Hunhow then realizes the Stalker was listening in, and is surprised to see the Stalker trying to tear off the Pakal gear - which seems to fail. The Tenno then can choose to ask the Stalker if he wants to visit the Orbiter to get help with that. Hunhow, all the while, asks the Stalker to build him a Specter when he gets there.

    On the Orbiter, the Stalker is spooked by the Father Figure, and that spook also carries to Hunhow, who asks who that one is.
    The Tenno shrugs, not knowing, but the Father Figure replies that the Tenno here is his 'kiddo', and says 'if you're a robot, you should've figured it out by now', which - while it irritates Hunhow, it also - intrigues the Sentient.

    Hunhow then promises the Stalker that if he dons the Pakal gear again, he won't force him to do anything, but will set up missions. Before he left, Lotus then argued that Hunhow was trying to steal her job, albeit this was in a joking manner which had Stalker chuckle, and left Hunhow confused. Confused enough for Lotus to employ a tap which allowed the Tenno to see what missions Hunhow is cooking.

    By then, the Quest is complete.

    If you get Stalked again there's a chance that Stalker would detach the Pakal armour and bring out Sentient-'Primed' versions of Hate, Dread, and Despair upon arrival. His arrival, win/loss dialogue would be different, saying that he has come to test the Tenno's skill.

    Losing would have him laugh at you, and would state that his judgement has passed flawlessly. Winning would have him say things such as "This shouldn't be possible, not after these modifications?!".



  13. 1 hour ago, Airwolfen said:

    (Also little nitpick...

    'Pros' generally refers to people who have skill that exceeds the abilities of a majority of the population, not the 'MLG Pros' who participate in tournaments.

    And @Alucard-TheGrandVampire, how about, instead of some exploitable statistics reset button, we have a matchmaking system?
    This system would take into account their Kills, Deaths, and Technique/Objectives, and their recent performance in addition, and would pair the 'pro' with others of similar skill based on the data. 

    While this will require the reintroduction of a few Variants in order to get more populations, it would also gain more population simply because Tenno are being properly paired, instead of, say, a MR0 player with no skill going up against a MR24 who does Conclave every day.

    In addition, Conclave itself needs to be barred by Teshin's Syndicate Initiation or by a quest that appears at MR3 that leads you to Teshin's Conclave and initiates you.
    This would prevent MR0/1/2 players who have no unique equipment from accidentally or intentionally going into Conclave, when they should be levelling.

  14. 51 minutes ago, ADiju said:

    Liset Prime.

    It's the same deal as the Prisma Liset skin. Nobody (term is subjective) needs or wants it. Sometimes I do wish I could get the cosmetic on it's own - or as a separate, farmable, buildable, fully-fledged Liset Prime rather than being just a skin.

    Honestly, it being a skin disappointed me greatly.

    Besides I'm currently fine with my Scimitar with it's exclusive Hunhow's Gift skin.

  15. 13 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    [Pet benefits]

    Possible drawbacks of Companions:


    -Carrier has Ammo Case - an essential for weapons that can't fit ammo mutations and weapons with small reserve ammunition. 
    -Sentinels don't get stuck in some far-flung room. Companions have a tendency to wander off and get stuck.
    -Sentinels also have Guardian, which instantly restores shields once every now and then if shields are depleted. This allows Harrow to quickly build up his Penance.
    -Companions require two more expensive incubator segments to be installed and cost a hideous amount of credits to sustain. Some cannot keep the credits flowing.
    -Not to mention the expenses of building the Power Cores for Incubators and the off-chance of incredible difficulty when it comes to finding Kubrow Eggs or Kavats to scan.
    -Companions probably trigger alarms and cause aggro in the worst situation.

    If we are to use Companions over Sentinels, then the only options are:


    1: Allow a Companion to have a Sentinel, unarmed, hovering around them. Allow these to act as one, with their mods and precepts influencing eachother. 
    2: Allow Companions to be able to use Vacuum as an Arcane (at 2/3 range).
    3: Slightly widen the Warframe's pickup radius so Vacuum becomes an optional rather than a must-have.

    The only Warframe you'd ever use if you bring a biological companion would be Inaros, because of his colossal health pool.

  16. 2 hours ago, Marine027 said:


    I agree with the option for more options (i.e: EVERY ENEMY scanned, should be spawnable, not just in the Simulacrum, but also Captura*) for the Simulacrum would help, such as:
    -The ability to load a random tileset of your choice and simulate a mission in it (reloads the map).
    -The ability to spawn any enemy scanned.
    -The ability to side with [Faction].

    *But it would be nice to be able to spawn more enemies, and enemies I haven't even scanned, in Captura - along with the power to control at least one enemy - so the scene could look better. 

  17. Title is misleading.

    I understand that Kubrows, Kavats, and Helminth Chargers could do with some kind of Orokin module thing that allows them to have a Sentinel orbiting them.

    This means you get a Sentinel who issues commands to the Kubrow (i,e: Attack [Crate] if Looter is installed, unless the Kubrow has the equivalent of it, in lieu of a Sentinel weapon).

    In addition, the Sentinel would dock with the Kubrow when taking fatal damage, and both can be revived as if they were the same thing (shared/combined health/shield pool).

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