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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 30 minutes ago, Whitestrake0 said:

    Will finally make it so blood rush and drifting contact/body count aren't totally needed for a crit melee? That's my best hope to be honest, if you have a melee with 20% or more crit that's basically 2 mod slots gone instantly. Excited that they said "We'd buff weapons to compensate." hopefully that means destroying some of the needed mods for a lot of builds. 

    So that there would be another needed mod to take its place? Because that's what would happen. There's always defaults.

  2. I'd like to get those armor pieces, even if they're S#&$. But. I had time to do it, and I just never actually did, because I'm lazy, so I have to hold that L.

    And I can't exactly complain about exclusive items, can I?

    *looks at avatar*

  3. I also feel like people are misusing the word cliffhanger. A cliffhanger would be, like, if Ballas had us pinned on the ground, and was about to execute us, and the screen cuts to black and says 'check back next story update.'

    This was just the end to a book/movie in a series. The quest was rounded out. The big question now is: "Where do we go from here?", to which the answer is probably to Tau. And that'll be the next chapter of the story.

    IDK, probably just being anal, but that's not a cliffhanger.

  4. The sheer entitlement people feel towards not just content, but free content, is eye rolling.

    I don't know why this surprises me anymore, because there's one of these threads every major patch, but jeez.

    Veteran tip: if they say "this week", it's probably Thursday, Friday, or will be delayed till the next Monday/Tuesday if they run into a critical bug.

    Get used to it.

  5. Maybe after Zaws get filled out on options.

    Like fist or sparring.

    Come on, DE. Please don't abandon this system half-finished like so many others.

  6. I'd like it if some tweaks came down for Ivara at the same time. Really, just the functionality of her Navigator.

    Maybe turn down the rate of escalating cost a bit. 

    Make it so objects that can bounce off of walls during Navigator currently DON'T, and instead grind on the wall with a shower of sparks. Some thrown weapons are just completely unusable in interiors because one bounce off a corridor wall induces seizures.

    Pull the camera back from the controlled object.

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