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  1. There's nothing about Dagath's design that "expects you to melee". She can whip out melee just like any other frame to kill something in front of her opportunistically, but there's nothing synergistic about specifically melee. She has one ability that moderately buffs all weapon types. That's it. Why are people talking about Dagath and melee? This makes no sense. An additional note, I have good survivability on her with Health Conversion + Arcane Blessing + Synth Deconstruct. And I do get some incidental melee in. But she's not a "melee frame".
  2. Going to the wiki to understand more complexity on mechanics makes sense and has always been a core part of this game. It's a wiki game and players enjoy complexity. But sometimes information is missing in a way that doesn't suggest there is more to know, resulting in it being hidden or misleading. There's some really critical information on how certain mods or abilities work that is completely missing in game, and sometimes even the wiki. And while this isn't a new problem, it keeps recurring on newer gear. For example Manifold Bond has exceptions to which abilities it affects for cooldown reduction. This did make it into the wiki, but there's no reason to think there should be exceptions. The mod tooltip is straightforward and sounds comprehensive. Maybe I missed a patch note or something but I don't expect everyone to just sit for hours reading through old patches. One might even assume it's a behavioral bug since there's no obvious intent. Another example of totally hidden functionality, Nourish and similar elemental abilities add elemental damage to certain abilities, even though they state weapon damage. The wiki, similar to the tooltips, only states the weapon part. You might think the nuking abilities that are affected by buffs in this way should state as such in their own description, but that's often not the case. I realize writing tooltips is tricky, but I really believe there must be some improvement to be made here. You don't have to be fully verbose, just say something to indicate that more is going on. Adding something like "With exceptions" or "Benefits from weapon buffs" would go a long way in these examples.
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