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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 20 Minuten schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    First if you really want to use guns and ammo consuption as an argument here let me show you these:


    You know, at this point I'm actually feeling sorry for you...

    You didn't even realise that is basically copied your previous statement 

    vor 1 Stunde schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    It does punishes every melee weapon what can attack multiple enemies.


    One of the reoccuring reasons this system is not used on threads like this is because they are too expensive to use.

    and just swapped out a few words in order to show how utterly ridiculous your whole point is...

    Here is a well meant advise,

    Just stop. You don't realise it, but you are making an utter fool out of yourself.

  2. To clarify ot affinity works, when somebody else kills something within affinity range,

    the passive player gets 100% of the affinity the active killer gets, the only difference is the destribution.

    If the passive player has all 3 weapons slots equiped something, then:

    -His Warframe will get 25% of the affinity

    -His Primary will get 25% of the affinity,

    -His secondary will get 25% of the affinity,

    -His Melee will get 25% of the affinity.


    If the passive player has only 2 Weaponslots filled, for example if he has a Primary and a melee, or a primary and a secondary or a secondary and a melee, then the distribution is:

    -His Warframe will get 25% of the affinity,

    -His first weapon will get 37.5% of the affinity

    -His second weapon will get 37.5% of the affinity.


    If the passive player only has one slot filled with a weapon, so if he uses only a primary, or only a secondary, or only a Melee, then the distribution is as follows.

    -His warframe will get 25% of the affinity

    -His weapon will get 75% of the affinity.


    I hope this clears the issue up for everybody.

  3. vor 1 Minute schrieb BaadshahPrime:

    i dont think anyone would want to leech from a low ranking player, without being afk. cause they can finish the mission 10 times faster than the newbies, and if they are afk, well u can report them

    I agree. I even wrote exacly that further top. ;-)

    It just doesn't make sense in any way. As i said, leeching from low MR players is dumb². You are ruining somebody elses experience while simultaniously hindering your own progress.

  4. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Phatose:

    It's not correct. 

    The new players get 100% of the affinity, provided they're in range.  Shared affinity is split evenly among all equipped weapons and the warframe, so it's typically 25% to each weapon and 25% to the warframe.  If they only have one weapon equipped, it's 50% to that weapon, 50% to the warframe.

    Exacly, distribution aside, you get 100% affinity, on the contrary to what LittleCloud claimed.

    vor 12 Minuten schrieb (PS4)LittleCloud:

    I don't think you understand how affinty work, if a veteran player joins and kills everything you new players would only get 25% of the affinty. If a new player kill they get 100% of the affinty.


  5. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Zephyr_TheMLGPro:

    Maybe they think "I better not nuke the whole tileset and let the low mr guys kill enemies and have fun."



    vor 2 Minuten schrieb BaadshahPrime:

    Exactly what I do when newbies join my squad


    As a high MR player, I have modded most of my warframes to nuke the map and if i do that these people complain that we are not letting them have fun. The recent ember change is also because of those latter complaints

    Even if you mean well, you are still leeching if you don't do anything.

    When i play low-level missions then i make sure to seriously handycap myself.

    Usually with dragon keys.

    Otherwise i'd shoot myself in the foot, because it's no fun to cough enemies to death.

  6. vor 3 Minuten schrieb (PS4)LittleCloud:

    I don't think you understand how affinty work, if a veteran player joins and kills everything you new players would only get 25% of the affinty. If a new player kill they get 100% of the affinty.

    I'm pretty sure this is not true...

    And i googled  a few minutes, since I'm not entirely sure, however, I did not come across any source that whould support your claim.


  7. Leeching is not tied to platform or MR.

    It happens everywhere.

    As a sidenote:

    In your specific case this behaviour is dumb², because a high ranking player whould most likly have the tools available to simply plow through the mission and geht to the loot a lot faster...


    In any case, as i said, leeching happens everywhere in Warframe. There are numerous threads a week, which feature this exact problem. Up until now DE refused to implement measures like for example a vote/kick-system in fear it could be abused.

    I've played Warframe since version 7.something on PC and in all honesty, at this point I'd take the chance of being unjustly kicked every now and then over leeches...

  8. vor 17 Minuten schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    If you go and strike a grineer on a corner only to have 3 of his friends coming there you will lose lots of energy what is especially bad for newer players.

    On the swing variant you can go and channel swing as many targets as you can without worrying that it will sap you dry.

    On the consume energy on attack variant every weapon has a drain and gets the channel bonus for a fixed duration fair and square.


    One of the reoccuring reasons this system is not used on threads like this is because they are too expensive to use.

    Oh, just a thought:

    Guns use up ammo if a player doesn't hit the target. you will lose lots of ammo what is especially bad for newer players.

    On the hit variant you can go and shoot as many walls as you can without worrying that it will sap you dry.


    One of the reoccuring reasons shooting weapons is not used on threads like this is because they are to expensive to use.

  9. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Fallen_Echo:

    You have another idea? The current variant heavily punishes every melee weapon what can hit multiple targets, tonfas, swords, staffs, nunchakus, all of them.

    Well we could go with the consume energy on attack and not consume any energy for some seconds too. This is equally good for all weapon types.

    It doesn't punish anyone.

    One hit is one hit, no matter what weapon you are using.


    It's the simplest math that is possible. *facepalm*

  10. vor 4 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:


    "These changes increase lethality at higher levels, while addressing the ability’s huge range"

    And here they failed. There is no huge range anymore(...)

    Sounds to me, like they suceeded....

  11. vor 19 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Snypomaniac:

    - The host is marked, he knows he's the host. 

    He already is...

    vor 19 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Snypomaniac:

    - If the host leaves, he loses all rewards. 

    If you leave without a proper extraction you loose your progress anyway...

  12. vor 4 Minuten schrieb Elyann:

    That's the reason why they changed it but it doesn't mean they made a good work by changing it in this way.

    Ember needed other changes anyway, her powers need to scale better and she could use some better augments.

    You are right, she needs more changes.

    But taking back the recent changes were not intended to fix her, it was to prevent exploiting certain unintended ways to play her.

    They fixed one of many issues with her. Now that this problem has been cleared they can use this new base to make her viable for later content.


    vor 2 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

    you are not supposed to...correct.

    what was the reasoning?

    My reasoning is, that you are trying to play her the way she was played before by forcing much more range than she is intended to have onto her.

  13. vor 30 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

    Since you (or rather me) can't play her like before

    You are aware, that changing something something is because DE took issue in the way you were able to play her before.

    You are not supposed to be able to play her just as before, that is the very reason for the change.

    You simply don't get the concept of 'changing something'...


  14. vor 17 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

    wth mate?

    I did adapt, changed her to be like she was...kinda.

    So you screwed up when modding her...

    vor 17 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

    And if I want toggle 4 (like spamming) I can go Limbo. 

    Congratulation, you hit the exact reason, why DE changed the ability. Because they took issue in it's 'set'n'forget' build of the ability!

  15. vor 1 Minute schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

    yes her 2 wasn't changed and thats the problem...

    switching from Strength to Range to compensate the -50% Range let you lose a high dmg multiplier on her 2, which then affects the dmg of your 4 as well.

    maths...it's not for everyone

    If YOU changed your build, and screwed up in the process, then it's not DEs fault.


    You are just plain not capable of adapting.

    Not to mention, if you toggle World on fire on a regular basis, then your former build didn't change in any way.

    You are just not capable of hitting a button zwice every few seconds.

    I mean, good god, you can even train animals to push a button. Youa re not even as capable as a labrat? lol xD

  16. vor 22 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

    Her 4 only got +100% dmg...but I lost 140% Power strength to my 4 AND my 2. which IS a nerf. fact. 

    -Her 2 was not changed in any way.

    -Her 4 got a 100% dps increase.

    Correct me, if I am wrong, but when DE changes a Warframe, then this effects are for all players.

    DE does not assign specific formulas to singled out players.

    Thus, you are lying, THIS is a fact.

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