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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. Depends on whether or not you need the first router to provide an internet access via Wi-Fi. If you need it - connect to the Internet on the first one and simply broadcast incoming signal on the second. If you only need Wi-Fi from the second router, consider using a longer cable or buying a switch instead of a router.

    Anyway, it would affect overall network performance, but not by a large margin. I like to expect around 10% performance decrease for using a router. Of course, the actual result depends on the model, cables, distance, walls and settings.

  2. EBlading Excalibur is a frame naturally designed to do high level content. No need to "despise" strength of Exalted Blade - there is a lot of stuff that can outperform it untill Excal hits his "comfort" zone, which is around enemies level 70~200.

    On 11.12.2015 at 8:46 PM, Sormatte said:

    In addition, radial blind doesn't fall off in later levels like EB does. 

    Except it does. I would even argue that Covert Lethality RB build will never take you as far as a good EBlade build would.

  3. We need current polearm stances to have at least one more combo each, we also need to have more polearm stances overall and we as well need a whole different weapon category and stances for Sydon (and maybe Tonbo).

    Polearms are relatively popular and often used, have a lot of good weapons in the category with two of them being introduced just recently, yet polearm stances are stuck on "we are trying out melee 2.0" stage as it seems.

  4. It should, but since the minimal ability cost is limited to 25% (which equals 175% efficiency), DE decided to show the limit on the interface the way it is shown now. Which was fine while there was no way of making use of 190% efficiency, now we have some and that makes things confusing sometimes.

  5. 42 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Would you care to elaborate on all these builds that supposedly require Shadow Step to function? The way I see it, it is a survival boost to any build (and by that I mean not getting killed, not the gametype.)

    Survival is the only game mode where it is OP?

    Exterminate - Enemies can't fight back.
    Excavation - Enemies can't fight back.
    Deception - Enemies can't fight back.
    Spy - Enemies can't fight back. 

    You see where I'm going with this. Sure, it doesn't really help the player's ability to complete objectives like say, Excavation... but that's when you are only taking Solo players into account. When playing on a team free, impossible-to-cancel, effectively infinite invisibility is obscenely useful in most scenarios. 

    The best part is, it can make highly-durable Warframes improved version of Loki without the glass-cannon hitch.

    How is that in any way not generally OP? 

    All-out late-game (enemy level 70+) melee on previously non melee frames like Nova or Nyx by making them able to go into actual constant close combat without being immediately one-shotted due to having no ways of achieving necessary levels of survivability. Shadow Step also makes Life Strike much less of a mandatory mod on an all-out melee frame, due to reducing constant incoming damage into relatively small collateral damage (mostly AoE and crossfire) allowing swapping to Furis or other sources of healing suffice.

    Draw backs are still there, as while you are using not so sturdy frame, you will make mistakes from time to time and get yourself killed. It won't make you immortal - the more you try to profit from Shadow Step the more vulnerable you become.

    And, yes, Survival is the only game mode where Shadow Step is OP.

    Exterminate, Deception and Spy will be completed long time before your Naramon Focus will even finish cooling down. Even if Focus were available right away, it only would be relatively strong in Spy as a source of invisibility which trivialises several Spy rooms. Extermination is an extremely easy mission as it is, as even T4E can be done on an unranked frame using non potatoed primary. Deception isn't a mission at all. You don't need anything in that mission, you just skip every enemy, complete objective and run to the extraction. Even if I were to have access to Naramon right away, I wouldn't bother to waste my time by actually using it and hitting stuff.

    This leaves us with Excavation, which is really about CC or drawing aggro. Naramon provides no CC and makes you lose aggro - you don't want that. Solo Excavation (how hideous) or not, Excavators will become paper-thin much faster than frames will - Naramon gives you a way to dive into an enemy crowd, but doesn't provide any ways of protecting Excavators.

    High-durability warframes tend to not need Shadow Step because it doesn't change much for them. I would make an exception for Excal and Valkyr, but that's due to different reasons: Valkyr rarely needs the actual invisibility, however Naramon's critical chance boost is very strong on Hysteria, Excal on the other hand really shines in a very high level content (enemy level 100+ with damage boost) and on that content he can't be considered a "durable" frame because he get's one-shotted by a half of the enemies.

  6. I am strongly against any nerfs of Shadow Step. The only mission it can be considered actually "OP" is solo survival. And even on solo survival its effect is limited to extra 20%~30% of time you'll be able to stay due to inevitable damage fall-off.

    In every other mission Shadow Step isn't OP by any means. however it enables you to use extremely specific builds that simply won't work without Shadow Step. And while these builds are powerful and effective, they have major draw-backs and are really well balanced as they are. These builds bring a lot of melee building diversity and have their own unique feeling going to them.
    Your suggestion will murder all these builds while effectively pursuing the target of nerfing the most effective way to do solo survival. It's a bad idea.

  7. 10 hours ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

    please read and observe carefully.

    Oh boy.

    Let me start on the point, that you don't need any kind of Flow for sustaining purely melee channel if you have Rage equipped. You can achieve much better results by installing almost any other mod in the game.

    Next, Steel Fiber is a waste of mod space on vast majority of frames, I repeat that. No matter how "essential" it is, increasing your EHP by 5% doesn't advocate a whole lost mod slot. On many frames even Vigor would be better under those conditions, and Vigor is terrible.

    Rending Strike actually does not, as you have no idea how do these mods work. IPS damage mods provide a separate increase of damage for their respective damage type. Meaning, unlike elemental mods they don't take full weapon damage into an account. Theoretical maximum Rending Strike can provide is a 80% damage increase on a weapon that deals exclusively Puncture damage. On Nikana Prime, for instance, Rending Strike provides only 58% damage increase compared to 90% of elemental mod or 60% damage/60% status of dual-stat mod. 120% mods on the other hand can outperform elemental mods and be actually viable when majority (more than 75%) of weapon damage consists of a single type. You yourself stated that you use Nikana Prime for these builds and said explicitly that you can use any melee for it. Meanwhile, the only mod among ones in the question that's good on Nikana Prime is Buzz Kill. Rending Strike is bad on Nikana Prime, Auger Strike and Collision Force are worthless.

    You said "you go to channeling stage and in this stage you don't block at all". If holding down a button makes a "less fun" combat into "so much fun" combat for you, while releasing it being too much of a hassle to even consider(and to type it in your, ahem, build) during "channeling stage" then all the power to you. I would preffer to have a more interactive approach though. However, I have to say, that if you'll run around as EBlading Excalibur in your "channeling stage" you'll run out of energy in no time, as you can't stop blocking with him. Gotta release that button. Gotta do the hard work.

    10 hours ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

    than why am i having so much fun!? :D

    Because some people consider "fun" fighting against level 10 enemies using end-game equipment.


    And the main problem is, I don't even critique the build on the point of it being "bad" in general. I am telling you, it fails to be decent even for the sole purpose you've made it for.

  8. One of the main reasons people think current melee isn't very effective is that they don't know how to properly mod their melee and are using builds like the OP's one.

    Right now there are more than four fundamentally different melee builds and several tweaks to each and every of them. Melee has plenty to offer.


    On the topic of the build being "universal":

    Steel Fiber is a waste of the mod space on a vast majority of frames;

    Rending strike is a weak, underperforming and non universal mod;

    120% IPS mods are not weapon-universal.

    39 minutes ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

    also notice that this particular build is not focused on abilities. so what else are you going to use that energy for?

    In other words, Primed Flow is a waste of the mod space.


    Also, you actually want to block when you are using Rage and your shields are down. It is the most effective way of using it.

  9. RJ is currently the most effective AoE map-cleaner in the game. Its price is one of few things that keeps it in check in terms of being hard to perform at 100% effectiveness, hence requiring some efforts to actually be the most effective.

    However, I would love some synergy between RJ and the rest of Excal's kit. However, it shouldn't affect RJ build's damage output. In my opinion, melee buffs/debuffs are a good direction to go.

    I also liked "Combo Counter discharge" idea suggested some time ago.

  10. 22 hours ago, (XB1)GHOST AG3NT SLM said:

    Nobody will ever complain about having a Nova around to slow or speed up enemies.  To keep them moleculed for easy killing.  To keep warps around to move faster to places or escape packs of enemies.  IMO Nova is a frame that is always useful in every situation.

    While I agree on the point that Nova is one of the most useful frames in the game, it is hard to say that she's "versatile". Because she usually helps teammates to do the job, not does it herself. Nova being effective in solo or carrying the team is much more of a question of the player's personal skills and equipment's power, than of the frame's abilities.

  11. I can't think of a more versatile frame than Excalibur. He has good tools for every single mission in the game, has at least one meta-build and still is the best frame to mow down tough enemies quickly. He is a one of the best frames for prolonged Survivals and also a one of the best universal Sortie frames.


    Oberon on the other hand would be "the worst" all-round frame. He is all-rounded, yes, however he is bad on everything.

  12. 4 hours ago, -Ksaero- said:

    Are you sure you played after 17.0? Because blocking doesn't negate all the damage anymore. I have an arcane guardian maxed and it works the whole time during tough survivals.

    I am using it on my current Excal. Go ahead and try it yourself, you won't get it to trigger from anything that can be blocked and hits you from the front when EBlade is up. Only things that partially bypass block - explosions for instance - or hits in the back will be able to proc Arcane Guardian.

  13. After starting to use Arcane Guardian myself, I believe Arcane Avenger isn't a good option for EBlade Excalibur. Main reason being, you can't trigger "when damaged" arcanes via block damage, and Excalibur in EBlade blocks majority of incoming attacks. So at the moment when Arcane Avenger bonus will start to actually matter, it would be too dangerous to allow enemies to hit you in your back (which would be the only way to trigger it).

    Same goes for Arcane Guardian, to be honest. Yeah, it is kinda useful and can save your life at times, but it still procs extremelly rarely. Arcane Ultimatum on the other hand, is reliable in any non Infestation mission.

  14. Just now, Archeyef said:

    I respectfully disagree. Damage output is not everything. Tempo Royale's Block combo has the chaining ragdoll AoE, which is very helpful for dealing with groups. I think it more than makes up for the animation lock.

    It usually is. I would preffer using Tempo if I were to run a low-level mission with a heavy weapon, so my damage output doesn't really matter. Then I can go for the block combo, but not because of its ragdoll property - because of the overall movement you make during this combo. If you stack enough attack speed, you'll effectively lose almost no movement speed while attacking.

    Meanwhile using this combo for CC means your damage had already started to fall off. And then there's that fact, that to kill stuff is a form of CC too. By the time Tempo can CC and kill stuff effectively, Cleving oneshots everything. By the time Tempo's main work becomes to CC stuff, Cleaving still oneshotes everything. When Tempo's damage completely fell off, you still can kill stuff quite effectively with Cleaving. The damage fall off difference between these two stances is like 50 levels.

    I do agree Tempo feels better than Cleaving, especially on high attack speed, so I understand why people would pick it over Cleaving. However Tempo Royale can't compete with Cleaving Whirlwind on high levels.

  15. You simply can't use Blind Rage without fully maxed Fleeting and Streamline combo. And the only build it is actually worth it to put Blind Rage on is RJ Excalibur.

    Also for EBlade Excalibur, Handspring in the Exilus slot is mandatory. Power Drift won't save you, Handspring will. 

    And I would prefer go maxed efficiency over using Flow.

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