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Posts posted by Walkampf

  1. Il y a 2 heures, Lunarez a dit :

    For most CC Firequake build, the build can cover the range with overextend and stretch since this build doesn't care much about power strength.

    This whole paragraph is missing the point.

    Il y a 2 heures, Lunarez a dit :

    For damage build, This open up for the use of negative duration mods to reach the maximum charge faster. This though trade some energy effeciency for faster ramp-up of WoF, but for damage ember, it's all about 'kill things before things kill you' so ramping faster can be beneficial and turn WoF into a semi-nuke, Although the energy cost become more harder to manage with negative duration, this will create the need to maintenance your energy by toggle WoF on and off instead of fire and forgot.

    1st - No... it whould not turn WoF into a semi Nuke. Nuke damage, or burst damage is a damage during a very short time. WoF is still a DoT ability, even if you ramp up it's charge time.

    2nd - A faster ramp whould hardly make sense. 10 seconds is not that long, making it 5 seconds and completly breaking the continued drain whould break the ability.


    Even worse, it whould gimp low-level players, who want to use the ability offensivly without havin the needed mods to gain sufficent dps without every mod available.


    Litereally the only people who whould win out with this change is a small portion, who use the accelerant/firequake build you mentioned, since this build whould then, again, allow for a 'fire and forget' build, or call it 'firequake and forget'.

    Basically, allowing the rampup to be effected by duration whould revert the ability to it's pre-patch state, making the whole change for nothing.

    In the end you whould make anyone playing damage-Ember suffer in order to make a single Augment 'work' in a way that is not intended.


    Also, the whole Firequake stuff is missing the point, which is why i bothered to link to the build i'm using.

  2. Just my 2 cents, but if you play any Warframe in the sense of a classic tank, meaning just standing there, take hits to the face,

    then you have simply not understood what the games gameplay is about.

    Every Warframe is supposed to move around. If you want to stand in the middle of a room and get smacked from every possible angle without flinching, then you are playing the wrong game. Even Rhinos Ironskin helps little if you tank any hit with your face.

    With my current build i'm sitting at a 507% armor buff. So basically 350*5=1750 armor

    350 base armor + 350 from steelfiber + 1750 from vex armor =2450 armor.

    According to http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Armor means we ar looking at ~90% damage reduction.

    If you still think Chroma is not tanky, then you are just an idiot. And i don't mean that as an insult, but a statement. You are literally not capable of thinking those numbers through...

    It's basically exacly at the 90% damage reduction which pure damage reduction abilities are capped at. What a coinkidik.

  3. il y a 40 minutes, Lunarez a dit :

    The problem I have right now is that all of her addition changes doesn't scale with any mods.

    While this is true for some mods, like range and duration that you mentioned, this is very wrong for stength.

    Not only does it increase the base-damage of her abilities, but it also effects accelerants damage buff, thus literally effecting her damage twice.

    And i think that, at least for the Fireball trap, this will be fixed in the near future, as soon as more severe bugs are taken care of.

    Regarding Ring of Fire... well, in all honesty, pre-patch it was her tool for area controll. Now that this can be done by Fireball as well, i quite honestly think that Ring of Fire is now free to be replaced by another ability.


    il y a 40 minutes, Lunarez a dit :

    I mean. WoF could have the duration mods increase the time it takes to charge up so for the CC build they could run full Duration/range, and still going on, needing to refresh WoF once in a while.

    I had the same idea, however i came to the conclusion that it whould hinder ember in the endgame.

    If DE fixes duration not effecting Fireballs fire trap havin some duration whould be an advantage for lategame Ember, but this then would get in the way since it's slowing down WoF getting to full power, in case when you have to deactivate it.

    I think it's the better option to to keep it as is. It's making earlygame Ember have to do stuff. lategame Ember has to frequently use accelerant for CC/damage buff. However, lategame Ember doesn't need to pay attention to WoF anymore.

    By keeping the rampup duration non-extendable this forces earlygame Ember to be active despite not yet having to pay attention to accelerant.

    The way requires Ember to use abilites in both, early and late game. Just that in transition the focus changes from recasting WoF to using accelerant.

  4. I will keep testing Ember today with a tweaked build and post the update later.

    The new build:


    Theoretically this shift from duration should reduce activation costs but keep running costs about the same, since duration behaves just as efficiency in context of continued energy drain.

  5. Full disclosure:

    -I think the changes to Ember were a buff, not a nerf.

    -I played several 1h+ survival missions VS different factions since the patch.

    -My build for reference: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Ember_prime/t_30_2220440330_1-4-10-2-5-10-4-6-5-5-3-5-12-1-7-13-7-3-34-8-5-479-0-10-615-9-5-726-2-5_479-7-12-7-726-8-5-9-1-7-2-6-4-9-13-7-34-14-615-9_0/en/1-0-4


    All in all i'm very pleased with where ember is right now.

    The additional damage from World of Fire helps a lot in longer missions. That's definitly a plus, even though in those long survivals Ember reaches a breakingpoint again. However, this point is now a lot later than before.

    Energy usage was not an issue since i frequently turned off WoF and used thios downtime to make use of Zenurik to quickly refill my energypool.

    It was a lot more fun than before, since I had to think about when i turned WoF of in order to catch my breath and when to leave it running in order to keep the +100% damage multiplier in the later parts of the mission.

    On the flipside, during the earlier parts is was able to do business as usual, meaning, i was able to melt enemies like it's nobodies business.

    I want to remind other players, the pre-patch WoF is not gone.

    You simply have to turn WoF off and on again every few seconds.

    And here is what i think a lot of Ember players get wrong about the reason for the changes.

    I think the problem was not that Ember performed very well during the starchart, but that all you had to do was press 4 once and you were set. I think that's the reason why Whip-weapons + Maimstrike are of no concern to DE. They are very strong, just like WoF and can net a single player a very large share of the kills, however it's something you have to activly do. the Pre-patch-WoF, just as the pre-patch-Resonating Quake, literally only took one bottun press and you were set.

    Thus i think DEs issue with WoF was not that is was ruining the fun for other players, but that is was massivly reducing the needed amount of action on the side of the Ember-user.


    Now, after the patch, since WoFs first 5 seconds are just like pre-patch you have to activly monitor WoF, but if you do then it's easy to get the pre-patch results.

    The only issue with the constant toggeling is the amount of engery required to keep WoF in the low-damage/high-range mode of the ability. Especially newer payers will face massive problems to use this mode reliably, since they might still need to get the right mods to reduce energycost or are lacking access to the Zenurik school.

    -The tweak i'd suggest is reducing the activation cost of WoF to 35 or even 25.

  6. Sniper weapons:

    Fittingly enough, yesterdays Sortie mission 3 was sniperweapons only and i used my Rubico, the result was suprising.

    A few months back there was a Sortie mission 3 which had the modifier shotguns only. We were joking in the clan-chat that this almost making the mission easier, because of the strength of the Vaykor Hek and especially the Tigris Prime.

    Long story short, sniper weapons seem to me to be on the same level as shotguns!



    havn't tried Unairu and Madurai yet, but especially Unairu seem to be interesting. As for the other three schools:


    Vazarin was always very solid, now it's amazing!

    Using Vazarin gives any Warframe the ability to reliably heal allies. This is extremly nice, however it seems the Healing Dash is not working on Sentinels and evacueens from Defection mode. It whould be great, especially for the later the change this.

    Instant revives were kept, so that's great, but i'd like to be able to get a few more insta-revives via a few more ranks of Mending Souls.


    Zenurik became a lot more fun.

    It features very nice CC with Temporal Blast.

    I don't miss Energy Overflow in the slightest. Since it's now very fluid changing into Operator mode and back renewing Energyzing Dash is hardly a bother. Also, a few hours ago i had the pleasure playing with somebody who used it, while a used a different school. Getting energy regeneration from teammembers is incredible! But I didn't have to chance to stack my own with the Dash of a second team member.


    Naramon  was also changed for the better. 

    The I-win-button that was Shadowstep was removed. Good!

    The new Naramon is a lot of fun to use! It's CC and the ability to increase dealt damage and even open up enemies to finishers makes it a powerful tool to deal with strong enemies, like Heavy Gunners, Techs and Bombards!


    All in all, Focus 2.0 made the Focus ability a worthy 5th ability. Focus and Operator-mode can heavily change a Warframes behaviour.
    It's almost like having access to a second Warframe on the press of  a button. This heavily cuts done the mandatory nature of some Warframes, like Trinity. Now a Rhino has a reliable way to heal himself as well as Teammates with Vazarin or or generate Energy for himself or his Team.

    Trinity on the other hand is able to get herself a massive boost in damage with Madurai or reliable CC with Naramon or Unairu.

  7. 1 hour ago, LunaSelenis said:

    Infested Impedance: I see no reason why i would slow down the Infested even further,
                        unless it is a really high level mission in which case i would take a nova
                        and be so much more efficient.


    Not everybody always wants to play Nova.

    1 hour ago, LunaSelenis said:






    Those are the same as corrosive projection, when soloing you hardly notice them, but you definitly notice them, when you are having a full set of 4.

    1 hour ago, LunaSelenis said:

    Pistol Scavenger:                    

    Rifle Scavenger:  
    Shotgun Scavenger:             
    Sniper Scavenger: 


    Why give up a modslot?

    people often complain about having to few weapon modslots anyway, this is a welcomed alternative.

  8. 2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    They "fixed" majority of the Survival and infestation when it comes down to alerts in the Lenz patch. 
    Had the riven 2 times in the past 2 weeks, and vs Infestation it was glitching out at 5-6 kills.

    If it actually DID glitch, it's easy. tell the support team. WFs support is usually very nice. I whould guess that they might actually unlock it or at least change it to a different challenge.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Inquizitor said:

    Q: Why?

    A: Because Warframe is a game (for those who forgot, games are meant for fun) and one cant really have fun when in literally every match there is that one spammer person that kills everything. Instead of asking to nerf any of these frames or weapons, to take others "JOY" away...no. I just dont want to play with them on public matchmaking.

    So you are trying to forbid others using something they have fun with in order to force your definition of fun on other players...? sounds great and not hypocritical at all!

  10. Shield Transference was introduced back when Shield Polarize only effected Shields.

    Today Shield Polarize has an effect on Armor as well.

    Is it possible to make the augment work off of stripped armor as well as shields?

    Right now Shield Transference is a mod working exclusivly on the Corpus faction and in a very small amount on corrputed.

  11. No Warframe *needs* anything.

    When you not as good at doging incomming fire, *you* need survivability mods to complement *your* playstyle,just for an example.

    As for Ivara she certainly can make use of strength, but you still don't *need* it.

    However, it effects ablilites 2,3 and 4.


    If you are more comfortable with duration/Range, then that's what you need. If you want to try out strength, you should try it out.

    As you migt be able to see, i really don't like metagame-mouthbreathing.

  12. I'm against it.

    What people always forget in this discussion is that adding a slot whould drastically reduce the amout of builds used, since everyone whould run around with the same build.

    Having Augments drastically alter Ability behaviours to the point where it's a valid SIDEGRADE is the intention of Augments.

    I think the issue is not with the amount of slots, but bringing the lesser used augments up to the worth of those which are actually strong enough for you to alter your build.

  13. So, with a focus system rework anounced for the relativly near future, so i decided to throw my hat in the ring.

    But first, a note to make you understand my train of thought behind (most) of the ideas,
    my thoughts are based more on fun and on being rewarding, than actual balancing, well... most of them, but i'll get to that later.
    And of course, this is entirely subjective, so everything is purely personal opinion.

    Let's start of with some positiv thoughts:

    Vazarin is in a very good spot right now. Vazarins insta-revives are extremly rewarding to use and an incredible asset to every team.
    The shields, both the personal and the Team-version grant a surprising amount of survivability.
    My only problem with Vazarin is, that there are literally TO MANY GOOD OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM!

    I'd like to have a second cool-down reducing upgrade. A simple passive CD reduction whould, of course be boring, so i'd like to see it atteched to something.
    For example a cooldown reduction of 20 seconds everytime you revive a teammate.

    Zenurik is also in a very good position. The energy regeneration makes it a core ability for a lot of players to build around. 
    It might be a liiittle to strong if you min/max around it, since it's sometimes capable of completly bypassing the whole energy-mechanic.
    However, there are already several Warframes which are able to bypass the need for energy pickups, for example Rage and some version of self-healing.
    And there are even some Warframe abilities which don't even require energy anymore.

    I'd just like to see a small change to Systemic Override. Since you are hardly having energy troubles, when using Zenurik anyway, this makes the upgrade quite redundant.
    I'd like the upgrade changed to Abilitiy power. Aa new stylish and fitting name whould be Systemic Overload, btw!

    Naramon where it get's ugly...
    Let's face it, Shadow Step is just to strong. I can't see how you even could argue that.
    But even more importantly, i think tying it to something you barely have to active makes it pretty boring to use.
    And it got even stronger by the Blood Rush mod.
    And on top of that, it's an extremely egoistical skill, hardly fit for a team based game.
    So, to fix Shadow Step, i'd remove it completly.
    Instead i'd introduce an upgrade, which reduces Mind Spikes cooldown by, for example, 20-30 seconds, everytime you perform a finisher attack, including ground finishers, 
    but for obvious reasons but (for selfexplanatory reasons) not Ashs Bladestorm.
    Also, i'd move it from it's position in the tree behind Cloaking Aura to emphesize, that those two are made to be used together.

    This whould require much more effort to upkeep the stealth and it whould also benefit the whole team, instead of making a single person borderline invulnerable, 
    just because he/she managed to equip a crit-based melee weapon with Blood Rush.

    Unairu is in need of a major overhaul. I think it's just lacking in every aspect. 
    It's damage upgrades are extremly lacking,
    it's CC is easily outdone by most Warframes,
    and it's utility regarding armor (de)buffs is hardly noticable.

    But let's close out with something positiv

    Madurai is currently in a spot very similar to Unairu, however, there are a few teaks, which whould save it from being outperformed by 
    basically any proper modded weapon.
    Simply switch every bit of damage to FINISHER DAMAGE. In a world where Ashs Bladestorm exists, this should hardly be considered OP. (no, i'm not hatin on Ash, I atually am quite fond of him)

    On another note,
    Please switch Chimera Breathss position with either Dragon Fire, Hades Touch or Meteorite, making it optional instead of mandatory to progress further down this specific route. 
    I think, an upgrade which changes the behaviour of an ability should definitly be optional.

    And regarding Hades Touch, this upgrade is OK, but i'd like other elements added, 
    100% like corrosive procc chance and a good amount of Magnetic procc chance, so that teammates are also capable of benefitting from somebody using Madurai. This idea basically comes from the Hydroid rework. After His rework i became quite fond of Corroding Barrage, being able to shred armor extremly fast, especially, when casting 2 or even more barrages into the same group. It feels just soooo gooood, when you just gently smile at a level 150 Bombard, stripped of all of his Armor!

  14. 26 minutes ago, Prany said:

    You however are fit to be a critic.

    There is a massive difference between being merely allowed to voice critisism and being actually fit to be a critic.

    Joshwaaaa however is the former. His "critisism" is hardly more than the angry tantrum of a child. The lack of a foundation or actual points is actually making it more of simple toxic behaviour, than it is feedback.

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