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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. 4 minutes ago, KeLaRo said:

    Nice, could also open a new line of Riven Mod just for each type of new companions/sentinel .

    Like Chroma ,a new companion could require a part of an existent Warframe (i hope is not Equinox!)

    imagine a warframe as a worker in a factory (close space,alienation,stress).

    it will blow up after 10 minutes, (2 if is Ember)

    1: No Rivens for Warframes or Companions, please. There's already enough Rivens as is.
    2: No, I don't want these to be companions. I want them to be Warframes, but built from Corpus components - as mockery of Alad V's Zanuka Program!
    3: Oh, sending Warframes that we're not using to work? Interesting proposition.
    4: Factory explodes from Warframes getting annoyed? No thanks; that would rather be us sabotaging the Corpus. 

    On a side-note, Chroma deserves a power integrated into another power (i.e: hold Vex Armor to activate Sentient Flight, hold Elemental Ward to change Element; passive becomes Sentient Adaptation (lite edition; much less effective than the ones used by Sentients) ).

  2. Here's my suggestions for the existing scythes to make them more like the 'great-scythes' you desire:
    1: Increase the handle/grip's length, increase blade section size. Increase weapon melee range to compensate. DE already did this with the Arca Titron's grip.
    2: Allow polearm stances to be equipped.
    3: Double all stats for all Scythes, except Anku.
    4: Double Reaper Prime's stats again on top of this.

    As for dual-wielded Katanas, the only difference is their holstering and equipping animation, faster swing speed, and no puncture damage (all slash and very little impact), perhaps?
    Would like to see the Other Broken War (heavy blade version of Broken War that has stats between Broken War and War which can use sword, nikana, and heavy blade stances all the same; this would enable War to use the Dual Sword stance, like a Dark Split-Sword, by causing the blade to snap in half, yet reconnect using Void Logic).

    I had an idea once about allowing Throwable Melees to be used in the Sidearm slot (one self-regenerating projectile that only regenerates when it comes back, trigger tap throws it at the same speed as you'd throw the dual-wielded version, holding the fire button charges it, and tapping alt-fire while its' in flight sets off its explosion and returns it to you; you can't melee with it though; doesn't drain life support further like melees do) based on what Teshin could do in War Within.

  3. 7 minutes ago, KeLaRo said:

    Kol Interpretation: Razorback Raid success increasing production rates, or be a reward from helping Clem(?).
    Perrin Sequence builds these things, we market them. Customization of Proxies also include Perrin Sequence exclusive designs, or even Tenno/Orokin/Prime designs (but we must find them first, or from the Market).
    If I put Ember blueprints into the manufacturing line... [cannot comprehend].

    Gives me an idea. Installing Warframe components into the Proxies could augment them with Warframe powers or Eximus abilities - like Zanuka or the Hyena Pack.

    On the side, with all this data being fed through Perrin Sequence and/or the Clan(s), we could get a new line of Companions - Proxies of our own.

    UPDATED: Also, the listed things I added because of Tenno having Warframe schematics allowing them to build Corpus-inspired Warframes (Bursa, Raptor 2.0, Hyena 2.0, Razorback) would add a new era of Corpus Fashionframe to the Tenno arsenal, beyond a new array of gameplay options.

    These Corpus-Frames are bashed together from existing Proxy parts, and so would typically resemble Egyptian guards or deities (those who wear animal masks with staffs), albeit with a specifically Corpus/Tenno twist.

  4. Being able to see how any array of cosmetics look on your Warframe - including colours from palettes you don't own - would incentivize mass-purchases depending on how new one is to the Fashionframe scene, but when leaving the arsenal you should be prompted with:
    A: put everything you were trying out on a Wishlist?
    B: forget what you were trying out.

    Furthermore the trying-out thing is clientside, only the final purchase would allow them to actually keep the items selected (refer to the time when you could preview a Warframe in the Orbiter through a small bug, but when going to a Relay or anywhere else, you revert to the Warframe you owned, this feature would be like such a bug).

    And @lukinu_u, you think we buy skins just because we want to try them out and then forget about them? We can preview the skins via the Market or Arsenal as it is, this is merely the next step up, and would incentivize more purchases because of more people seeing more fashion combos - and newer Tenno would be able to set their fashion objectives without worrying about their platinum - until they buy the wishlist of cosmetics, of course.

  5. I like this concept; starting a Clan Quest (which is a Quest the Clan can participate in, though it's optional), which involves Darvo, Perrin Sequence, Lotus (to a degree), and even some old/familiar Corpus characters (Frohd, Nef, A Sergeant, and the Proxies), starting with stealing Corpus blueprints (via Spy/Capture/Interception/Mobile Defense/Archwing Mobile Defense/Archwing Rush missions), followed by getting a Quest mission that gets the Clan access to a Corpus Tileset and Corpus Manufacturing, Corpus Marketing, and also a new terminal in the existing Corpus (Energy) lab that ties the researched gear into the new system. Then you can dump your blueprints into the new Lab room, allowing you to piece together existing Corpus proxies, or build your own. 

    Here's a general idea, in the Spoilers.



    How the Quest is laid out, from my angle:



    1: Darvo contacts you via Messages about the inevitable broadcasting on an exposed channel.

    2: Ordis notices an exposed Corpus channel, and sends the Tenno on a mini-interception mission (one tower) to tap in. 

    3: You get a specific piece of data - a blueprint - you can hand in to Perrin (if you're not in a Clan), or give to your Clan builder rank (if you are in one).

    4: Perrin instructs the Clan Leader to build the two new Corpus rooms (which, upon first-time assembly, are done within the hour).

    5: Quest-versions of all Corpus Spy, Mobile Defense, Capture, and Interception missions show up as 'exposed Corpus manufacturing data' Alerts, which drop the Corpus Blueprints for random Proxies - feeding them into the Terminal in the Lab pieces together schematics. Spare schematics can be dumped in exchange for credits, or kept.

    6: Your Clan may begin advertising for investors from the Corpus, obviously having yourselves, Perrin Sequence, and Darvo as backers makes this much easier.

    7: Make your own Proxies using the Manufacturing Terminal to simulate what happens when you mix and match acquired components; complete with full colour customization and re-arming of the Proxy with weapons researched from any lab (though Corpus ones sell best).

    8: When you've made your own, you can name your schematic, and even take a copy to your Orbiter to make your new Proxy companion (Hybrid Moa Proxies can store an armed Sentinel on their back, or serve as mounts for your other companions; their weapons cannot be modified, for example).

    9: Advertise your new range of Proxies and Corpus gear to the Corpus, and hope they'll offer to buy some.

    10: Begin production as soon as pre-orders begin stacking.


    Side-note: You can hybridize Proxies, allowing the creation of Proxy-Dragons; Raptor-Razorback hybrids, among an impressive array of mix-match Corpus platforms, even going so far as to be able to build a Warframe* out of Corpus Proxy data.*This Corpus-frame would have four general archetypes based on components used.

    Bursa - with a mixture of powers that provide a combat feel akin to that of a Bursa, and the general Bursa style.



    1: Riot shield; raises the shields on the left arm (toggleable power; toggling on limits use of weapons to sidearm only or melee only; melees will only be capable of performing single-handed attacks), the shield provides a high rate of damage resistance, but has a health bar of its own. Depletion of this bar occurs from enemy fire, and heals when disengaged. Crouching with this power on allows use of primaries.

    2: Restraint Mine; throws a grenade that blinds enemies after it restrains them with a beam, exposing them to finishers.

    3: Missile barrage; toggled power, activates back-mounted missile batteries and expends energy upon firing. Can be mixed with other powers for added effect.

    4: Nullifier blast; disrupts all power use for all enemies within radius of the attack, the Bursa-Frame punches the ground, setting off an explosion that nullifies enemies and drains their health/shields to replenish yours; has two versions. Fast: tapping the power uses it for 1/4th its cost, but disruption and general damage effects are significantly weaker. Charged: charging the power provides hardened overshields during chargeup, firing of the power causes damage returned and output to be based on enemy health/shields; enemies of level ranges over 100 should be susceptible to death from this.

    Passive: Immune to staggers from rollers, shield lancers, and other stagger sources, but can still be knocked over. This Warframe cannot slide, but can 'hop'.


    Raptor - with a mixture of powers reminiscent of encounters with the new Raptor models.



    1: Proxies; deploys a drone that hunts the marked target, up to three Proxies of any kind can be simultaneously active; 9 more can be deployed if any set are assigned to an ally (allies can be marked) (marked by tapping the respective power number, activation occurs when tapping again; holding this swaps the spawned unit, with three options to pick;
    M-emes; an explosive Nemes that rapidly chases the enemy until getting close enough to explode, knocking enemies over and causing plasma (radiation with fire) damage. M-Raptor TN-NO; a mini-Raptor the size of a shield Osprey that collects loot, and shoots enemies. Also fires little seeking missiles. M-Bursa TN-NO; a mini-Bursa without the shields, stomps disrupt enemy abilities and cause magnetic damage to foes). Deploying any Proxy will cause your Sentinel to holster itself on your back to aid in controlling the Proxies.
    2: Artillery Barrage; fires a small array of various explosives (swappable like the Proxies) that can either knock over (concussive), cause slash damage (shrapnel), or blind (flashbang) enemies.
    3: Flight mode; activates the Raptor wings on the back, enabling Archwing flight. Energy spent on other powers is increased by a small amount, but effectiveness of all powers is amplified. You are also exposed due to a bigger hitbox, and so you only lose energy only upon initial cast.
    4: Heavy beam cannon; transform your right arm into a massive beam cannon that fires the familiar Raptor RV superweapon, fatally decimating opponents below. This is an exalted weapon that used Archwing primary animations.

    Passive: Armour stat adds extra health and shields in percentages; this Warframe is unable to parkour, double jump, slide, or roll, except for wall-running and latching (double-jumping triggers Flight mode).


    Hyena 2.0 (as seen in Index) - with a mix of elemental attacks akin to the old Hyena Pack.



    1: Shockwave; slam the ground to unleash a wave of force which uproots enemies, stunning them when they return to ground. Successive use will keep enemies suspended for longer.
    2: Bullet-storm; spin around, firing your shoulder-mounted guns in all directions, causing slash and puncture procs to enemies within range; has greater range if used while airborne.
    3: Nullify; EMP enemies within your field of view, forcing them to reload and take cover until shields regenerate. Also causes magnetic procs that disable HUD for enemies until they escape the projected Nullifying field range. Sustained use on armoured enemies will cause their armour to turn into self-damaging Puncture and Impact damage over time.
    4: The pack; resort to a quadrupedal stance, allowing for endless wall latching and movement on walls as if walls were the ground; melee is replaced with your claws, and your weapons are your shoulder-guns and built-in missiles (can press Y to swap between these). Energy is drained when on walls and when firing.

    Passive: Faster parkour movement speed (rolling, bullet-jumping, wall-running), can use parkour on ceilings.


    Razorback, with an array of attacks that remind people of them, and of proxies like it.



    1: Analyze threat; see enemies through walls, maintaining lock on an enemy applies a stack of Weakness Exposed, which lowers their resistance to Power attacks. Drains energy to maintain.
    2: Engage warhead; deploys slow, destructible ordnance. The more enemies there are, the more warheads launched. Analyze threat allows detection of more enemies. Warheads are highly explosive and will deal a large percentage of fire damage, and enemy stats as damage.
    3: Harden shields; drain energy to rapidly replenish shields (when channeled). (When held) render your shields partly resistant to all attacks except one - which randomizes. Energy is furthermore drained to sustain this overshield.
    4: Osprey swarm; deploys Lynx-Ospreys that render your shields impervious until Ospreys are destroyed.

    Passive: Cannot parkour (slide, 2nd-jump, roll, bullet-jump), cannot sprint, health and shields (and added mods for such) amplify both stats instead of just one.


    Universal passive, for these Corpus-Proxy-frames: Due to being mechanical, health orbs and restores will have no effect. Only Warframe healing powers can heal them.


    Though I think this should also include the 'Kingpin system' which DE still has somewhere in the Foundry and not be the only way to get at these Corpus-pattern almost-Warframes.

  6. I'd agree to the idea that it is, symbolically, reminiscent of a tree, but more like the trees you find now on Earth - the excessively overgrown, self-defending, impervious to being cut down, mighty tree which has many others in the "mighty forests of Earth" - Lotus, Cicero Toxin Sabotage mission(s).

  7. 12 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    At that point its useless to even make him go away, which eliminates a big part of the hype of Baro (when he brings a good item) on his visits anyways. Not going to happen. 48 hours is typically more than long enough and his items return fairly quickly, just wait for it to come around again.

    DE changed what time Baro shows up a long while back, which means he doesn't stay for the whole weekend, resulting in things like this.

    Baro should have a donation bar that, if everyone payed up enough credits and Ducats for his wares, he would linger for another 12 hours on Sunday (which would be in such a way that would allow all timezones to be able to grab at his offerings before he goes).

    However, should people buy even more in those bonus hours, his next arrival would not include the items bought in extreme quantity (except the Quest, of course).  

  8. Here's my list of personal gripes I continue to have with Conclave in general:


    -No matchmaking filters (skill, objective completion ability, mobility rate, etc..., resulting in pros being paired against noobs all the time, or being paired against people who only do it to stock up on Standing for whenever Conclave gets more cosmetics).
    -Lack of population (due to the best of the best playing it all the time due to PVE burnout or finding PVP fun, resulting in every new person failing badly).
    Example of a new person: Someone who DOESN'T use ANY mobility and just walks around, stands still to aim, and takes forever to do anything. I encountered one, an Excalibur in green and red with a Cernos. I could walk away from him while firing at him and he wouldn't do anything except trying to melee, when I was at the minimum safe distance.
    -Weapon balancing is weird (huge, deadly weapons like Zarr have an explosion radius and damage output that make them useless unless its a very specific situation, Ballistica Prime arrows are so slow that the entire weapon is useless, and weapons have clip sizes and ammo capacities that don't reflect their PVE counterparts, making practicing in Rathuum or Index a waste of time).
    -Half of the Warframes have powers that don't do anything (such as Chroma's Elemental Ward only creating a small damage field, or Inaros' Sandstorm, let alone Hydroid's Tempest Barrage), or cost too much - and don't work  -to use.
    -Tenno-hosted servers are like black holes; they pull you into a lobby, but there's nobody else there. And when there is, they leave for any number of reasons (such as me being higher MR and am equipped more appropriately)!
    -Parkour is both cancerous, and limited (some Warframes, like Inaros, can't parkour fast enough and so are more like walking targets, easily picked off by a few sniper shots, but if modded correctly you could fling yourself across the map without the melee equipped and avoid all damage, while somehow hitting all the enemies you passed and killing them). I would suggest reintroducing the Stamina Bar to force them to use parkour in a more strategic fashion - like a jetpack.
    -Sprinting is useless in all cases, unless you're Loki or Nezha.
    -The pacing is so fast -when a pro is in action- that newer players, or people who aren't used to it, automatically give up because they have no way to counter them because they don't know how, or their method has a solution to all counters.

    Though that may just be me.

  9. Might be fragments of an experimental version, of the 'matured, warrior Tenno', that possibly leaked into the Console Build.

    I had a vision that the Operators would be able to hold single-handed sidearms (or half a dual, with 2x reload speed, 1/2 fire rate, and 1/2 clip size; this function would also apply to Akimbo weapons that don't have a singular version when using a compatible dual-wield melee such as a Glaive) in the sense of 'press X to borrow sidearm', and the Operators would have shields - thanks to the Warframe, but would leech from the Warframe's health/shields to sustain their shields and health, and when the 'frame's shields fail and they're at 75% health, then the Operator is thrown back into the Warframe.

    Maybe we'll get to use our 'frame's sidearms as our Tenno's Primary weapon? I am hereby curious.

    Update: You're shooting yourself to death in a way that doesn't involve explosives (probably friendly fire enabled). Would like the damage to heal you instead of harm.

  10. We have decoded the message.

    OP wants Arcanes to be worth getting again, because right now only 5 of them are of any use, and suggests that they undergo a revisit (look at what they did for Nekros, Rhino, for example; that's a revisit; Excalibur was one of a few to get a fully-fledged rework), which would result in Trials/Raids becoming a thing worth doing again because the rest of the Arcanes now have something that makes them worth getting.

    Long version of two suggestions: Ability to stack Arcanes (so you can hit the free extra revive with less problems), and one DE has in mind - the slot itself gets the Arcane, not the cosmetic within.


    One suggestion I, personally, would give out is the ability to stack separate Arcanes on top of eachother up to 5 times on the same thing, and the order of stacking says how high that stat is (so the first Arcane you install, by the end of the pile, is the tallest and benefit most, and so on). Add this suggestion on top of DE wanting the option to select the slot itself to be slotted with an Arcane rather than a specific cosmetic in that slot, and we've got something great - if it applies to all Warframes and not that one frame you're appyling the arcanes to the cosmetics of.

    What I am basically saying is:


    1: Ability to stack different Arcanes to mix stats, when 2 happens.
    2: Arcanes would instead be slotted in the cosmetic class itself instead of any one cosmetic. So, say, I put an Arcane on the Skin slot, Helmet slot, Syandana and so on, they would apply for ALL Warframes I own and use, even if they're wearing no attachments or syandanas.


  11. Do you mean Arcanes? I can't understand this post correctly when you're using the term 'Mystifier' or 'Mystery' because that has never been linked to Arcanes.

  12. 12 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed Hydroid Prime’s mesh having holes.

    I'm glad DE saw this too.

    And now the Corpus have a power hammer. Expect Corpus Paladins*.

    *The basis of these theoretical Corpus supersoldiers will be in the spoiler.


    Specialized cyborg Corpus supersoldier-commanders, with the first replacing The Sergeant. Imagine the legs from Ambulas Reborn, made into humanoid legs, and the arms from Razorback, resized to fit around the Corpus commander who had been cybernetically augmented to allow a direct neural connection into what can only be called the Corpus version of a Warframe.

    To put it simply, they are Corpus who willingly underwent excessive, perfected renditions of Grineer augmentation - so you'd see a mechanical connection port coming from their spine, elbows, and outward-knees.

    They adorn an exo-suit built out of reconstituted Proxy parts and are armed with a random array of Corpus weapons, but always carry a specialized Volt shield projector component and the new Corpus power hammer at all times. 

    To put this in a terribly crude form, they're basically Reinhardt from Overwatch, or a stereotypical heavy-armoured warhammer-wielding shield-toting commander archetype.


  13. 50 minutes ago, Mofixil said:

    Mods in their current state increase weapon power by an order of magnitude but do we really expect and want people to stick to their [cutoff]


    Then again, Weapons need a Mastery Requirement rebalance (i.e: Galatine, in comparison to Dark Split Sword, is superior and their MRs should be swapped because of it, in theory) so people don't immediately have access to every OP weapon by MR2 (Atterax + Kohm). 

  14. Junctions should have a random one of the last locations' tiles as a reward, and then (most of the) Lua tileset for completing the Second Dream.

    Hek, Simaris should offer a random tile pack for every Imprint entry you got, which would contain one tile from every non-Archwing tileset from every faction you've scanned.

  15. This 'sell as set' button would result in bots becoming more viable for trading*. As for the Akstiletto Prime, my solution is to allow the barrels of Prime weapons that require two barrels to build to stack.

    This translates to, in simplification:
    Dual Kamas Prime, in trade, taking up only 3 trade slots (blueprint, blades, handles).
    Nami Skyla Prime, in trade, taking up only 3 trade slots (blueprint, blades, handles).
    ...And any other weapon with multiples of the same part in its blueprints.

    *This is unacceptable! - Vay Hek.

  16. 6 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    [My comment]

    I highly recommend to remember that the Lotus does not refer to herself as "Natah" after she betrayed her race.  It is the same as referring to the Warframes as "tenno" before the events in Second Dream -  half true and utterly disrespectful if you are into the lore.

    This coloured text is highlighted.

    The reason I continue to provide some background disrespect in this form is, should you never forget, the time she called all Tenno, losers.

    Due to this level of disrespect from the Lotus on such a scale, it is acceptable from my angle to repay by calling her by her Sentient 'designation'...

    Hotfix: ...Only when necessary, however. It's been long since that day, but some cannot let the fact go - much like how the Stalker still seeks us out for a crime we no longer remember committing, for now.

  17. 14 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    [Corrupted Excerpt]: Auto-Health-Decay. NATAH is already strangling the Razorbacks even as we speak.


    Whenever addressing Lotus in a manner such as this, I highly recommend calling her NATAH

    Hotfix: Also, I recall hearing that Corpus don't have the firepower to Balor Fomorian a Relay to pieces, they merely hold it for ransom. Assuming a credit tax is inserted onto Relay visits and stay time by the Corpus security agencies.

  18. I'm all for forgoing a Sentinel weapon to bring any biological Companion, with a Sentinel leashed to it as if on horseback, with me. This would make Kavats and Kubrows worth bringing in and would retain the Sentinel's abilities.

    However, to save the Sentinel from death, and to add a gate to this, a constructable Corpus-design 'docking saddle' for Kubrows, Kavats, and Helminth Chargers should be conceived.

    Corpus Companion Sentinel Docking Saddle:



    What this does is, if the Sentinel reaches critical health values, the first thing that will happen is that it starts passing the damage taken to the biological companion, while fleeing to dock with it to recharge. This recharge time is as long as its shield recharge delay plus the Warframe's shield recharge delay.

    This device would come in three pieces. The first is from The Jackal (Saddle), the second is from The Raptors (Dock), and the third is from the Hyena/Zanuka with a Helios attached (Systems), with the blueprint dropping from Alad V.

    The Sentinel also respawns if killed if Regen is mounted, and you revive the Companion it had docked with during the mission.


    In the meantime, Regen should also have a cooldown timer before the Sentinel respawns, and each respawn costs some Affinity and Credits from within the mission and is done automatically; the higher Regen's level, the shorter the cooldown. Without Regen, the cooldown is twice as long.

  19. On 9/1/2017 at 5:30 PM, FrellingHazmot said:

    I liked the asymmetry of the horns on V1, it looks a bit too even now imo. Looks awesome nonetheless!

    Maybe the bumpmap for the helmet could be asymmetrical for the horns, so it gets some asymmetry from that?

    @alexmach1, that helmet is certainly one I'm going to get for my Oberon Prime. Maybe ship it with a skin for the frame to help it mesh together?

  20. The Repala Syandana fits the first two Warframes easily, exempting Rhino Prime because of the ugly wind-up mechanism on his back - only the Ki'teer Syandana can protect that.

    Though I understand what you mean regarding Hydroid and Chroma; they technically already have Syandanas on them, just not in the traditional manner.

  21. You forgot one thing. Enemy scaling comes first, damage 3.0 comes after. Trying it the other way will make the game unplayable if DE doesn't play it out correctly, and such has been the case before.

    Why I say this? Try using that weapon of yours on a level 12 Corrupted Bombard, then 24, then 36, and so on until a level 120, without mods. And turn off invincibility.

    Then try with mods.

    Now do you understand why damage 2.0 and enemy scaling is what it is at this moment?

  22. 45 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    iWeapon levelling system that costs Forma, the resources needed for which new players cannot obtain so easily due to Junctions]

    We have something like this already; the normal versions of the weapons.

    Though problem is, is that the MK-1 versions are sometimes superior in one way or another, and makes the ordinary counterparts look terrible.
    If the normal versions of the Starter weapons (Furis, Kunai, Braton, Paris, Bo, and so on) had stats a little closer to their Prime counterparts, then people would go for them.

    In fact this raises a number of my personal requests:



    -Reintroduce the Old Braton as the Corpus Braton, which would have stats that are close, but not on par with, Braton Prime. Also introduce a 'Marine Crewman' who uses this weapon.

    -MK-1 Lato and Mk-1 Skana. Normal Lato and Skana are buffed to be a little closer to their superior (Vandal for Lato, Prisma or Prime for Skana) versions.



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