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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 1 Minute schrieb Sunrisefire:

    you have done war within and such? i'm talking about when you switch focus lens you damage them. it will be nice for us to rebuild them. 

    I know what a focus-lens is.

    What the he$$ is a damage lens?

    and what's focus grain?

    vor 28 Minuten schrieb Sunrisefire:

    (...) be -7% grain focus (...) having -2% grain. 


  2. vor 8 Stunden schrieb MechDragon98:

    I... Would say thay for any animation then?


    Mirage prime's 4th ability is visually different from mirage's, but it's in the game.


    Isn't that utter nonsense as well then?

    There is a massive difference between adding some particle effects and adding an entire new system which which controlls the movment of a characters skeleton...

  3. vor 21 Minuten schrieb MechDragon98:

    I know it is, but giving it a peculiar animation would make more sense in my opinion. When I've said it is a war axe I was quoting the game, that's all. Having a different animation on the prime variant could be an idea.

    An idea, yeah, sure, but from the technical side it's utter nonsense.

  4. vor 48 Minuten schrieb jsnforce:

    Fine. Some people want to gimp their builds for cosmetic silliness. 

    This is the very idea of the peculiar mods... sheesh...

    The system is to show off, that you are so good, you don't  need to make use of all the mod-slot.

    If you could just slap in peculiar effects onto anyhigh end build, then you are not showing of, that you are good, you are just another metagame-mouthbreather who looked up the most effective build for something online.

    If you want to use peculiar mods, then get good, you scrubs!

  5. vor 25 Minuten schrieb --Q--Ascended-Seraphim:

    As per title, cosmetic granting perks should remain purely cosmetic. 

    You don't understand what the system is supposed to do...

    With something like that, if everybody whould use it it whould hardly be "pecuiliar"....

  6. vor 7 Stunden schrieb Runa_Nisshoku:
    • Holding/Charge Method: Finishers can only be performed if the melee attack key is being held, (...)However, this posses problems with combos and charge attacks, and possibly the most difficult to implement; maybe requiring a short cancelling finisher animation (mobs can just use a knockback/knockdown animation).


    Good idea and it has a simple solution.

    Make Blocking always on, like Excaliburs Exalted blade. (Something that is wanted y a lot of people anyway.)

    And then you can use the freed up Finisher-formerly-knows-as-Block-Button to enter Execute-mode and trigger the combos that required holding block before.

  7. Isn't Limbo already an illness based Warframe?


    #sarcasm I actually like Limbo myself.


    But in all seriousness, the abilities are rather boring.

    However, i really like the concept of a passive that has a finite effect when a certain condition, in the case your shield breaking, is met.

  8. vor 12 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    So my thought is: could the weapon models being sclaed with weapon range?so having a galatine with alot of range actually increases the size of the blade/ entire sword.

    that might turn out totally bs but i think DE could try it out and maybe, just maybe, it turns out awesome.

    i mean - who doesnt like wielding a big ass anime sword?


    If you put the chroma-deluxe-heavy-skin in Zenistar this happens as you describe it.

    A lot of people love it, which is why DE decided to keep this bug as a feature.

    Personally, i verymuch dislike it, since in my opinion, it completly ruins the games aestetic. I don't mind it as much, when other player make use of this. This is a matter of personal preference and you can't argue taste, right?

    I'd love the option of having skins that scale with range mods.

    For example, when you get the galantine you get a 'scaling galantine'-skin for free. when you equipt this your weapon scales in size.

    And when you get anoher skin, for example the rubico galantine skin, you get a 'scaling rubico galantine'-skin for free.

  9. Decent conept.

    vor 50 Minuten schrieb (PS4)JerZeyCJ:

    To solve the issue of, "Wait, how can he use weapons?" a node on his back produces void energy around your chosen weapons and hovers them in mid air above Baskerville's back. The void energy is how Baskverville can manipulate his weapons to aim and fire them. But in the case of melee weapons, he cannot use them at all(I imagine their various animations would be a pain to try and make work) but I have a solution for that.

    The solution is quite easy. Just make the quadruped moving his animation set. (This whould be nice in Chroma as well.)

    Thus he could use any melee weapon, since it whould follow the same rule as any other animationset, namely, weapon stances overwrite animation sets.


    The issue whould be his passive, which makes the whole thing incredibly convoluted.

    I whould add this attack set as a exalted weapon onto his 4.

    Basically, he sets up his territory and while he is within it he becomes a very strong melee character,

    and when he leaves it he looses the buffs, but keeps his exalted weapon.

  10. vor 23 Minuten schrieb Gemoroda:

    Man, i get what you re saying on the first part, wich is not  argument since there are sorties that forces you into only melee (trowing the shooter part away). 

    Those are exceptions from the rule.

    Ever heard of the saying 'the exception that proves the rule'? think about it!

    vor 11 Minuten schrieb Gemoroda:


    Because it negates several mods, abilities and some other features of the game.

  11. vor 6 Minuten schrieb Gemoroda:

     (and a frame that can only use melee weapons, no guns if i go a little further, so a melee specialist).

    Incredibly dumb idea. Warframe is a shooter first and foremost, it whould go against a lot of mechanics, like Lephantis bossfight.


    On another note, the abilities are incredibly bland and boring.

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