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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. This!  /\


    Thank you Dagan and others!  


    Also, as this is a well known issue in many areas/tilesets of the game, and may happen in areas that it has never happened in before as game mechanics / levels / movement change etc etc....


    There are very rarely situations where /unstuck will not do the trick!  If you find an area where you can get stuck and /unstuck will not work for some reason, which in turn renders abilities useless somehow, or makes a mission totally incompletable, please report that in the PC / PS4 / XB1 Beta bugs section (respectively).


    Does this command also work on consoles? and which chat you'll have to type this in, squad chat?

  2. She was also partially designed off of poison dart frogs, so... hm.


    Would Yanomami be inappropriate?


    Every suggestion is a good suggestion... but Yanomami is an Indian Tribe in Brazil and my lovely country Venezuela! 

    But I can see from which angle you're thinking!

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