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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. I hate being that guy, but you just wrote "Arecher" in title, instead of archer .-.


    And now, as you asked, in my opinion, I think this archer warframe should be named... Aya.


    I don't know, I just like that name, it feels great.


    Well, either Aya or Kitana :3


    Thank you, bad habit. I write without reading after and before posting -_-

    any Mod please fix title!? thank you! Done :D

  2. maxresdefault.jpg


    Hello Tenno,


    This is not a Poll. I just wonder, if you had to name the new coming Archer Frame, what would it be and why?


    I would name her:



    Savalli (Sabali)






    I think you'll need patience to master her!



    Please keep your post clean and on track. I'll ask the thread to be locked after [DE] named her.


    Thank you, and I'm looking forward to read your post.


    Fitting Suggestions based on the names in the posts below:



                         (proto-Artemis) --->> can go a long way with this name tho!   





    Orion     --->> Placed by Zeus among the Stars (I can see this one fitting)





  3. Why do I need a mic? Can I just type in chat? My typing is decently fast and my mike is horrible.


    Because of the speed of the game, people can't be bouthered to type... it takes to much of your precious time and attention.


    The Raid/Trial is a highly teamwork game part. You can't deviate or be playing around! You loose 1 person before the second part and after achieving the first objective of the game... then forget it! you'll need to restart, while keys take 6 hours to craft!

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