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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. Well, in my own experience it generally works, if you politly exlain that you have to leave.

    As long as 2 of the other 3 people are reading, it doesn't matter if one person is ignoring the chat.

    The keyword is 'polite', which is usually the problem, when people want to leave.

    If youa ren't polite and act like a spoiled child, then yes, you will be ignored often.

  2. vor 5 Minuten schrieb More-L:

    It would be an opt in feature, if you feel it is taking too long then just allow yourself to host/run solo

    Regadring running solo:

    Yeah, for me this is a option, but not every player is MR24 capable of soloing Eidolons. Some people are reliant on groups.


    As for ' just allow yourself to host':

    I'm sometimes playing on a relativly old Laptop. On that machine i literally cannot host without ruining the experience for all 4 people involved.

    If I'm now forced to host there is a 100% chance to ruin the group.

    Right now this chance is only 25%.

    The same goes for people living in areas with bad ISPs.

  3. vor 2 Stunden schrieb (XB1)GearsMatrix301:

    ....wasting damage output to be able to switch to a different weapon is flat out one of the stupidest designs of this game.


    vor 23 Stunden schrieb Walkampf:

    And the introduction of peculiar mods are evidence that the better players have definitly mod-slots to spare.

    You just have to get a bit better, than you have easily a slot to spare.

  4. vor 10 Minuten schrieb Ragingwasabi:

     i cant control what pug squad brings. 

    Well, if you try to take on high level content in public groups, then this is just like hitting a random-loadout button and then complaining that the loadout you get is not suited for a specific task.

    You ignore the option to set up an actually working team. It is not the game to blame if you deliberatly ignore the option the games gives you.


    vor 10 Minuten schrieb Ragingwasabi:

    FPS games give u a primary, secondary and melee. warframe gives a primary, secondary and melee. see the parallels?

    And World of Warcraft features swords, guns and character abilities.... so what exacly are the parallels?

    Just because one game features slighty similar concepts as another game this doesn't force any of the two games to be just like the other.

    This is the very reason why we have Warframe, DOOM and CS:GO and countless others and not just one single game, called 'Shooter'.

  5. Gerade eben schrieb Ragingwasabi:

    try tell that to an FPS player. "weapon switch is not important"

    Well, Warframe isn't an FPS, soooo....

    And it's not as if Warframe has a 10 second time to switch. It's around 1.5 to 2 seconds.

    It's not actually all that bad as it is made out to be.

    People also ignore that Warframe features a lot more ways to crow controll enemies than your typical shooter does.

    And people ignore that you are capable of moving a lot faster in every direction, even vertically, than you are in other shooters.

    Both are ways to create 2 or more second windows to savely switch weapons.

  6. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Ragingwasabi:

    one of those options is CP. how else do I strip armour as a volt?

    You are aware that there are more than 1 person per squad, yes?

    Volt doesn't have to strip armor, because if your squad is amde out of 4 Volts, with 12 weapons which don't strip armor, then your teams setup is the problem.

    When you choose to ignore options presented to you, then it is your own fault, not the games.

  7. vor 1 Minute schrieb GeoffFromAccounting:

     almost literally any other game does better than Warframe

    Well, not every game has to be the same.

    And if other system are 'better' is arguable.

    This topic is comparable to the same point made each and every time a new ability-augment is introduced:

    'This should not be an augment, this should be part of the base ability.'

    And the answer is pretty much the same: DE does not agree with the statemaent.

    People on both topics, switch-speed and augments, are semi-right. All this stuff could be made baseline, however DE chose not to do so, which means they are fine with the way of the implementation.


    And let's face it, as you already said,

    vor 9 Minuten schrieb GeoffFromAccounting:

    (...)weapon switching is a basic utility/QoL (...)

    It's a QoL, nothing with major gameplay impact.

  8. vor 1 Minute schrieb Ragingwasabi:

    sorry what. auras are always used. and CP is pretty much required at higher levels unless ur using some meta weapons as well.

    Or you could use one of the by now numerous Armor stripping Abilities/Augments. The options are there.

    vor 2 Minuten schrieb Ragingwasabi:

    weapon switch speed is such a basic stat that is something we should always have. 

    Damage is also a 'basic stat'. So why should we have damage mods?

  9. Gerade eben schrieb (PS4)Eluminary:

      Nuke Trinity breaks itvfar more,  enemies die before they appear fully on the screen.

    And that justifies ANOTHER Frame that breaks the mode?

    If somebody jumps from a cliff, whould you jump as well??

    As i said, youa re just stirring up a witchhunt over a fully justified change and now youa re even being childish about it.

  10. I think the switch speed mods are perfectly fine.

    They offer custominsation options aside from damage and status.

    And the introduction of peculiar mods are evidence that the better players have definitly mod-slots to spare.


    The Aura is certainly used very rarely. So a 200% increase to switchspeed should not be to much to ask for.

    Another fine addition whould be an exilus-mod. Something along the lines of 100% switchspeed. (This whould put is just below the current Aura

  11. vor 9 Stunden schrieb joshua38303704:

    Hi I'm a massive bow user and since then I have been using the dikuo and really think in needs a good buff

    This feedback is useless for the devs.

    You have to explain what and why you think certain aspects should be strengthened.

  12. vor 11 Minuten schrieb Hyohakusha:

    Also, @Walkampf

    Perhaps you should learn how to use the spell check function and proper grammar before you go insulting other people's intelligence.

    Well, not everbodies native tongue is english.... sooooo.... yeh.....

    U a nat ohnly a wee bit racist, but if you have to grammar-nazi iabout somebodies points instead of actually addressing and disprooving them, then this only shows how weak your own view on the topic at hand actually is...

  13. Am 18.5.2018 um 23:26 schrieb Leitwolf000:

    There are many other Things and Bugs that could need some work on, instead it was used for lighting effects, hurray!

    You are an idiot. (Spoileralert: no surprise there....)

    Somebody who is aducated in working on lithing effects does not nessecarily have the knowledge to fix mechanical bugs.

    Programming comanies employ a lot of differnt jobs, different specialists.

    Instead of throwing a tantrum like a little child you should use your time to become knowladgeable about computer science.

    Every last letter you wrote here is entirely useless static.

  14. Hahaha,

    I just realised the ironiy in Letiwolf000's name.

    Leitwolf is german for alphawolf and yet he takes the time to write a long essay about problem he only heared of from a small number of players who feels the need to call themself 'veterans' in order to validate their points of view. *rolleyes*

  15. vor 10 Minuten schrieb Leitwolf000:

    Hey Guys,

    Im pretty new to the Game, though im playin with many veterans also via discord and Ts

    You should try to make upyour own mind, form your own opinion.

    There are a bunch of selfproclaimed 'vets' who think they know what's best for the game.

    However, most of those people are jhust plain stupid. that's a fact.

    Just as it is a fact that Warframes playernumbers have been steadily growing since.... well... since the beginning....

    And this kinda disprooves thoise nutjobs and doomsayers.

  16. vor einer Stunde schrieb Dark_RRiderr:

    So why should someone do this? Easy solution: If you INVITE the stalker the Dropchance for the War and Dispair BP is increased to a higher value then it usually is.

    Sounds good? Yeah i know, it does, because finally a better chance getting that damned War or dispair blueprints.

    Actually, no it doesn't...

    People whould form groups and get a stalker who whould do nothing but get farmed.

  17. vor 12 Minuten schrieb (PS4)iQuedas:

    So... 1 operator vs 5 stalker. Stalkers go hide around the map while the operator go on a hide n seek frenzy.

    Just as bad of an idea...

    since both parties are potentially strong.

    This kind of asymetrical PvP from other games just doesn't work in Warframe.

    Just stop copypasting other games idea... good god...

    DE doesn't have to jump on every slightly popular hypetrain.

    They are making their own thing and know what's good for the game.

    DEs standarts are higher than those mindless candycrush/battleroyale/PubG-clones....

  18. vor 16 Minuten schrieb Kramatoskaja:

    I would prefer it implanted in the game overall,not having to sacrifice a mod slot for it.

    Why not also have every weapon 100% status and 300% crit with a 3.3 crit multiplier?

    Because i whould prefer this, so i don't have to sacrifice a modslot for critmods...


    No seriously...

    This idea of yours it as stupid as those comments about quite a few augments, which people think should be part of the base ability...

    They aren't. End of discussion.

    There is not only speedholster, but also weapon mods which speed up weapon switching.

    Take it, or leave it.

    And the implementation of peculiar mods prooves that there is indeed room to slot mods in, that you don't need a perfect damage build for a weapon,


    Git good so you can spare a damage mod.

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