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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. General response:



    How about, instead of having it as an actual sidearm (as we already have Talons, Castanas, and a few others), we could have Gear items?

    Though that's not to say that Micro-Penta and Micro-Tonkor are out of the question; would be interested in them if the explosion part was linked to a charge mode (holding trigger with ammo in the clip launches the grenade, releasing causes explosion, meaning it won't explode on immediate impact).

    The actual grenades should be slotted as gear items - and Grineer/Corpus infantry should drop an inert grenade at random. On a sidestepping note, we deserve to be able to make our own Grineer Blunts or Corpus deployable shield barriers.

    The grenades dropped from enemies should be able to deal enough damage (using enemy stats to calculate damage) to kill any enemy infantry regardless of level or modifier at point-blank explosion.

    This would open up a 'emergency grenades!' feature for typical scenarios like Sorties, without compromising Conclave.

    Pre-posting-of-post remembering: I remembered about the Ramparts.

    I believe we deserve to have the Rampart turret gun as a LMG (held like an Archwing primary, using those animations, modified for ground combat), and have a slight rework on a number of huge-clip weapons to make them viable again (such as the Gorgon machinegun series which has since become mastery fodder, due to enemy scaling).


    Avenue A: Micro-grenade launchers (sidearm-sized, one-shot grenade launching pistols).


    A modified version of a Penta and a Tonkor, designed to be compact and easy to use, for infantry who can't do decent throws, would exist with similar stats to their primary counterparts, except they only have one shot per clip, reload rather quickly, and the explosion isn't as big.

    Corpus: Amstrung with a mini-Penta clip and wider barrel.
    Grineer: Reconfigured Brakk with a wider barrel.

    Both would have stats that would befit a miniature version of their primary counterparts, serving as the 'Aksomati to the Soma'.

    This introduces two more explosive weapons, one for Grineer and Corpus respectively as a result, and would inevitably persuade the Tenno to design their own explosive launchers.

    Avenue B: Pickup or gear-pickup grenades.



    The grenades enemies have always used become limited on the enemies themselves; killing them before they expend their supply would drop a random number of inert explosives, which can be carried in the gear wheel.

    These explosives can and will kill you if improperly used.

    These explosives use the Speargun Throw, and some single-target power cast animations.

    Explosives damage scales with enemy stats to a degree that allows them to clear out a bunch of tough enemies if they bunch up tightly.

    DE said they weren't going to add explosives - such as grenades, but we have:
    Grineer/Corpus grenade launchers, sidearm rocket launchers, Vauban's knockback/down/stun grenade, Talons (technically grenades that latch to targets), Castanas, Zarr (projectile from Zarr could become a grenade), and numerous other weapons that have similar features. 

    However, it is up to DE whether or not to put them as 'power weapons' in Conclave.



  2. The extra slots on the gear wheel will open up a lot more options, but overall, thanks for the foresight. I have doubts that Plains will be next week unless DE devises a two-step release (releasing what does work, barring what doesn't until its finished at earliest week after).

  3. The Father* must particularly happy to see you.

    *The Tenno first quotes him in The War Within, saying:
    "Something's out there Kiddo, watching us."

    And then a short line based on what you did with the Kuva bottle.

    And then now, saying "Hey Kiddo." as if the Orbiter was his house, and you came back from college - not expecting him to be wherever.

    Makes me wonder if there's a way to actually keep him around - to talk to him, or get Ordis to detect his presence.

  4. 8 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Why would they do that? They've already gone and made the whole thing; why would they only ship some of it? Powers work as they normally do, with Arch-abilities using their in-game UI stats.

    I'm just trying not to hype myself beyond the 'looking forward to it whenever it comes out' level of hype so I don't get disappointed if DE ends up releasing it in October.

    If they end up having a real delay like that.

  5. I'll summarize him in short. He's an Assassin NPC who goes after you after you defeat a boss (if you have a message from him confirming this).


    The Stalker, to my knowledge, was a protector of the Orokin - a 'Low Guardian' - who saw what the Tenno did at the ceremony the Orokin hosted - Orokin now long dead.
    The Stalker seeks revenge for our betrayal, a betrayal we have forgotten. 

    He also drops his respective weapons. Completing The Second Dream will cause a change in the Stalker, but that's spoilers.

  6. While Ordis may seem to be loyal, it is both out of his experiences in his Cephalon stage of life, and his raw hatred of the Orokin due to his former life having been partly recovered; hence his surprisingly coherent ramblings and outbursts of different Ordis instances, including the violence-loving one who wants to kill all the things, and was - at one time - writing a poem that started with-- "A SKOOMBAG CORPUS FROM VENUS!" --. 

    Though his other self does end up enjoying fighting alongside us, but details of this can only be explained by completing Octavia's Anthem.


    As for what could've happened regarding the Elder Queen hijacknig the Tenno, there's three outcomes, to me:


    1: The Tenno's mind is trapped in their current Warframe, with the Queen getting space-vented into space from the Orbiter.
    2: The Tenno and Queen end up having a body-swap, and the Queen doesn't benefit from it, as with the first outcome.
    3: The Tenno ceases to exist, for the Queen has made the Tenno's body her equivalent of a Warframe.


  7. 24 minutes ago, Baterial said:


    Replace the Captain with a ton of drowning, screaming Grineer, and have Hydroid Prime sat in the center, calm and collected.
    Then he gets up, swims out and casts his ult, ripping out the Grineer from the now-gone waters and leaving an ugly mess, with two Grineer - one Heavy Gunner, one Bombard - starting to flee (both are killed with each Prime weapon Hydroid Prime was issued with).

    That would suffice for his Prime trailer, I'd think?

  8. 3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    [Attempted explanation as to why Operators in missions is unnecessary]

    While I understand positions of people like you regarding the rather clunky functionality of the Operator, you have to look back at Parkour 1.0.

    In that regard, I feel that Parkour 2.0's wall-based movement is inadequate, slow, and exposes you. You're better off bullet-jumping, then wall-grabbing, then bullet-jumping again.

    Generally, there should be a mod that fits in the Exilus slot that allows the Warframe's powers and movement to have Void effects* that would cost a small amount of capacity. This mod could be put behind a section of The Sacrifice's questline or something that comes as a loot drop from any enemies introduced from that quest and, while to many may serve as a mere bandaid and a little buff, is technically what you're asking for.

    *TL-DR idea for this mod:


    Mod: [PH]Void Charged, [PH]The Sacrifice, or [PH]Tenno Within.
    Capacity cost: 4 (cannot be ranked up).
    Polarity: based on selected Focus School (Vazarin, Zenurik, Naramon, Madurai, and Unairu respectively).
    Description: Enables Tenno powers at the cost of being unable to use Operator mode and Focus ability.
    Cannot be used in Conclave.
    -Melee adds Void-knockback effect.
    -Bullet-jumping causes Void Dash effects (except cloaking is disabled); bullet jumping into enemies restores a small amount of energy.
    -Your weapons and powers bypass Rapid Adaptation (Sentient adaptation) if target is within [Power Range].
    -Focus passives are applied automatically, if there are any.

    This is the mod people who don't want to use Operators want, but there's always going to be one or two cases (such as in some Quests) where this mod will be disabled because of elements such as the Ravenous Golden Maw.


  9. 4 minutes ago, Cris0407 said:

    [Plains is 0.75 smaller than expected]

    I was expecting this. Maybe an Out of Bounds region beyond that to prevent people seeing whatever's beyond - which there will be nothing?

    I wonder how far Eidolon has converted the caves, if Eidolon even tried to. I worry that Eidolon is active at its depths.

  10. 3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Tbh I'm less hyped now they've implied that we'll need to fight the boss with the operators.....

    Think of it like this; remember how hitting Conculysts and Battalysts disabled their adaptive capabilities for a time? You're basically hitting regions on the [Teralyst/Eidolon?] that are most exposed to Void energy so you can turn off its 'Iron' skin.

    Otherwise, amplify your hype for The Sacrificebecause its focus is on Warframes, not Tenno. Hopefully there'll be another Warframe-focused quest after it that should try to push your skills to the edge, and I don't mean dump a kill team of Teralysts(?) on me in a 'Operator feature disabled' Nightmare. Not to mention Umbra.

    As for the Plains itself...

    I suspect the earliest is this Friday, and the latest being October, regarding its release 'date'.



    I anticipate the Plains to be smaller than expected, and will experiment with an array of Warframe powers to gauge their maximum effective range - such as Hydroid.

    In addition, I may try to go get 'Glassframe', though what else I may do is up for speculation.

    Generally my actual hype is more for what else they haven't told us; the task of sending our Tenno to the equivalent of a P.E lesson or a Gym session to hone their Void powers so they can actually be a bit more useful as that emergency bit of utility (such as when you forgot your Loki or silent weapons in a spy mission, or when you want to show others how Kuva Cloud Catching is done, or how to disarm a Guardian, or to merely dispel a Sentient's resistances).

    If I failed to interpret this correctly, forgive me, but they said that our Tenno will be modded via Arcanes, yes? This means the gear we'll be getting from the vendor in the door-sealed cave is useless, except for the Void Beam 'enhancers' as I'll placehold-call them until official terms come to light.


  11. Response to main post:



    1 / Maybe get Ordis to hint about what the Extractor thing does, among other Navigation features, while making the UI for Nav bigger so people can actually be mentally dragged to things such as the Quest Objective List.

    2 / There is a basic Parkour 2.0 introduction simulation that should be the first thing that Ordis should ask you to look into, and begin to pester you about, even if you mute him.
    Ordis should also ask you to do this at least once daily if you fail to use any parkour whatsoever, with no way to mute him until you do. 

    3 / No. Tenno must fight for their frames. It would be like giving a new player Loki, as it was once, and was never so again. On this note, where is MK1-Skana and MK1-Lato?

    4 / Damaged mods should give you 10 times the Endo when recycled, and all mods should give back all the credits and Endo spent on them if they get recycled. I mean all.

    5 / Ordis pestering them about the Parkour 2.0 tutorial will also lure them into the Codex, Ordis should also mention about scanning enemies and Fragments. When eligible for The New Strange, Ordis should also recommend the Sol-Battery Widget for the Synthesis Scanner.

    6 / Automatically have unseeable overrides that block out any mention of Operators, Natah, Tenno, and so on, that would toggle off when the respective Quests are completed.

    7 / This, but grant the full 4-squad XP bonus for all Mk1-weapons and their starter frame to help them get stronger better faster so it becomes less harder. 


    One thing I can say though about Plains, when it comes out, is that we'll finally have a ground-side mission that isn't underwater that allows us to level Archwings.

    We could do with tilesets that allow us to deploy Archwing, along with new, massive tiles that, when connected, would be big. We have a few examples of these already, such as the small cliffside area on Corpus Snowy-outdoor tiles or the Interception/Defense Corpus tileset seen at Cerberus.

  12. Clarification: There is no such thing as 'Prestige'. The word has no connection anywhere beyond Frohd Bek's Ambulas adverts.
    You must be referring to the fact that you polarized (added a icon to) a mod slot on Ash, which only halves the mod's capacity requirement to be installed. It does not buff the item said Forma is installed on.

    Primes have superior innate stats, better looks (depending on the frame), a Void-related passive (250 energy when in melee range of a Death Orb - those golden spherical-ish cube trap things), and (if they're not vaulted) are, sometimes, easier to acquire (such as Vauban Prime). Prime weapons are often even better when their stats are involved.

    Also Ash and Rhino Primes are both Vaulted, their Relics will not drop and can only be gotten via Trade Chat if you're willing to sell other Prime Parts you've been getting from Fissures to get Plat to get them.

    Consider looking for a different Prime than the ones you said, due to this addendum. Good news is that they may get unvaulted in the future.

    In summary: You mean 1 Forma'd Ash. Ash Prime has superior innate stats but he and numerous others such as Rhino Prime are Vaulted, so you'll have to shift your 'Prime targets' until they get unvaulted or you find a trade opportunity.

  13. Whoever is doing it, wherever they're doing it, you'll need to print-screen it or record it and then try to catch DE themselves and get word to them about these - TENNO SKOOM! - who are causing a mess.

    The community, as I see it, should stop feeding these Nullifiers gifts as an initial lesson, and then try to drag them into Conclave as an ultimatum, should they quit, then they are not as resilient as they may make themselves appear.

    Reminder: They are mostly harmless. Not all of them should be followed if their contents aren't suitable for digestion or tasting.

  14. Foreword: I don't have Mesa, and may not bother acquiring her, but the general hint is to ensure your sidearm is incredibly lethal. And well modded.

    Also, mess with her powers, see what other specialties she could be configured for beyond Exalted Akimbo Aimbot Pistols.

    As for Harrow, I have a list in these spoilers:


    1th and most important thing: Put the mod that makes your Sentinel refresh your shields. You'll see why.
    1st thing: Pair Harrow with any weapon you normally hate out of slow fire or reload times, mod that weapon for damage over quality of life.
    2nd thing: Harrow's first locks enemies down, but not for long. It works on anything, though.
    3rd thing: Only use Harrow's second when you have max shields, or have overshields, or know you won't be instantly dead if you failed to integrate Primed Vigor, Vitality, and Redirection (all maxed). Keep an eye on its timer to refresh it frequently.
    4th thing: Make sure to charge up Thurible when you know there's enemies ahead so you can kill for energy.
    5th thing: Having Energy Siphon on Harrow is a good idea for those moments when you can't get orbs or Thurible up.
    6th thing: Build for highest stats in general, don't try using Fleeting Expertise unless your focus is on Penance and Thurible.
    7th thing: Harrow's 4/ult is best used when you're about to revive someone, or when the squad is clearly getting beaten up.

    Beyond that, I've had select scenarios where Harrow caused unexpected mayhem (i.e: Tigris Prime + Harrow VS Lephantis = Lephantis combusts. Literal).


  15. 2 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

    [Focus schools give different energy acquisition methods + buffs]

    I pray for DE to look into adding those methods for the Tenno Schools, as they can not only benefit your Warframe, but also augment the Tenno's own stance in combat - despite their core design being more of a toolkit with a small array of utilities (as of now, pre Plains).

    In addition it would make using other Schools even more worth considering beyond just Naramon, because of the embedded passives (which could have the ones unlocked via Focus, if that tree doesn't change too much, stack on top), or makes other Schools worth using when someone already has Naramon in your squad (tactically talkative team rearranges Focus based on situational requirements, such as*).



    Possible examples if:


    1 Naramon to confuse Ancients, 2 Vazarin, 1 Madurai (may vary depending on team preference).
    2 Madurai, 1 Unairu, 1 Vazarin (or Zenurik).
    1 Naramon to distract Bursas, disorganize them, 2 Unairu (resistance to Sapping Ospreys), 1 Zenurik.
    1 Naramon to confuse Ancients, 1 Unairu/Madurai, Vazarin, and Zenurik.
    2 Madurai, 1 Naramon, 1 Zenurik/Vazarin/Unairu.

    Are faced.


  16. While Motion Blur already has an off option, I like your suggestion, @Urokan

    People who want less, but still want, motion blur should be given the option to have different Blur levels.

    Method 1:
    Blur has 5 settings.
    No Blur. 1/5th Blur. 2/5th Blur. 3/5th Blur. 4/5th Blur. Full Blur.
    Method 2:
    Blur has 3 settings.
    No Blur. Slider. Full Blur.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

    As far as the pet commands go, it'd be simple for pc but I can see it being complicated for consoles which is why I'd suggest creating a new HUD/interface for consoles. Using the d-pad would show a quick menu in which you can choose between your pet menu, gear menu, emotes, and your 4 warframe abilities and your operator. 8 total selections to choose from with 8 directions: Up, Down, Left, Right, Up+Right, etc... you'd press *X, Square, etc.. insert whatever button here* to choose said option once highlighted.

    This is where the Gear menu can come in, as the D-pad is already wired (left/right = Power selection, up I think was to mark something, and down was to access the emote wheel, or so I think). Otherwise, taking the Gear menu and binding another layer of wheels to the Select/other-Start-button (making a new UI for that, or re-using gear wheels) to attach other things like pet commands or, for the case of Sentinels, a means to call up Ordis and buy a replacement Sentinel for credits and Affinity.

    In Conclave, the select button should be linked to the UI showing kills/deaths, oro/objective so you can quick-check who's in the lead. This may have already been suggested.

  18. 29 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

    Neat, now how do you feel about the OP?

    I feel the Rampage system would not mesh too well with stealth, depending on its execution and connection with weapons. I like the innate energy idea, but varying it on a per-frame basis will cause people to bias the frames that have the most regeneration and forget the rest. Removing the opportune energy orbs from enemies and objects would make opening caches and breaking crates a waste of time, and turn those into more resource caches nobody would look at unless its, say, an Argon node; it would also detract the unexpectedly helpful boost energy orbs can give sometimes (there's no such thing as too much energy, but this varies from frame to frame).

    I also had an idea about allowing an 'Energy Overflow' variable which works as follows:



    When [Warframe's max energy capacity] is exceeded, [energy] is still gained, but decays at the following rate:
    If beyond [Warframe's max energy capacity], drain 0.25 energy until it meets capacity, if 25% over, drain 2.5 energy, and so on.

    This would allow 'frames to still pick up orbs, and would incite use of energy due to the decaying variable.

    This same variable can then be applied at a rate of 0.01 when there's an Energy Drain Nightmare modifier, because honestly the drains from those are so much that bringing a power-reliant 'frame is pointless.

    As for Companions, I don't know where you're going to fit Pet Commands beyond the Gear and/or Emote wheels. On that topic, [SPOILER: Second Dream, War Within].


    I had an idea for an Arcane or some sort of unlockable ability that allows you to turn your Warframe into a Specter in missions, allowing you to, for example, weaken a Sentient Fighter or deal with Kuva while your Warframe parkours and distracts.

    Your Tenno's own Gear wheel would be customizable separately, and only inherits Scanners, Glyph projectors, and Ciphers. 
    This is because your Warframe, and by extension, your Companion (if these 'gear-emotes' are put on your Warframe) would have commands issued through them as follows:

    1: Wake/sleep: Activates Warframe Specter mode, or turns it off; 'sleep' causes it to use the Focus Power 'sleep' animation used when you activate Focus.

    2: Attack attacked target: Attacks the target you most recently attacked. Shooting an ally or friendly objective causes the Warframe to defend it.

    3: Go [target]: Also works as a follow command if an ally is shot by your Void Beam; shooting a spot for a time increases wandering radius. 

    4: Wander/return: Allows the Warframe to roam the area instead of always being beside you, or calls it to your side.


  19. The coloured numbers were added to help connect initial statements to responses.

    28 minutes ago, Snowbluff said:

    1 So the first Sentient I foguth. "It's adapting to your attacks, hit it with something new."

    So I try to use a warframe ability to reset it's shielding system. It fails. FACT: Warframe abilities are not void abilities. Warframes are just as maladapted to fighting sentients as any other weapons system.

    2 So we get to War Within. Tenno can now fight sentients, using their powers to overcome their powerful defensive systems for the first time ever- Wait that can't be the case. We get the transference ability as a part of growing up (the ill conceived theme of WW), so we didn't have them before.

    3 How did we ever matter at all during the sentient war? It's a fact Sentients aren't anymore affected by Warframe abilities than a warframe's entirely ordinary guns and swords.

    4 Not even my Void (riven) modified weapons are more effective.

    Then we have Eidolons which are entirely indestructible outside of operator abilities. I guess the Eidolons single-handedly destroyed the orokin. *shrugs*




    Sentients physically adapt to damage, meaning weapons will eventually become unable to deal extreme amounts of damage; the common solution is to blind them, and come armed with different elements or weapons that do only one kind of damage to compensate. 
    Warframe powers are 'constrained' Void powers; not all of them will work on Sentient Fighters because those powers were either not intended to be used on Sentients, or they were intended for other Sentient attack forms.



    Tenno, when they initially awaken in the Second Dream, can use an unrestrained Void Beam. In the War Within, due to not having the power-throne and still recovering, even now, from our long cryo-stasis, our power is limited. This may also be, perhaps, due to us having some of our energy in the Warframe as to make it serve as our respawn point in missions (prevents actual Tenno death, but this is part-theory and is Void Logic; Void Logic allows Orokin Towers to use Impossible Space to be TARDIS-sized (bigger inside, smaller outside) ).
    Also, the Tenno didn't 'grow up'; they merely got out of bed and are still tired from the extreme overdose of sleep, or the lack of it due to Transference. I expected more when I heard of the 'Warrior mode' - a more refined Tenno physique, one fit to actually wear a Warframe if it could be worn in that manner, but alas it was not.



    The Orokin were losing because they used a military 100% comprised of unhinged Prime Proxies. So they looked to the Void and gave us armour. We won because we didn't rely on Orokin-era aimbots, and other bots, that Orokin war machines used to use.



    Rivens are augmented mods unveiled by a unique Cephalon. They have no link to the Void and should be considered as a pile of mods that somehow work as one.




    If I am correct, these are known as Teralysts; siege machines Eidolon was supposed to deploy, but it crashed and got blown to bits before it could commence its siege sequence. Also, it was stated that the Tenno's (soon-to-be-reworked and enhanced) powers would merely make it vulnerable to normal attacks. Tenno cannot fight and kill anything beyond a Butcher or normal Lancer (of level 5 or lower) as of this point (pre Plains), let alone use their Void beam to disrupt Sentient Adaptation or disrupt a Kuva Guardian's grip on their Kesheg. 

    The Orokin survived by resorting to old, mostly-manual technologies - like bullets, Technocyte/Docile Infestation, and other abstract technologies such as manipulation of the Void.

    Futhermore, Transference is strictly a Void thing, to disrupt it, you'd need to wake up the user, which is why your Warframe collapsed in the Second Dream. In War Within, it was the Elder Queen interfacing with your Transference connection due to her Orokin blood and heritage, causing a bizzare, lucid mindscape which also connected Teshin to the instance. It was like a simulation of an Annihilation Conclave match, but your mind was hosting it.



  20. As it stands there should be a few things done first before we proceed with trying to change the energy economy.

    Before I begin saying, there is Fleeting Expertise, and Streamline. I use them in almost all of my Warframes if their builds have room (and, in Fleeting Expertise's case, if the 'frame's abilities aren't badly impacted - such as Rhino or Inaros -, I apply it to them instead of Streamline).

    With the fact of mods like Streamline in mind, now I can proceed.



    1: Warframes should have an innate energy regeneration that scales up to 4 if there's a full default squad's affinity aura. This can be increased with Energy Siphon.
    2: Warframes also should have innate health regeneration that scales up to 8 if there's a full default squad's affinity aura. This can be increased with Rejuvenation. 
    2b: Mods like Equilibrium will grant 1/2 health regeneration as energy.
    3: Everything (weapons, powers, kills) has a combo counter that decays like the Arca Scisco's which accelerates this regeneration, and grants a powerful burst of energy regen if you are undetected on your first hit. This will incite Loki/Ash/Ivara/Octavia, and others, users to consider going cloak and bringing silent weapons more often to get this extra energy when the opportunity presents itself. The combo counter also influences damage.
    3/Example: Soma Prime, with the typical Soma Prime build, no event mods, no riven, VS level 150 Corrupted Bombard. The Bombard would die from focused fire within the clip, if not half upon headshot. This should incite trying to hit the same spot on an enemy consistently to create an artificial weak point, if the system is configured correctly.
    4: Energy orbs will continue to drop, as always, and would benefit Warframes who are power hungry, such as Excalibur, Vauban, and Chroma (from personal experience).
    5: Warframes will have an innate pickup radius, based on how far a Warframe can reach when bending over upright and reaching when crouched (translation; Warframes get pickup radius, which increases a small bit when crouched, which is not linked to a Sentinel). This would incite use of companions beyond Sentinels (all Sentinels can use Vacuum).

    At the very least, this should add more ways to get your energy.



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