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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 7 hours ago, weezedog said:

    Kubrows and Kavats do not have precepts to attack, because they are pointless, so why do sentinels?

    Because kubrows and kavats have less all-around utility skills, which makes their presence more focused and combat-oriented.

    For instance, I've traded my Carrier's ability to attack for a little bit of utility via other mods. And I actually like it this way, as I tend to face content carrier either won't attack anyway, won't deal any reasonable damage or will just obstruct my life strikes/combos.

  2. ITT: People are getting salty over Ash who is actually an easily outperformable garbage.

    New Void survival is actually harder than T4S. It's also less rewarding. Scaling in Defences is much faster than in Survivals - you might want to try that one. There are some people willing to so them, so you can find yourself a team to go for 80+ waves and push enemy level above 1000.

    And "challenging" is a relative term. For instance, I find solo Survivals with Naramon "challenging", but not in a sense of actually dying - in a sense of getting the correct build and execution down to see how far can I push myself.

  3. Allowing Shadow Debt for EBlade can be quite decent actually. The way Shadow Debt melee is built will cut Excalibur's default damage quite a bit, however, that could be compensated by getting a x2/x2.5 combo - which isn't something he is normally running around with. So here's the motivation to move up close to the target. And the late-game performance also gets boosted - so here's the potential.

    However, allowing Shadow Blade on EBlade will mean allowing it on other Exalted weapons. And while Primal Rage would be fine, Hysteria will break. Shadow Debt Hysteria's damage can easily exceed million per strike.

    To be completely honest - given the disadvantages Hysteria brings - I don't see that as a problem. But the vast majority of players will.

  4. 3 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

    low-level Exterminations

    2 hours ago, Slaviar said:

    As I said. AFK camping


    2 hours ago, Slaviar said:

    I'm a bit sceptical to this. EB has very high base damage which doesn't only scale from equipped melee mods but also from power strength. I'm not sure how these two interact in damage increase but even with neutral power strength EB can get formidable damage and waves provide significant advantage over conventional melee weapons


    Exalted Blade indeed has a formidable damage output, not to mention it also provides access to a non-finisher-enabling Blind. The problem with is, that even with the waves, its AoE capabilities are far behind of such of some melee weapons. Simply due to the way enemies spawn and behave - having a large circular AoE is generally much better than having an excessively large linear AoE.

    Like, for a comparison - my Exalted Blade has around 3k damage. You can push this higher - up to like 13k of damage, for which you will have to gimp your build horrendously.

    Current melee can easily spin for over 10k damage starting on x1.5 combo modifier - no powers involved, no energy spent, no mods on frame required. It's already higher damage that Exalted Blade can achieve without going for very specific builds.

    It's a given, that Exalted Blade is still likely to have higher solo-target dps. Not only you get double strikes up close - you have access to Spin Blind, that multiplies your damage output severely. But the problem is - you won't need that damage output normally. So - for the most of the content in the game, it's a choice between one-shotting stuff with a circular AoE or linear AoE. And circular AoE ends up being several times better than linear.

    Exalted Blade will start to contest Blood Rush melee only on a level of stuff like Grineer Sorties. However - throw in Naramon and the melee once again becomes a better option. That makes Exalted Blade a good option compared to a Blood Rush melee in things like Grineer Eximus or Grineer Augmented Armor Sortie Exterminates. However - that's only correct for frames that have no melee synergy. Get anything with such synergy and Exalted Blade is once again left in the dust.

    So the only option left is to go against enemies who can take a hella lot of punishment - just so your innate EBlade dps advantages start to matter. But here we are facing the fact that these "advantages" were made far less sustainable that they used to be, which kinda defeats their whole point. Not to mention, there is no point in doing these survivals nowadays.

  5. 4 hours ago, Slaviar said:

    It was only good for AFK camping.

    Not true actually. RJ build currently is the most viable build Excalibur can get - in terms of "other guys can't do that". Regretfully, its usability is limited only to low-level Exterminations.

    And honestly, you shouldn't judge a build on your personal opinion on the gameplay style it provides. I enjoy playing around effectiveness and team synergy as much as I enjoy playing the actual game. And RJ build had provided that - as well as a completely separate way of playing the frame.

    4 hours ago, Slaviar said:

    Shadow Debt melees take a while to gather high enough combo

    Five hits don't take you a while. Like, seriously - I would've agreed with you immediately if Shadow Debt melee actually required you to make an effort to sustain the combo - but it doesn't. You will only need a high combo in something like overstayed solo survivals - which I happen to mention as the very thing Excal excels at, exactly due to this reason.

  6. 13 hours ago, Inarticulate said:

    It's well-known

    The mods are multiplicative to each other. After watching some of my footage - mods seem to be indeed additive. However Arcane Strike is multiplicative to the both of them.

  7. Priorities for frames are:

    Bless > EV > Nova = Vauban > Loki > Everyone else with CC - Nyx, Rhino, Excalibur, Mirage etc > utility frames - Volt, Nezha, Frost > not going to the Raid > Ash.

    And it is especially important for a 4-man raid. You really should have both Trins. It is possible to go without Bless, but not only will it be much harder to do - it will put high skill and gear requirements on your team, which isn't something you normally want to do unless you are running a pre-made squad.

    It's generally a good idea to run a five man squad, because fitting in Loki makes Phase 3 considerably easier and having five people instead of four in the second stage will also work towards making the whole process more fluent, without slowing you too much.

    Not having 75% damage reduction on Bless is generally a bad idea. Instead of running Intensify + Power Drift, you are much better off running Blind Rage. I can understand practical value of Enemy Sense on the EV build, but having extra 15% range from Cunning Drift is likely to be more useful.


    Aside from that, good job writing the thing - it holds some basic information that's likely give new players a decent enough overall idea of LoR.

  8. On 7/27/2016 at 4:11 AM, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

    So my question is. Who. Is. The. Best?

    Dante. Dante is the best.

    On topic, Dual Split-Sword has the highest pure DPS among dual Swords category, as well as highest damage in a single attack among all weapons, leaving Dual Raza a little bit behind.

    However, it has a relatively low proc chance and a humongous disadvantage of being a pure radiation weapon - which isn't a good damage type nor a good proc for a melee weapon.

    Prisma Dual Cleavers will have considerably lower DPS and won't be as well suited for a spin build, but they will give you options of using Corrosive or pure Bleed builds that have more practical applications. And only the latter requires you to have a syndicate mod. You don't use if for a non Bleed build as the damage increase it provides is subpar.

  9. Just now, DiabolusUrsus said:

    "This" being the concept I put forth.

    But I don't talk about "this". I talk about why "this" is not in the game. Your problem is that you can't see the difference here. You are rejecting reality and trying to substitute it with your own. Regretfully, that's not how discussions work. To give you a more clear example:

    "Why isn't Hitler in the game?"

    "Because that might be offensive"

    And then you burst in with claims my interpretation of World War II being wrong. Because, c'mon - everyone knows Hitler is directly linked to World War II - hence whenever I address him in any way, I am surely making a point about World War II.

    3 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    That post was, in fact

    explaining why "this isn't a thing". I do not address, critique or evaluate Your Concept™ at any point of it.

    4 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Maybe what you meant was something different, but that's not what you wrote.

    Or maybe, just maybe - think about it for a moment - you can't bring yourself to stop the argument you have started yourself by admitting you are trying to address the point that isn't being made. Because you, as an adequate human being, could not miss such a miscommunication after being directly pointed at its presence three times in a row, could you?

  10. 1 minute ago, Babellon said:

    rediculous claims all of which include the statement "after lvel 100" and act like that means frames weapons and such need fixing

    You've missed a huge point there. I've specifically addressed, why am I talking about "after level 100" to begin with.

    Otherwise - yeah, I want him to be different in a sense of him getting a purpose - his own "forte" - back. How is that achieved - changing him or changing the game - doesn't really matters to me.

  11. 16 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Actually, the bit about EB without waves would suggest otherwise.

    That's a point about the actual blade of Exalted Blade. I suppose I'm the one at fault here - I've forgotten you are can't process information.

    16 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Also the bit where you were talking about "linking waves to channeling" being a bad idea.

    That's a conclusion of the points.

    18 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    allegedly changing the subject

    When and where? I am pretty sure the subject was "Why isn't this a thing?"

    17 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    further reinforces my suspicion


    17 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Sounds a lot like my concept

    What again?

  12. Just now, Babellon said:

    what are you wanting done to excalibur? you seem to be saying hes not effective how ever in every map ive put him on excalibur performs very well. so i am trying to understand.

    That's a separate topic for the discussion.

    I want Excalibur to not be outperformed by a weapon. I want Excalibur to have his niche he is viable at. I did not suggest any solution myself, because there could be a wide variety of them.

    For instance - they can address the overstayed late-game Excalibur - it was his niche for some time, but few most recent updates had severely diminished his value in that content;

    Or it might be his "prior-prior" niche - high level content - think Sorties;

    Or it might be something that fixes his most obvious flaws - poor stats for the close melee combat DE seems to be proposing lately - so while he won't be an "efficient" frame, at least he can be a "consistent" frame.

    Or even to go as humble as to give the game some content Excalibur can be effectively used for.


    I believe my vision of what is "viable" differs from such vision of many players here. I don't consider "can run a successful mission" to be "viable". I consider it to be a norm. Every single frame in the game is "viable" in that sense. What I consider "viable" is when I can think up at least one objective reason to use a frame in some kind of a content over other frames. And I am not talking about "the best", I am talking about not being "average".

    Because I can guarantee that all "viable" Excaliburs can be outperformed by a non specific unranked frame with a melee weapon. Currently, the only Excalibur that actually excels at something would be an RJ Excal running low-level Exterminations.

    3 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:


    I believe you've a little bit failed at basic reading comprehension. I've asked you to quote me talking about your concept - what you are quoting are points about the current channeling system. Now, please - do me a favor and quote me talking about the concept you were proposing.

    Thank you.



  13. 1 minute ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Re-visit previously-made point about concepts not being required to account for every-little detail when they have yet to be implemented.

    Do me a favor - quote me talking about the concept you were proposing.

    2 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Notice that I adhere to the expectations I set for others... especially the ones about utilizing brains.

    You know, I'm failing to notice that. Like, I am trying really hard right now - but I just can't. Maybe it's something wrong with my eyesight, who knows.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

    what is your argument here?

    There is no argument. My interlocutor have decided I had made an outrageous attack on his majestic suggestion and decided to strike an intellectual conversation with me about the most interesting topic of discussing the said outrageous attack on the ground of it being biased and flawed, thus not doing the justice to the majestic suggestion. Despite being specifically told three times in a row to stop that due to having his assumption to miss the point by a landslide.

    In short - I get what he meant, but he refuses to get that I get what he meant. And that's something I don't get.

  15. Just now, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Then find the first mention of "just" moving the waves to channeling and calling it a day.

    It bothers me when people can't use their brain.

    If I rephrase it like that:

    "Why isn't this a thing?"

    "Because at the current state of things this can't be a thing"

    Will it be easier for you to comprehend? Is it still too hard? I can't make it even plainer, sorry.

    I was not talking to you. I did not argue with you. You were told three times in a row, that you are wasting your time by arguing with me, because the only thing you are arguing with is your imagination. I was not a part of that argument. I am pretty sure you are not in a position to tell anybody anything about "the way of thinking", because you've demonstrated a pretty obnoxious one yourself.

  16. 3 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Are you serious?

    On 9/27/2016 at 2:44 AM, EinheriarJudith said:

    why isnt this a thing?

    On 9/27/2016 at 3:01 AM, Epsik-kun said:


    1) Channeling is a terrible mechanics;
    2) Channeling is an unsustainable mechanics;
    3) EBlade without waves is a glorified Skana.

    To put it straight - linking waves to channeling will require the whole mechanics overhaul, as well as a somplete ability rework. Alternatively, implementing it without making such changes will simply murder Excalibur right away.

    On 9/27/2016 at 3:09 PM, Epsik-kun said:

    What you are quoting is an answer to "why didn't DE just put waves on channeling" and it says essentially "because they can't *just* put waves on channeling without making the skill worthless". What you are trying to argue about now is completely irrelevant to the original post.

    On 9/28/2016 at 2:32 PM, Epsik-kun said:

    And if you are trying to send a message along the lines of "of course they will make appropriate adjustments" - you should really start reading what you are replying to.

    1 hour ago, Epsik-kun said:

    I will try one last time explaining it to you - what you have started arguing against and are arguing now was a reply to the question "why doesn't DE just moves waves to channeling". The point was:

    1) Channeling a wave with the current channeling mechanics normally results in absurd usage of energy, up to all of it in a split second.

    2) Removing waves from normal attacks will result in Exalted Blade having minuscule reach normally and the damage being far from great, while still remaining a channeling ability with severe modding limitations. It will effectively make Exalted Blade inferior to, let's say, Galatine Prime in absolutely everything.

    Due to these reasons, DE can't "just" (notice this word, it is important) move waves to the channeling. No one was saying it can't work as a concept - it easily can, were the channeling mechanics to be reworked to not be such a garbage, as well as the actual Exalted Blade were to stop being a piece of trash as far as pure melee weapons go. You are arguing against a point that was never made. No one made the point you are arguing against. Think about it and stop talking to yourself.

    Yes, I am pretty damn serious.

    Have fun talking to yourself.

  17. 28 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    And the concept isn't required to touch on everything that needs to change immediately. That's why it's a concept. 

    Concept isn't the actual thing we are dealing with. No matter how good it is, it has absolutely zero effect on the current situation. That's why it's a concept.

    9 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Next time on "see how many hairs you can split!"

    Next time on "arguing for the sake of arguing!"

    10 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Stop trying to account for high levels.

    Why should I? If I don't account for high levels - there is no objective reason to use Excalibur. He is outperformed by weapons. Also, Sorties are a part of the game that's supposed to be "balanced", yet provides you with targets that are able to take few blows from Exalted Blade.

    13 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    EB will be used as a ranged ult instead of a melee ult.

    This is a moot statement. The fact is, on a level when Excalibur stops being garbage, using Exalted Blade in melee is much more efficient than using Exalted Blade in range. I don't know who "will use Exalted Blade as a ranged ult", because I personally use it in melee, as does pretty much every serious Excal player.


    I will try one last time explaining it to you - what you have started arguing against and are arguing now was a reply to the question "why doesn't DE just moves waves to channeling". The point was:

    1) Channeling a wave with the current channeling mechanics normally results in absurd usage of energy, up to all of it in a split second.

    2) Removing waves from normal attacks will result in Exalted Blade having minuscule reach normally and the damage being far from great, while still remaining a channeling ability with severe modding limitations. It will effectively make Exalted Blade inferior to, let's say, Galatine Prime in absolutely everything.

    Due to these reasons, DE can't "just" (notice this word, it is important) move waves to the channeling. No one was saying it can't work as a concept - it easily can, were the channeling mechanics to be reworked to not be such a garbage, as well as the actual Exalted Blade were to stop being a piece of trash as far as pure melee weapons go. You are arguing against a point that was never made. No one made the point you are arguing against. Think about it and stop talking to yourself.

  18. 2 hours ago, Pmueck3 said:

    excalibut loses a 10% buff with sword and shield

    All melee weapons on Excalibur that uses Exalted Blade are cosmetic items. You don't need your cosmetic item to deal 10% more damage. And if you are concerned about 10% boost for Exalted Blade - it isn't affected by your melee weapon. Exalted Blade always gets the boost.

  19. I don't think the difference in prices will be significant. Getting essentially a "free raid" every 2-4 unlucky raids won't result in a sudden increase of rare arcanes on the market. On the other hand, it will provide at least some usage for "dead weight" arcanes that are the result of like 80% of raid runs.

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