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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. [DE]Seline

    September 27, 2015 17:56

    Hello AngelShur,

    Unfortunately, as stated previously Warframe does not currently support Dutch. We will contact you should we ever elect to begin supporting these langauges.

    Thank you.




    Dit heb ik als antwoord gekregen niet zo lang geleden. (zie datum boven). 


    Zolang deze thread hier blijft, des hoe beter! Ik blijf het in ieder geval goed in de gaten houden!

  2. Here you go peeps...(the face behind AngelShur).... I've seen enough pretty pics.... so it's now time for a change-up. I´m not always seriuos tho! :D



    The handsome Moreno of my erea! :P







    at my sunny home in Barcelona (Spain)... there's where I hide out the cold winters! :D







    So when I'm not working... doing research... or having fun with the Family.. Warframe is my Home!


    (Forum or PS4)

  3. Slo Nova with max duration to slow him down from flying around, a Soma or Boltor Prime with some forma in them for high damage!


    But the idea is that you need a weapon that deals high DPS, to do that you need some serious build..









  4. 1st: You need a mic.


    2nd:You need people willing to take you there... that's the best way in explaining it to you while the game proceeds... you need to see in order to understand it. To much to explain in writing.... and on youtube you might see the 'idea' basics, but playing is the best because you get to feel the game and see while proceeding!

  5. Good morning, there is an issue with my achievement stats from Steam account that missed 4 achievements.  Maybe there is bug that failed to unlock my achievements.


    Therefore my current Master Rank level is 15.  I believe I completed all Novice and Seeker ranks that missed to unlock Silver Novice and Seeker ranks, and by now I am on process for Gold Hunter rank after I completed Master Rank 14 test (Silver Hunter).


    In addition, there is other issue that missed to achieve Shotgun Proficiency I and Shotgun Mastery I after I reached Rank 30 with 2 shotgun weapons.  My last Shotgun level is Shotgun Mastery III.


    However, I don’t know why Steam didn’t activate my achievements: 


    ·  Silver Novice - Achieve the rank of Silver Novice


    ·  Seeker - Achieve the rank of Seeker


    ·  Shotgun Proficiency I - Reach Rank 10 with any Shotgun weapon


    ·  Shotgun Mastery I - Reach Rank 10 with two Shotgun weapons



    Thus I hope you can fix this issue and please let me know when it is fixed.  I appreciate your support




    Reynaldo a.k.a maximusun


    Good morning Maximusun,


    Please use the following link: Support 


    Good luck.

  6. Yes, but then everyone would want their own Warframe.... Including me! :)


    EDIT: And [DE] will have to change this game's name to Have your own Warframe!

  7. The MK-1 Weapons have no Blueprint, when you buy them you buy the weapon out right and they are bought for credits if I'm not mistaken. Might want to give them another look.



    You buy it in Market -- Weapons. Not the weapon's BP.. for credits indeed. 

  8. IMHO: 


    Ember is good against Infested... Volt is good against Grineer and GOD amongst ~~Corpus~~...(with Shield Disrupter)


    ...people only using Mag against Corpus....but.....When Mag get's nerfed you'll see what I'm saying. (dang, I just revealed yet another secret) =_=



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