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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. Yes, sometimes RNG can be a major problem.

    But let me play the devils advocate for a minute:

    There are over 30 Different Waframes (NOT counting Prime variants) and i think over 300 weapons. MOST are realtively easy to get, there are only a very little amount of Equipment, which actually is hard to get.

    While it can be infuriating (I'm definitly not arguing that), i think it's not fair to call it disgusting or a way to boost sales. You have those hard to get items in basically every other game, which uses a randomised loot system.

    This is even true for games, that feature no ingame shop, like the Borderlands franchise and the Diablo series.

  2. Right section,

    awfull idea.

    I honestly have to ask, if you ever played a Videogame before. Being able so slap everything you want on a weapon whould not increase diversity, but drastically decrease it, BECAUSE you don't have to make choices. Everybody whould just slap everyting on every weapon.

  3. 21 hours ago, .Moesashi_Shirayuki said:

    Let me know what you think!


    10 hours ago, SonicSonedit said:

    "I like it so everyone should like it".

    He specific asked for personal opinions. I even gave the reason WHY i prefer the current system over an automated one. You don't have to be a douchebag and lay words in other peoples mouthes, just because somebody has a different opinion.

  4. Exclusivity means prestige.

    It's the same as in a lo of other games, Take World of Warcraft, take Counter Strike Global Offensive, take Pokemon or Pacman.

    Having shiny shiny stuff  that hardly anyone else has is literally the same as having your name on top of a Scoreboard, it makes you feel good. It's a driving force for players.

  5. Just now, Ixxolos said:

    So switch out Frigid Blast for Scattering Inferno sacrifice the Blast proc for a Heat one an boom back to 100% all builds are subjective to ones personal play style after all.

    Sure, but you are basically using a Screwdriver to hammer in a Nail. It works, yo just don't make the MOST of your tool.

    Sahrith explained why status is such a great asset of the Tigris Prime.

  6. Because of the multishot. it is, at least in my opinion, THE best value, you can get.

    It essentially get's you damage per second as wll as status per second.

    Having a lot of status on a fast firing weapon like the Azime helps it last a LOT longer against Grineer/Void enemies.


    Also, the right mod whould be great for a Crit weapon, but the Azimas crit chance is low, which get's you a lot more damage from Multishot.

    And sure, the same goes for it's status, but there are a lot more possibilites to rise Status.

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