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Posts posted by DeadNexus_

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

    It looks like an infested Boltara Syandana, intended?

    I actually cannot say if I would use it, I am allways testing it ingame to see if I like the design and if it fits my scheme.

    Designs were made by me and haven't had any influence from the Boltara, and I know your feel, testing out stuff is the best way to see if it works. Therefor we want to get it in the game :P


    Hello and welcome Tenno,

    This is my own little Junkyard where I drop all my concept art for Syandanas, Helmets and sometimes extra stuff. If you want to stay up to date you can always press the follow button, If you want to leave an opinion you always can and I will react as fast as I can, even making adjustments to my concept art if needed. If you want to take over my work and start on a 3D model contact me, you will always earn more than I do because 3D modeling and texturing takes a lot of time and I know that. That was all, enjoy the yard.


    Dynia Concept Art

    By Scharkie1333


    Let us know what you think about this syandana and if you would use it in game, if so, on which frame?


    Greeting Tenno and have a nice day


    Scharkie1333 and DeadNexus_



  3. Sensitive information for those who haven't played The War Within yet, in other words, spoilers



    A new way to increase the usability of previously weaker weapons compared to the ones that are used in the meta had finally arrived. Riven mods, mods that you would get for a random weapon with random stats which can be rerolled with kuva. It is good on paper but has made some of the meta weapons even more insane and most of the time you get useless stats or the weapon that should become better with it still feels mediocre.

    What could we do to increase the usability of weaker weapons? What could have been better then Riven mods, I don’t know, but I do have some ideas. First of all when I heard they would make a system to increase the usability of weaker weapons I thought of super formas or something like that, a new attachment which would increase the weapons power in a special way, instead we got mods which most of the time are mediocre or extremely overpowered.

    I looked at the skill trees of the operator, the way that you can increase the amount of abilities by getting enough focus. What if we took this same concept but than for weapons, by getting a Riven Augment for a certain weapon you could open its hidden potential, a skill tree filled with small boosts and a special ability all the way till the end. for example, if you want to try the Harpak but it is too weak, the skill tree could increase all stats and give a special ability like extra damage on the last bullet in the burst, making it fun to get the weapon to max skills and finally use it after many years of not even trying.

    Of course there is a limit, you can only pick 5 perks, so you can choose to get stat buffs, or a special ability. This way the weapons will have multiple ways of building and won’t become all too powerful.

    Of course, the augments are randomized, so you can’t put it on anything you want, you can however mix 2 augments into 1 new one. There is a very very small chance you will get the same one, bad things can always happen. You can increase the perks by feeding the augment kuva, which can be obtained on high level grineer mission from lvl 30 or higher.

    let me know what your ideas are, your vision on the way to make weak weapons great again




    Written by DeadNexus_

  4. I was wondering what this grand new system was, the Riven mods kinda disappointed me, tho I did start building a weapon because I got one decent Riven mod, it still doesn't make old weapons great again like you promised it would, I thought we would get a sort of augment on weapons that opened a skill tree that needed Kuva to get increased. would have been a fun system to toy around with because it would also have its limit with how many skills you can activate. Just an idea


    [Concept] Eris Dysnomia Tilset - New short quest - New boss

    by DeadNexus_




    Dysnomia - The only known moon of the dwarf planet Eris, named after the daughter of the greek goddess Eris. Dysnomias definition in greek is anarchy/lawlessness.


    Background -



    Derelicts are Orokin vessels that are adrift, the infestation has transformed these great Orokin vessels into what you find today. Mostly Derelicts orbit around planets when drifting through space, never touching anything. One derelict however came into contact with a Dysnomia, the one and only moon of the dwarf planet Eris. The tendrils of the infestation quickly grew into the surface, the spores spreading across the moon causing growths. The derelict peaked the interest of a few ships that came by, it shined bright, attracting any who came to close, each and every squad that would land there quickly became one with the planet, a mindless drone that would walk the surface forever.


    The Derelict was a special case, it seemed a highly classified Orokin project was on board of this vessel, after the fall of the Orokin this thing claimed the vessel, it became the vessel. It slowly digged itself under the moon’s crust, one day the Sergeant send a special fleet to investigate the problem, to his dismay he didn’t know that the infestation had spread so rapidly across the moon, these ships would be the first that spread the infestation to the other ships of the Corpus, causing a domino effect that changed the Eris region forever. Eventually Grineer ships would hang close to these supposedly empty ghost ships, also getting infested and spreading it further.


    The quick growing and sentient infestation of the Derelict has cracked the moon’s crust causing giant chasms and fissures, the tendrils have created multiple caverns and even managed to pull some ships closer to its body. Dysnomia has become an infested shipyard with giant formations of infested tissue and stone, large tendrils growing through and over everything and somewhere is a giant derelict pointing upwards to the sky like a giant tower just waiting to be entered.



    Questline - 



    The Sergeant, now knows as Mav, calls forward to the Tenno to assist him in retrieving what he owns. One of his ships that went to Eris held a special cargo of newly discovered warframe cryopods, however this ship was in the fleet that was send by Mav to look at Dysnomia. A fatal error on his part and on his crewman for not telling him about the cargo before it was too late. He tried to send specialized squads with new tech to fight the infested but nothing had been a success. He lets you know that this will be the only time that he will trust the Tenno with such a task and will reward the Tenno for their troubles.


    Lotus tells you about what happened there and that something mysterious was laying dormant there, she says you should take the task but be careful, the infested are dangerous and unpredictable.


    The first mission is going to an infested Corpus ship on Eris to hack the main computers to do a bioscan, after this you located a giant living organism close to Eris on the moon called Dysnomia.


    The second mission is that you land in the shipyard and search for the Corpus ship first, eventually you arrive at the ship you were supposed to find but it is near a giant gaping hole. when your warframe wants to touch the cryopods a giant infested tentacle grabs the pods and pulls it down towards itself. Lotus immediately tells you not to follow it. You return back to your orbiter.


    The third mission makes you head towards a different part of the tileset, a series of caverns with parts of ships and more growths everywhere. Here you need to find lost data on what this creature was and if there are any leads to its original location. After finding what you need it is time to take this creature head on.


    The final mission takes you to the entrance of the living Derelict, the moment you enter is the moment you take a step inside a giant infested monster. The tileset is an even more infested Derelict that has been tilted 90 degrees. While you walk through the Derelict it speaks to you, talks to you about the things you have done, and his hate towards the Tenno for killing his masters. This infestation was the first infested with a different mindset, he could actually think like a normal being, yet his anger caused him to consume more and more. Eventually you reach the engine room of the Derelict and there you find a giant mass of infestation with a few humanoid features, it has four huge tentacles with mouths attached to it. It talks to you one more time about your final moments here in the place where its life started, and that it was time to pay the price of betrayal.



    Boss fight -



    It is a 2 phased boss fight, in the 1st phase he is invulnerable, his tentacles open their mouths before the land a hit so when they open you got to shot it as fast as you can. when all four tentacles are destroyed his chest opens and reveals a huge tube of strange liquid, fire at it to damage the boss, eventually he will close his chest and his tentacles will spawn again.

    (If you look closely to his chest you can also see multiple cryopods that are stuck in his body, he has been stealing multiple ones for a long time, trying to infect the warframes within with no success.)


    the 2nd phase activates after the whole place collapses, you land on its now dead body but from within the dead infested tissue rises something even more dangerous, fractions of its body that were inside the tube grew around a warframe and tapt inside its energy. Its body is very large but still moves really fast, almost like an animal, the warframe within its body is a new warframe which you can obtain by doing this boss fight later on again. You need to shoot its arms that glow a strange yellow color, after destroying the arms it opens its giant mouth and reveals the warframe next to a big glowing blob (This is the actual creature) Shoot it and repeat this progress a few times and you defeat the infested creatures.


    (I don’t know a fitting name for this creature but I was thinking about Morphius, very basic but also very menacing.)



    Missions -



    1 Extermination : lvl35-40

    1 Mobile Defense : lvl35-40

    2 Hives : lvl40-45

    2 Excavations : lvl30-35 lvl40-45

    1 Survival : lvl30-35

    1 Assassination : lvl40-45



    Resources -



    Common: Nano Spores

    Uncommon: Plastids

    Rare: Neurodes

    Research: Mutagen Samples




    Tileset feel -


    Dysnomia is a barren wasteland of dark brown sand, big rock formations and infested growths, broken down grineer and corpus ships or just parts of it and a Derelict in the distance. The caverns are big and filled with scrap, infested tendrils that originate from the Derelict go through every part of the caverns. The Derelict itself is a more infested version of the basic Derelict, also the whole place is tilted by 90 degrees to really give the crashed feeling.


    Enemies -  


    Any basic infested enemy can spawn here, there is also a chance for juggernauts to spawn.

    If you have any ideas to this concept, or want to go all artsy and make some concept drawings for this feel free to do so, everyone will get as much appreciation that you deserve. Also I hope you enjoyed reading it, love you, Tenno.

  6. Name: Nobel (Based on the name of the great inventor Alfred Nobel, who also invented dynamite.) (just to clarify, I choose this name because also of the regret of creating such a thing like Nobel regretting killing people with his invention.)

    Theme: Explosions

    Role: Glass Cannon/CC


    Short Bio:

    Explosions, something that always deals mayhem, something that is worth looking at. Nobel is the physical embodiement of the destructive force known as explosions. Nobels is filled with a strange substance which leaks from small holes on its hands. a green liquid which causes explosions when outside the body. 

    Nobel got its inspiration from the countless explosives that have been created over the years. Nobel is every type of explosions combined in one warframe. Its destructive force can be measured by a huge group of bombards firing everything at ones (As a warframe player you really know how much that can do)


    Power list:

    High Temper - When going under 50% health, Nobel emmits an explosion which damages and knocks back enemies around him.


    1: Combustion Punch - Nobel coats his fist with the green liquid and punches an enemy, causing the enemy to be damaged, knocked back and if killed, flying through the map. Enemies near the target are also affected by the blast.

    2: Cannon Effect - Nobel grabs an enemy by the head and takes it with him, when the ability is used again he fires away the enemy by blasting away its face, changing any enemy in a bullet. If held for too long the enemy can break free but his fate is already set, the explosive liquid will detonate after 4 seconds of contact when let go. While holding the body you can use it as a shield, as long as the target doesn't do you can use the main ability. Other members can of course hide behind you. Special enemies can't be grabbed by this ability. (Heavy units, Capture targets, Bosses, unique units) (Extra rule, strength above 180% grants you the ability to grab heavy units for a short amount of time.)

    3: Mayhems Blossom - Nobel can place up to three pods of liquid, which will slowly inflate until they explode, the used liquid becomes very heavy and slows down any enemies in range of the pods. The pods explode faster when hit by enemy fire.

    4: Blast Carpet - Nobel shoots small bombs all around him which explode into smaller bombs, The smaller bombs deal less damage then the big ones but still do a lot with the blast proc, keeping enemies on the ground all around you. 




    If you have any questions or things I should change just let me know, If you have any more ideas for this or want to make some sketches feel free to do so. Hope you enjoyed the idea.

    Might make some sketches myself sooner or later, if I have the time and capability to do so.

  7. Just now, Nakrast said:

    His ulti could be: unlocks his seals to unleash his nano machines on the enemies, the range of the ability could increase every second but consuming health, and the nanomachines applied on the enemies could stun then and give a debuff

    That is also a good idea, I will look further into this, thanks :) I will make sure to credit you in that part

  8. Just now, Nakrast said:

    ''Team buffer/ CC'' his ultimate seems pure dps tho, also which stats would he have?

    His Ult might indeed need a more CC approach, maybe a weak ray which causes small explosions that disrupt enemies? And stats are a difficult thing to do without losing the balance so the concept stays with only the lore and abilities... for now.

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