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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Maybe having the Sacrifice precept activate one second after you go down would make sense, but stop if a friendly is reviving (prevents self-destruct).

    On that note, Regen needs more lives (as many lives as there is ranks to the mod, making Primed Regen even more desirable), or the Sentinel needs to be respawnable in some manner - like a Replacement Sentinel calldown from Ordis, via the Landing Craft beacon item, and adding the following options:
    1: Request replacement Sentinel: Cost: Sentinel XP, a small sum of credits.
    2: Request Landing Craft support (Liset). 
    2b: Request for Landing Craft support for other Landing Craft types are also listed beyond this point.

  2. Just now, AmatsukamiMeibatsu said:

    attica prime version would be AWSOME

    This would replace the mistake of an Opticor and Ferrox, as they cannot and will never fit in with Primes; maybe among Vandals, yes, but Primes? Never.
    Attica and: Castanas +/OR (A)Furis Prime would be valid weapons for Ivara Prime.

  3. 2 minutes ago, TaurusDeRoma said:

    Carrier Prime

    You mean Helios Prime.

    On your sub-topic, Corpus could always do with the comeback of the Corpus Braton as an alternative weapon for Crewmen, as to add variety.

    Regarding Ivara, if/when she goes Prime:
    Ferrox is another Primary weapon. Opticor is a primary weapon already. Both are Corpus armaments.

    Regarding Prime bows, we already have Paris, Cernos, Ballistica Primes, so how about we go with a Prime crossbow to add to the collection?

    And while we're at it, we should go with Castanas Prime, because Ivara likes setting up traps to lure out the rich, yes?

  4. 5 hours ago, Praxxor said:

    Yeah that could work too but I meant this to improve movement fluidity, it'd not work as well if you had to stop for a button anyways.

    5 hours ago, Hecro said:

    This relies, still, on your latency.

    2 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    Then next to those terminals will be smaller, thumb-sized terminals...

    Then the buttons I proposed would serve the same purpose as that of every pedestrian crossing button in existence.

    If any of you know of HK-47 from Star Wars, I will be using his voice for the following thing in the spoilers.



    The mission is very laggy, doors have stopped opening fast enough and you're stuck.

    You press the conveniently placed button, expecting the door to open. Instead, the same display as a Grineer hack puzzle appears (albeit with simpler, white lines), which replicates a typical loading icon seen on videos like the ones on YouTube when the video freezes or lags.

    Sarcasm; After waiting for about five seconds, the door opens, to reveal that a Balor Fomorian blew that entire section of the ship. You are forced into your Archwing, and have to get to the other side and get the mission finished!

    Correction; the door opens, after waiting about another five seconds, to find that the room had been swept clean. Except for the corpses of fallen enemies, and that your squad got stuck behind the next door and is waiting for you.



  5. @LazerSkink, The only reason I raised 'this BS rumor' about (The Sacrifice and) the option of pulling a Stalker/Rell and putting our Operator's mind into a Warframe (killing the Operator in the process, but keeping their power) was because there are actually people out there that want to be rid of them.

    To me, however, the only logical route, more likely, is that it would be the Warframe (Excalibur) being traded out in some manner for Umbra. I would expect the same kind of outcome for every Umbra from that point on, with a quest tied to the exchange.


    As for the Operators - the mind, the Tenno, my personal stance on Tenno as of this point is as follows:
    Note that most of these are things I'd like to see.




    1: Re-enable the option to carry objective objects (power cells, datamass) and keep it on you even if you aren't out of frame. This would give them utility for those who want it. Could be even barred by an Arcane if they so will it.
    2: Grant Tenno the ability to wield a Warframe's sidearm (but only one; if it's akimbo, half clip and fire rate, double reload speed).
    3: Given the Focus Rework, I'm expecting passives to benefit the Tenno as well.
    4: Hopefully, the Arcanes for Tenno will expand energy capacity. Can't have enough of that.
    5: Maybe a Tenno Arcane in the future, but the optional ability to turn the Warframe into a specter who draws fire for you, but not enough to get rekt, would help expand the option for decoy gameplay (i.e: Chroma dumps Pelt, flees, Nekros drops Shadows, flees, Loki places a decoy, goes invis). Activated via interaction so it doesn't mess up your Tenno-only spy missions if you ever do those.
    6: The ability for your current Warframe's mods and stats to lightly influence the Tenno's - one way they could've easily improved survivability beyond the 5th point.
    7: Maybe at some point bring some elements of Parkour 1.0 (wall-running, for instance) into play to help getting around without having to Void-dash.
    8: Somehow, someway, a means to add a few powers, based on the Focus School of your choice, to expand options for when you want/need to go Tenno on it.

    Also, it would be nice if there was written lore somewhere - like the Codex - that became unlocked as soon as War Within is completed (because you'd have to go to the Codex as 'yourself' - the Tenno - to let it allow access) that helped elaborate as to how or why the Orokin were so greedy, how the Grineer built, some confirmation about Margulis (and Teshin, and the Queens' relation to them and us), and - after completing Octavia's Anthem - another hint as to what caused the Sentients to be Sentient in the first place from Hunhow Memory Fragments.



    -Let Tenno use Sidearms - or even equip one - as their primaries, with unlimited ammo at a cost of an energy drain upon reload.
    -Let Tenno carry objects - like Power Cells, Datamass, and fuel cells, in their Warframes again. Was it really that good?
    -Let Tenno point the Warframe around (second Gear wheel limited to Scanners, pizzas, Ciphers, and glyph projector, with half of it covered with an array of 'Warframe Orders'.
    Orders include: Wake/Sleep (activates Specter status on Warframe), Attack attacked target (next beam attack marks enemy), Follow/Wait (same as Specter/Syndicate Support).
    -Let Tenno be able to be influenced by Warframe (mods, stats, Aura are passed onto the Tenno, but all save for the Aura mod are scaled down to conserve the 'mind' variable the Tenno represent; the Warframes represent the 'matter' variable).
    -Let Tenno roll and slide, running won't always help. 


    Also, whoever's headcanon thought there were actual people in the Warframe and still hasn't played Second Dream may have a hard time sustaining that ever since 'frames like Inaros, Titania, Nidus, and Octavia came along, though Harrow looks anatomically sound.

    On a sideways note, it should be said that there deserves to be at least one Prime-frame that has no non-Prime counterpart (perhaps a variant of, say, Chroma, because of his Conculyst pelt, since that is rather straightforward).

  6. I propose an alternative solution which can also be included; adding smaller, hand-sized terminals next to every door. If the door doesn't open, you can interact with the button and it'll open, if its not blanked out, inaccessible (red), or locked down (yellow/orange/if the Lockdown effect is still at play).

    In extension, the code you suggested to auto-modify door opening times/speeds could be adapted to modify enemy troop formation, positioning, and actions.

  7. @Hypernaut1, The Sacrifice - according to rumors, theories, and what little we know - might allow us to 'trade in' our average Excalibur and Tenno for Umbra, unless Ballas was referring to Margulis.

    Numerous others outright threw themselves out because of Operators, although some hope The Sacrifice would allow their Warframe to actually 'kill' their Operator while keeping the abilities gained from accessing them, somehow.

    With the way DE is going, it is uncertain, but regarding their 'maturing', "I expected more!" - Ruk, as in, slightly taller, stronger-looking, less child-like and more like someone who would be seen in the 'frame.

    Then again, if the Teralyst/Eidolon killer weaponry/gear has decent stats, maybe the Tenno could become another Warframe - functionally speaking.

    That way, The Sacrifice would allow you to permanently be rid of your ugly flesh-thing, though how the Warframe will be able to use their powers will remain unknown until that point.

  8. @daSweep, I have a proposition that would link with how Exalted Blade has damage falloff based on distance.



    Firstly, the removal of Exalted Blade's damage falloff (PVE only) at the cost of the wave shrinking, but the benefit here is, using the 'size matters' mentality, when Exalted Blade's wave shrinks, it goes faster until it hits something.

    Heavy blades and hammers should cause Exalted Blade's waves to be bigger, and 'heavier' (based on melee range), and not just that; hits that miss targets and hit surfaces (due to having an arrow-like dropoff) will cause explosions.

    Blocking and then meleeing will cause Excalibur to draw a tower shield, taking a small chunk of energy to spawn the shield; the shield only lasts as long as Exalted Blade, and reflects projectiles to whoever sent them - allies cannot ricochet explosives from these.

    New Augment: Melee Exaltation.


    A new augment should be introduced that allows Excalibur to Exalt any weapon, but removing all of the previously mentioned benefits (causes Exalted Blade, when not attacking with it, to cost no energy to sustain, but the blade's wave damage is the melee's damage, and this damage stacks on itself via the combo counter).


    Secondly, relating to @Mineeden wanting Radial Javelin changes, perhaps the melee's finisher damage should be applied to it?

    And thirdly - in my opinion -, Excalibur's Slash-Dash should have a stacking buff based on successful hits; the more enemies you hit, the longer the buff lasts (power damage + range + efficiency, stacks generate every 5 hits and decay based on the amount of hits).

    This would give him elements to master beyond just pressing 2 or 4 and spamming E.

  9. Correction: Eidolon's Fragment-seeking* war machines are named Teralysts.

    *Eidolon itself is in pieces, the Teralysts awaken each night, because there's no annoying Grineer bugs shooting flashy bullets and messing with their search, to try and find, and piece together, Eidolon from their fragments. Should Eidolon successfully regain consciousness, we will need to infect it with Lotus' reasoning before Hunhow shows up, or mask Eidolon's location from Hunhow before he sends dropships full of Batta- and Concu- lysts.

  10. 15 hours ago, KelsierSurvivor said:

    [Sentient theory]

    Continuation in spoilers.



    I don't think the Void is the cause of their sentience, and those other dropships (i.e; the ones in Tombs of the Sentient that drop Battalysts and Conculysts) are as expendable as the fighters they deploy; only Hunhow's primary body (the 'Brood ship' also seen in the same trailer) and other important Sentient forms, such as personal forms (like Lotus' own body), are possibly primary habitats of their conscious, and thus are highly unlikely to have spares or replacements.

    The Sentients must've evolved their sentience when they succeeded their colonization mission to Tau, because otherwise they would simply do a U-turn halfway to Tau in the Void, or some other unpredictable behavior, and because by then the mission is complete. When the Orokin went to see what happened, they got jealous and very angry at the Sentients for becoming better than them, resulting in the Orokin wanting to shut down their kind, which concluded in a Morning War (Mass Effect 2) scenario which ended with the equivalent of a Reaper invasion, but with the simple twist of indoctrination only working on robotics, and their weakness being Void energies instead of whatever messed them up throughout the Mass Effect series and universe. 



  11. 23 minutes ago, Soki01 said:


    Replace Depleted Reload with Argon Scope for that extra crit on second headshot.

    ...I could do with an Argon Scope, but at this rate whatever I have in my inventory isn't going to make the plat to get it.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Rogue_Striker said:

    Yeah I had assumed teralyst was the name of the original sentient, and eidolon were the spirits that resurrect each night, would make sense since terra means earth and this sentient was the one used to attack an orokin tower on Earth.

    I mean the other way around (Teralyst = towering war platforms deployed by Eidolon to lay siege to the Orokin Tower).
    Evidence to support is below, lists compressed via Spoilers.
    Known Sentients.


    Natah (deceased; she is now the Lotus).
    Hunhow (parent/father of Natah).
    Eidolon (relation unknown; may not be related to Hunhow or Natah).

    Known Sentient weapons/forms/fragments:


    Oculyst (impervious; eyes of the Sentient).
    Conculyst (melee configuration; also has a white version seen in Second Dream intro, and a Decaying version as seen in Octavia's Anthem).
    Battalyst (ranged configuration, also has a Decaying version as seen in Octavia's Anthem).
    [ Shadow-Stalker 
    [ (Broken) War (sword created for the Stalker from Sentient Fighters; broken version was a leftover component kept by Ordis).
    [ Pakal armor ('ornate' armor created for the Stalker from Sentient Fighters, I theorize it can also manipulate the Stalker, as seen in the last Second Dream cutscene, featuring red lights instead of blue ones). ] ] ]
    Eradicyst (terrible Sentient Antivirus software).
    Teralyst (formerly identified as Eidolon, the theory I have is sustained by the fact that this could be the real designation for the towering Sentient bipedal siege platforms we've seen).
    [Unnamed Sentient Dropship] (deploys Battalysts and Conculysts, planned features include resurrection of deceased Fighters and replenishment of Fighter numbers, beyond being a spawn point for Sentient Fighters; seen in Tombs of the Sentient cinematic-trailer and a recent Devstream, but nowhere else since).


  13. Just remember, Umbra is not Prime (Excal, Lato, Skana Prime are Founders Exclusives that only were obtainable from a higher level of the Founders Program/Initiative pack that came out a long while back), and so may have a unique difference that would set this series of frames apart.

    In addition, if a Founder happens to get Umbra, they'll be able to use Excal Prime cosmetics on him and so can confuse people by making Umbra look like Prime or, for even more confusion, the normal Excalibur.

    What makes me curious is, what would Chroma look like, if/when he gets Primed, since his pelt is a Sentient Conculyst.

  14. Answers to existing numbered things:



    0: The Plains of Eidolon. Its' the crashsite of a Sentient who is much like Hunhow yet legitimately deceased. We cannot afford to let Eidolon come back to life, or we'll have twice the Sentient problem that we already have to deal with on Lua.

    1: I think we're already getting fishing, bird hunting, actual excavation (mining), and Ostron-related quests that might be replayable (to be determined).

    2: You mean Hyekka and Drahk (both Grineer-modified creatures, could roam the plains with their respective handlers), but wheres the horses and other life typical to plains environments?

    3: Kavats EAT Infestation, and aren't Infested. Then again Earth was once covered with Infested like Eris is now, so perhaps some 'evolved wild' Infested creatures, like giant biological worms that are herbivores (eat plants), would make more sense. Also, it is unconfirmed whether there are actual Void Demons, because as of now, we Tenno ARE those demons in the eyes of the Orokin. The Father-figure is not one to be spooked by, either; he's just wondering what we're doing, visiting us one by one at random just to remind us that he's there for us, should we need him.

    4: Its a Plains biome. Maybe something more mountain-like can be found on Venus, when they get to it after The Sacrifice?

    *4 (Rogue_Striker's 4, to be specific): 'EIdolons' have been renamed to Teralyst - which makes sense given Sentient naming convention and the fact that these plains have a Sentient - in pieces - all over it. Note: This is, to a degree, unconfirmed, but it makes sense given how Vay Hek's Terra Frame was big, and how the Sentient war machine(s) are giant Sentient walking tanks.

    5: You mean Stalker Override, but that isn't part of the Plains itself. I call it this because it makes more sense; you're not being the Stalker, you're overriding his control by effectively directly meddling with his mind, resulting in you 'controlling' him (but really you're just making your ideas look better than his). I petition to rename Stalker Mode to Stalker Override because of this contextual fact.

    6: This already exists.

    7: Lephantis was a prototype Infested-based anti-Sentient superweapon, which failed. Only one has ever existed, like any Gravemind (Halo). Randomly generated Grineer commanders, created via the Kingpin system, would work, but (Corrupted) Vor? In the Plains? No; he is forever Void-bound. He shall not leave that place. Lynxes are CORPUS proxies, no Corpus have been sighted in the Plains as enemies thus far. And the Teralyst* only awaken at night, perhaps due to a knowing that nobody will interrupt their search attempts to recover Eidolon's components.


    Personally, at night, I'd like to see those Sentient dropships (seen in a Devstream not long ago, and in the 'Tombs of the Sentient') show up and dump a few Battalysts and Conculysts in the way of Tenno, as a hint that Hunhow knows of this and is actively seeking to prevent us from messing with Eidolon's self-reconstruction via Teralysts.

    Although it would be nice to see the occasional Corpus mining rig just show up from nowhere, with the option to help the Corpus protect it, or help the Grineer steal it, or to sabotage it yourself and take the plunder for the Ostron people - if not yourself.

  15. 18 minutes ago, AgentSkye said:

    [Excerpt] No, your warframe has to do a lot of unnecessary weapon swapping even though it's already holding the freaking sword.

    Sometimes it skips the weapon equipping animation and you don't notice until you try to shoot; this feature might've been intended and could've gotten lost somewhere.

    As for the overdose of random weapon swapping, you could always blame it on Transference and your Warframe getting a headache over what you were trying to do, which could be further evidence for Warframes being self-aware, at least at a minimum (as seen in The Second Dream).

    One could consider such a problem funny, though.

  16. The problems:



    Firstly, enemies take too long to get into position, and when they do get into position they're already dead from explosives or literally anything. I can't even pick which enemy had any decent fighting movement beyond the old Stalker and Index/Rathuum enemies.

    Secondly, enemies most of the time are thrown into existing formations or messy piles (Kuva Fortress, when not alerted, you will find lots of Lancers in the same room in an ugly pile, like they forgot where they were meant to go or be, but when alerted you see them in perfect ambush arrangements), which usually die or become horribly complicated to deal with depending on the composition.

    Thirdly, enemy movement is also bad and lacks explanation (i.e; how can Grineer leap such long distances, how can Corpus do the same?) and should be reworked.


    The theoretical solutions:


    Enemies should be given the ability to learn from their environment and be able to employ premade strategies.
    Example 1:
    Summonable attack pets (Drahk, Hyekka, Rattel) go first, melee enemies / enemies with shields go second (Shield Lancers, Nullifiers and other Corpus shield projector crew), and infantry go third (Lancers, armed Crewmen), while snipers and other longer-ranged troops spread out and take up positions, not firing until they are all in position (reporting that they are in position first, giving an audio cue to point out that you're surrounded by snipers).
    Grineer example:
    You're up against Shield Lancers, Scorchers, and Ballistas. Shield Lancers line up in a wall formation, Scorchers crouch and crawl behind them, waiting until the enemy is well in range to let loose their Ignis flames, while Ballistas stick back to cover and lure the Tenno in with weapons fire.
    Corpus example:
    You find one Moa, one single Moa in the entire room. You kill it, room goes on lockdown and the Corpus throw in a Bursa, some Sapping Ospreys, and Crewmen for good measure.
    Sentient example:
    Sentients would try to go above your position and then attack you from above, or stay out of your firing arc. The less health they have, the more frantic they get.
    Infested example:
    Infested are fine as they are, because they're a twisted, ugly mess.
    Corrupted example:
    The Corrupted, due to being expendable resources, line up horizontally (so you'd see all the ranged troops in a line, and the melee ones in a line in front, with Ancients cowering behind the rest), and they would try to wrap this wall of guns around you so they can kill you with maximum efficiency (surrounding tactic).

    All the enemies, except the Infested and Corrupted, would get a bit of machine learning (algorithms much like Animo, which may just be an intricate pile of machine learning code) that allows them to identify the tile they're on, what troops are present, what they're armed with, what powers they have, and where their enemy is. As the mission progresses, the enemy eventually deduces what you have equipped and will try to use that knowledge against you (spawning specific troops that counter your weapons instead of piles of inevitably-scrap-metal).

    This means an hour's worth of Survival would result in the Grineer or Corpus sending specialized squads of specific units in bizzare, new formations trying out new, unseen tactics.

    Also allies will get this tech, allowing for pets to properly not get stuck, and for allied AI to actually be useful.


  17. My key piece of advice, Rebecca and Megan, is you have a few short practice runs to see what suits you, then go to Assur, Uranus (planet), after you slot your lenses on your Frames of choice.

    This is also because, every time I've watched, I've spotted a trend. Your blades (skills in mobility) are dull and need some sharpening; and so a few short missions will aid you.

    Also, an inquiry;

    Now that the Tenno have awakened -twice, actually-, now that the Tenno have gotten out of bed (so to speak), what will happen now? Will they be able to borrow their Warframe's sidearm? What weapons will they have access to? Can they command their Warframe to act as a Specter when they're not in it? What new skills can they learn?

    And Lotus, about Archwings and Life Support; [CONFIRMED]: Archwings have a built-in life support system, which would make sense given how Void Logic / Impossible Space makes Orokin Towers possible.

    New inquiry; what is a 'Teralyst'? Is that Eidolon's war machines?

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