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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 1 minute ago, Madam_Cloud said:

    I hope they saw the repercussions of this update in terms of this. People have been getting old cosmetics for about half a year and from what me and my friends thought, despite the change of things getting vaulted, having a window to snag whatever you didn't get was a positive thing. Although DE has their reasons, if they don't have a backup plan for something like this then... woe is me then right?

    I guess, exclusive is exclusive, they do want ppl to buy the prime access packs...

  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    I play primarily on Console and we don't get 75% discounts.

    The triple A games I buy last a minimum of 60 hours.  If they have multiplayer then that is more than tripled. A new warframe does not give that kind of play time and costs more to boot.

    Hmmm, well that's something for Microsoft to answer for... I not saying there are not AAA games that go for more than 20 hours, I'm saying there are an awful lot that don't.

  3. 42 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    You know if everything in the market wasn't ridiculously over priced, more people would be more willing to buy it.  There is no reason I should be able to buy a slot, a tater, and exilus slot, and Nova Prime for like a third of what it would cost to buy a regular Nova from the market place.  Prime access is also not worth more than a AAA game.  DE is out of touch. If they are losing money then instead of increasing grind, which is more likely to just drive away players, then they should reassess their pricing.

    And I am sure that they don't care that much about player churn since there are plenty of new players to take the place of vets, but that can only last so long.  Eventually, you run out of new players.

    Hmm well Prime Access is for sure overpriced, it does feel over priced for mostly cosmetic things, but plat I think is fine, If you have the $$$ to blow why not, on the other hand -75% is a big incentive to spend $50 on the max pack now and again.

    You also need to remember that the vast majority of 'AAA' games last less than 20 hours start to finish, Many MMOs want a monthly subscription, If you're into Warframe as much as someone who will spend $150 on Prime access you're expecting to spend 100s maybe 1000s of hours in game, and it's up to you if you wish to make it a free experience or a paid one. I remember the days when I bought 2 game (crash bandicoot 3 & Abes Exodus) and finished both in 3 days 100% and that cost me about $150 for both, I've never touched them again, but I have put a few 100 hours into Warframe and in that respect $150 for some cool exclusive gear I think is Okay. I just feel like maybe your expectations are a little bit to high for a price tag, and that everything has to be about 'now now now' need the prime parts on the 1st day, need to know where the relics are now, it's not even been 24H since the Nek P. Was released. If you want everything right now just buy it, or wait till other ppl find the info you want, and that might take a few days, F2P is always about balancing Time with Money in all respects. Choose one, the other or a mix of both... 

  4. Yeah, agree, metal should always be on 4, for conformity of colour on all parts... Trying to use immortal skins on a prime is a pain, you have to balance a dark gold with poo brown all over the frame...

  5. :(

    Put a lot of effort to max Energy Overflow, and now it's no longer a team based effect, quite sad, personally I think it was the best part of Zenurik, I wish it was still in, even as a higher level power.

    Anyone else find this change somewhat annoying?

  6. On 1/14/2014 at 10:50 AM, Stoi84 said:

    The link : http://warframe-builder.com/

    Translating to another language is currently suspended because it's a lot of (too much) work for me too, even if you manage to do all the translation.

    Если Ваш родной язык - русский, то пожалуйста пишите в эту тему



    Trying to Make an Ack and Burnt Build, no matter what I do I keep gatitng an error on saving saying:

    Save impossible. Check the errors.

    • Identical build already exists.

    ... Even in Private save, might explin why there is only 3 builds for this weapon listed.



    Also, Animal Instinct is not showing up in Carrier Prime Mod list...

  7. 3 minutes ago, keensight_JDS said:

    Another one raving storyteller, afflicted by a steam-inflammination of brain, let me try to clarify something to you:
    You come at this from the wrong angle XD You are interpreting my post so perverse, and all this nonsense so faraway from me, my behavior, motives and relation, that I suspect exactly you are this man, whom you described. Right? D
    I'm not offended, I understand that you so bursted, just because you practically do not know me. Because, if you knew me a little, you would not push this nonsense about crying tears poor victim.
    I am a mature & versed hedonist, and never will do something, if It not bring to me satisfaction and pleasure ^^



  8. 9 hours ago, Madway7 said:

    How about just letting the arms be permanent and just have an idle animation on any other frame?

    Kinda feels like the best example of why we should be allowed to buy these things seperately atm. If people could select the syandana (without buying the bundle) they would have seen that the arms wouldn't show up and knew something was up.

    Because the bundle is mainly Nova skin, a very deceptive syandana and Polearm skin (props to DE not making it weapon specific though) now.

    Permanent as in always on nova? Or always on the skin? In that case it's not as elaborate as it is now... I think it should just be clarified in the pack/skin description... 

  9. On 27 July 2016 at 10:06 AM, keensight_JDS said:

    'I don't agree, besides it's not difficult to install steam and choose your method of payment. '
    Firstly, I do not need Steam client. I have no desire to install it. At all. There is no need to impose your preferences to me. It's a bit annoying.

    Secondly, I has participated quite a huge amount of personal time to test this game. Yes, this is my contribution to its development. I have dedicated a part of me, in some kind, and I do not care if anyone thinks this is a insignificant payment, I did it in all sincerity.
    That's why , adding to this contribution some of my money I do not intend. I had already enough personal expenses. Moreover, I'm not going to buy dollars at the exchange rate of Ukraine (only a complete moron would do so).
    as a result, I can not afford to spend real money on Steam-skins, in my case it would be a very expensive purchase. But I know that many other players (with whom I regularly do ingame exchange) are able and willing to spend money on them over and over again.

    ' In case you didn't know, the creators get paid too... The profits are split between the creator, DE, and steam. '

    I am quite aware of how split profits from sales of skins. In case you didn`t understand anything of what I have proposed (and judging by your reaction, you didnt), then I can explain in more detail, that it does not affect existing distribution of profits, except increasing those profits.  ...but I think my English is not enough for such an explanation.... If you still don`t understand, then you have a chance to understand even less, if I try to explain XD

    You come at this from the wrong angle, You've "dedicated your personal time"???? No you got access to a free game, that you play and supposedly enjoy, you make it sound like you went out of your way to do a kind thing for DE when you could have been doing something more productive... You, as will all of us, are nothing as an individual, you were given an opportunity if you were in closed beta to try the game and help out by choice... Else you just jumped on the ride after everyone could get in, your not a special snowflake who's contribution needs to be acknowledged, because you essentially have no individual contribution, the community is what gives feedback, not you alone, and if you don't want to join in on a steam related community contribution, then don't, but don't cry that you've been wronged and ignored because in this case you chose not to participate. Steam provides the modding platform, Steam controls the distribution, Steam has a contract with DE, either deal with those facts or remain quiet as you sulk in your puddle of salty tears.

  10. The thing with putting it on the syandana is that DE will then need to make a separate animation for every Warframe and power animation.... Clearly the arms are meant to be representative of a mythos associated with nova, making it available to every Warframe will have nova loose that little piece of individuality, just as Oberon has a Spriggan skin to make it look more mythical, Nova has this skin to fit with this mythical identity...

    I'd vote no on allowing the arms on other Warframes.

  11. My issue is identification, I can see my energy being drained, I have no idea where from in the mass of enemies, a bombard or something is easy as they are large and firing rockets, most of the time I have no idea where the 3-4 nullifiers are hiding, I can't target them, I can't kill them, having to stop, and scan the names of targets to find the irritation is not really an option.

    For me I feel like, the only way I can survive this situation (I speak mostly about infestations), is to keep using my abilities and keep on slashing away. But then my energy is gone, I can't see what I need to kill to stop this... By the time I find it ther are 2 more, and it fells like a infestation survival is just a 'survive without energy' mission...

  12. While the high level enemies required, I'd like to see more hoard mentality than bullet sponge... 4 level 100s seems more fun than 1 level 400... The real fun in end games level I find comes from being overwealmed by sheer mass, not just coming up against 1 mofo that just will not die... That sort of sponge should be held for the Stalker or boss... Not for the general mass of enemy.

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