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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. Well, we have a new mission section, with 2 of the acolytes to hunt...

    Not the ones I am personally after, but I hope we see more of this.

    I'm going to assume my thread was just good timing, as opposed to being heard and acted upon by the powers that be.



  2. 22 hours ago, Hopeisdead said:

    Well i believe i got one of these "Acolyte" mods from lua spy mission, it wasnt argon scope but hydraulic crosshair, which is from same event, or maybe i am mistaken. Anyway you can alway buy plat and buy those mods from players, i am wishing i havent sold my 5 argon scopes at such "low" prices. Also something that baro can bring. 

    Acording to the wiki, Hydraulic Crosshairs does come from spy misisons and acolytes, however there are a multitude of mods that are only avalible from the finished event(s).

    As I said, IF these mods were avalible, I don't mind trying to get them the normal way, I'm really just not up for spending 400p every time I have a theoretical loadout I want to test that needs one of these unobtainable mods, I'd much rather be buying cosmetics or other market stuff. 

  3. 1 hour ago, (XB1)NecroEric420 said:

    I worked my butt off between jan 26th and feb 3rd to earn the rare event mods. Im sorry but youll have to wait a year or more before they come back.

    It was the same thing with the 120% damage mods before they came back with the trader and tactical alerts.

    Theres some prestige to have been there when the event dropped and owning those mods are part of the prestige.

    There is enough Prime stuff around for the "prestige", thats why it's called 'prime', anyone in the last 6 months has not even been given the chance be able to work their but off for the stuff, they are "Rare" mods, gold mods, not prime versions of things, they are less then prime, but currently they are more rarer than prime, because logic...... it makes no sense and stinks of P2W, even if it is a PvE game.

  4. Go to Dojo, get incubator part, buy Kavat starter kit, make incubator, finish Incubator, install, realise you only got 10 Genetic Data and inubator part used all 10, be @(*()$ pissy about doing all this BS and still not having a @(*()$ cat...


    This describes me in the curent...

  5. On 24 July 2016 at 5:03 AM, XenoFant said:

    So I just somehow managed to get through the pile of garbage that brought us the todays final Sortie mission.

    And let me tell you, the salt is real!

    Every 2 seconds, a blast from one of the hundred eximus that stand around you about to drown you in one hits, everywhere you look, 3 snow globes from eximus in the already indestructible mass of bulletsponges, and constantly having 0 energy because of the twenty energy leeches sucking you literally dry.

    Not just the ridiculous amount of bulletsponging enemies is the issue. The fact that your extractors last an average of 20 seconds, if you manage to, makes this thing so frustrating.


    Maybe I am just salty, maybe I'm talking smack. But listen to me: I don't care.


    Warframe is broken and ever was. No fixes concerning bulletsponging and ridiculous scaling, not to mention armor scaling.

    "Sortie is for the advanced players who seek a challenge", let me tell you what, this isn't a challenge. Neither is it balanced for the immense weapon builds of some of us. Our weapons don't scale, enemies do. So there's a brink at one point at which weapons, no matter how OP they are, just get useless.


    "Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

    Soooo not to rip on you man, but our team is Mastery Rank 9-12, and we did this sortie 1st go, the only main problem we had was the interception, the augmented shield was a little intense, but some alterations to maximise slash and toxin, and we had no issue.

    The specific mission you speak of, it was a little annoying, but, 4 ppl pick up a core each, you all go to the next drop, Frost, Rhino, Saryn and a Nyx, took us about 15 excavations to get the 10000 Cry, needed, and the few we screwed up were just poor communication or a point appearing in front of half the squad en-route to another drop and us trying to defend 2...

    I really didn't think it was that bad. 

  6. Sorry, I know this has been said in the past, but as newer player (3-4 months) I'm only just getting into the theory crafting side of the game, and one thing that has been really annoying me lately are the unavailable mods.

    Now the wiki says they are from the acolytes (most notably Misery), the only mention of where this acolyte is, is from 'Operation: Shadow Dept', an event from January 26th to February 3rd. As far as I can tell, you cannot get these mods anywhere.

    Other threads from February talked about these mods maybe coming back... But I guess they have not, meanwhile they are on the market for up to 400+ plat, which is some serious bullS#&$, You can buy an entire Rhino Prime Set for that amount.

    This feels seriously limiting to players who started after February, I just want to play like everyone else, I don't mind grinding for these mods, and I don't mind spending $$$ on the game (I've bought a few of the high cost platinum packs) for cosmetics and prime stuff, but having to buy a relatively common mod in many builds for some serious plat that most ppl have acquired for free in the past is really just a kick in the nuts to new players.

    These mods need to be back in circulation, boss, lasting event, the occasional alert, IDC, just seriously, they need to be back in.

  7. OK, so I bought 2, 3 days boosters for the weekend, the 2x pick up, and higher chance one.

    I was going to send the same ones to my GF, but I can't gift the same boosters while they are active on my own account, it just asks for message and then nothing...

    After doing this and failing, when I leave the market, I'm stuck in a mouse only type mode, where my KB does not function and I have a mouse cursor on screen, I have to exit the game to be able to use my ship, walk around etc. Thankfully I don't need to alt-tab as the drop down list is clickable.

  8. I like the 6 way movement, and that's it, I find I die way to easy, reviving is horrible and does not work much of the time, my frames &#! is 50% of my screen, I can't even see what I'm doing most of the time...

    I hate archwing missions now more than ever, it's not fun for me, I don't have enough mods even after 3 months, because I hate playing the mission type, and therefore I get no  mods, your warframe choice counts for nothing, the ability's feel useless.

  9. On 10/07/2016 at 11:36 AM, MirageKnight said:

    What's happening is that a setting in the launcher is being reverted or not being saved - the Full-Screen option under Settings.

    The work around is to go into the Launcher settings, click the little gear icon next to the language options in the upper right hand corner, and make sure that the box for Full-Screen is ticked / checked.

    The launcher settings box also reverts for me, I need to check it every time I load the game atm.


    Though, oddly, my GF on her comp is not experiencing this issue...

  10. On 31/5/2016 at 7:40 PM, SilvaDreams said:

    You're talking high fantasy magic, like you find in Final Fantasy and the likes.

    I was speaking about reality.

    LOL, there is a non-fantasy magic???... okay...

    On 31/5/2016 at 8:51 PM, trace_phage said:

    then you haven't seen a lot of statements :p I was referring to magic being science we don't understand 

    "magic being science we don't understand"... Science means 'knowledge'... Therefore "Natural Science" (the normal use of 'science') means knowledge of the natural world... So you're saying magic is the knowledge we have, that we don't understand... it's basically a nonsensical sentence...

    If you mean just 'a phenomena we don't understand = magic', then that too is wrong, because magic is a reference to an unknown supernatural force used to alter something...

    Something not known to science is not magic, it's just unknown, magic alludes to a specific 'thing' as an 'explanation'...



    As someone in a scientific field, both your statements make my face hurt...

  11. 2 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

    He's not wrong though, magic is normally science people don't understand.

    And Alchemy was essentially the father of science.

    Yeha, he is wrong, a lot wrong, the knowleage of an indevidual is irrelivant, Scientific knowleage is derived from reality, based on facts and understandins of the real, nyone can withenough time understand it, Magic, on the other hand is compleat mythical non-sence based in the inability to gain any sort of knowleage on the subject, the two could not be more polar opposites.

  12. 4 hours ago, ComCray said:

    And threads like these are why I love this community so much...

    As for Oberon, he's not a fairy silly, he's a Druïd. Obviously.

    And that guitarist frame, you mean like that dude in Mad Max? With the flamethrower guitar and the wall of speakers behind him? Not a rock fan but I'd love to see that happening!!!

    Ummm, Oberon is the Faerie King in a Shakespeare play, he also has a fayarch skin, a fayarch is a type of faerie/fairy...

  13. I agree with OP, level 10-15, turns out you need 4 level 30 guys with correctly loaded gear to even complete... Sorry, but when I see level 10-15, 4 bursa's coming at me in wave 2/20 is not what I envision.


    Don't get me wrong, I like a challenge, but I would just like the info of the mission to give some sort of indication to the difficulty of it.

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