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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. At least one GoTL on PS4 either doesn't know about this, or was lying.  I was sitting in trade chat one day and "WTB x, my text is purple because I'm a chat mod and I can't turn it off" came up.  I'm inclined to believe he didn't know, given DE's track record at educating people with regard to in game options (player list, ciphers, modding, etc etc etc ad infinitum).  Kinda funny though XD


    How long ago was this? On PC, being able to disable purpletext is a very recent addition, just unlisted in patch notes.

    Like Kthal said, this is a recent addition. :)

  2. Think we're going to go in circles here though.


    I think so aswell! I was trolling a bit ^.^


    If DE feels fit to change this, they will eventually. Just a side note... all ComMods and GoTL can switch their bold purple text to normal.


    Good day to you all! :)

  3. Funny, I didn't see me saying it was a UI bug.


    It can very easily be deemed unfair because in some shape or form, they've got an advantage, no matter how you twist it. Also, their choice is irrelevant.


    Well, it's neither something that DE must enforce on them (that they Must use normal text colors for otherwise, it's unfair)



    *(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ [flips a table]*

  4. Suppose the purple text is seen as the privilege. Allows their offers to stand out more than others. Therefore an unfair advantage.


    To be honest I do agree. Their text and names (if they are purple) should be white, like everyone elses in trade and any other relevant social sections.


    This is in the wrong section though. Maybe UI or something.


    This is not an UI bug.


    Purple text is not a privilege but a way to show you're GoTL and people can ask help from you. 

    And I don't see how having purple text in trading gives you any advantages. It's not blurring the white text...you can see it all. I guess people in trading look for good offers, not for people with different text colors?



    Eh, I can see that, but I also think we're making a mountain out of a molehill.





    I don't see nothing unfair about it.


    It's a choice they (Sr. GoTL) make in using the purple text.. they can also set their text color to normal and without it being bold (like everyone else).

  5. Well, not being bias, but I never had much complaints about him on the PS4. Of course I find that he could step up, but hey who am I?! People in general like to complain as this is much easier than upbuild or being optimistic.... But DE has promised to step up his game so until then we should wait, p.s. PS4 is like 5 weeks behind PC. So we got time out there!

  6. Hello esteemed Tenno,

    I would like to know what would you feel/think about a kubrow that can help downed Tenno owner?

    I had this from a fellow Tenno online and so I promised to do something with this idea... So please let me know below what do you think would be a great Kubrow that helps his downed owner (reviving him/her and even dragging them to a save distance)

    In my idea, these kubrow should interact with each other that one revives his owner while the others (if any) backs him up by attacking the enemies around the downed Tenno. Of course this should be within a certain radius so that the Kubrow don't sprint a 200 yards i.e. just to assist a fellow kubrow in need. Maybe they can even revive each other?

    Please let me know below, and thanks in advance!!



  7. There's the weapons that can be bought for credits, in the market, together with those that hide under the Arsenal and there are also some that are obtainable thru the Dojo research.

    My suggestion is to add those under the same BP category of the market segment, so also the Arsenal ones, and add a drescription for the dojo research weapons (warframes etc) by the weapons or warframes. This imo will prevent some daily confusions for new players that will eventually buy these weapons for platinum.

  8. *prepare for farming*

    Target: Void, set to Void, check

    Farming mode: Set to 100%, Set to 100% aka max setting, check

    *prepare for buying PA*

    Set credit card on positive rate: Credit Card on positive rate, 4 greens and loaded, check

    *hype train setting*

    Hype train set to derail mode: set to derail mode, check

    Patience set to decrease: patience set to decrease 15% daily, check and locked

    Ok, my body is now ready for take-off.


  9. Hello Galaxy_Cicada,

    Welcome aboard our awesome game and fotums!! If there's anything I can hel out with just let me know!

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

  10. Did you buy it with credit card or some other payment method?

    Sometimes the other payment methods does take a day or so over to transfer. Wait after 24 hours and if still didn't received it, then please contact support.

  11. Hey welcome on the forums and this great game! I'm sure you will get some mates for your clan... Don't forget to also post a thread that your recruiting in the Xbox Clan recruitment sub-forum!

    Happy Hunting, Tenno!

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