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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 4 minutes ago, Omnipower said:

    im not a pvp lover but why would you want snipers and to some extent bows to be weakened in it? Unlike pve snipers/bows SHOULD be hard hitters in pvp as they require the most skill to use dont they? People complain snipers in pve isnt all that great unless you come in with a very specific build and or frame to make it work. Side note....probably...with all the bullet jumping hitting someone with a bow or sniper i imagine would feel exihilirating since its close to near impossible?(i repeat i dont pvp outside the previous events so i dont know)

    the problem is that snipers 2 shot, are hitscan, fire the two shots before the target can react and with that have the capability to outgun every weapon apart from other snipers or a daikyu. i dont want a direct damage nerf but instead cap the damage snipers can do up close at 30 and only allow their true damage if they're over 60-80m away 

  2. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

    Ahh it's you snipertron guy , I have a bone to pick with you lol

    get in line :P also im making snipers into a meta forcing de to nerf them because the only other weapon that can even come close to countering is another sniper or a daikyu

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

    Yes stamina , that green bar that we all hated. I say we bring back to conclave . So that bullet jumping an other parkour moves cost stamina so players can't jump around like a fly for 5mins straight . But enough stamina for someone to dodge , get away , and engage into combat . 

    I also feel like melee should have stamina cost as well . Because honestly it's a lot easier to get kills with a melee weapon in conclave then with a gun. Making melee endless I feel like was a bit of a mistake. I feel like adding stamina will make players choose their moves more critically 

    i agree with stamina with melee but thats all

  4. 11 minutes ago, --ULTRON-- said:

    I'm not losing, in fact they teamed up coz I'm on the 1st place. the thing is I just want them to play fairly

    well if you're first im sure they will try and kill you more to prevent you from getting more kills and winning 

  5. 17 hours ago, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    Lacera/Mios are not as powerful as some people here make them out to be. Their range is high but from what I've experienced, it can't directly vertical. Just bulletjump straight up and aimglide so you can safely shoot it from above. Or you could just maneuver away from it normally because it isn't very fast either.

    all well and good saying that however the combos from the weapon make its user basically unhitable because of the combo animations

  6. 7 hours ago, --ULTRON-- said:

    I played ffa match yesterday and found that 5 ppl are targeting me all the times. I can see them clearly just standing in the middle of map(bereheynia D tower)  waiting me to re spawn and kill me again

    get good? just use broken meta weapons like a daikyu with its broken hitboxes, a sniper with its fast fire rate high damage or a mios with its spam knockdown combos and stagger. the game is filled with broken weapons that can destroy lobbies with ease and since the devs seem content with keeping those weapons the way they are is see no problem with using them

    or if in doubt run around with a high mobility valkyr and spam hysteria because thats what most people do nowadays anyway  

  7. 5 hours ago, -POTB_BFTK- said:


    I don't think so.


    It's strong only for players who don't use Parkour.


    We can use parkour And mios hard to get hit chance.


    Plus, Mios is not even stronger than any other melee weapon.

    you arent  using the mios in the way that makes it broken. you need to spam the combos and constantly channel block and spam the spin combo which from even the melee users perspective is broken because it makes the user impossible to hit. also its the knockdown and stagger which makes the mios broken which you weren't doing correctly.

  8. Personally I would be fine with filler AI in public matches only if the following things were added to stop abusing the AI

    1. Killing aI doesn't give you a kill on your profile record and doesn't count towards daly challenges 

    2. Dying to AI doesn't give you a death on your record unless you're on low health because an actual player does damage to you (this is away to stop abuse) 

    3. Ai only can use basic weapons like burstons and mk1 weapons

    in private matches it would be nice to see them have a toggle AI feature and also a way to choose what weapons the AI have so it can make the game more interesting.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    There isn't anything exclusive to Archwing mode nor Infested Salvage missions. All you can get down there can be obtained by another way.

    That is NOT the case for the 3 out of the 4 latest Conclave events rewards. They aren't even trade-able (is that even a word ?) thus, they're exclusive, thus you have to play if you want to have everything.

    And this is the key of the complaint. I wouldn't give a S#&$ about these events if there was another way to get the reward. There isn't, so I have to get there to have it. You know, exclusive things you can only get in Events.

    Imperator vandal- exclusive to archwing

    nidus- exclusive to infested salvage 

    granted you can buy nidus but the average player will need to farm for it. again you aren't sat at your PC with a gun to your head forcing you to play conclave. Also every reward is cosmetic which add nothing constructive to the game 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    There are exclusive rewards in this event, so if I want to have it, I have to play it.

    That's the point of the complaints.

    But it seems you'll never understand that. Typical.

    No exclusive reward = I play if I want.

    Exclusive reward = I have to play if I want.

    Understood ?

    Not my problem if you're compelled to play something because an exclusive reward is available. Again if I don't want to play something I won't regardless of the reward but whatever clearly you don't have free will or something 

  11. I hated Loki in conclave before he was nerfed 

    his radial disarm was op because it caused knockdown, could take an enemy down to like 40 health, and removed the players weapon

    his invisible lasted insanely long and he remained invisible after taking a hit from A jatkittag unchanneled before nerf and still remain invisible and still remain invisible when shooting 

    decoy was broken if you used castanas or any other similar pistol it also did the full amount of damage if I'm not mistaken 

    overall loki is already balanced in my opinion and any more nerfs will just make him unusable compared to frames with the same mobility and speed. 

  12. If you don't want to play conclave then don't. The game is filled with things I don't want to do but I don't complain for them to be removed for example archwing and infested salvage are just 2 examples of things I avoid and take no part in even when an alert for nitain is in an archwing mission I still won't play it.

    basically stop trying to be negative about something you clearly have no interest in trying to understand and get good at. This feedback is for constructive criticism about the alert and what would have made it better and not


    please try getting good at conclave in general and then try the event and then you can give constructive criticism that doesn't involve *STAHP IT DE ME NO LIKEY!!!*

  13. Blade storm is such a panic spam ultimate which gives little warning to players when it's being castes at all and makes ash invulnerable during the animation. Honestly I personally hate the ability because of how much I see it needlessly spammed against me when people want to stop me from going like 30-0 in a match but it gives me more of a challenge to work around but overall it's a pretty scummy ultimate and even if they reduced the damage it does it will still be spammed because of how easy it is to use 

  14. 1 minute ago, macerone44 said:

    Conclave seems a bit lacking in the fun department. I joined a game and instead of everyone going at each other we all decided to have one person do all they work and having everyone just tie in either 2nd or 3rd place so that we all got the same amount of points at the end during the tactical alert. Making the time a bit shorter would instantly change the pace of the game. 

    that is in the tactical alert not conclave as a whole. you probably should go play annihilation or team annihilation in order to get the full conclave experience.

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