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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. As developer and publisher DE has to keep the majority of players happy.

    It would be worse if a few thousand players quit because DE caters a minority than the literally 100 people who own primed chamber


    It's not about catering to people and make them happy, but more to 'balance' the game so that 'everyone' can have fun. (You noticed 'everyone', it's because it's hard to please 'everyone'.) 




    EDIT: not



    jk, seriously though I don't really like hearing the word Forma


    Weird, since it's a part of Warframe life!

    He is just 8 years old don't take him Serious...


    Please don't start atacking eachother and ruin the thread..


    <.<                                 >.>


    OP please let a ComMod move this thread to General Feedback subforum.

  3. eventhough they are valiants... I prefer Grineer... they'll do anything to support their dying cloned body. 


    Corpus has to many tech that won't stand a chance fighting our real enemy, Sentients. Besides, Corpus are to greedy for money...

    they're like -name has been removed Trump- 



  4. If I understand the Lore correctly... the Prime weapons and Frames were made to Upgrade what were used in order to fight the Sentients. Simple mechanics, no high tech stuff (wouldn't stand a chance against Sentients) but with an upgrade...


    EDIT: Also remember that the Tenno, puts on, or wears the frames and not that the Tenno is the frame itself. 

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