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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 18 Stunden schrieb Aleksi134:

    Way to be a jerk i guess, what i even meant by that is that i cannot take any shots in high level missions as chroma but i guess you cannot understand this.

    How about you try writing what you want to say? It's really not my fault if you no idea how use words (#sarcasticgrammarmistakes #hashtagincaseyoudontgetsarcasm)

  2. vor einer Stunde schrieb m3stuart:


    Those changes are definitly a lot more sensible than most.

    I don't like the idea of having the 1 dedicated to switching the element.

    And a simple stat-increase is incredibly boring.

    I'd let Spectral scream as it is (maybe increase status and have range effected without a multiplier)

    To swicht the element i'd suggest a press 2 to cast Elemental ward, hold 2 to switch the element.


    The changes to Effigy sound fine, with the exception of the added Spectral Scream. Having to summon effigy first whould only make the scream more cumbersum to use.


    vor 22 Minuten schrieb Aleksi134:

     so you have to move 24/7(this is with max power strenght),

    Congratulations, you realised what Warframes gamplay is about.... *DUH*

  3. 1. Have stasis running as much as possible.

    2. Melee > Boomsticks (you know, since stasis is supposed to be activ)

    3. Stay in the rift as much as possible yourself. (The energy generation is absolutly needed)

    4. Only switch out of the rift in order to banish enemies into the rift (and into stasis) and isntantly switch back into the rift.

    5. Learn how to use Riftsurge. This will become a substitute for No.4. However, the ability is convoluted as hell, so it needs some mindbending to understand it.

    My Build

    The key of playing Limbo is to leanr how to pick your fights. I can totally understand anybody who leaves a group, when they see a Limbo. Somebody who doesn't understand what and how Limbo does things can be incredibly disruptive for a group.

    As a rule of thumb you can say, that you have to learn to only banish those enemies that YOU intend to kill and that you are capable of killing.

  4. vor 15 Minuten schrieb bad4youLT:

    can some one explain me the "ramp up" system , I dont quit get it

    Beam weapons deal only a little bit of damage at first and then, the longer you hold the beam onto the enemy, the damage will increase.

    Imagin a stove. You put a kettle filled with cold water onto it. The water is not boiling isntantly, it takes a bit for the heat to build up.

  5. vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)ArtPrince17:

    I know you weren't talking to me and I'm not mad at all, I was just making an example....

    You are very much getting personal here. Even IF you were not mad, you are certainly making a fool out of yourself.

  6. vor 1 Minute schrieb iceyShardZ:

    yes,but when you have to wait for both corrossive and your damage to kill a stupid trash mob,

    thats infuriating,

    Ever heared of 'picking the right tool for the job'?

    If you are using beamweapons for trash it's like using a screwdriver to hammer a nail in.

    have you played Starcraft 2?

    Protoss Voidrays suck VS Terran Marines.

    It's up to the skill of the player to choose the right tool.

    That's gameplay!

  7. vor 2 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    still the damage resets for every single enemy

    and that's incredibly annoying,it shouldn't be that way,

    a ramp up per target can be acceptable if the ramp up base is not THIS low,

    50% at base would make me be fine about this change

    Status effects have to be applied on every single new target again.

    Nobody is complaining there. Especially corrosive.

    When in higher level missions armored enemies will inistially take low damage anyway until you got a few procs in...

  8. vor 1 Minute schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    I dont have a gamepad to test out how good is the aim-assist but heard many complaints about how hard is aminig on consoles.

    So, you threw i some random noise in hope it might be correct by chance?

    Great argument you are making there!


    vor 2 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    no its not about aiming,its about halting your fire to switch positions,

    If you have to stop firing when moving, your aim is bad...

  9. vor 4 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    the problem isn't aiming,

    Oh come on, at least be a good sport.

    It WAS an issue, I prooved you are stupid and wrong (and stupid)

    And instead of admiting it you brush it off and claim that you didn't care...

    vor 22 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    you can aim but if your crosshair just moves away from an enemy for a millisecond you lost all your damage

    so no

    this is f*cking stupid beyond belief

    without ramp up decay this is unbelievably hopeless


    And now it's again an issue....

    vor 11 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    you mean its not bad if  you stand still and NEVER halt your fire to switch positions, ffs

    aiming is easy,especially with perfectly accurate weapons,my aim is just fine,its just that this game requires you to switch positions constantly,and to keep reverting to 10% damage is infuriating


    Also, yeah, shooting while standing is easy. This is were more skilled players get rewarded, when they manage to shoot while moving.

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    also then just buff the soma???

    why make these weapons only viable if you are standing still and not parkouring rather than just buffing 1 stupid weapons ffs

    Buffing the Soma

    vor 33 Minuten schrieb Walkampf:

    (...)whould not fix the does not solve the issue of the ignis being to strong, it just makes every other beamweapon just a problematic.


  11. Gerade eben schrieb iceyShardZ:

    no,with this change some beam weapons became really bad if you want to actually move and play the game

    This is only true if you are bad at aiming. beamweapons rampup offer a risk/reward mechanic.

    If your aim is good, you can use the stronger beam weapns.

    If you need to spray and pray, you choose a ballistic weapon.

  12. vor 7 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    i actually tested and all of those beam weapons got reduced to almost S#&$ tier now if you are not just camping at one spot and aiming at extremely slowed enemies,if you dare to move and play the game you are f***ed

    the ramp up should no doubt be similiar to the soma,where it ramps up the fire rate,and stays fast,imagine if the soma had to ramp up per target,this is f***ing absurd

    Beam weapons became stronger than those weapons. Your change just creates 'powercreep' between beam ans ballistic weapons. And you whouldn't want that, right?

    vor 29 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:

    you don't see it do you?

    this change does NOTHING to the already top tier beam weapons,and makes the average ones NOTHING compared to them,essentially creating a power creep between these weapons!

    makes the already overpowered ones stronger and the average ones weaker,don't see ANYTHING wrong with that????


  13. Gerade eben schrieb iceyShardZ:

    if they revert this change,the other beam weapons would be okay,and there would be no need to nerf the ignis,


    vor 6 Minuten schrieb Walkampf:

    Removing the rampup whould not fix the does not solve the issue of the ignis being to strong, it just makes every other beamweapon just a problematic.


  14. vor 2 Minuten schrieb iceyShardZ:


    nobody has to aim with the @(*()$ ignis..........

    Then reduce the damage ot the range of the ignis.

    Removing the rampup whould not fix the does not solve the issue of the ignis being to strong, it just makes every other beamweapon just a problematic.

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