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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 4 Minuten schrieb RagingReaper67:

    Try telling that to the martial artists who developed techniques to get around, or even through protective armor. Yes, it was not the same type of armor, nor were they robots, but a Warframe could channel energy as a protective layer.

    Martial artists carefully test to limits of what they are capable of.

    If Bruce Lee whould punch a tank at full force, he'd still mess up every bone in his hand.


    vor 9 Minuten schrieb RagingReaper67:

    Really, you can grab a grapple and pull the attacker to you? Oh, that's not a thing, because that's clearly what I was talking about.

    You can stop the grapple. Pulling them to you was never mentioned.

    vor 4 Stunden schrieb RagingReaper67:

    You should be able to counter enemy grapples, but it should only happen when you have melee equipped and are taking the grapple head-on (cuz catching a grapple from behind is silly).

    Sorry for mit being able to mindread you like an empty book.


    vor 2 Minuten schrieb theraot:

    @Walkampf So, how does self damage on naked punch sound to you?

    At first glance a good idea, however, as with selfdamaging explosive weapons, this could be abused if you don't put in additional programming work, to prevent them.


    vor 10 Minuten schrieb RagingReaper67:

    Also, don't get so wrapped up in a single tiny piece of a thread that you ignore the rest altogether. I would like to constructively discuss my ideas, not argue about whether you think one part of it makes sense.

    As for the rest, yes i pretty much agree with you, otherwise i'd have mentioned them.

  2. I'm against a matchmaking syste for the same reason i dislike the idea of an auctionhouse.

    Warframe is one of the very few games, which still require communication between players.

    However, I'd like to see the same filter function as in the trade chat.

    This way,

    - DE does not need to implement a new menu, making it very economical

    -DE does not have to constantly update the menu with new relics

    -Players can filter for more than one relic at once

    -It whould not take away from the social aspect of Warframe

  3. Oh, i'm chill, definitly.

    But even if you say that Warframe are not human, they are still made out of some sort of flesh, so similar rules whould apply as to a human hand and quite frankly, if you punch a concretewall or a tank you'll inflict serious damage to yourself.

    Even if they are capable of super human feats, they are generally not bulletproof either and if you don't use any abilities, they are actually really squishy, if you think about it.

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb theraot:

    And, when talking of the mission modifier, then sparring or fist weapons are not an option.

    As i already said, in this case it is not intended to be able to use anything besides one weapontype.

    As i already said, this goes against the very idea of the mode.

  4. vor 55 Minuten schrieb theraot:

    Sometimes I end up unarmed, for example in a primary weapon only mission where I run out of ammo. And then I need to punch, but can't.

    Had this discussion in another threat, there are several options you can fall back on, when you run out of ammo in those missions.

    Giving a unarmed option whould just defeat the purpose of the mission modifier. Just use your brain.

    Also: It's jus stupid to punch an armored robot without protective gear, so no. Unarmed combat is stupid and should only be used when it's contextually really your last resort resort, like when Zanuka takes away your weapons.

    If you want the feeling of unarmed combat, then use sparring or fist weapons.


    vor einer Stunde schrieb RagingReaper67:

    You should be able to counter enemy grapples, but it should only happen when you have melee equipped and are taking the grapple head-on (cuz catching a grapple from behind is silly).

    You can counter enemies grapples by blocking.

  5. vor 1 Minute schrieb RavingRoman:

    Alternative choices is still something that is a core aspect to warframes including the nonsensical and gratifying "DURR me smash" Hello? We have Rhino for smashing.

    Saying no simply because there are other options is not a valid reason, otherwise DE would have made far less warframes, and weapons that people loved so much because there are alternatives.


    So in a sense, you're just stifling creativity.

    As i already said two times....

    vor 17 Minuten schrieb Walkampf:

    DE can give you as many alternatives as they want, if your are not able to think of them, it is NOT a faulty design, it's your fault for not thinking of those options.

    It doesn't matter how many alternatives you give players, when they are just to dumb to think of anything aside from mashing a button.

    Sorties with specific modifiers are forcing the players to get creative. They force people to think outside of your typical gameplay. Just adding melee mechanic on your standard melee button is not creativity, it's simplifying the gameplay, so that you don't need to change you playstyle...

  6. vor 5 Minuten schrieb RavingRoman:

    So you're saying it's stupid to use your fists?

    I'm not say it's stupid to use your fists, I'm saying you are to stupid to think of something else.



    Yes, it is stupid to punch an armored robot with your bare fists, but that's just common logic.

  7. vor 3 Minuten schrieb Walkampf:

    DE can give you as many alternatives as they want, if your are not able to think of them, it is NOT a faulty design, it's your fault for not thinking of those options.


    vor 1 Minute schrieb RavingRoman:

    So why not have another alternative?

    As i alrady wrote, it doesn't matter how many alternatives they implement, if you are not capable of thinking of those aside from '*DURR* me smash!'

  8. vor 22 Minuten schrieb RavingRoman:

    When you have bullet hoses, a lack of any ability to create a contingency plan on the spot is a fault of design. 


    1.You have abilities.

    2. You have consumables to regain ammo. (And Energy, see point 1)

    3. You have consumables that deal damage, like Specters.

    4.You can use your operator.


    DE can give you as many alternatives as they want, if your are not able to think of them, it is NOT a faulty design, it's your fault for not thinking of those options.

  9. I'm from germany, so 'cleansing' a group of humand always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Ingame hoewever, i don't think it's the way of the tenno to completly annihilate a group of sentient being. Not all Grineer are comletely zealous, as prooven bei the Steel Meridian and the defectors from Defection missions.

    I'd kill hundereds, maybe thousands or even more innocent.

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb achromos:

    If you have really been a fan of frost for that long id expect some sympathy because you KNOW what I’m talking about.  Instead you are being spiteful...?  Why?  


    You up should be on my side, just as I argued that frost shouldn’t be absolutely kneecapped when HE was fresh off the chopping block.

    Because it's more fun.

    Standing in the Globe and just popping heads like in a cookie-clicker-game was boring as all hell. Now you have to play the game.

    Frosts had to adapt, but DEs changes were for the better..

  11. vor 8 Minuten schrieb achromos:

    Hopefully when it is your turn for your favorite frame to get kicked in the junk or tripped into a pile of mud you will realize how shifting a frame THIS much actually ruins players enjoyment. 

    Also, dude, look at my Avatar.

    I'm a Frost-main since Patch 7.3...

    You talk to somebody who was there, when Snowglobe was indestructible, so please, cry me a river.

  12. vor 1 Minute schrieb achromos:

    You guys don't realize that 'god mode' is already here in the form of Wukong and even Valkyr or nyx with assimilate augment. 

    You guys don't realise that those Warframes have not yet been tweaked. Only 1/3 of the Warframes have been revisited during the last batch.

    And also, Nyx and Wukong are not able to increase weapondamage on top of the godmode.

    Valkyr even looses access to all ranged weapons.

  13. And that is not even considering the Armor buff.


    And also, since Chromas buffs are an Aura players who were to far away during the initial cast can enter the aura to get the buff without the need for Chroma to recast.

    So this is potentially an advantage, depending on how you look at it.

  14. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    Yeah, but Rhino's ability increases damage output for whole duration.

    Chroma's - only for time players are grouped tigtly enough and only for weapons.

    Yes. That is what is called a 'tradeoff'... You can play Rhino for an easy to use buff or Chroma for a much, much stronger but harder to use buff.

    They do different stuff, so comparing them is stupid.

  15. vor 7 Minuten schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    Rhino doesnot change - he is still able to buff all damage well! :)

    I just compared buffs and Chroma's after change is much less effective compared to Rhino's especially because Chroma's buff does not affect abilities(solution for this i offered in first post of thread). 

    Rhinos ability doesn't increase the teams armor, so Chroma alrady has an advantage (additionally to the much higher multiplier)

  16. 1st. As i already said, Warframe roles are fluent. Some feature similarities to RPG archetypes, however there are no dedicated roles. You can turn on your head and clap with your feat. No matter how much you try to force your logic into the game, DE has yearsago already stated that no Warframe is designed to be dedicated to a single role, just as content is not designed to feature the very specific RPG-Trinity of Tank-DD-healer.



    vor 2 Minuten schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    Or Chroma/Inaros/Rhino/Neja for tank?

    Well, DE seems to disagree that Chroma is supposed to feature tank-protperties and isntead be a more of a team-buffer, as he was first described during his development stream, being inspired by Eastern Dragons who bring luck and prosperity to people who see them.


  17. vor 10 Minuten schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    2) Becuse they are both tanks(even if different tank modes) and aren't good damage dealers by their abilities and they both have team buffs now.

    There are no RPG roles in Warframe... this isn't world of Warfraft.

    No Warframe serves a dedicated role. Warframe roles are fluent. some are tankier than others, but nobody is a designated tank.

  18. vor 4 Minuten schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    1) The reason of nerf was one-shotting Eidolons, not tankyness. we have other frames that can mitigate damage more effective(Gara's 90% damage reduction and Trin's bless ing with 75% reductiin and full heal).

    Yes it was.

    Both values were to high. This has been officially addressed during one of the Octavias Anthem Updates.

    Look it up!

    I'm not gonna feed you the exact link, since, quite frankly, at this point I'm sick of people claiming this nonsense, that 'the armor was not the issue'.

    No more godmod for Chroma, deal with it!

  19. vor einer Stunde schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    1) As he is now much less tanky due to multiplier fix why not make also 2 recastable(with re-applying effect like new cast) and add some % of damage reduction on 2?

    He was to tanky, reverting him to his former godmode defeats the reason of him being fixed.

    vor einer Stunde schrieb Death_Master_Shadow:

    2) Small tweak for his 3 would be much appreciated - let 3 affect damage output for everything(including abilities).

    This on the other hand is interesting, but compared to Equinox, who also buffs abilities that whould be OP considering how much difference there is between Equinox Powerstrength bonus and the multiplier that chroma features.

  20. vor 9 Stunden schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    Thats why the whole statement start with "If" sarcasm doenst work on texts.

    Sigh... you should read more books. Yes, sarcasm works in testform. It's harder to pull off, yes, but it works.


    vor 9 Stunden schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    But hey my original question is still up there what you didnt answered yet.

    Come on and instead of debating what you dont like in my go and present something useable.

    Ofcourse you did get my answer. In fact, you got it alrady several hours ago....

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