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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 3 hours ago, Aglethe said:

    The reload is the same as the standard Tigris (1.8s) so it's slower than the Sancti's (1.5s), the crit chance was reduced but the crit damage was increased (10% 2x vs 15% 1.5x for the Sancti). The big change is that the pellet count is increased from 6 to 8, which would be a nerf, except that the status chance is increased to 30% so with all four dual stat elementals you can hit 100% and then more pellets just means more procs. Which seems to be the weapon's niche, it's the Tigris to bust out when armour is keeping you from one shoting everything. ;)

    As far as the Galatine P, it's the same as War with the Galatine's attack speed and the extra damage.

    And of course, none of this is final until tomorow (or later today rather).

    Status weapons aren't really my thing. I'm kind of disappointed they didn't keep those stats. So it just seems like what everyone thought it would be; a sidegrade. Guess it's just more fodder for me. What a pity.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nazzami said:

    no but shadows of the dead does duration effects the health decay of shadows

    So with that build you'll constantly be spamming SoTD to keep up the health because it's negative duration based.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Aglethe said:

    Which ones ? The first set were... obviously not final, so to speak, but there are post Silver Grove stats. It looks like it's going to be a 100% status shotgun like the Boar P. The raw sustained dps is about even between the two now, so the Tigris P will be preferable for highly armoured enemies, but the speed advantage of the S Tigris will probably be more useful for everything else.

    As for the Galatine P, while no where near what the pre SG numbers were (seriously, that thing had almost 3x the dps of War, no way was that final ;) ) it's still a sizable increase over War. And perhaps even more importantly, being slash damage, it's actually effective versus highly armoured targets, even without CP.

    You could make a pretty good case for it being actual power creep (as opposed to things like Broken War or Fragor P, which weren't at all really, they just brought their respective categories up to par (and single swords have since fallen behind again anyway with Blood Rush)). But I guess it is what it is. *shrug*



    Oh really? Shame then. I actually liked those stats but oh well. What's the base damage of the Galatine P and Tigris P now then? Before it was 250 and 2000 respectively right?

  4. 12 hours ago, gtrxxs said:

    if the amount of work is too much they could ask the community to help, I`m sure that there are some talented people who would love to work on things like these for free.

    You miss the main point. It's not that DE couldn't do it. Of course they probably could. But the main point is; it's completely unnecessary. This game is not in any dire need of a first person mode. It was a third person project from the get go and changing it is both really unnecessary and time consuming. So they'd be pulled away from actual problems that need fixing. It would be a tremendous waste of time and reaources.

    Most people who request first person have either come straight from an FPS or just want it for the sake of it and those aren't good enough reasons for DE to make a first person mode.


    12 hours ago, gtrxxs said:

    How did you do this glitch Now I am interested.


    It's a glitch that happens when hacking. I'm still not entirely sure how it works. I've only ever encountered it when I pressed the hack button while sliding. It just forcefully shoves the camera into the Warframe head and it looks really weird.

  5. 2 hours ago, TheScytale said:

    I used to feel the same, but I recently felt like playing Half-Life again, and when I got to Xen and used that long jump module, it felt a lot like bullet jump. Since I'm used to Warframe's combat system, it was pretty easy to long jump everywhere while shooting stuff mid-air. So no, unless you have motion sickness, there shouldn't be any problem if you play Warframe in first person.

    Half life's long jump module doesn't feel anything like bullet jump for me. But that's just a me. I think the motion sickness is also another contributing factor as to why they're not implementing first person.


    However, the adaptation of 300~ weapons' models in first person, melee, stances, the adaption of all the abilities' casting animations, probably much more details I'm forgetting, demand a tremendous amount of work. That's probably the only reason that makes the answer a clear "no" instead of "not right now, but maybe in the future", like what happened with the "individual color schemes for each armor part" question not so long ago.

    Precisely. The amount of work required to create a first person mode with all the new animations and effects would be huge. And since first person is a completely unnecessary feature, they will not implement it. This game started out as first person and it'll stay that way. Personally I've never ever heard of a first person game that suddenly became third person or vice versa. Player perspective is the base feature that games are built off of as it affects how the game is played entirely.

  6. 1 hour ago, DSpite said:

    I already have used first person camera in this game, it was a centered camera and it happened because of a glitch, and it worked fine.

    All the things you have just listed don't happen. If I just moved the camera point we have now 2 feet closer to the Frame, it would look identical to what it looks like now. You are just making stuff up.


    No I'm not. That is a glitch as in its not supposed to happen. I've had that glitch too. What people are asking for is a true first person mode like COD and Skyrim. THAT is what won't work.

    A glitch that shoves the camera into the Warframes head isn't the same as first person mode. If it was, people wouldn't be asking for it.

  7. 42 minutes ago, DeMeritus said:

    As for a horde shooter in first person with interesting motion mechanics, check out the new DOOM.

    Doom and Warframe are completely separate games with separate mechanics. It's fast paced yes, but the gameplay is built around your character being an unstoppable ape in a bulky space suit from the the word go and like I said Warframe is built around being third person.

    Warframe has a lot more mechanics than Doom. It's movement system is vastly different. If anything playing Warframe in first person would make you feel like you're inside a tumble dryer.

  8. Just now, DeMeritus said:

    Speaking as a former game dev, in a video game it's even easier to deal with.  Just let the player retain control of camera angle and orientation.  Even minimal playtesting gets immediate feedback from playtesters.  In general, games that give more managable agency to players tend to be more fun.

    Taking agency away from players as far as movement controls and such leads to things like the current archwing camera debacle.

    Funny how that works.

    You're a former parkour guide AND game dev? You certainly get around (pun intended).

    Mirror's Edge and Portal are perfect examples of how first person games are slower. Mirror's Edge doesn't have many enemies to fight. Portal has zero. They're both about taking your time. This game is a horde shooter and is very fast paced. Try using first person while using the Sonicor. You'd be blind. All the maps and gameplay have been built around this being a third person game. It has been from the start and will not change. It just wouldn't work.


  9. 12 minutes ago, DeMeritus said:

    I dunno.  Being a former practitioner of martial arts and parkour, I can't say I ever had that issue.

    That's real life. This is a video game that has tons of special effects, tons of weapons and tons of enemies. It's very different to real life for obvious reasons. For example, in real life you can't launch yourself twenty feet into the air and hop up walls as if your feet are magnetised.

    Warframe is a third person game. Changing it to first person wouldn't work as first person games are inherently slow as they're more about precision and taking your time.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Violent_Jiggler said:

    It's ok to be angry about this change and easy to understand why you're so upset.

    Similarly, you'll have to understand if most people would think it's not really that big a deal.

    The change itself is not a big deal you're right. It's the fact that DE have not added an option to not have the whiskers.

    There are people who think this change improves the Kavats and those who think it doesn't. It would be simple to satisfy both parties by adding in the option to remove the whiskers.

    Its basically like DE have said, "Oh yea we're adding whiskers now and you can't change it back so deal with it."


  11. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    I prefer the new look, TBH, but it sucks for people that spent plat on them and preferred the old look.  I know I would be mad if my cosmetics were suddenly changed.

    It's not so much that people HATE the new look. It's just that Kavats were advertised without those whiskers and so people get understandably annoyed when DE make snap decisions like this. At the very least allow us to take off the whiskers. Personally I think it makes my Kavat look weird.

  12. Great. Now the Kavats have "Britain wants you." type whiskers. 

    So glad I'm only on my first forma. DE you really should give people a choice in these things. It's the small details that matter the most.

    Can we please have an option to remove those whiskers? Kavats weren't advertised as having those so I think we all deserve the option to change back to the original look.

  13. 8 hours ago, DeMeritus said:

    I would love a first person mode too.

    The devs have said no, and never really offered an explanation beyond 'it is not in our vision'.

    They didn't offer an explanation because:

    1. They shouldn't have to. It's their game.

    2. Look at the way Warframe works. It's very fast paced, very nimble. It would be very disorientating to play the game in first person mode while flipping around and running real fast. It's common sense really.

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