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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Blade_Wolf_16:

    Prestige? Meh. It's more a "look at me, I'm shiny" kinda prestige that doesn't mean anything except for Baro or the person's ego. 

    That's correct.

    But for some people this is important none the less..

    It's a way to express yourself.

    Personally, I'm a big fan of fashionframe. Or Transmog in World of Warcracft. Or buying clothes in Saints Row.

    Judging prurly from your comment, you don't value this a lot and that is totally fine.

    There is no right or wrong.

    As I said, the question of Kelpie77 can only answer one for one self.

  2. Prime Warframes are always straight upgrades.

    However, in most cases those upgrades are very small ones, as you noticed.

    So statwise for the majority, no, it's not worth the effort.


    Having something that is rare, or currently unobtainable is prestige.

    It's a personal matter, but this kind of bling is for a lot of people a lot more important than the stats.


    But since this is something very personal nobody will be able to answer your question, whether the upgrade is worth it, or not.

  3. First of all, if you don't like a challenge, you can always sell the riven for plat and then use that plat to get a riven, whose challenge you are up to.

    Second, some call it a challenge, some call it cheesing, some call it braking the A.I.

    In any of those ways riven force the player to think outside of the box, plaing the game in way that different from previous. Even IF some challenges seem to be cheap, they still require to players to think.

    I can't believe that i have to mexplain it to some people, but thinking is rewarding...

    They are like small puzzles thrown into your usual run'n'gun playstyle.

    This keeps things fresh and helps preventing burnout.

    Riven often remind me of point'n'click adventures of the past. Back then there was the socalled moon-logic. It often didn't make sense, and it didn't have to. It was just fun to figure it out anyway.

    By the way, did you know, there is an IQ test, which involves comming up with ways to use an item. For example, take a rubberduck.

    -A stupid person whould say 2, maybe 3 things you can do with a rubberduck.

    -A very smart person whould in addition ask, what if this rubberduck was 3 meters long? Then you could use it as a lifeboat!

    The latter person is capable of thinking outside the box.


    The problem doesn't lie with the rivens, it lies with the mentallity of a lot of players today. A lot of people are only focused on the result. All they want to know is, how big can i get those numbers at the end of a mission with the least amount of investment.

    A lot of people are forgetting that in videogames, the goal doesn't matter, what matters is the way, what matters is the fun you had while you were reaching the goal. Those are the people who look up videogame guides or walkthroughs on the internet, as soon as you get out of the normal gameplay.

    Those people are basically workinghorses wearing blinders, the exact opposite of a person capable of thinking outside of the box.

  4. vor 15 Minuten schrieb DeckChairVonBananaCamel:

    what about, instead of the knockdown that it builds up to, it builds up to a special stun that opens to finishers? Please tell me, what would YOU like to see impact do, that would be different from slash, but equally as desirable? (i mean no salt by that, im legit curious about your thoughts on the game)

    Coincidently, yes, exacly that.

    DE was thinking about having a proccs behaviour being changed by the IPS destribution.

    The higher the % of the complete IPS the more damage deals the slash procc and the bigger the damage reduction caused by puncture.

    Impact should, in my opinion, cause a stagger, just like now and open up enemies to finishers (basically the Justice procc)

    However, the finisher should feature a multiplier to not get out of hand. for example, an IPS spread with for example 70% Impact damage whould cause the full 100% finisher damage formula.

    When you get lower than 70% impact in your IPS spread, then the finisher damage should gradually decrease. 

    For example, a hammer like the Jat Kittag whould then be great for a finisher build.

    A Galantine Prime however could theoretically lead to a finisher proc as well, but it whould be weaker, since it whould already feature much stronger slash proccs to deal with armor.

  5. Haven't used it in quite some time, but how it suppoesed to work is:

    Case 1: You directly hit an enemy.

    This should instantly cause the grenade to explode.

    Case 2: You hit a wall, floor, really anything without a healthbar (not sure destrucable objects like containers)

    This should cause a 1 second fuse to start ticking until it explodes.

  6. Impact:

    Crappy idea, nobody likes Blasts knockdown, since it makes it incredibly hard to shoot heads.


    OP, and why have it share the the same effect with corrosive. It defeats the purpose of having multiple damagetypes to begin with.

    Just make everything slashdamage. *duh*


    Why should a toxin block jetpacks??? also it whould be so specific, that it has hardly any effect on the gameplay. Also, it already gives Grineer and Infested 'something to think about', since they get DoTs.

    All Combi elements:

    Yeah, make everything AoE, so nobody has to aim anymore. GREAT!!!!



    After the recent weapon tweaks Corrosive works great. Why scew it over now?

  7. vor 5 Minuten schrieb GrimReaperarrived:

    So you are saying if im confident that i can conplete those, i can buy veiled rivens ? How much would that be then?

    Phew... 30 plat a piece was the price, when i bought them. but that was quite some time ago.

  8. vor 7 Minuten schrieb GrimReaperarrived:

    hi guys, as dumb as it sounds, it is ok to trade for veiled rivens? is it worth it?



    Some people really hate certain riven-challenges, for example. (3headshots during one 1 aimglide or killing 20 enemies without touching the floor.)

  9. vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)Vagnar:

    It's fine if you don't believe me. You called it a Phoenix. 

    I didn't call it a Phoenix...

    vor einer Stunde schrieb (PS4)Vagnar:

    Some people may simply want to play with a model swap for their own personal enjoyment. If enough people want it, there's a point to it. They may not go that route, but any time there's an audience willing to spend money, there's incentive to consider it.

    Not if it compromises other parts of the game, which it, in fact, whould do, namely the lore.


    vor 57 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Vagnar:

    On one of the more recent streams, I believe the art stream, they stated they were on a fast track to catching all the frames up and they were already looking at another round of skins and cooking up ideas.

    I imagine WERE they to do this suggestion, we'd see them sprinkled in over time after the first round of deluxe skins were caught up.

    Different gengers require not only skins, but different models to rig ^those skins up to, which is a lot more work than simply giving something a paintjob.

    So comparing the amout of work that whould have to be put into genderswaps is not the same as a deluxe skin. So it doesn't makie sense froma technical point of view.

    Even IF there were a market opportinity, those skins whould have to be a lot more expensive then a deluxe skin.

    The needed amount of work whould not be that of a deluxe skin, but that of introducing a new fireweapon-grip, which has to be added across all the different personality stances.


    vor 8 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Vagnar:

    I'm well aware of the Vermillion Bird reference. Anyway, it was just something I was wondering about. Either direction is fine by me, but I'd definitely enjoy the option were they to do it.

    Of course you knew... ;-) As it was clearly indicated by:

    vor 25 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Vagnar:

    Lore kinda moot on alt skins and such. Ember's a bird lol.

  11. Gerade eben schrieb (PS4)Vagnar:

    Nezha is depicted as he was in Chinese mythology. His appearance has no bearing on "defying" conceptions.

    Of course he is.

    He is depicted as a rather young playful character, which goes heavily against western concetion of males haaving to be very buff and stoic, like Rhino.

    Why do you think a big part of the community thinks that Nezha is female?


    vor 21 Minuten schrieb Fishyflakes:

    Because the Trap memes would be too strong.

    Also Warframes don't have genitalia so why would they have genders?


  12. vor 3 Minuten schrieb Grekkatarq:

    Still would like in game that female ash. (Ashe)

    While i'm actually con-genderswap-skins, i do agree, that i personally prefer the female version of Ash. It just looked better.

    vor 3 Minuten schrieb Ferah_Frithu:

    Well, as some people will tell you, a sex swap is illogical due to the lore. Some frames are actually made for (or after) certain people. Harrow, for instance, was/is the vessel of a person (refer to the "Chains of Harrow" quest for details), other story frames are repeatedly referred to as "him" or "her", also sometimes referring to the people that originally used them. DE would have to rewrite most of the backgrounds of many Warframes, and good bits of general lore, in order for that to make sense in-game.

    Also, we still don't really know what Warframes are really made of. From what we can tell by now, it seems that they actually were living beings used to "grow"/develop the frame.

    I understand the whole "identifying with the frames you use" aspect, but I don't think sex swap should be a thing. Far too much effort, especially because it's not just a skin that has to be made, a lot of new animations have to be made as well. Wouldn't really look right if a female Rhino stood and walked like the male version, and as we know, having DE work on this would divert a lot of workforce off of the next big things.

    Everything is right that you wrote. Especially the Harrow quest solidifies the gender of a Warframe.


    Additionally i'd like to point out, there are some Frames which activly defy common conceptions of male and female.

    Namely Nezha and Equinox. Having genderswap options whould go directly against the artists vision who designed those two.

  13. You can report them via the customer support. That way you can (and definitly should) also include a screenshot in order to proove your claim.

    You know, something where it shows that the player in question has roughly 0 kills, no damage done, etc.

  14. Good god,no offense, but those two builds from 

    vor 41 Minuten schrieb Calumniis:



    vor 39 Minuten schrieb Dawson1917:


    are definitly awful.

    1.Rule when modding weapons: Always use elemental Mods for the faction you are fighting.

    2.Rule: Never use Hammershot. This mod is just objectivly weak. There are always better options.



    Opticor is definitly worth it's MR. It's one of the strongest primaries in the whole game. It's no exxageration to call the Opticor Warframes BfG.

    -It has innate punchthrough.

    -The girth of it's beam makes it super easy to hit a target.

    -Hitscan makes hitting even easier.

    -When hitting a solid surface it causes 50% AoE Damage. 

    -When combining the punch through and the AoE you can hit enemies with both.

    It's a monster. and here is a decent build to top it all off, 


  15. vor 47 Minuten schrieb Aleksi134:

    "For me personally there is no great reason to use chroma in high level missions, he dies way too fast even with a couple of hits so you have to move 24/7"

     "cannot take any shots in high level missions as chroma" Difficult to understand?



    Nobody is supposed take any shots in high level missions, because you are supposed to be on the move all the time.

    Congratulations, you understood what the gameplay of Warframe is about!... again....

    And you even explained why Chroma was changed, because his god-mode was not intended to be...


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