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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Split Chamber at Rank 5, has a 90% chance of firing extra 'bullet' at no cost... all the extra bonus bullet damage should be calculated as extra.


    the damage count you get from installing the mod on your build, doesn't add the bonus damage to the count..this you'll always have to do yourself.

    So only adding a rank 5 Split Chamber will almost certainly double (90%) the orbs you fired. 

  2. Well you can Directly pm someone [DE] to ask this, then they can give you a confirmation.


    But as for what I see is that they'll auto ban you and then try to figure out what happened after you submitted a support ticket if you proceed with this... that will also take the time you maybe could've waited to get the new Dojo style.

  3. Pretty sure your alternative account can't even be part of the clan your main account is part of, as for the dojos i think they need their own server like relays but that will never happen


    1st: You can have both your alternative account and your usual account in the same clan... doesn't segregate them.

    EDIT: but you can't play with both at the same time on the same console, someone else will have to play with it for you, that is basically against the rules.


    2nd: The Dojo's will soon be like the Relays indeed, where we don't need a host anylonger. (is confirmed by [DE])

  4. Been there... try that, and Got SHOT at a couple of times....


    ...but who knows, let's wait and see, because I already sent a pitition to [DE] about it and I even had a lil thread to bring the Dutch together.. but..


    [DE] will need to have a staff memember that speaks the language... but be assured that you're NOT alone...




    Maar als één van julllie ooit een hulpie nodig hebben (in-game :D), voeg mij zonder te twijfelen toe!

    p.s. op PC is 


     de gene die je met bijna alles kan helpen.

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