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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 7 Minuten schrieb DustyFlash:

    Ok maybe I went a bit too far with this one, but usually you will only void dash 10% of the enemies you actually fight.

    You are right,you don't dash every enemiy. But you need to keep in mind, what type of enemies those 10% consist of.

    Hardly anyone whould bother dashing a Butcher. You'd dash a Bombard or Napalm and thus with one dash you'd completly remove the biggest threat from the playingfield.

  2. Void Spikes:

    I agree, it's a rather gimmicky ability right now, loosing it's impact much quicker than any other base trait. It definitly requires to change.

    Void Shadow

    I personally really dislike traits to increase in powerconsumption, when level up.

    However i also think, that, since Void Shadow is undeniably potent, 1 drain per ally is a but to low. I'd prefer 2 or 3 energy on every rank.

    Void Chrysalis:

    I'd prefer this trait to not consistantly drain energy per, but only when you or and ally are actually hit.

    Sundering Dash:

    The proposed change sound very good to me. If you consider enormous strngth of Naramons Dash modifiers this whould hardly be to much.

    Crippling Dash:

    I think this is the point where it whould go to far. I think it's fine as is. Especially IF Sundering Dashs whould be greenlit this whould make enemies basically unable to to anything.

  3. vor 6 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Crixus044:

    You are incorrect as is the wiki. A common mistake from a player based site, as you said about Vex Armor's wiki description. Warcry is a total armor buff, taken after mods. I've done enough testing to know. The same goes for Ironclad Charge, and Metronome. Vauban's passive is unknown and I have yet totest, and Inaros is effectively an additive 200 armor rather than a base armor buff. This is known because of the coding involved rather than the descriptions shown. I don't rely on the wiki or my info, I rely on my hours of testing and 50 page notebook with formulas. builds, theorycraft, and in-game notes. To test how all these abilities function, I used Rhino to test the difference in his iron skin amount from buffs such as Elemental Ward, Warcry, Ironclad Charge, etc. When I tell you those calculations are incorrect, I can give you a whole page worth of notes on why. Can you tell me where you got your information from? Wiki and Hearsay is not hard proof that can be accepted.

    Hmm, i'm definitly interested in what you found. I'd like you to send me the pages via PM, if you don't mind.

    However, i'm skeptical. Wikis in general are usually reliable. Not always, true, however, having a group of people working on a dedicated problem is very effective. I'm not outright saying, that you are wrong, but however, it's unlikly.

    I'd strongly suggest, that you edit the wiki and see how it develops.

    Maybe, that group of people made all the same mistake, so that nobody realised it yet.

    Also, the formulas on the wiki conclude to the very statement that DE put out in April 2017, namely that both buffs of Vex Armor are a lot stronger than the developers intended them to be.

    So, with all due respect, speaking entirely under the aspect of probability, i think you made an error somewhere.

    Especially since, as i already stated, Vex Armor was offically confirmed to be overperforming.

    But as i said, you should turn to the wiki in discuss your finding within the community of other theorycrafters.

  4. vor 22 Minuten schrieb deadmauDJ:

    Hi Warframe community,

    (This is not my main account, but a dedicated forums account.)

    1st off.... Having multiple accounts is against the terms of use of the game.


    vor 27 Minuten schrieb deadmauDJ:

    Let's prevent STEAM_0:0:XXXXXXXX and his accomplices from getting their way)

    2nd Naming is against is against forum rules.


    As for a profile hiding option, yeah, that is always nice to have.

    However, it seems to me, that this whould rather cure a symptom and not the illness.

    I think this issue is not DEs responability and not to mention that they can hardly do anything.

  5. vor 2 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    and no i dont mind if vex armor stayes like this. but give this frame somethign else to protect or make special. because right now his buff is worse than rhinos and rhino still has awesome cc and a charge that makes him invulnerble.  chroma is basically rhino 0.5 atm.

    Dear lord... just stop pretending you want something to make Chroma 'special'.

    You want something to make him stronger. You don't care about uniqueness, you care only about flat out higher numbers.

    That's why you want Vexarmor, one of the most boring abilities in the game to become unreasonable strong.

    You know why Vex armor is boring? What does it do? Increase some stats. The only active part of the ability consists of standing still and getting hit by enemies in order to increase your stats.

    I can't think of a single Warframe, that has no such ability.

    It's literally the most boring way to work for an ability that is possible and here you claim, that increasing some numbers makes him unique. xD

    Want me to blow your mind? Every Warframe can equip socalled mods. Some of those mods increase Armor, just like Vexarmor does. And literally every Warframe can use it.

    So yeah, reaaaaly unique Ability you have there.


    As is said before,

    you are a flat out liar.

    You don't care for uniqueness in Chroma, you cared for his ability to get objectivly higher basestats than other players.

  6. vor 21 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    yes because they didnt fix it in 3 years. they said they know it but they leave it for chroma because it was his identity

    You know, this is the reson i make fun of you, i already linked you the official patchnoted regarding a certain Hotfix from the Octavias Anthem batch during April last year, in which a DE official literalls spelled out, that the mathematical error in Chromas Vexarmor will be addressed in the future.

    You really need me to make a comment about your attention span?

    vor 21 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    and yes thats the whole reason of game progression. you progress in a game. earn upgrades that make you stronger (in this case chroma). to face greater threats. thats why frames aquired harder and later in game are usually more unique in some woy or another. ever thought about that oberon is so mediocre because he is the easiest frame to aquire? so are frame that is harder to aquire should stand out in some way. and chroma was the heavy hitter in this game. 

    As somebody who currently main Oberon that is either insulting or simply laughable.

    Did you ever hear of the concept of sidegrade? It's mentality is basically the exact opposit of an upgrade. It's to give the player more options. The concept of sidegrades is a really big deal in multiplayer games. You know, balancing...

    vor 21 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    now since DE removed that he needs somethign else that makes him unique. otherwise he is just an oberon that is hard to aquire.

    Again with the 'uniqueness'.

    Let me ask you directly, whould you still argue for Vexarmor to be unique, when the resulting Armor was lower than other Warframes, instead of being massivly higher, as it was pre-patch?

    No, you whouldn't!

    And you know why?

    Because you are a simply lying. You don't care for things that are unique, you want to be able to switch to an obsectivly stronger Warframe in order to feel smug at all those poor little Oberons you have to pull through those oh so hard missions.

    You are simply a liar, and a bad one at that...


    You know, this issue goes even further than you lying. Earlier you complained how Chroma has no ability to regenerate HP and yet you belittle people who use Oberon, a character who could fix your issue with Chroma.

    Yet you completly ignore the fact that Warframe is a teambased game because your your massive ego that you oh so carefully used to be stroking by using Chromas stronger than intended stats.

  7. vor 1 Minute schrieb EmissaryOfInfinity:

    His potential for scaling cemented that identity, allowing him to take on threats most Frames would shudder at. He was only good at one thing, but he was undeniably the best at it.

    Here is the issue, where was his identity forged?

    Was it at DEs, where they created him, or was it in the minds of those of only looked at the exploitable Vexarmor?

    Because this kind of identity crysis whould also be a problem for Ember and Banshee.

    So, is it really the identity of a Warframe when the developers themself are activly changing those easily exploitable abilities and augment?

    In the end, als that is then left is the 'identity' a small group of players want a certain Warframe to be.

    You claim his identity is the ability to take on threats other Frames whould shudder at...

    And why exacly whould the fact that you choose Chroma make you objectivly stronger than other players charackters?

    To remind you of your own words, you claim, that Chromas identity is that he should be able to face enemies, that other Warframes whould shudder at (because they are not as strong as Chroma)...

  8. vor 4 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    first the dmg bugg made him way too strong yes. the armor portion was fine. he wasnt overpowered in that aspect.if DE wants to make chroma work as intended, thats fine, but if this is how is is supposed to be he is trash and needs a rework more than any other frame. that is all i want to explain. it doesnt matter if he was bugged or not - the way he is now is not acceptable. thats all speakign objectively.

    You are not speaking objectivly.

    Objectivly he is now working as intended.

    Subjectivly you are not capable of handling Chroma, when he has to follow the same rules that other players have to follow.

  9. vor 13 Minuten schrieb Autongnosis:

    Ok so next nerf every frame over 20k ehp. So no assimilate nyx, no shield of shadows nekros, no rhino, no nezha, no wukong, no valkyr, no frost, no trinity, no nidus, no inaros, no mesa, no mirage, no gara, no nova, no atlas, no oberon... 

    And also nerfe every bonus that's not additive to base damage, so no nova, no banshee, no rhino, no equinox, no mirage, no nidus, no blind on any ability...

    You realise that's ludicrous do you?

    Good god... could you try to not put words in my mouth?

    I never said anywhere that DE should nerf anything.

    All i'm saying is, DE fixed a mathematical error. If any of the other Frames you mentioned had a simliar issue, this should be fixed as well in order to give every player a fair playingfield.

    Chroma was suffering from a bug that coincidently made him a lot stronger. People then jumped on him and suddenly felt that they can play videogames too.

    What if the bug had actually reduced Chromas armor?

    Whould there still be people who whould argue to keep this anomaly, because it makes Chroma special and unique?


  10. vor 7 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    you dont get the point. i am allright with the formula changes. but the new one is just reducing chromas value to nothing. in order to fix that they could increase chromas base armor to work again. i dont bother how the armor is applied as long as he doesnt stay this bs. atm there is no reason for chroma to exist. he has nothing that makes him unique.

    No, you don't understand.

    He was stronger than intended. DE fixed that.

    If you were only able to play the game, because he was stronger than intended then the problem isn't Chroma, it's you.

  11. vor 2 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    but chromas armor is literally his shield....

    You literally don't know the meaning of the word literally.

    Armor is literally not a shield.

    Yes, both are tool to increase survivability, however they work in radically different ways.

    You are basically claiming that a plane is the same as a bicycle, because both are machines to move a person from A to B.

  12. vor 8 Minuten schrieb Autongnosis:

    Off the top of my head (you'd have to wait for Crixus for a more complete list). 

    Frost Globe - scales off total armour

    Rhino Iron Skin - scales off total armour 

    Gara's Wall - scales off total armour

    Nezha's Warding Halo - scale off total armour

    Also, every other DR ability multiplies hp after total armour. 

    All those abilities are not increasing armor...

    You are comparing apples to bananas.

    Those abilities to literally something else, that is why they use different formulas.

    Vex Armor is an Armor multiplier, not a shieling ability.

  13. vor 14 Minuten schrieb Autongnosis:

    But that's strictly not true. 

    @(PS4)Crixus044showed you most armour abilities actually either buff the total

    Oh, is that so?

    Inaros(620) = Base Armor(200) + Steelfiber(220) + Scarab Armor(200)

    Vauban(142,5)=  Base Armor(50) + Steelfiber(55) + Passive(3x12,5)

    Valkyr(1560) =Base Armor(600) + Steelfiber(660) + Warcry (300)

    Valkyr from Wikia calculation(1650) = Base Armor(600) + Steelfiber(660) + Warcry (300*1.3)

    So, which ability is it, which multiplies the total armor?

    As far as i can see, those all buff the base armor and then add steelfiber on top.

  14. vor 1 Minute schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    just create a second formula and make both buffs run on different formulas.

    thats definately something that should be possible. maybe it was not in this short amoubt of time but hopefully can implement slmething like this when they revisit chroma

    Yeah, it's possible, but then this second half of the formula whould behave different than any other formula in the game, which was the exact reason why Vex Armor was fixed in the first place. So that whould still leave DE with the exact same problem as before.

  15. vor 3 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Crixus044:

    Now remain focused, because I don't want this to veer off into a debate on the damage multiplier. This is about chroma's tankiness. 

    That's exacly the issue you people don't get.

    It doesn't matter if you discuss Scorn or Fury, both are using the very same formula!

    You can't discuss one without the other, since they are the same formula.

  16. vor 5 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Crixus044:

    This is not wrong, but you're not getting my point. The change is incomplete and DE knows this.

    The change wasn't incomplete.

    Vex Armor was not working as intended and they decided to let the children keep their overpowered plaything.

    Now Vex Armor behaves like any other ability with similar effects.

    The new problem that all those children are now throwing a new temper tantrum, because their overpowered plaything not not as strong as before and now they are trying to shut up those children, because those litereally don't understand the issue.

  17. Gerade eben schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    yeah they announced it one year ago and didnt tink about chabges one week before the new eidolons came out. doesnt make it less hasty.

    it like: "uh i git one week for homework" and then starting the night before. its still hasty.

    Of course they thought about the fixes. Back in april 2017 they knew the issue was that te values were multiplied several times.

    They now fixed that exact mathematial anomaly.

  18. vor 6 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Crixus044:

    Vex Armor was never intended to be a team buff.

    Well... it is now...

    Guess what? The Devs are free to change their mind about their property.

    Welcome to Warframe. DE changes core elements all the time.

    Personally, this is the very reason i've sticked vor almost half a decade to the game.

    With kind regard,

    a Frost-Main, who remembers the invulnerable Snowglobe.

  19. vor 4 Minuten schrieb Lead_Codpiece:

    How many years that “bug” was in the game? It’s obviously a nerf.


    vor 2 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Crixus044:

    I don't believe it was left there willingly. I believe DE wanted a fair fix of this, but could not figure out how to do it. They still probably haven't figured it out, but due to the eidolon's they deemed that they had to do SOMETHING to stop the chroma 1-sho, so he got the nerf hammer. One bad coding problem to another.

    It was already fixed once, but that caused stupid people to cause an uproar. (Déjà-vue?)

    So they rolled the fix back in order to silence those crying children.

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