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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. Naramon gives 30%, with True Steel (60%) you get 90% total.


    For easy numbers, a crit weapon of 10%, with Naramon and True steel will get 19% crit rate.



    Can't say for the arcanes though

    That's wrong. Naramon gives 30% total multiplicative bonus. Weapon with 10% base chance will have 20,8% chance to crit after both True Steel and Naramon


    Arcane Avenger is additive. It will just give you a flat increase in your total critical chance. I don't know, whether it comes before Naramon increase or after tho.

  2. I'm not talking about regular content. I'm talking what's supposed to be end game contents like sortie, raids and T4s. Even in those modes, you still win game with one button. There is no challenge in this game, the closest to the challenge are puzzles, which are pretty much 1 times thing and when you figure out how to do it you'll be able to do it with ease. That's terrible game design. If Hammerdin can walk through the entire game in normal, then this game is always on easy mode.

    And while cheese exists in other games, they are few and far between, and often be looked down by other players. There are like 3-4 cheese build in Diablo 2, in this game there are few dozens.

    Also T4I isn't the only thing. Sortie Interception is cheesed too.

    Reason being Warframe doesn't have this excessive endgame content as, say, PoE. And it can't have it to the same extent as of now, to be honest. Warframe uses far less artificial game-lengthening tools, far less farm-oriented and has much easier achievable endgame. You can't really "fix" this, without turning the game into just another grind-fest. Because, trust me, Warframe is nowhere close to Diablo in terms of grinding required.
    So, ultimately - you have the problem, that any Diablo-like will face at some point eventually. But due to the way Warframe works, you face this problem earlier.
    Also, Sorties are relatively challenging. They are open to all players, so you can't really ask them to be oriented only on over-formaed meta-squads. Raids are less about actual gear-check and more about communication. They are great at that.
    OK, she breaks whopping two missions, both you can complete in the same exact time without her. Remove Mirage yesterday. Hope is lost.
  3. You do.

    What you don't is pressing 1 single button and wait for the game to play itself for you.

    In other Diablo-like games, you need to put a lot, I mean A LOT, of efford just to be alive. You have to take care of your buffs, positioning, potions, enemy types and such, and that's just to stay alive; to deal damage, you have to pay even more attentions. There is no invunerablity, no 955 damage reduction, no map-wide CC, hell, an AoE CC with more than 5 seconds of duration will be considered to be extremely broken.

    So no, this game is nowhere near the level of any decent Diablo-like games. Don't ever make any comparision like that.

    I don't think you've played these games enough, if you think so. This includes Warframe. Complete end-game Diablo 2 character steamrolls through 100% of the game content with player's eyes closed. Complete end-game PoE character can be killed only by one-shots (which isn't the greatest mechanics tbh), otherwise they can steamroll the game with one button held down. Diablo 2's mod Median XL, while great in terms of end-game content and challenge, has builds that can literally walk through the regular game. 
    If you have to "put a lot of effort just to stay alive" with a twink character during regular game content, I have bad news for you.
    Also, I can widen the criteria and tell you, that even in roguelikes all this is easily achievable.
    And on the other hand, while there are some cases when some frame can trivialise something, all this stuff isn't actually hurts anyone. Mirage can trivialise Interception, yes. But only Interception with actual rewards is T4I, its reward pool is limited, keys are pretty common, and C tier reward will require you to stay there for about 15 minutes anyway. Having Mirage enabling you to stay there for a hour doesn't break anything.
    Valkyr trivialises Survival. Yet, anyone can do 20 minutes, Tower Survival keys are common.
    Frost trivialises Defence. 20 waves until the reward, keys are common.
    There's no point in whining about 4-forma Excalibur or Ember steamrolling through Mercury. It's like crying that lvl 99 Paladin can walk through Normal without hitting an attack button.
  4. Except Diablo 2, Path or Exile, Torch light 2 or any other Diablo-like games.

    Terrible fate indeed.

    Are you trying to imply you won't steamroll Diablo 2, PoE and Torchlight if you have access to end-game gear? Because this is what you are trying to imply right now.

  5. Why should they propose anything else when people have been talking about EB being in need of a looking at for ages, now?

    People aren't "talking". They are "whining". The difference being usual lack of knowledge and proper understanding of situation, yet still being not pleased with it. 
    While Excal is indeed a very strong universal frame, he's by no means "OP" if you put him into actually high-level content his skills are designed around. Yes, Excalibur can go throught vast majority of starchat while mindlessly spamming EBlade. And, for no apparent reason, this is the exact Excalibur people complain about, without realising, that 90% of frames can go throught starchart in a similar way.
    Even on NM survivals you won't be able to only stick to EBlade. Same goes for Sorties, prolonged Void Survivals and T4. Excal possesses convenient way to kill stuff relatively quick, but aside from that he's just "okay". His CC is limited with LoS and has a five second cooldown, while there are several frames who have recastable CC with no LoS restrictions. His AoE nuke (which is the only meta ability he has) can only be good with a separate build centered on it while requiring a proper squad to be used effectively. His defence abilities are above average, but not on pair with other frames designed for the same level of content.
    He is a solid frame, but nowhere OP. He might be one of strongest, if you count overall versality, but the only role he can be actually best at is AoE DPS, which doesn't even use the ability all people are complaining about.
  6. Also, I have to disagree on some points of your post. Radial Javelin(At least for me) stopped being a relevant ability once the rework happened. Unless you beefed out in power strength(And forgo the other stats that make Exhalted blade and Radial Javelin workable) it just doesn't give you the same results as a Radial Blind would. And while Radial Blind is good, over use leads to power shortage. Of course you can mod for that with corrupted mods, but then your duration goes down(Which you really do need for Excals abilities), and so on as those mods go.


    Leading to armor. It's not the greatest thing in the world for Excal, but it is good enough that'll save you in case you take a hit or two(Which will happen I don't care how good of a player anyone is.). I guess for you this isn't a big weakness, but for me it most certainly is.

    Radial Javelin as of now has two uses. First being the main DPS skill of Excal - that requires you to build solely for it. It not only works, it's effectively the best AoE DPS skill in the game, were you to get a squad with a good synergy. Second is rudimental use on EBlade build. Not that helpful, but still usually oneshots various shield drones even on 50+ lvls, so it isn't completely useless.


    Also, Excalibur has high armor. Not Chroma or Valkyr high, but still pretty high. Building for armor on Excal is definitely worth it, as end-game Excalibur can push his EHP over 3k via armor only.

  7. -snip-

    That's more interesting. I've made a "remove waves and add stuff" post myself. The problem is, to make rework into an actual rework, and not a blatant nerf would require quite a lot of changes and efforts, and most of people would rather have DE to direct these efforts into the new content development sphere.

  8. While I'm not that bothered with the rework itself, as it's up to DE how to balance their game, I kinda can't decide whether am I annoyed or amused with the actual changelog entry considering the changes.


    The thing is, what is stated in the changelog is pretty much the polar opposite of what was implemented into the game for the most parts.

    Let's see. Here's the part considering changes:

    Excavation Changes / Fixes


    The following changes have been made to Excavation Missions to help improve fluidity between each excavation:


    • Dig Site drop points have been optimized to enable players to constantly run into Dig Sites, instead of hunting for a new Site between each completed dig.


    • Areas with multiple Dig Sites will be more difficult to defend, should players decide to activate more than one Site at a time.


    • Dig Sites must be activated in order of being discovered.


    • Dig Sites will no longer immediately reappear in a location that was just recently excavated.


    • Power Cell carrying enemies should be more readily available before the first Dig Site is active.


    • Reduced the power gained from a Power Cell from 50 to 20.


    • Reduced initial power in deployed excavator from 50 to 20


    • Power Cells dropped far away from combat will now despawn, enabling new Power Cells to spawn closer to the player / Excavator.


    • Fixed an error causing power to drain from an Excavator while active.

    And if we break it down:

    • Dig Site drop points have been optimized to enable players to constantly run into Dig Sites, instead of hunting for a new Site between each completed dig.

    Prior to change, Dig Site drop points were allocated in strict order starting with spawn point and finishing with Extraction, while repeating the process were you to continue the mission. It's hard to get more optimized than that.

    Now Dig Site drop points are scattered across the map, requiring you to backtrack this whole map several times during the same amount of Extractors it would take to get to extraction previously. The change is anything but optimizing.


    • Areas with multiple Dig Sites will be more difficult to defend, should players decide to activate more than one Site at a time.

    Considering that with new system you'll rarely run even into two Dig Sites in the same area (unless you are progressing extremely slowly with excavations) it isn't true either. Previous to the change you had a constant option of running up to three Excavators simultaneously, if you were to take the risk. Now you rarely have an option to even run two at time. And protecting two Excavators did not felt much different to me.


    • Power Cell carrying enemies should be more readily available before the first Dig Site is active.

    • Power Cells dropped far away from combat will now despawn, enabling new Power Cells to spawn closer to the player / Excavator.

    This two points imply that there were some problems with getting your Excavators powered up. There were, were you to solo an Excavation. In a full squad case, Power Cells were available all the time. They are not anymore. Due to constant running around across the map and lower initial power amount Excavators have now, you have really high chances of getting your Excavator run out of power, were you to start it only holding one Power Cell. And it also concerns the very first Excavator in the mission, despite changelog specifically stating this was addressed.

    And despawn of cells doesn't help either. Because it never noticeable affected Cell Carrier spawn rates, yet helped noticeably were you to prolong the mission


    • Dig Sites must be activated in order of being discovered.

    I have no idea what does it mean, and how is this considered a "change".

    Basically, were DE to revert the changes, they can use the same exact changelog once again, only removing these two strings:

    • Dig Sites will no longer immediately reappear in a location that was just recently excavated.

    • Reduced initial power in deployed excavator from 50 to 20

    and it will be much closer to the actual situation.

  9. She's not great though, She's not amazing or has that wow/awesome factor to me that other warframes do.

    Nova is beyond being amazing. She is not only one of the most relevant frames in pretty much any mission type, she is also very fun to play. She has incredibly unique skill set, she has an absurd amount of impact on the battlefield, she has above average level of depth rewarding you for learning the tricks.
    I don't get what kind of scaling you want to have on Antimatter Drop, when there's literally just one mission where it isn't overkills everything that caught up in explosion Neither I know what kinds of lags do you have with it. I have zero problems charging multiple Drops simultaneously while on the run.
    Also, I main Excalibur. And while he's an awesome solo frame and can vary from fairly useful to absurdly strong in various team setups, he is nowhere close to Nova in terms of relevance and impact on the battlefield.
  10. One thing we surely don't need is a Nova's rework. Minor issues you have with her abilities do not justify a "rework" proposal.


    The only ability in her kit that isn't godlike is Null Star. Everything else she has is pretty much unparalleled.


    Also, Nova is as interactive as it gets when she starts using Antimatter Drop actively. Coordinating multiple Drops, jumping through portals and observing MP spread is pretty interactive if you ask me.


    Some QoL tweaks, something interesting to Null Star - yeah, she could use it, yet she doesn't need it.

  11. Melee - Orthos Prime. I really like how this weapon feels, it is a decent base weapon for EBlade, and I generally have a thing for polearms in video games;

    Primary - Sancti Tigris. Amusing fire mechanics, absurd amount of damage, great design and the whole "charge Antimatter Drop with one shot" thing;

    Secondary - Synoid Gammacor. Nice design, very high damage, energy regenerating proc, ability to have 3 combined elements at once.

  12. There are some people that, before they recruit/invite, they look at the players profile, if they don't like their rank they don't invite.

    And what makes you think a kick option would change anything? They won't be inviting as they don't do now. They still have to check the profile. It isn't an actual problem. It isn't even a thing.

    Meanwhile having up 7 people to reconnect to a Raid due to a someone who responded to an invintation but doesn't have the frame required and won't leave is an actual problem.

  13. While recruiting your squad can be abused (Oh you're only mastery rank 13? Sorry, kick. Oh you don't use Tonkor? Kick)

    That isn't how the recruiting works. People recruit for specific squads, so hosts have all the rights to kick anyone - they are the ones who build a specific squad. If they want teammates to be higher than a specific MR - they'll state that. If they want them to use a specific weapon/frame - they'll state that too. Currently, going against these requests will just get you asked to leave or, if you refuse to do so (and you'll be wrong then) - host leaving themselves and re-recruiting anew. Having a kick option saves everyone's time.

  14. So now now when people cant pick on saryn anymore they move to valkyr? Hysteria is the only usefull she brings to the table, its limited to meele and only buffs you. But since you are so eager to nerf her ( despite she has been reworked), dont use more armor as a argument beacuse the more armor you have, the less it scales.

    I have problems following you. Hysteria nerf is a thing people have been requesting for since Hysteria rework. And rather than having it be a simple boring damage reduction, I would rather have it being changed to a more interesting, interactive and deep mechanics, while keeping some of the invulnerability as something unique to Valkyr.

    Also, removal of complete invulnerability is a perfect excuse for an overall buff/rework, that can make Valkyr into much more than just a walking ultimate. Majority of rejections in similar threads start with "but Hysteria is the only part of her kit that's good" .


    Also, armor has linear scaling in Warframe, and I have no idea why you're bringing this up.

  15. I would welcome a post on how long you have to play without using boosters to get you daily focus points

    Excalibur: 17~40 minutes via Draco depending on how good is your squad.


    Stealth capable frames: 25~40 minutes via stealth runs, depending on your performance.


    Survivals with Synoid Simulor: around a hour~hour and half, I guess.

  16. I personally can't stand Draco because public games are full of people who run all over the map, cap all four towers and block all of the spawns. Then they leave after one round. The xp is less than 1/10th of that of a semi-organized squad.

    Since I do not like playing like a headless chicken, I make the choice not to do public draco games. If you dont like a game play style, don't play it.

    If you joined public Draco it means you are there not for the farm, as it requires a minimum of two specific frames. Hence, I see no reason why would you be bothered by random people going cap 4 and leaving.
    If you don't want to powerfarm Draco with an optimal setup, yet want to have a long run on it - write "H > Draco casual run" in Recruiting - you'll get plenty of people wanting to join you.
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