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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Hi all.


    I have three questions:

    How can i buy the accessories from VOLT PRIME ACCESS?

    Can i buy the EDO PRIME armour from players? (is tradable? if is how much platinum costs?)

    How much costs Volt Prime set?




    You can't... as for now.. But it might come back around as PA... was never disclosed!

  2. Thanks all! 


    I was thinking, to bring an 'Excalibur AW' (don't know if this will better suit Odonata P or Elytron) on an 'AW Draco' node, stand there and spam for XP...


    I know about Caelus, but I thought maybe someone knew somewhere else where this can be done and is more efficient!





    The overall AW XP Share is fixed so I'll try Caelus later on again! This was the reason why the XP took forever!

  3. A weapon eager to be released - and yes it is coming this week on all platforms. But, it's not supposed to be out just yet! It'll be stuck in a sort of crafting limbo until its official release this week.



    I think a lot of you missed Rebecca's post:





    1. Its coming to all platforms this week


    2. Until its released on PC, people can't use it on consoles, it coming to all at the same time.


    I already started the Project in My clan, so........?

  4. No, only you get booster.


    Yellow: Resource Booster doubles the amount of resources dropped in any mission ( so instead of 1 plastid you get 2)


    Blue:  Resource Drop Chance doubles the chance of resource drop.. 


    so a combination of both is handy when farming... 


    EDIT: to clarify 

    • This booster (Blue) is applied to the team, meaning the person who bought the booster does not have to be the one killing to earn more resources. Boosters from more than one players do not stack.
  5. I can't check now.But from what I remember,my build was like this (not sure about it):

    Energy siphon

    Fleeting expertise


    Narrow minded

    Transient fortitude



    Not the best build but does its job for me.


    the PC has the reworked Mesa... so he'll need a build with their rework in it!

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