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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. vor 5 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    in my understand. the mathmetical mistake is the double and triple dipping that fury creates with elemental combos. because being a multiplier us not a hard mathmatical task and shouldnt cause problems. the problems were caused by the interaction with elemental mods.

    Good god...

    you really need people to explain you every. little. detail.... don't you?

    The problem is, that elemental mods were multiplied twice,

    just as steelfiber...

  2. vor 2 Minuten schrieb Lead_Codpiece:

    Yes, that “team buffer” thing doesn’t make any sence.

    Actually, Chroma was designed with both, western dragons, as well as eastern dragons, in mind.

    While western dragons are synonimous with power and horting treasures, their eastern brothers are actually a sign of bringing luck and prosperity to people. Hence he was considered to be team-buffer from the very beginning of his development.

    This is also represented in his deluxe skin. It features a symbol, which some really uneducated people in this forum thought to be Nazi germanys swastika.

    The actual symbol, that is displayed however is actually a symbol for 'luck' featured in several eastern world religions, that are predating the Nazis for thousands of years.

  3. Gerade eben schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    thanks for the update. well i gues you could say that both were unintended but what made chroma too good was the exploit that effected fury. that also what DE was talking about the past Dev Streams. DE wanted to change chrlma sl he doesnt oneshot eidolons. so there is no reason to take away his only survivability ability

    Yes, it was, as stated here.

    See, how they are actually naming both buffs. Both featured the very same mathematical mistake. Why whould one half of the issue be unintended, while the exact same issue on the other half whould be intended?

    Your argument doesn't even make sense.




  4. vor 3 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    but my idea would be to concentrate on the tankyness.

    for example: make spectral scream attracting enemies to chroma. so chroma can take the dmg for the team. thats a passive buff and chroma would be instantly more usefull in defense missions. 

    in my opinion it is not bad to have a real tank in the game that actually protects the team by his own body.

    Already ingame, nobody is making use of it.


    Just as nobody is using 


    Taunt effect are hardly working in Warframes meta.

    vor 4 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    it was allways meant to be multiplied. 

    Ehm... no... that's the reason why they changed(or more acuratly 'fixed') it...

  5. Gerade eben schrieb Dragazer:

    He said Chroma's role is not a tank but a Dragon, what is that even supposed to mean?

    Dragon is a descriptive term. It's a big lizard, often flying and/or spitting fire.

    Tank describes a vessel which you put fish in...


    vor 9 Minuten schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    yeah true. thats why i would love to see that spectral scream is literally a scream. attracting enemies like a dragon roar. so chroma literally tanks enemies as long as spectral scream is active


    With the added bonus damage reduction of your weapon.

  6. vor 5 Minuten schrieb Maka.Bones:

    She's supposed to be a crowd-control frame, that can also kill enemies with fire. The problem is that she really sucked for CC... so people built her just to straight-up kill enemies with WoF, because the best form of CC is death. 

    This is just flavour text.

    Frost is also credited for "lethal attacks"

    When was the last time you saw a pure ability-damage-setup for frost?

    Or Volt. His flavour text even outright describes him as an alternative to gunplay.

    Also, Embers flavour text was never changed since she was initially introduced, was it?

    However, if you look at Embers abilities, basically everything resolves around the idea of damage.

    And even considering that text, damage is still 1st place, with CC being an afterthought.

  7. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Dragazer:

    You played yourself, all I have been doing is dishing out objective facts


    Front page of subreddit, I posted 8 hours ago 430 points 93% upvoted as of this time, I'd say its not really nonsense.

    Wow, you really put quite some effort into this act. I'll give you that, my friend. ;-)

  8. vor 4 Minuten schrieb Dragazer:

    Chroma has none of those, he literally only has the armor from Vex armor to save his skin.

    Funny, how you literally don't know, what literally means, since all of his other abilities provide some sort of added survivability, slows, stuns, bonus HP. You name it.

    So your comment is literally wrong.

  9. vor 9 Minuten schrieb -Paradiz-:

    Nobody likes to farm/grind like a drone mindless drone all the time. I think no player in the world ever said. "Oh yeah, let me now farm this specific thing for a few days..... ".

    A little bit of "farming" is "ok".

    Many players used ember to to some missions faster then other frames was just because she was more efficient.

    I tihnk this highlights a very big underlying problem.

    People always claim to be tired of farming stuff and thus they look for the way with the least amount of effort needed to reach the goal.

    But those people don't realise that they ruin the game for themself.

    Mindless drone is a very fitting term. There are tons and tons of people min/maxing every aspect of a (or actually of ANY) game in order to get the most loot with as little effort as possible.

    I think those people are, for the lack of a better word, broken.

    They are so focused on some arbitrary numbers to the point where those numbers suddenly become less important than actually playing a game...

  10. I think Ember is stronger than before.

    I mean, WoF got +100% dps... for a Warframe which is essentialy designed all around the thought of dealing damage doubeling her main attacks dps is a pretty big thing.

    Anyone who uses Ember as a damagedealer, as she was intented to be, should like the idea of the damage increase.

    The problem ist that there is a small yet very vocal group of people (because it's the internet... there always is...) who did some mindbending and forced Ember into some sort of 'support' role, which she was not meant for, but someone at DE greenlit an augment, which directly goes against Embers purpose of dealing damage.

    Well, and there are those who wanted her for AFK farming.

    I think her change was definitly a step in the right direction, as i already argued with somebody else ealier today.




  11. Well, other games profanityfilters have similar problems as the one QuiteShy demonstrated..

    For example (and your entertainment)

    I'm german. So, wenn playing World of Warcraft i can't use the word 'weniger', which is german for 'less'. My guess is this is because of a word that is similar to 'weniger' when you remove the 'w' and the 'e'.

  12. vor 1 Minute schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    seems like u dont even know the simple definition of an exploit. wukong has no exploit he works as intended.

    Dude... quote where i called Defy an exploit...

    Do you really hat such a problem understanding language? OK, since you are rather slow on the uptake i'll spell it out for you:

    'No, Defy is not an exploit. However, seeing the recent trend in the balancing of countering 1button2win abilities strongly suggests, that, when Wukong is up in the future, Defy will heavily changed, since Defy absolutly fits the kind of ability DE does not like anymore.'

    Do you understand this now?

    Or do you want me to paint a picture?

  13. Should be available in the shop for credits, after you onlocked it once.

    Otherwise this is a bug and you can contact the support in order to provide you with another Blueprint. I have seen another topic today who had the same problem with a different Warframe.

  14. vor 25 Minuten schrieb Dragazer:

    Provide a source where DE has stated Wukong's Defy is an exploit. 

    Provide a source where I has stated Wukong's Defy is an exploit.

    Live what you preach my friend.

    I merely stated, that there are a lot of Warframes didn't get any changes during the last Update. Does this mean, those other Warframes are working perfectly as intended by DE, or does this maybe mean, they that they will get under review, now that the first batch has been tweaked?

    vor 30 Minuten schrieb Dragazer:

    Yes but you see DR abilties actually reduce dmg on slash procs, not armor, I was making the point armor alone isnt great as it seems.

    OK, so according to this argument every Warframe, which doesn't feature a way to reduce bleed damage is just as useless as Chroma is now considered to be.

    vor 34 Minuten schrieb Dragazer:

    I'd like to compare the whole kits rather than abilties, Mirage has hall of mirrors aswell for damage, also the clones draw aggro away from her aswell. Lets not forget the big disco ball blind she has.

    Chromas Effigy draws aggro and periodically causes an AoE stun.

    Spectral Scream applies Cold/Heat/Electric procs.

    Elemental Ward gives additional armor and slows / causes lightningstrikes, that procc electric procs and gives Shields / grants additional health, massivly increasing his effective healthpool.

    You want to compare complete kits? Sure. Literally every ability from Chromas kit makes him last longer in a fight.


    vor 31 Minuten schrieb Dragazer:

    Once again provide sources where there are any signs of Mesa getting looked at. How can you be sure if Scott hasn't already in fact looked at her and already deemed her ok? Otherwise these are just baseless statements based purely on speculation.

    Here is the source



    Of course i won't bother to watch the whole stream again, just to find the minute where Scott says, that 'he'd love take a look at the other Frames in the future if he had time to do so'. 

    I'll just hope you are at least capable of that much...

  15. Il y a 5 heures, Xenemros a dit :

    So, now that Ember has been rebalanced, I've actually created a support build for her, and I'm getting mixed feelings.

    Fireball -  (...)launches a fiery projectile that inflicts 400 Heat damage(...)

    Accelerant - (...)Increases all fire damage(...)

    Fire Blast - Slams the ground for high damage(...)ring of fire which deals high damage over time.

    World on Fire - Deals high damage over time.


    Eehhm... which ability exacly does Embers say anything about 'support'?

    I recently started World of Warcraft.

    Have you played World of Warcraft?

    Your character can learn jobs. One being First aid, which allows you to apply a bandage that heals a little health.

    Here is the thing, if you play a Rogue, an assassin, a damage dealer that learned First Aid, this does not mean you are suddenly playing a healer....

    Il y a 2 heures, Xenemros a dit :

    Well, atleast the game could indicate that I'm benefiting my team, since I'm supporting. That would probably satisfy my social anxiety.

    Let me guess, you play a Firequake Ember?

    So you are knocking enemies down... thus making it harder to kill them, since you make it harder to aim for their heads.

    So... are you really helping or is this "mixed feeling" actually your common sense, that you locked into a small cage shouting at you "What the H*** are you doing?"

  16. Il y a 1 heure, DeadlyCreation a dit :

    90% reduction is nothibg if you are facing level 150 or higher. then oneshot you. 

    something that chroma was able to do before the patch and was the only one able to. and since chroma us hard to aquire it was only logical that he can tank something

    1st - A level 150 enemy is something you will never encounter during normal gameplay. Those are only encountered during endless missions.

    Escalating missions have litereally the potential to ramp up the difficulty to intinity.

    At some level DE has to stop considering where to balance the content, because otherwise escalating missions whouldn't get harder. The fact that they become harder endlessly means that they will at some point become unbeatable.

    And let me guess, your next argument will be, but were is the offical line between 'normal' content and when does it get abnormal?

    Otherwise you could just as well argue that Chroma is now broken, because

    "99,9% reduction is nothibg if you are facing level 1500 or higher. then oneshot you. "

    And the answer is simple, around level 100 is where DE stops balancing. 

    This is indicated by trials, sorties and basically anything in the game never exeeding level 100 in content that is designed by hand.

    Il y a 1 heure, Dragazer a dit :

    *Clearly has never played Wukong

    Just because another Warframe has this exploit doesn't make it OK.

    (*shhh* Come closer, have you noticed, Wukong wasn't in the first batch of balancing at all. So everyone with even the slightest sense for logic can figure out, that he was not yet reviewd by Scott at all.)

    Il y a 1 heure, Dragazer a dit :

    and RIP if you get hit by armor ignoring slash procs 

    Ehm... you are aware that his armor could literally feature the value infinite and he'd still get offed but a slash proc that ignores armor.

    Get it? What was changed was the armor value you get out of Vexarmor... which, to reiterate, does effect the damage of slash procs in no way.

    So there was no change compared to pre-patch...

    I'd love to see your calculation that shows how much Chroma whould need in order to survive an armor ignoring slash proc.


    Il y a 1 heure, Dragazer a dit :

    Oh and Mirage Eclipse and Mesa Shattershield cap out at 95% DR so yeah...

    True, however, Mirage only features this kind of defense when in the shadows, which is hardly anywhere. So it basically stops her from moving, thus removing the aiming penatly enemies suffer for shooting moving or airborne players. Also, she has to decide for either damage reduction or damage buff, while chroma get's both at the same time.

    And as for Mesa, this value is basically needed in order for her 4 to work, since this as well as Mirages Eclipse, locks you into one position, and thus the player is unable to prevent damage through his actual gameplay, like moving, jumping, rolling. So there is, just as it is with Mirage, a tradeoff to the damage reduction.


    (*shhh* Come closer, have you noticed, Mesa wasn't in the first batch of balancing at all. So everyone with even the slightest sense for logic can figure out, that he was not yet reviewd by Scott at all.)

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