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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. If you (DE) isn't going to continue to expand the selection and weapon categories for Zaw parts, would it be at least possible to add an item into the game that adds an Arcane slot onto melee weapons that don't have them? Maybe as an expensive (100k?) Ostron rep purchase from Hok?


    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to instead get some sparring/fist zaws, but it seems after about a year and a half since the last introduction of any zaw parts (22.3, I think? November of 2017?) that you're not interested in further expanding the selection. So...

  2. Just a few issues that I noticed while taking Ivara out for a spin for the first time in a while.


    * Navigator duration appears to be bugged in MP. When playing solo, Navigator performs as it should - the projectile remains in your control for as long as you have energy. However, when playing MP, Navigator arbitrarily ends soon after casting (around the time when it reaches maximum damage ramp).


    *Panthera is bugged with Navigator in the same way, but for whatever reason, it takes place in both single and multiplayer. Moreover, the cancellation of flight happens sooner - around when 4x damage is ramped to. I'm experimenting with different weapons to see if there are others that have a similar problem. 

  3. Some combos may have changed, but there are plenty that still require you to hit block in order to pull off the chain. Except it's not block, now. It's Aim. So during the middle of your melee combo, you're now required to have to pull out your gun just to 'aim' to do that chain.


    This is especially frustrating if you want to make use of the option to melee with LMB. Tapping RMB will swap your equipped weapon back to your gun, which means LMB no longer swings your melee anymore. This means to do a basic LMB, LMB+RMB, LMB beginning of a combo chain, you have to LMB, RMB+E (to flip your melee back to being primary), LMB. Which is supremely awkward, and it really should not be the case that an option designed to cater to players who prefer melee as their primary makes it more clunky to do combo.


    And that's not even getting into the zooming effect mid combo that can, depending on the default zoom magnification of the weapon, seriously disorient or even make you sick. 


    Like, I get it. I get why - because blocking no longer exists. But in an update that touts the word 'Flow,' this is the exact opposite. It's janky and unintuitive. Please have someone go through the combos and replace RMB requirements with either a straight up directional input or a Pause, please.

    • Like 3
  4. It sure would be nice to get Melee 3.0 sometime in the first quarter.

    It would be even nicer if it wasn't an overall nerf, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

    It would be nice to have an item added to the game that adds an arcane slot to melee weapons, so that fist/sparring/etc. weapons can at least benefit from Plains of Eidolon arcanes, since it seems DE is not going to expand the types of zaws that can be made.

    But more than all of this, it would be nice if DE would ADD A FREAKING UI INDICATOR ON THE RELIC SCREEN FOR VAULTED RELICS.

  5. Would be nice to be able to queue for each one more than once.

    It's super frustrating jumping in ready to go to at least rotation C, only for two members to decide they want to extract at rotation A, and that locks you out of that content for 50 minutes.

    I get that you don't want to encourage rotation A-extract-A farming, though. I don't know if this is possible, but would it be possible, in that case, to implement a lockout of rewards per elite alert cycle? So if you've already gotten a rotation A reward for the hour, you can't get it again, even if you re-queue, until the next elite alert pops.

  6. 5 minutes ago, boscodash said:

    You would be surprised how many "professional companies" still have these deadline issues where they instead release a disastrous patch, half the time, its not the devs that want to release broken patches but the suits which results in even worse player feedback. ofc a deadline should be met but forcing a broken patch is worse, imo i think DE should stop self imposing deadlines + announcing them and release when its ready.

    I've been wishing they would stop with the 'we'll try to have it out today' announcements for years at this point, because everyone always treats it like a promise and the mountains of salt are ridiculous.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2018-08-03 at 12:42 PM, 1thurts said:

    Hi all, I just rewatched the demo in the stream and it seems you get 1.5x at 15 counters, and 2x at 30. If that's the case, then 15 counters every multiplier level, that should be pretty fine and is actually easier to reach a much higher multiplier comparing to the present system. If they do not make further change, then it should not affect mods like blood rush much, or could even be a buff.

    Except that they've mentioned specifically that they don't want the combo bonus to apply to light attacks.

    I haven't looked at the footage closely enough to see the damage numbers. Were light attacks being boosted?

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