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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. As it says in the title, wouldn't having a transmutation analogue for Arcanes be a good idea?

    Currently there is a considerable number of Arcanes that have no practical nor market value (especially proc resistance Arcanes). Giving an option to transmute 2-4 of them into a new random one will give them a bit of these "values" and reduce the "in your face" factor of not so lucky raids.

  2. 15 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    There's limiting commentary to the current state of things, and then there's being constructive.

    I believe you are missing the difference between a concept and the final product.

    11 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    DE themselves have said that there is no solid definition of what Warframe "ought" to be,

    I can guarantee that "a generic shooter with an occasional ability thrown in once in a hour" is not something close to whatever vision DE has - now or in the future.

    16 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Channeling is made effective by Lifestrike, and by Lifestrike only. So it can be useful. Not saying that's ideal.

    Which means it is Life Strike working. Not channeling.

    26 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    but melee weapons specifically, yes.

    Do you even use melee in this game? Because you are giving me an impression that you don't.

    32 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    DE doesn't shy away from making a lot of changes or putting in a lot of work... so that's not exactly an effective criticism.

    If you think, that breaking a skill by tearing about half of its strength and slapping it on a faulty mechanics will fix anything - you are wrong. And if you are trying to send a message along the lines of "of course they will make appropriate adjustments" - you should really start reading what you are replying to.

    30 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    You're making the (largely unsupported) assertion that melee in general is useless if you try to argue otherwise.

    Stop talking to yourself.

    5 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    My point was that so long as EB is a gun disguised as a sword, he will continue to function as a turret.

    Are you aware, that average DPS of Excalibur gets over x16 increase when he moves up close to an enemy? Waves never were a problem - you don't use waves on high levels, unless you like dealing no damage. And "turret" Excalibur is so weak, that I don't see a reason to even try to work around him.

    The problem is the lack of motivation to actually move close. Excal's melee range is short, his movement speed is low, his survivability is not on a level you would assume a melee frame should have and he is highly susceptible to knockdowns. And what the latest nerf did wasn't addressing a "turret Excalibur problem". It was removing one more reason for him to actually go melee.

    This isn't something you solve by removing one of the options. Were you to remove the range option (not to mention it will also immensely weaken his melee potential) - you'll be stuck with a melee frame that punishes you for going melee. Such an approach can't fix anything.

  3. 1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Channeling is an unpolished mechanic

    Hence - terrible. Current channeling needs more than just numbers tweaking to be even remotely usable

    1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    Anything that costs energy should be unsustainable

    That's completely wrong. Not only Warframe itself never was intended as a generic shooter with an occasional ability thrown in once in a hour - pretty much no games are made like that. Limitations are made for you to use your head and tools available to work around them. And the point here is that channeling is an unsustainable "mechanics" - no matter what you are doing, how you are doing it - you won't be able to use it even remotely effectively. Especially in the case of Excalibur.

    1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

    You can say that about any melee weapon. They are functionally identical.

    You "can" say whatever you want, but that won't make it true. Weapons aren't functionally identical. And the "glorified Skana" part was pointing on that. Skana is among the worst weapons in the game by design. If you were just to remove waves you will end up with a terrible weapon. To make it worth using, you will have to make a lot of changes to the weapon stats and to the stance, otherwise it will be strictly worse than a lot of plain melee weapons.


    What you are quoting is an answer to "why didn't DE just put waves on channeling" and it says essentially "because they can't *just* put waves on channeling without making the skill worthless". What you are trying to argue about now is completely irrelevant to the original post.

  4. 13 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    why isnt this a thing?


    1) Channeling is a terrible mechanics;
    2) Channeling is an unsustainable mechanics;
    3) EBlade without waves is a glorified Skana.

    To put it straight - linking waves to channeling will require the whole mechanics overhaul, as well as a somplete ability rework. Alternatively, implementing it without making such changes will simply murder Excalibur right away.

  5. A kick option would be strictly beneficial for the game if it's limited to the pre-mission squad building stage.

    What OP is describing I can't take any other way than "I don't like people who are playing better than me!"

    You might want to play Invasion Defense mission three times in a row "for funsies", but another person might want to be done with them as fast as possible (which is the default mindset for Invasion missions in public by the way), so they do the most efficient thing they can think of (and Nova + Simulor in a Defence mission isn't something extreme). And if they manage to leave 3 teammates without work while doing so, they are surely the one who is right there, because it means were they to "allow their teammates to have fun", a single run would've taken him a hour.

    Which means, if you want to "have funsies" while completing invasions over the course of multiple hours, you are the one who should take some measures to achieve that - have a premade squad for example - because it isn't the normal behavior in public.

  6. I don't know about Nezha, but RJ is faster than Saryn and Banshee. The problem is, the difference in Draco was astonishing. The difference in Bere isn't that big, so EV would rather be lazy and have easier time pressing 2, than get a bit more affinity.

  7. If no one's gonna say it, I'll say it myself.

    Going for a parry is a bad idea;
    Going for a parry on a frame that has access to finishers via a skill is a bad idea to the power of 2;
    Wasting a slot on a weapon to go for a parry on a frame that has access to finishers via a skill is a bad idea to the power of 3;
    Wasting a slot on a frame and a weapon to go completely unnecessary overkill finishers via parry on a frame that has access to finishers via a skill is a bad idea to the power of 4.

    So what I am trying to say here - it's not a really good idea.

  8. 8 hours ago, DSpite said:

    -excessive panic-

    "...oh, BOY, by HAVING my team gimp THEIR builds, I can see A loot crate WITH 72 credits wherever it IS!!!"

  9. 5 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    100/150/200% is acceptable 400% is way over the top

    It's not even close to being over the top.. Losing waves already means losing half of your up-close damage, without even counting AoE. It also means losing half of your status procs, which will essentially make EBlade no longer status viable. And even then, EBlade had stopped being a top dps melee long time ago.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Hesyol said:

    Why? They are attacking a lot, spawn a lot AND deal crazy damage

    And nothing of these requires them to scale anywhere. They are several heads above anything else in the mission right at the start. They used to attack once in like two seconds. Now they attack 4 times in a second.

  11. Guys, let's clear it out a bit:

    I did not ask for Excalibur to be buffed. I did not ask anything actually. I just stated the facts which have led to the current situation, when players who know how to use their frames efficiently started to realize they see less and less reasons to select Excalibur to run a mission. If you think Excalibur's current state is fine - it is your opinion. However people dropping him are the actual situation. If you think Excalibur can not be outperformed by an unranked frame with Orthos - you are factually wrong.

    And there are limits of what can be accepted and what can not. Back at the time, I was perfectly fine with the efficiency changes - which ended up being a direct nerf to Excalibur, Shadow Debt isolation from Exalted weapons - which suddenly made "the best melee weapons" in the game into "eh". There still were some objective (I can't stress this word enough) reasons to use Excalibur. Let it be known, the last such reason was "well, if you waste some of your energy pizzas, he is still one of the better frames to do Void Survivals". Now the Void Survival is gone.

    I know well that Excalibur can do any mission well. The catch is, when you learn the game a bit, you'll realize that any frame can do any mission "well", so "versatility" becomes not a real argument to use a frame (hence the reason Oberon is bad). It ends up coming to what excels at what. And what used to be the strong points for Excalibur (and Valkyr actually) is now completely average for any melee. So, when you pick Excalibur you are facing the question "why should I pick a frame, that's heavily melee oriented, when I will not only get an equal or better melee potential with every other frame - I will not have half of my mods/skillset dedicated to it".

    And I don't really care how it should be fixed - be it buffing Excalibur, nerfing Shadow Debt melee, changing the game's balance or something - it's something that should be fixed.

    That being said I'll try to refrain from further arguments, because things tend to get personal and don't really achieve anything worthwile.

  12. 8 hours ago, DSpite said:

    I'm glad they "nerfed" it. Lets see why are you are actually complaining:

    Let's start with that. You are annoyed that now your Excalibur is not a glorified "kill everything with Exalted Blade" because apparently, that is ALL you do currently.

    Notice the forum category, it's there for a reason.

    8 hours ago, DSpite said:

    Your account usage of 619 missions hours shows your Excalibur as main, with an usage of 72%, 188 Million Affinity and 424,321 kills. FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND KILLS just on the Frame.

    Impressive, right? This is what RJ Excalibur did in Draco and Void Defences. It's a mystery to me, why do you think it's somehow related to Exalted Blade though.

    8 hours ago, DSpite said:

    All the OP did all day long was wipe the Draco map for loot. DE stopped his farming spree, and he is unhappy. That is all that is happening here. His points are NOT valid, they are an Agenda

    Nah, I'd ran Draco for MR and Focus - it has no loot. But because you are screaming so much and go as far as dig in my old posts - here's how I play Excalibur (staring at doors and stuff)




  13. 3 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

    A general buff to many things but him isn't a "Nerf" to him, just powercreep. They are different things. And, again, you failed to mention he's still top tier damage.

    Allow me to explain that to you on a simple hypothetical example.

    Let's assume an equippable version of Exalted Blade is introduced to the game. An item that anyone can wield, no specific rules or restrictions, same stats, has waves. Works with Shadow Debt mods, because it isn't an ability, but a weapon.

    Now, when we have this theoretical weapon in the game, name me one objective reason to pick Excalibur over other frames.

    If it doesn't rings any bells for you, I can't help it, but the problem is, this "theoretical weapon" is already in the game. It isn't as obvious as the example I've just provided, but it's a fact - unless we are talking about overstayed Survivals here - Excalibur is physically incapable of outperforming Orthos Prime or Atterax in hands of every single frame in the game, even if the frame is unranked.
    Excalibur is far from being "top tier damage", because all the ways for him to be a "top dps" were removed.
    He had the ability to be a "top tier damage" on Draco and Void Defence - these missions essentially do not exist anymore.
    He had the ability to be a "top tier damage" in terms of sustained damage over duration in a Survival - but not anymore, as his damage had become unsustainable.
    And he had stopped being a "top tier damage" in regular game content as soon as Shadow Debt mods were introduced.

    And really, there's difference between "reading" and "staring in the general direction of the text", because you, my frend, have done the latter. "Overnerfed" is a simple concept that's easy for anyone to understand. The problem I'm addressing in the OP is

    8 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

    Currently, there's no objective reason to use Excalibur

    Which is written there twice.

    It isn't about Excal's personal nerfs. It's about his current pitiful state in the game, when he's getting outperformed not by frames, but by weapons.


  14. Just now, Retepzednem said:

    Finisher damage is the whole reason why bleeding is the top dps status

    Finisher damage, not finishers.

    Pure bleeding is bad. It's x64 double dip damage increase it can get what makes it strong. Same goes for Gas and Toxin. These and armor bypass are the things, that make EBlade viable on high levels. If you rely on finishers (which fall off around enemy level 250) you won't even make it to high levels, because you won't be able to sustain the build. Radiant Finish will fall off a little bit later, but due to the way scaling works it ultimately will.

    And if we are limited by enemy level 100 - there's no point to use finishers. You can burst such enemies faster by simply hitting them.

    3 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

    However, if we start talking about Covert Lethality...

    Well, yeah - obviously except Covert Lethality.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    What you mean here is that there's no reason to use an exalted blade excal. He still has 3 other abilities. Okay, so maybe his one isn't so great, and his 3 is a bit energy hungry....

    Okay, he has one more ability. But that blind is really good. Have you tried a radiant finish build? You can even use shadow debt melee!

    Yes and no.

    Slash Dash build will always be inferior to Exalted Blade build, as long as the damage of one Slash Dash equals the damage of one EBlade swing.
    Radial Blind build is not a real build, because equipping "Stretch" is not what you call a build. Radiant Finish is a waste of mod space, because finishers are universally bad.
    Radial Javelin build was used for Draco and fastest Void Defences. Now these missions are gone and there's no purpose for a Radial Javelin build.

    You can also use Furious Javeling builld to achieve absurd DPS on Shadow Debt melee, but it also doesn't have a point, because it's a burst DPS in amounts that aren't needed in normal conditions and can't create the conditions when they are needed, because the builld is not sustainable.

    10 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

    3 to 5 have nothing to do with  excalibur and if these are a major nerf to excalibur , what are they to valkyr   when she has 7.5 times his energy cost ? and not 40 meter range energy waves

    The answer is simple, Hysteria Valkyr currently is in a borderline unplayable state. Her only saving grace that prevents people from raging is the synergy Warcry has with Shadow Debt melee. It's just the thread is not about Valkyr.

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