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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 42 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Why are you planning your life around a videogame.

    Man, it still boggles me how some people think of video games like they're somehow dirty and something you should be ashamed of being excited over, like this is still the 80's or 90's.

    News flash: it's 20-freaking-19. Video games are the most popular hobby in the world. Esports make more money than traditional ones. Sneering at people who schedule their time to enjoy it is an extremely dated mindset, and not quite the zinger you seem to think it is.

    • Like 2
  2. This has hurt me ever since the system was implemented. I am a staunch Sparring weapon fan, and my most used melees by far are the Obex and Kogake.

    As much as I want it, though, the real answer is never/not until Cetus 2.0. Yes, DE could spend the time to revamp the zaw system and yes, they could make new strikes and grips that could be integrated with the system and make some caestus looking weapons.

    But they won't. Because they've moved on from Cetus and aren't interested in developing more content for it that only a minority of players will be happy for. 

    Since they won't, what they should do is have the zaw vendor sell an item that adds arcane slots to non-zaw weapons. 

  3. 2 hours ago, IIDMOII said:

    Lazy. Bandaid solution to a greater issue. Just like most things in warframe.

    Could it be that the other pistols are absolute trash in comparison? Nooooo!

    Yes, let's buff 100+ secondaries instead of nerfing one that's clearly above the power curve.

    Because that's totally reasonable.

    • Like 1
  4. Boy I do love the idea of going into Sorties/Arbitrations against level 80+ enemies that can melt my poor delicate warframe body in seconds while doing probably 1/5th the damage.

    Or trying to juggle enemies to output damage, then watching a teammate pop their head into the room and nuke everything with one shot from their primary.

    Warframe is not a character action game and I don't know why DE seems to be pushing melee towards that. It's a horde mode where high level enemies have to die quick because they will vaporize you if they touch you.

  5. 60 minute survivals are goddamned Satan-spawn. They're not challenging, they're boring, and their main challenge comes from hoping that the host's connection doesn't take a S#&$ or that someone is so zombified from the dullness that they auto-pilot trigger a canister. I literally start falling asleep during these nightwave survivals. 


    Make it a 20 minute survival where enemies start at 80-100, for the love of god.

  6. Sparring and Fist zaws, yes please, dear christ.

    Or else give players the option to put an arcane slot on weapons that don't have them.

    But ideally YES MORE ZAW TYPES.


    Let's be real, though, like so many systems, DE has moved on from this one without fully fleshing it out, and maybe this'll get more attention in like, two years.

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