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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. At least a bo atack speed nerf its going to reduce the coptering speed / distance on pvp.
    Here on pc, we are still with that problem, worse, we get a lot of melee damage reduction without need it, example Bo series and probably a gram dps reduction (because some people complain about the damage on a heavy melee weapon lol) and hopefully a kogake nerf (yes really need it).
    But we have to wait a lot of months to get a fix? Ugh dude that is a lot of time without fun.

  2. Well those "veterans" are full poo. I just finished 3matches where there was volt coptering 24/7 collecting energy, spamming overload rince and repeat. First i was positive about pvp, but now i might play it only when movement 2.0 arrives, if there is cut off coptering, if there isnt well... no thanks.

    I just say, what rebecca say before release the pvp 2.0.

    Ehm, energy its already fixed here on pc, u just have to wait and are going to see a nice change, about coptering, we are still with that issue.

  3. Sybaris in pvp its a hitscan weapon, its different if no one cant land shots.
    I already try it and i can say its a fun and powerfull weapon. as before I say another buff its going to make OP the weapon.


    And it's not just about aiming bad but also about how fast your target is going.


    Yep that is the problem with coptering, current ttk, and weapon choice. Sybaris its okay right now, another buff, dagh op weapon without need it.

  4. Idk about you but I saw ppl are !@#$^% Boar Prime.  I feel it is much better than before, maybe not as good as other shotgun but you can jump on ppl and they die.


    My thought on Wraith Twin Viper - Not so good at chasing due to projectile, spread, and bad ammo economy.  At close range you seems to be at disadvantage vs. automatic rifle because your gun also tend to miss (spread) more.


    I remember Twin Viper is hit scan & faster fire rate, maybe Twin Viper perform better.


    Edit: Same Fire Rate, haven't test if it is hitscan

    really? because I try to kill someone immovilized and i cant kill him.

    His dps its really Slow compared with all weapons, damn.

  5. Well maybe that said team should actually play their creation... This thing annoys me in game devolpment in general. Because if they would be playing matches where carrier just copters constantly, and god help you if it is rhino with skin on, they would know that something needs to be done. I think problem is that they are in mentality that they can only restrict carriers, not give something else also.

    They have "veterans" testing all the things before the release.

  6. I think the Sybaris is a relatively balanced weapon, on par with the Latron on some circumstances.


    It's main drawback is the fact that it isn't hitscan and thus scoring the second shot from the burst can be damn right near impossible depending on which angle your target is from you.


    It really only shines when shooting at targets that are either running straight at you, running from you in a straight line, or just standing still.

    In every other circumstance, the Latron is a better alternative due to being hitscan and not relying on a burst to dish out damage.


    Damage-wise, I found myself killing an Excalibur in 2-3 bursts. It really depends on its user's ability to land both burst-shots.


  7. Yeah, yeah. You can exaggerate, we all know that. A request for a little bit more dmg, to let 4 bullets kill squishy frames instead of the current 5 won't change anything. Of cause I can compare Semi automatic weapons with burst weapons, because I can compare every weapon with each other. After all semi automatic weapons and burst fire weapons have really similar mechanics. I don't ask for a buff that brings the dps of the Sybaris up to the Latron (god, a 75 dmg Sybaris would be op), I ask for a small tweak.

    My point of view its this, Currently the TTK on some weapons fell balanced we know it, well i just go direct to the point.

    Elemental damage its coming, it its going to decrease the ttk drastically (i think), they removed the type different type of damages (puncture, impact etc etc...), but the armor types still exist (alloy, armor tenno (im really dont know what is that haha) etc etc), so probably, when the elemental mods come, we are going to see a big difference on dps, choosing Cold to make shield weak, and toxyn for example to reduce the hp.

    I can compare too a Lex with a braton prime. You have for example the Boar prime, after and before the buff, it still suck, the fire rate its slow with his current damage, and no one is asking for a buff or a nerf because no one care (i think)... The same its happening with Sybaris, u still dont see a request for nerf or change, because it looks pretty balanced actually, give the chance to it, and make 2 shot kill, and prepare for the "nerf sybaris" threads.

    What I say its, another buff its going to make that weapon powerfull without need it... Same its happening with melee, the constant threads for "nerf the gram" its going to destroy a heavy melee weapon, making it useless. 

    To OP 37 to 54 its a big change...

    Im hope for a braton buff again but i dont think it is going to happend T_T

    Sorry if u dont understand me, i just woke up.

  8. but does coptering really feel natural though? Your just spinning a weapon and that somehow flings you a mile. Especially with the staves and dual swords (ichor / zoren). 


    Movement 2.0 is meant to replace coptering by making you fast enough to be constantly coptering, without you spamming melee.

    natural? Nice joke.

  9. Sybaris

    The only problem, which I have with this weapon, is that it doesn't kill an Excal with 2 bursts (aka 4 bullets). Add +3/4 dmg and it will be exactly how I imagined it to be.


    I dont see why that weapon need to be a 2 shot kill.

    Actually his dps its pretty nice...

    If they buff that weapon again, you are going to see all players using that like happend before with mareloks poblation.


  10. DE pvp team already say, "cephalon carrier its not going to have restrictions, we want let the player, do as much he can"
    coptering its a general problem in pvp, with or without the cephalon, on recent devstreams they said coptering its going to be checked, and his speed and distance going to be reduced, making the pvp less fast paced.
    now we just can wait, and hope the overhaul on coptering, make the game, less rush, and more "face to face".
    The best maybe, u can do right now, its make a feedback with possible ideas, so PvP team can take a look on it, when parkour 2.0 comes, well, u know.

  11. You always need more than 2 bursts to kill someone. An excal will still have 10-20 health, if you hit 2 bursts. A Latron p kills an Excal with exactly 4 bullets - Sybaris should be able to do the same thing (that means for me: it should have 60-62 dmg), especially if you consider that it has a lower firerate. If you count a burst as one attack, than you can't asume that you'll hit both bullets, if you hit something. 

    It doesn't suck anymore, but the Latron p is clearly superior to it, because it deals better dmg over time and is able to burst as good as the Sybaris.

    If they buff his damage again, u will going to see again a spamm on Sybaris in game, and constant ask for nerf it.

    As i say, it looks good (for me).

    U cant compare a Semi automatic with a Burst. it looks good for me i dont say its okay in general, but another buff its not really necessary.

  12. The new Sybaris:




    At least it is no more the worst primary weapon. But still, all this points haven't changed:

    It has less dmg than the latron, less firerate, a smaller magazine, with the same accuracy and a little bit less reload time. Tell me, why should I use the Sybaris over the Latron? If I want to play with a fun weapon, than I'll use Sybaris and if I want to win, than I'll use Latron - is that your idea? How hard is it, to give the Sybaris either a higher headshot multipler or higher dmg than the Latron?

    I used only the Sybaris the last hour and I have to say that it doesn't suck anymore. But besides the Sybaris-feeling I saw no reason why I should stay with this weapon. My Latron does everything better...

    I already try on Sybaris and i can say, its okay, his ttk its really good, u dont need more than 2 or 3 burst to kill someone, maybe a buff on his magazine, but on damage its okay, and i dont like the Burst weapon, but i already enjoy it :3

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