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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 6 Stunden schrieb (PS4)ArtPrince17:

    And what I've said is combining physical damage does not make sense, I gave you the reason why, and yet you still call me ignorant and a troll. If you can't accept feedback that isn't in your favor, you're going to get nowhere in the forums, and most assuredly-- no where in life. So either grow up or leave. Don't call me a "troll" when I'm giving valid feedback you can't accept, even if I don't write ten paragraphs like you want me to explaining why. Address the people who literally called you stupid more making it, or accept that you've been completely contradictory and that you've targeted me the entire time for no reason.


    1. Chill.

    2. I wasn't talking to you, i was giving feedback to the damage idea from Reilae...

    Good god, you have some serious issues if you get this mad about something that is not even aimed at you....

    Dear Lord... learn how to read a forum, whould you?

  2. vor 1 Minute schrieb Hooride:

    Who didnt test before  posting?

    In this case, the OP. because his claim ist just stupid....

    Well, and you, since i just tested the Amrpex and yeah.... definitly a buff. No way in hell to argue there. (Seriously, this thing just melts a 150 Bombard.)

    But i think Buzkyl is (rightfully) generalising.

  3. vor 1 Minute schrieb Hooride:

    Amprex went from from 50% critical chance to 32% ,what makes you think thats a buff?

     He already told you....

    vor 11 Minuten schrieb NinjaZeku:

    Status per second is gone, Beam weapons are now Status monsters

    The crt reduction is needded to balance all that armor melting...

    THAT'S exacly why DE asked you to wait to test the changees, before you write you your feedback, because some people are just not capable of thinken thinks through....

  4. sure, it whould still make a rather small impact overall, but it whould be a nice bit of flavour..

    however, the question is, is this little bit of flavour for a single warframe worth putting developmenttime into? i honestly don't know. right now, it doesn't seem that there is any coder at DE who has time to spare on his hands, considering on how many things they are working right now.

    I've played warframe almost since the switch was hit to the open beta somewhere around update 7.3 and to me it seems that the volks at DE have never been this busy before.

  5. The idea of combining physical damage types is just stupid. It also goes against the idea of what DE was trying to do with the physical damage types and their distribution in the first playce.


    regarding impact damage:

    tying stun duration to the actual damage instead of the distribution on the weapon is oversimplyfieing the issue, leaves a lot of possibilities to abuse the system, especially if it is hardcapped to not totally get out of control.


    as for piercing damage....

    it's just terrible that people are really so narrowminded that everybody insists in the physical damage types needing some sort of damage increasing trait.... the physical damage rework, Damage2.5 is LITERALLY not even 1/3 of the whole picture.

    just as a reminder, since you seem the have forgotten, we already have an elemental type, which reduces armor, corrosive and nobody knows yet, how DE intends to rework it. having to damagetypes, which do the exact same is simply pointless.

  6. vor 10 Minuten schrieb (PS4)PS_90210:

    I think I have it too

    Me leveling on hydron

      Unsichtbaren Inhalt anzeigen

    Image result for skeleton gamer


    No offense, but, this is exacly what is causing fatigue.

    People nowadays are to heavily focused on the numbers at the end of the mission, the loot or achievments.

    People arn't playing for the game anymore, but to get it 'finished'.

    I'm playing Warframe since Update 7.something and i've rarely experienced fatigue.

    I stopped caring for progression. Tody is simply love using Warframes awesome parkour system to slaughter grunts max pain style.

    Think about it, when the first Max Pain game came out, people were completly in love with the bullettime mechanic. It was just fun to use, despite the game not having achievments and such stuff.

  7. vor 1 Stunde schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    return it to the old formula or make chromas base armor around 800-1000. (<- there thats your number)

    This is what you wanted, right?

    I asked you, what do you want for Chroma to be functional.

    This is what you said.

    I did the math on what you said in order to show you, how incredible gluttonous you are!

    This is why i quoted you.

  8. vor 45 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    return it to the old formula or make chromas base armor around 800-1000. (<- there thats your number)

    Took the time an ran the numbers through the clac,

    so, 800 Armor.

    +968 From Steelfiber

    +Vexarmor at 200% strength (1848 *7 = 12936 Armor)

    Damage reduction = Armor / (Armor + 300) = 12936 / ( 12936 + 300) = ~0,977 (This value is rounded down)

    So we are looking at a Reduction of 97,7, before any CC, or other damage reducing effects.

    So we are looking a ~32.173eHP.

    Take for example my previous advise of using a melee weapon, the Vaykor Sydon, whuch has a 85% damage reduction,

    then we are looking at ~214.486eHP, again, rounded down.

    And this is only with Vitality, Steelfiber and 200% powerstrenght while using only Vexarmor, namely pressing 1 Button and then holding another for 25 seconds.

    Oh, yeah, sound balanced to me.... O_o

  9. vor 1 Minute schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    "strongest tank" in a game where we got wukong and valkyr. and rhinos armor protects him from status procs something chroma is not immune to. so no chroma would not even be the best tank in the game. he would be good enough to finally make sense to play again.

    Compared to Wukong, sure, wukong is more resilient, however, he cannot buff his damage as the same time.

    Compared to Valkyr, sure, she can tun invincable, but looses access to any equpied weapon.

    Compared to Rhino, sure, ignore that his energycosts are massivly higher when you have to recast Ironskin roughly every 7 sekonds, when under full fire, compared to Chromas 25 seconds.

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    for example this


    vor 1 Minute schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    or this


    Stop weaseling around the answer.

    Those examples only show, that there is sombody else who maybe, under specific conditions can take even more damage.

    How much % damage reduction do you want him to have don't rely on others.

    What % do you want?

    Come on, big boy.

    You were offended, when i called you a glutton. Proof me wrong, tell me what it takes for you to make Chroma tanky enough.

    Proof me, that you don't think, that Chroma has to be the best, but tell me, where he has to be, to be funtional!

  11. vor 8 Minuten schrieb Walkampf:

    Tell me a number, how much damage reduction whould Chroma need for you to be statisfied.

    Give me a concrete number and not some arbitrary statement like 'Enough to survive a hit from a level XXX Bombard.'


    vor 3 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    but still his abilities remain bad. you could run your weapon/mod combination on oberon and be more tanky atm. so the problem remains. he needs something





  12. vor 4 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    first of all. no sane chroma player plays with spectral scream it has no useage. so why not making it a taunt ability.

    then make it so as long chroma taubts enemies he cant shoot. just how spectral scream works now.

    so when he is tanking he tanks.

    If you whould be fine with him 'just' tanking the option is already ingame. And if you were statisfies with that, you'd hardly argue to give Chroma more freebies.

    Use Vaykor Sydon as a tanking weapons, with it's 80% damage reduction on top of the easily reachable 90% reduction through chromas armor values and you are looking at a damage reduction of over 98%

    Add Vaykor Sydons additional Blind which charges extremly fast with taunting and a skilld player is able to reduce even more damge.

    See, that is my exacly the point i'm making. You are absolutly gluttonous.

    Tell me a number, how much damage reduction whould Chroma need for you to be statisfied.

    Give me a concrete number and not some arbitrary statement like 'Enough to survive a hit from a level XXX Bombard.'

  13. I've played Oberon for in the recent weeks and i totally agree on abilities dealing Health% damage.

    Oberons Smite is a really good example of how good this makes an ability feel.



    And i strongly disagree with removing the range decrease. This is great and forces players to move around and utilise parkour2.0. It also gives you a lot more controll over which target you want to deal WoF to deal damage to. The ability is now controllable, instead of some widespread RNG

  14. vor 22 Minuten schrieb EinheriarJudith:

    i had also thrown my vote in with spectral scream being some kind of shout that could force target people have suggested it a few times its not like DE didnt know. they know we dont like spectral scream as it is now but when a dev cant let something go there is little we can do about it. a reason why we still dont have a good built in vacuum.

    It'll make me sound like a broken record,

    but of you want to become a *tank*, just use http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Guardian_Derision. When using a fitting weapon, with high enough Blocking and also Lifestrike/healing Return you are also solving Chromas survivability issues that you tell your self he is having. (Instead of foceing a taunt mechanic on people who maybe want to play Chroma a a firebreathing damage dealer. Yeah, you are screwing those people over real good, with you blockhead idea.)

    But I already hear you say: 'Oh, but then we are locked into using a melee weapon and we can't kill stuff anymore!'

    You want to force stereotypical RPG roles onto Warframes?(An idea which doesn't work, but that's an entirly different discussion in itself) 

    Take a guess at what a tank doesn't do? Leading the damage tables!

    So, just as in RPG you whould have to make a choice and you are just unable to do so. You want aaaaall the things.

    The issue on Chroma is not that he is missing anything, the issue is, that some people are just mad because he can't dominate anymore just by simply being Chroma.


    EinheriarJudith is an absolut awesome example for this completly deranged mentality so many of the people here are showing, by bringing up Vacuum.

    It is fact, that every Warframe no features universal Vacuum and it is still not enough to fill this endless gluttony of some people.

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