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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Ok, I'll get it moved, can you pass a line thru the Excal Prime part... so that others won't overlook the message and only get salty at this question :P 


    That's fine, thanks. I was just wondering because it kinda sucks to go through that troublesome process. 



    And I was hoping that I would, if they ever get that back up again. Unfortunate, but I guess I'd have to sacrifice my prime for friends. :c 

  2. This is indeed something AFAIK not possible yet. I agree in having this feature beaing added to the game...


    can I have this moved to the UI feedback section?

    p.s. Excal Prime will not transfer to the console by Migrating, this will cause confusions and rage at the same time.

    if ever there will be a PC - Xbox One migration.

  3. Hola.

    Tengo un problema con los sindicados, estoy en el sindicato de Celafón Suda, al ponerme su sello e ir a cualquier misión termino dicha misión, no me dan reputación con el sindicato, no se si es por que tengo con el aliado (no recuerdo el nombre) lo tengo lleno de experiencia para subir al siguiente rango, a alguien mas le ha pasado, por favor ayuda.





    tienes que subirle de rango primero, luego cuando ya subiste, puedes continuar con tu reputación al otro rango.

  4. That's an awful big reach. Guides having purple text in trade chat does not automatically mean every guide is abusing their status. If you don't like the idea of Guides having purple text in certain channels, then by all means create a feedback thread on it; it may just be added to the Chat 2.0 framework. If you are having a problem with a Guide intentionally or potentially abusing their power, then by all means report them or contact Danielle.

    Do you really read before posting? I quoted you and the person you was responding to. Please read before replying, thank you.

  5. Thank you , I know I should report him ... But I can't , not my style ,

    I know if he keeps it up he will get reported and hopefully ban


    If that is the case, don't be surprised if the person you are talking about continues to act out. Assuming other people will report in your stead isn't always the best way to go about things, especially if said person is potentially abusing power or status.

    Please know what can and cannot be reported. As DE has not set a mandatory on NOT using of purple text in the trading chat for trading. This thread is starting to look like GOTL are abusing their powers.


  6. Be adviced that you must DEFEAT the stalker for him to drop something before vanishing.

    If his life reaches low (like 10%) he attempts and sometimes succeeds to flee, leaving you and your teammates believing that you've defeated him.


    Happy Hunting!

    We havent been getting blueprints, The last 5 encounters he has dropped 1dreadbp, 1orokin cell, and 3 times nothing I thought they increased the drop rate

    The kubrow egg drop rate is increased.... And you can't farm those by killing stalker xD

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